Playing With the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 17)

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Playing With the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 17) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

He had nothing to hide, not from Mandy, and he never would.


  Mandy wanted to hate him, but then he felt so good inside her.

  She stared down at where they were joined, the lips of her pussy spread out, and she moaned as he thrust up, holding her in place as he started to rock inside her.

  Dale’s hands moved from her hips to cup her tits, then back down again, working her body. He teased her nipples, pinching them.

  She loved some pain as he worked her tits.

  He didn’t linger too long, moving between her thighs, stroking her clit until she was almost mindless with the pleasure.

  “I love how fucking sexy you look,” he said. “You’re all mine, baby. You know that, don’t you?”

  He always told her this, and like so many times before, she didn’t respond. She didn’t say or do anything, just enjoyed the touches he gave her, the feelings he evoked.

  “I will kill anyone else who thinks they can take my place. You know that.”

  She knew what he was capable of. She liked how dangerous he could be.

  Mandy cried out as he teased her, drawing her closer to orgasm.

  “I’m going to watch you come, and then I’m going to fuck you so hard you can’t see straight.”

  She didn’t want him to keep on talking. She was so close.

  His cock pulsed within her as she came hard. He didn’t stop with his fingers even as she cried his name.

  There was no stopping him once he got started, and as she whimpered, he didn’t let go. Not until he rolled them over and he was the one on top of her, while she was beneath him.

  He grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head as he took possession of her mouth.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she gasped as he started to slowly thrust inside her at first. He didn’t have a problem making her wait, making her beg.

  He kept her at the peak, not letting her fall over into the sated bliss she wanted.

  Dale broke the kiss, trailing his lips down her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  There was no doubt in her mind she’d have a hickey tomorrow from his lips. He pounded inside her, going as deep as he could, and when he came, she gasped, feeling him expand within her as he did.

  He didn’t let her go straight away.

  She lay beneath him, sated, a little tired, and wanting him to stay.

  His pants slowed, but he didn’t allow himself to collapse over her.

  He never let her take his full body weight, not after the first time when she’d struggled to breathe.

  Dale was all muscle, and well, she wasn’t. Not that she minded, since Dale couldn’t get enough of her body. He always had his hands on her wide hips or tits. Whenever she wrapped her large thighs around him, he gripped her even more tightly than ever before. He’d have this look in his eyes, as if he couldn’t get enough of her, and he just had to keep on holding her, claiming her. She loved it.

  He moved to the side, his cock still deep inside her, not going anywhere. He let go of her hands, and she didn’t know what to do or say.

  “The flowers were pretty,” she said.

  She’d brought them home, even the few petals that hadn’t made it, and placed them in a vase. They were on her dining room table.

  She always sat alone to eat dinner, and as she did so now, she stared at the beauty before her. The experience was kind of bittersweet, as one day the flowers would die and she wouldn’t have anything pretty to look at. She could get more flowers, but they wouldn’t be purchased by Dale.

  “They’re not as pretty as you. I spent over an hour trying to pick out just the right ones.”

  Now this did surprise her.

  “You did?”

  “Did you think I’d just go and get a bunch of flowers?”


  “No. I didn’t. I had the florist get pissed at me as I’d add flowers, and when they didn’t look right, I forced her to take them out. She thought I was taking the piss. I wasn’t. When you look at them, I didn’t want you to see a bunch of flowers that anyone could pick up. They were all your favorite ones. Wild ones as well. They remind me of you. You’re a wild spirit. Never one to be tamed unless you’ve got the right man.”

  She didn’t speak. Couldn’t.

  Dale had surprised her.

  “The same with the chocolates, you know,” he said.

  “What about the chocolates?”

  “I went to a special chocolate shop in the city. I saw some amazing reviews they got for Valentine’s Day, and well, I thought it would be good to only buy you a box of chocolates with all your favorites.”

  Now she felt guilty. She hadn’t eaten a single chocolate. She’d given them away.


  “I know what you did with them. At least the flowers didn’t go to waste.”

  “The bracelet?”

  “I spent again hours picking out the right one. Of course, the cashier thought I was going to steal from her. I paid her in cash.”

  “Did you get the cash back?” she asked. She’d sent it back after looking at it.

  She didn’t want to be bought.

  “Yes. I also got a discount. She was surprised such an expensive item got returned to me. After all it was a beauty, and she took pity on me.” He chuckled.

  “At least you got a discount.”

  “Yeah, but the bracelet would have looked pretty on your wrist.” He stroked a spot on her wrist.

  “That was where you imagined me wearing it?”



  “I’m not a bad guy,” he said.

  “I know that.”

  “Go on a date with me.”

  “Dale, I think we should just keep it to sex.”



  “You’re going to keep on being stubborn, aren’t you?”


  “I will find a way. You know that, right?”

  “I don’t know anything,” she said. She couldn’t push him away as he was the one on top of her. “Could you move please?”

