Pastel Spells

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Pastel Spells Page 2

by Orriculum Rose


  1 rose bud (washed)

  1 tsp orange extract

  1 cup black tea

  dried orange slices

  cinnamon to taste

  cardamom to taste

  Please consider the rosebud you are using, for if it is store-bought or grown with pesticides/preservatives, you may want to charge the tea-cup with it rather than consume it.

  Steep the mixture 3-5 minutes, brew with intent in mind. Strain the ingredients out of the tea, or drink it lose-leaf if you prefer.

  The Smolder” Love Spell

  This is a little love spell/glamour, you can prepare beforehand, and then use by fluttering your eyelashes at someone.

  If you wish to enchant a specific mascara or eye shadow, apply the charm to the outside of the makeup container instead of your eyes.


  moon water

  rose petals

  strawberry leaves

  Dab around eyes with the clean water, avoid direct contact with eyes.

  Dab the water droplets with the rose petals and strawberry leaves. Apply to your eyes either the day/night of, or by makeup.

  Note: use clean water you don’t mind washing your face with to make the moon water, wash the rose petals and strawberry leaves.

  Sexual Spells

  Spell of Release

  A simple spell for ending dry spells of romantic, creative, or other natures.


  a bottle that seals

  soda water or alcohol

  a pink candle

  sea water

  a pinch of coconut shreddings

  a comfortable and private space

  Light the pink candle in a safe space. In the bottle add an effect or herb that symbolizes the aspect you often need, rose for love, cocoa for lust, etc.

  Combine with soda water or alcohol inside the bottle. Burn the coconut shreddings on the candle.

  *Optional, use the climax of sexual or creative pleasure to charge the ingredients in the bottle.

  Blow out the candle, gather the energies into the bottle.

  Seal the bottle and attach burned coconut around the seal. Open when you need a dry spell to come to an end.

  Seductive Words Glamour

  A lipstick/chapstick glamour to make your words extra convincing, persuasive, or interesting to someone.


  chapstick/lipstick of your choice (though red would work best)

  moon water

  a basil leaf

  a spring of rosemary

  Soak the basil leaf and sprig of rosemary for an hour in the moon water.

  Put a drop of moon water on the lipstick

  If you want to make the spell for something/someone specific, add a sigil to the lipstick before you put it on.

  Lust Spell

  A spell to increase lust in oneself or a consenting individual.


  a gourd

  a daisy

  sesame seeds

  vanilla extract

  Cut the gourd in half, hollow it out on one side. In the hollow, place the daisy.

  Sprinkle vanilla droplets and the sesame seeds over the daisy.

  With your little finger, mix the ingredients clockwise in the hollow.

  Mix a few times for a small increase in lust, many times for a large increase. If it is done too much, it can be reversed*

  Put the gourd back together, and bury if possible. If not, dispose of it.

  *The reversal spell is in the next chapter.

  Strawberry Kiss Spell

  A sweet spell to draw opportunities to bring sensuality into one’s life. This spell is not designed to infringe upon any particular’s consent.



  a strawberry

  rose petals

  a fireproof dish


  Hold the fruit in you palm, focusing intent and all related feelings into it.

  When ready, kiss the strawberry, dip and roll in sugar.

  Bearing no allergies, consume the fruit. If allergic, substitute with a fruit that is safe for you.

  Cut the leaves from the strawberry. Burn the remaining leaves and rose petals in the dish.

  For a more intense spell, sink teeth into the fruit on the kiss, bruise gently.

  Anti-Love Spells

  Unwanted Lover Spell

  (Love Spell Reversal)

  This is a spell meant to repel would-be romantic or sexual admirers, or to undo a love-spell gone wrong.


  the pieces/ingredients you used for the original love spell

  A rose, burned to ash

  Something representative of the person pursuing you, a picture perhaps.

  Salt lightly and burn what you can.

  Mix these things together, then pour out into a little pile of ashes on the front or back step. Chant:

  “Get the fuck out of my life

  I do not like you

  You are causing me strife

  Shove off, creep.”

  Sweep the ashes away into the wind with a broom. (Outdoors would be preferable). Sweep it away into the wind.

  No Love Lost Spell

  A spell to prevent developing feelings for someone, or to remove the affection



  burning plate


  sign of the person

  half an apple & seeds

  Choose either soft pink roses or red, depending on the nature of the feelings.

