The Testimony

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The Testimony Page 4

by Richard Shekari

Jerome.” Greg said as he laid back on the cushion. “What about it?” He stared at his watch, “sixteen minutes left!”

  “You psycho!” He said, “I am no saint! And neither are you, bastard!”

  “What?” Chloe responded, “I don’t get it?”

  “He must have seen me with her,” Jerome said, “And so fucking what? Most married folks do it too, in case you don’t know you imbecile!”

  “Most married folks do what, honey?” Chloe asked, “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s the girl at the store, Christy!” He said. “This is about Christy, ain’t it?”

  Greg did not utter a word.

  “What about her?” Chloe asked.

  Jerome turned to his wife and lowered his head.

  “What about her, honey?” Chloe said, “What do you mean by, ‘This is about Christy?’ Who’s Christy?”

  “I don’t know! I don’t know!” Jerome yelled, “I don’t know! She was all over me, she probably got my number from their record and she kept texting me and insisted that we meet, okay? I tried to fight it, honey,” he turned to Chloe, “But I was weak. I am weak and foolish, I know that! I told her I’m married, okay? She didn’t care! You know these young girls, baby…She would hold me and kiss me and we did it a couple of times at the convenience. Yes, I said it and I admit it! And I had given her money from time to time, so what? How would I know it’ll get to this? I am human, I make mistakes just like anybody else! But is it enough for this sick bastard to harm our kids?” He sobbed, “Are you dating her? Is she your girlfriend or what? What are you? Some kind of Judge from heaven? I’ll tell you what you are, you fool! You’re nothing but a sick dipstick! That’s what you are!”

  Chloe and Tiffany stared at Jerome.

  “What?” Chloe said, “You did it a couple of times at the convenience?” She slapped Jerome and spat on him.

  “Honey, I am sorry!” Jerome said, “It was the devil! I was tempted.”

  “Sorry for yourself!” She said as she spat on his face again, “You disgust me, Jerome!”

  Tiffany wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “Please, Greg, can you let us go now? Daddy has confessed!”

  “Greg, I admit it, man!” He added as he wept, “Please, let my family go! I beg of you!”

  Chloe stared at Jerome with such deep hatred as she breathe heavily. “You had our son killed by a lunatic just because you couldn’t keep your tiny self where it belong?” She said, “And all the while I thought you were different.”

  “I am sorry, honey!” He added.

  “Seven minutes left!” Greg said.

  “Screw me!” Greg whispered.

  “Yeah, Jerome!” Chloe said, “Screw you!” She turned to Greg. “Greg, you’re a nice man. Whatever we might have done to you, please forgive us. Is it something one of us did to you or is it the entire family, huh?”

  “Well,” Greg responded, “You’re asking for more clues!”

  “I can’t read minds, Greg.” She said, “And neither can my…super awesome faithful beloved husband.” She stared at Jerome, “The children are innocent…They know nothing, and I know you’re a man with a good heart. Please let the kids go.”

  “It’s not that easy!” Greg said, “It’s not!”

  The doorbell rang. Greg reached for his pistol then tiptoed towards the door, he peeped through and sighted two police officers outside the door. He walked back and placed the tip of the gun on Jerome’s temple then deactivated the device on his chair. The police officers continued to press the doorbell.

  “Tell them you’re coming.” Greg said as he moved and placed the gun on the back of Jerome’s head.

  “I’m coming!” Jerome hollered as he throbbed.

  “Go and do what is right,” Greg said as he pulled out a bubble gum from his pocket and handed it to him. “If you want your family to live, you’ll be wise out there.” He dragged Jerome to the door.

  It’s the police,” said one of the officers. “Open up!”

  Greg hid behind the door and aimed his pistol at Jerome. “Gum in mouth,” he whispered as Jerome unlocked the door.

  Jerome unwrapped the bubble gum and threw it into his mouth.

  “Hi, officers!” Jerome said on opening the door, “Is everything alright?”

  “Mr Shortner, I presume?” Said the male Officer.

  “You’ve got that right,” he answered, “How may I help you?”

  “Oh, well, nothing really, JS.” Said the other female officer, “This is my new partner, David. We came to uh…check on your neighbour, you know, the I.T guy; Greg Clark?”

  “Can I see some I.D, please?” Jerome said.

  “Whoa! Okay then,” the female Officer responded. “Show him your Identification Card, Dave!”

  The male Officer pulled out his I.D card and showed it to Jerome. “Are we good?” He asked.