  “Nope, I like it here.” He pressed inside her, and smiled as she gasped. “I’m ready for round two. What about you?”

  Chapter Three

  Several days later

  Dale was an asshole.

  He knew it, had accepted it long ago.

  Only, he was the biggest asshole in the entire world.

  Mandy wouldn’t accept anything from him but sex.

  At least she’d taken the flowers and he got to see them the morning he woke up on her living room floor, with his cock still deep inside her.

  Running a hand down his face, he tried to clear the guilt, but it was still there.

  The guys were talking, drinking, some of them fucking club women, and he went to the bar to take a drink.

  Mandy couldn’t use the contraceptive pill. She’d explained it to him in detail, and even gotten proof. She always kept condoms and she had tried other forms of contraception, but none had worked, apart from condoms. She didn’t want to get pregnant, and so, she’d been upfront and straight with him.

  A desperate man was an asshole.

  He did things he really shouldn’t do.

  Like come up with a plan to impregnate his woman so she had no choice but to go on a date with him, and get her to fall in love with him.

  The night he’d turned up at her place, he’d not worn a condom.


  He’d taken her bareback, and it had been so fucking incredible. Every single time he fucked her, he didn’t want to leave the tightness of her pussy.

  Only, days later, he felt the guilt. Oh, hell yeah, he knew it was right there.

  “What’s up, son?” Doc asked.

  “I’m all good. All good indeed,” he said.

  He couldn’t tell anyone. The club loved Mandy. Could he tell his father?

  “You look like a troubled man.”

  “I kind of am,” he said. “Don�
��t worry, I’ll figure it out.”

  “Is this about Mandy again?”

  “She’s the only one who will have me troubled. I want her so badly.”

  “I know. She’s stopping by tonight. You’ll get to see her then.”

  “Great.” He had to get his shit together. Otherwise Mandy would think he’d been with someone else, and he truly hadn’t. He had no desire to be with another woman.

  She was the only woman he ever wanted to be with.

  “Have you slept with someone else?” Doc asked.


  “Then what is it?”

  Dale glanced around the club. “It’s nothing.”

  The three times they’d fucked the other night may not have even taken. Some couples had to fuck years to actually make a baby.

  No, he wasn’t going to tell anyone.

  Will you be wearing a condom later?

  He didn’t like how tempting his plan was becoming to him.

  He didn’t have time to worry though as Mandy and Jo walked through the door. Jo had this glow about her, and he knew it was because of her pregnancy. He loved how she made his dad happy.

  Doc looked so freaking ecstatic to see her.

  Mandy on the other hand, well, she still wore a smile, and when Doc and Jo held each other, kissing and making out like a couple of teenagers, he saw the yearning within her eyes.

  She wanted a relationship?

  Did she want kids?

  “Some water,” he said, slapping his hand on the bar for the prospect to hurry up and serve.

  Complete with his beer and a glass of water, he approached her.

  “Truce?” he asked.

  He held out the glass of water, but she took the beer instead. “We’re in your club. You will get nothing but respect from me. I know the rules.”

  She tipped the beer against her lips, and he remembered just how good they felt wrapped around his dick.

  He wanted her again.

  “Want to dance?” he asked.

  The music was loud, and people were already on the dance floor.

  She did glance toward it, and he knew she was going to refuse. Grabbing the bottle from her lips, he pulled her onto the dance floor, wrapping his arms around her, keeping her close.

  Did he want her to get pregnant?

  “Dale, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “I missed you.” He pulled away, staring into her eyes.

  If she was pregnant, they’d deal with it together.

  Was he ready to be a father?

  Was he ready for commitment?


  He knew he wanted this woman more than anything. It’s why he was such a dick to her in the first place and yelled at her, when she really didn’t deserve it.

  “You did?”

  “Yes. I don’t like how hard you’re making it for me.”

  “I thought you were a guy who didn’t want to be tied down.”

  “I am a guy who wants to be tied down, just so long as you’re the one doing the tying.”


  “You have no idea just how kinky I can be.”

  He moved her off the dance floor toward a darkened corner of the room. He saw the flare of arousal in her eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. To anyone watching, we’re making out. Nothing is happening here.”


  “Do you trust me?”


  “Then trust me. I won’t hurt you again, Mandy, I promise.” Only, he was going to lie to her about getting her pregnant.

  Fuck off!

  He kissed her lips, fighting against the guilt that was rising up inside him. He had to get a hold of these feelings, as otherwise they were going to tear him apart, and he couldn’t let them do that.

  He loved Mandy and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but the only way to do that, was to give her a reason to stay because he’d pushed her away.

  “Someone is going to see,” she said.

  “Do you really think I’d let anyone see you? You’re all mine, Mandy, and no one—and I mean this—no one gets to look at my woman.” He claimed her lips, wrapping his fingers around her neck, tilting her head back so he could have full access to her mouth. She was so fucking sweet, addictive, and sexy.