  Slice the apple in half. Consume one half.

  Gouge the seeds out, mix the seeds with the rose petals. Burn the mixture to ashes.

  Bury the other half of the apple in the ground, and nothing will grow there.

  Smear ashes on the back doorstep, or scatter in the wind.

  Anti-Lust Spell

  (Or Lust Spell Reversal)

  A spell to lower lust in oneself or a consenting individual


  a gourd

  a daisy


  sesame seeds


  Cut the gourd in half, hollow it out.

  In the hollow, place a daisy.

  Sprinkle vanilla and sesame seeds over the daisy. Pluck out the petals.

  Burn and salt the daisy.

  Put the gourd back together, and bury if possible. If not, dispose of it.

  Platonic Love / Friendship Spells

  Friendship Fastening Spell

  A consensual binding spell for friends, inspired by traditional hand-fasting ceremonies. The intent is to support and celebrate a friendship, not bind a person to you forever. This spell is to be done with both parties present.


  strawberry leaves

  yellow string

  a white candle

  representative objects of each friend involved

  Using the yellow string, wrap the representative objects together with the strawberry leaves between them. Take turns wrapping the object with the string.

  Chant while wrapping:

  “With your hands and mine

  Through this string we entwine

  Secure a friendship forever fine.”

  Seal the knot with white wax.

  Friendship/Conversation Attraction Spell

  Find something that represents yourself, preferably small.

  Eat some strawberries while you say this chant:

  “With friendship on my mouth, I know

  I attract friends and conversation

  These seeds I plant, discourse I sow

  This spell will build my friendship’s foundation.”

  Save some of the seeds, place them, the object that represents you, and some rosemary in an envelope or sachet. Keep it in your pocket for when you are in the same area as the people you want to be friends with.

  Contagious Laughter Spell

  A spell to bring happiness to your loved ones and frien


  morning dew


  rose quartz


  a sachet

  pink ribbon

  Place crystals in the sachet, anoint with morning dew

  Hold the bag and charge it with good feelings, laughter, etc.

  Place a drop of vanilla on each end of the ribbon

  Tie the bag with the ribbon, seal with a kiss.

  Give it to the person, or attach something of theirs to the bag.

  A Spell to Let Emotions/Empathy Flow Between Two People

  If it’s in your practice to do so, cast a circle big enough for the two of you to sit across from one another, with two bowls in between, invoke your deities, cleanse, etc. Cleanse and charge the items you will be using. This spell is best done outside in the grass, under the moon.


  two blue candles

  a small representative objective of each person

  moon water


  bay leaf


  Sit opposite your friend. Light the two blue candles between you.

  Take something of hers and something of yours, a ring or a bracelet perhaps. Pour the moon water into the empath’s bowl.

  Mix in herbs of thyme, bay leaf, and lemon. Fill your bowl almost to the brim. Cup your hands in the water and chant as you pour the handfuls of water into your friend’s bowl, over their hands, sitting in their bowl:

  “My bowl overflows,

  While yours like a sieve.

  What the empath knows

  From this night on, I give.”

  Have them wash their hands in the water accumulating in their bowl.

  “I unburden from your mind

  The weight of others hearts

  Our efforts combined,

  I share your knowledge in part.”

  Repeat the chants until you have emptied half of what you had into their bowl. Blow out the candles, close the circle, thank your gods, etc. Bottle up the water from each bowl and keep it in your rooms.

  When alone and you feel the bond is wearing thin, repeat the chant and sprinkle a little water over your token.

  When together, wear the items at the same time and tell her about the things you feel, and have her respond to these things. End the exchange with this chant:

  “Burden no more, when it is shared

  Through the bond of us two paired.”

  Rose Quartz Altruistic Love Spell

  A spell to encourage unconditional and altruistic love for humanity and Earth, and give an air of approachable serenity.



  maple leaf


  a piece of rose quartz

  Pair the wrapped chocolate and rose quartz together

  Wrap inside a maple leaf

  Tie with straw and seal with a kiss.

  Charge the package with your love for your fellows.

  Charge under the moon light

  When it’s ready, unwrap the maple leaf.

  Consume the chocolate and keep the quartz on you as a charm.