  “Yes, almost!” Jerome answered, “Can I see yours, please?” He turned to the female Officer.

  “My I.D?” She asked.

  “Yes, please!” Jerome responded. “Just being cautions; a lot of fake folks trespassing lately.” He giggled as he chewed his gum.

  “Ookay!” She emphasised as she pulled out her I.D Card. “So, do you have any idea where we can find him?”

  “Alright, Officer…Helen Lavenpour?” Jerome said as he gazed at her I.D Card. “Legit!” He returned it to her, “Is he in some kind of trouble?”

  “Oh, no.” She responded as she stood there akimbo, “Not that nice and sexy fellow!” She smiled.

  “We just wanted to see him over some personal issues and um…after knocking his door with no answer we figured we should ask the neighbours,” said Officer David, “Also my uh…partner noticed that the SUV parked in front of your yard might belong to him. Do you have any idea where we can find him?”

  “Well um…” Jerome remarked as he nodded, “He normally parks here sometimes.”

  “Oh, really?” Officer Helen responded.

  “Yeah!” He replied.

  “We tried his cell phone and it’s off!” Officer David added, “Why would he park here? He’s got like a bigger garage!” He giggled, “No offence meant!”

  “None taken, officer!” Jerome said. “Actually his place was burgled some weeks ago, according to what he said and he uh…he said that he hasn’t finished paying for the car so he always parks it here whenever he’s trying to avoid girlfriend issues,” he laughed, “You know, bachelors and their problems?”

  “Is that so?” The officer interjected.

  “Yup,” he responded as he nodded.

  “Well, sorry to disturb you, sir!” Officer David added, “Please if you don’t mind, when he comes back tell him to come down at the station; Precinct 5. Tell him it’s urgent!”

  “I sure will, officer.” Jerome said. “You take care!”

  “Goodnight, sir!” Said the Officers.

  “Goodnight!” He responded as he locked the door.

  Greg dragged Jerome back to his chair and activated the device.

  “You’ve got two kids left,” he said, “And at this moment, you’ve got less than four minutes left.” He went back to his cushion and sat down looking disturbed.

  “You don’t want to do this, Greg!” Chloe said, “I know you, you’re a good person. Please put a stop to this before it gets worse. I’ll do anything you want. Please, let my babies go!”

  Tiffany sobbed.

  “Baby, don’t cry.” Chloe said, “God will pull us out of this, okay? Do not cry!”

  “Mom, you know he’ll pick me next, right?” Tiffany said as she cried, “He wouldn’t want to harm Sam. You know that, right? Please do something, give him what he wants! Daddy, you said you’ll always be there to protect me, remember?” She wiped off the snot from her nose.

  “Don’t say that, angel.” Jerome answered, “Everything will be alright, okay?”

  “No, baby, don’t cry!” Chloe said, “Don’t say that about your daddy.” She wiped th
e tears from Tiffany’s face, “God will intervene! He always does!”

  “Then where was He when Jacob got killed, mom?” Tiffany said, “Where was He when this evil man planned his wickedness?” She sobbed, “I know I’m next!”

  “Time’s up, folks!” Greg said as he picked the dagger. He also picked the firearm and strapped it into the waistband of his pants. He clicked the remote and deactivated the device on Tiffany’s chair as he walked towards her. “Let’s go!”

  “Mommy! Daddy!” She cried, “I don’t wanna die! Not Today, mommy! Not today, daddy! Daddy? Save me! Oh God! Mommy!!!”

  “Greg, no! No! No! Greg!” Jerome pleaded, “Please no, Greg! I have confessed to what I did wrong today! You promised to leave us if I admit my wrongs!” Jerome’s eyes became swollen and red with tears. “Please not my family, they are the only thing I’ve got left in this world. Not them, please! They’ve done nothing wrong!”

  Greg held Tiffany by the neck and forced her off the chair. She held the chair firmly, he pulled her by the hair and she let go. The device fell of the chair.

  They all went silent as they stared at the device. Greg appeared scared too.

  “If any of you scream,” Greg said as he held up the remote control, “I’ll detonate this thing right now and we’ll all blow to hell!” He put it back into his pocket and dragged Tiffany away.

  “I hate you!” Tiffany yelled as she cried, “I hate all of you!” She peed in her pants. “I’ll never forgive you! I hate you all! Oh God!”

  Greg grabbed her and lifted her up with one hand, he covered her mouth with the other then took her down the basement. Chloe and Jerome wept.

  “Please, save my baby!” Chloe said to Jerome as she sobbed, “God, please!

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