  He wanted her more than anything, and if getting her pregnant was what he had to do to keep her, he was going to do it.


  Anyone who looked their way had to know what they were doing. It didn’t even look like a secret, not to Mandy.

  But then, she felt how hard Dale’s cock was, and knowing he couldn’t wait was so freaking exciting. She didn’t know what had come over him, but she loved it.

  Running her hands down his arms, she didn’t know how he was going to make this work.

  “Take your panties off,” he said.


  “You heard me.”

  “Take them off and you have to make sure no one sees you.”

  His lips were doing horrible things to her body.

  No, they weren’t horrible. It was so fucking incredible she couldn’t think straight, and she wanted him so badly.

  Sliding her hands beneath her skirt, she pushed her panties down and wriggled until they fell to her ankles.

  She bit her lip as she had no choice but to bend down and pick them up. She fisted them in her hand.

  “Give them to me.”

  She put the panties in his hands, and Dale slid them into his pocket.

  “Next time, don’t wear any.”

  “You like the thought of me not wearing panties.”

  He pressed her palm flat against his erection. “What does that say?”

  “It doesn’t say anything. You’re horny all the time.”

  “True, but when it comes to you, I don’t seem to have any control.” He pushed some hair off her shoulder, and then he was kissing her again.

  She loved his mouth. His kisses were highly addictive, and he knew what he was doing every single step of the way.

  He trailed his lips down to her neck and sucked on her pulse. He nibbled at her earlobe, and the pleasure hiked up and his hands weren’t doing anything else. They were on her hips, holding her in place.

  Every now and then, she’d open her eyes to see if anyone was paying them attention, and there didn’t seem to be anyone, which she was thankful for.

  He groaned. “I need to be inside you.”

  “Right here?”


  “Right now?”

  “Yes. I’m not going to wait.”

  “Dale, your pants fall down and everyone sees your ass, they’re all going to know.”

  “They’re not going to know a thing.” He slid the zipper of his jeans open and his cock was out.

  He wrapped his fingers around the length, working it up and down. His other hand slid beneath her skirt, and she gasped, collapsing against the wall as he began to stroke her clit. “I can feel how wet you are, princess, how slick, and how much you want my cock. Are you going to fight me on this?”


  “Good. I don’t want you to fight. Not about this. I want you to feel what I can do to you.” He pushed two fingers inside her, getting them nice and wet. He fucked her hard and fast, drawing them out of her pussy to tease across her clit.

  With both fingers on either side of her nub, the instant bolt of pleasure had her sinking her teeth into her lip to contain the moans and screams. When she didn’t think she could take anymore, he pushed her to the edge.

  “When you come, it’s going to be on my cock.”


  “Trust me.”

  He moved her back into the corner, and now she couldn’t see much of the room. He lifted her up, but he wouldn’t let her wrap her legs around his waist.

  “I do.”

  He found her entrance and slid her down onto his length. His strength surprised her. As he fil
led her, she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him.

  “Fuck, you feel amazing. You think I ever want to give this up? There’s no woman on this world who’d ever compare to you. You fucking give me a reason to live and breathe.” He pulled out of her only to slide back inside.

  They were fucking inside the main room of the clubhouse with so many members around them. She should have told him no, but she couldn’t bring herself to push him away. He began to rock inside her, and she gasped, moaning his name against his ear.

  “You’re going to have to be quiet,” he said. “We don’t want anyone to hear us.”

  She didn’t want that, but it was so hard to stay quiet as he kept on rocking inside her and he stroked a part of her body that was on fire, and she was hungry for him, for his touch, for everything.

  “I want you to come on my cock. Play with your pussy.” He kissed and nibbled at her neck.

  She slid her hand between them, touching her clit. He’d gotten her so close when he was teasing her that all it took was a few strokes and she came. How she managed to stay silent was completely beyond her. She didn’t think she had it in her to be this silent during sex, especially as she was so turned on.

  Dale rode her hard.

  He pushed inside her, pulled out, working his cock in deep. When he came, he pushed to the hilt, and she felt him pulse. Wave upon wave of cum blasted her pussy, and she gasped. Sinking her teeth into the leather of his cut, she tried to contain her arousal.

  The music was still loud, and from what she could see, no one had come to see them, or watched them. They were both free and clear.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Wow. I have no interest in joining this party. Do you want to come and spend the night with me?”

  “You want me to spend the night?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her lips. “I want to fuck you until you can’t think straight.”

  “I’m already feeling that.”

  Chapter Four

  Despite all the odds stacked against him, Dale was able to convince Mandy to go on a date with him.

  In his leather cut, he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to tame the length, but nothing would hold it back. He never used gel and had no desire to either.

  “I thought I’d find you here,” Doc said, arms folded, leaning up against Dale’s bedroom door of the clubhouse. “Jo told me you have a hot date tonight.”


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