  For Help with Relationships

  A Spell to Help Someone See Your Feelings

  Write a letter detailing your feelings and roll it up. Seal something inside the letter, something that represents the person.

  Light a blue candle, and wait until the flame burns strong. Chant, burning the letter:

  “Know my feelings, how you have snubbed me

  by the blue candle that burns: to this gain clarity.”

  Blow out the candle.

  Stay with Me Spell

  This is a spell to strengthen your bond with someone.

  Carve the candle with both of your names, one of either side. Tie a string around the candle, and light the orange candle.


  “I tie this knot, with a string, long

  to keep our communication strong.

  By this candle’s orange hue,

  I preserve the relation between us two.”

  Wait until the wax melts over the string. Blow out the candle, and preserve the string in your room.

  Bring Us Closer Spell

  Carve the person’s name into a candle, and yours on the other side.


  “With the power of our names

  I bring our paths to intertwine

  Through this burning flame

  To learn of you is my design.”

  Let the candle burn all the way through, or at least until it has burned through both names. Do not leave the candle unattended.

  Sweeten Your Feelings Jar Spell

  A jar spell to sweeten the bond you share with someone.


  A representative object of you

  A representative object of them

  Lemon seeds



  A candle

  Find a representative object of you and the person, it should be small enough to fit in the jar. Mix the ingredients together in the jar. Optional, light a yellow/orange/pink candle, depending on the nature of the relationship. Put the representative object in the jar.


  “Sweet as sugar, by this honeyed spell,

  only in nectarous feelings our bond shall dwell

  puckered lips, our love shall never be sour,

  from these seeds sweeter feelings flower.”

  Seal with wax. To dispose/break the spell: rinse the mixture out of the jar, cleanse and empty jar.

  Long Distance Spell

  You will need four things. Two things from you, two things from your friend. Pair one of your things with one of theirs. Tie each pair together with a white thread.

  Place them by a white candle, on either side. Sprinkle the candle with thyme, strawberry, and lemon balm.


  “Through hardship and distance

  and all other resistance

  our bond will not be neglected

  we will remain connected

  by candle and herb I bless these charms

  by them, our bond comes to no harm.”

  Let the charms charge by the candle, and after the spell is done give your friend the other charm.

  ‘My Jolly Sailor Bold’ Love Spell

  A sea witch’s spell for drawing in a lover, or draw one back from leaving often.


  pink sea salt

  a fishnet stocking


  lemon peel


  a jar

  a blue and a pink candle

  a coin

  Play, or sing along to the shanty “my jolly sailor bold”.

  Light the two candles on either side of the jar. Fill the jar with pink sea salt and lemon peel. Bury the coin, place the pyrite in the jar.

  “My heart is pierced by Cupid,

  I disdain all glittering gold,

  There is nothing that can console me

  but my jolly sailor bold.”

  Fill the jar with the seawater, and cover the bottle with the fishnet, tie off. Seal the jar with a kiss and the two kinds of wax.

  Nostalgia Spell

  This is a spell designed to share your nostalgia for specific memories with someone else, and remind them of the memories.





  A box

  If you share photos with that person, print them out. This is to help you visualize those old memories and bring them into the present.

  Then gather any mementos, or things you still have from that person, and put them in a box.

  Place a sprig of rosemary, and if you have it, some rue flowers in the box. Shake gently and say/think,

  “Remember, remember that I do

  The days of us, and pleasantly too.

  Now by rosemary sprig and bud of rue,

  Please come to remember these things t

  Hide the box under your bed. If you feel you need to do it again, try only to do it once a week.

  Dispose of the box when you’re ready.

  Tiny Truth Spell

  This is a spell to learn the truth from one question from one person.




  Write your question and the person’s name on the paper. Light the candle, and as you burn it, chant softly:

  “Whisper once your word of truth

  Just one answer I wish to know

  Bring to me through tongue and tooth

  I plant the seed and truth I’ll sow.”

  Blow out the candle.

  Rekindling Spell

  First find a box of matches that you’ll use. Put a rose petal in the box, or some rose quartz, and leave it overnight under the moonlight to charge with loving energy. If you need to use a lighter instead, leave it in a jacket or pants pocket with the rose petals or quartz, same deal with the moonlight.


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