I Have to Have Her

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I Have to Have Her Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Tammy, the dancer, not her real name, loved the attention. Claire had talked to most of the strippers and learned that each one was addicted to the power their body gave them.

  She tensed up as she became aware of him. Gabriel stood right behind her, watching.

  He didn’t touch her but his heat surrounded her. She waited for him to speak first.

  Neither of them said a word.

  His hand on her hip startled her.

  “Is it time to leave?” she asked, whispering.

  “I don’t mind you enjoying the show.” His lips brushed her ear. Her nipples tightened and she wanted to squeeze her thighs closed. She didn’t dare move.

  “Is this something you’d want to do? Strip, spread yourself open, show every single part of yourself for men to admire, to crave? They all want to touch her, but in this room, they can look, never touch.”

  Tammy had already removed her clothes and spread her legs wide. The lighting was low, giving only a hint of her pussy.

  Gabriel’s hand tightened on her hip.

  “I’m ready to leave.” She pulled away, not wanting to see any more. Casey always dealt with the last customers. Pulling out of his hold, she tried not to mourn the loss of his touch. She walked toward the car. The men were smoking as she neared but she ignored them, climbing into the backseat.

  She removed her shoes and sat back.

  Heat filled her body. She wanted to touch herself, to think of someone touching her, not being able to control himself.

  Gabriel joined her, and neither of them spoke. The scent of cigarette smoke filled the car as the men climbed into the front. They sprayed some lavender to cover the odor. She rolled her eyes and looked out the window, heading back to his apartment.

  She’d been apartment hunting as well. She’d gotten some good tips, and her first paycheck was due in two weeks.

  So far, Gabriel hadn’t asked for rent or to help with the food bill. She cooked for all three of them and cleaned. She tried to do her part so she didn’t feel like she was some kind of pest.

  Arriving back in the private parking zone, she didn’t follow Gabriel out, but opened the door and walked ahead of him to the elevator.

  She didn’t look at his reflection as they walked on. The metal doors closed.

  Silence rang out.

  She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She held her shoes in her hand and waited.

  The elevator doors opened up and she stepped out, waiting for him to open the door.

  Once inside, she put the shoes down and was about to leave when Gabriel grabbed her and pressed her against the closed door.

  He tilted her head up and she stared into his eyes. His body so close and she liked it.

  She waited.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he asked.


  “No?” His hand went to her hip. “Nothing is going on in that head of yours?”

  “I’m tired. I want to go to bed.”

  “Do you?” he asked.

  “What else would I want to do?”

  His hand moved down and she gasped as he cupped her between the thighs. His touch sent a wave of need flooding every single part of her body. She licked her lips. His palm crushed against her clit and she closed her eyes, biting her lip.

  “You liked what you saw, didn’t you?” he asked. “You like seeing the men lose control, of being at the mercy of that woman.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

  He pushed again and fire shot through her body. Within the next second, his lips were on hers, kissing her hard, biting her lip. She wrapped her arms around him, but he suddenly grabbed her wrists and pressed them above her head. “You don’t get to touch until you’ve answered my question.”

  “I don’t have to tell you a goddamn thing,” she said, wriggling in his hold.

  He held both of her hands in only one of his and he skimmed the other down her arm, going to her breast. He circled the nipple. “No? But your body, it’s telling me all it wants to. Your body speaks when your lips tell lies.” He cupped her breast, kneading the flesh. He didn’t linger too long. That same hand traveled down past her stomach, going between her thighs and touching her pussy.

  She cried out.

  He stopped, moving his hand to the slit down one side of her dress, then he suddenly cupped her through the fabric of her panties.

  “Soaking wet, just what I expected to find.”

  She could tell him to stop, to get off. The words failed to form. She didn’t want him to stop. This control, this dance they were doing, she wanted to see how far he was willing to go. What he’d do to her.

  He pushed her panties to one side and then his finger glided through her slit, stroking over her clit.

  “So wet. I bet you’ve never had a real man touch you. Show you what you can do with this body,” he said.

  He didn’t stop there and she still hadn’t asked him to stop. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Gabriel moved down to her entrance and she cried out when he pushed a single finger within her core. “Fuck, you’re tight. It just goes to show no man has used your body the way it should be.” He growled against her ear, bringing his fingers back toward her clit, stroking her. She opened her mouth to cry out in pleasure. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She whimpered. Now he was putting the decision in her hands and she didn’t think she could handle any more.

  Just as she was about to tell him to keep on touching her, she heard movement and it wasn’t them.


  Common sense prevailed and she pulled out of his arms quickly.

  He didn’t stop her.

  Within seconds, Rhianna was in the hallway. “Have you two only just got in?” She yawned, rubbing at her face.

  “It was a long night. I’m so tired.” Shaken, aroused, needy, she managed to brush past her friend with just a kiss to the cheek. She had to make her escape.

  All of these years, she’d promised Rhianna she’d never fall for her brother or be caught anywhere near him. She wasn’t about to start now.

  Chapter Four

  One week later

  Work had kept Gabriel busy.

  He’d sent his men to take Claire to work and he’d purposely avoided coming into contact with her. Tony had upheld his end of the bargain and according to his sister, Claire was now looking for a place to live.

  The money Tony had wouldn’t be enough for Claire to buy herself a nice place. He’d gotten the final figure from his men and he didn’t like it.

  On Monday, his sister was due to go away with one of the many charities she was helping, which meant he and Claire would be alone. He’d already called Casey and told her to give Claire the night off.

  No woman ever got under his skin and he couldn’t deny that his thoughts were entirely dominated with one woman. No other woman would do, not that he’d tried anyone else. The only person he wanted was Claire, and he was going to have her.

  Claire wanted out of his apartment and it was going to take some time before she saved up enough, and so he intended to proposition her. She’d been avoiding him and as he made his way back to his apartment at five o’clock with plenty of time to catch her, the anticipation made his cock ache.

  Tonight, he was going to have her, no questions asked. He’d felt how aroused she was at the touch of his hands. He intended to show Claire exactly what she’d been missing. To make sure Claire stuck around while Rhianna was off helping people, he’d told his sister a couple of lies.

  The first, he wasn’t going to be at the apartment for a couple of days himself as he had business to attend to, and he’d make sure Claire was protected with some of his men.

  He had nowhere to be, and he intended to be the one protecting, but also spreading that pretty ass and showing her what a good fucking was all about.

  Entering his apartment, he closed the door quietly, locking it. Music played, some kind of rock song. He w
asn’t big on identifying songs or what was popular. Rounding the kitchen, he came to a stop when he saw Claire in her underwear, dancing.

  She had a nice pair of juicy thighs, rounded hips, a full ass, and all he needed was for her to turn around and he’d get to see those tits as well. She was a curvy woman all around and just watching her now, he wanted to spread her across his bed and kiss every inch of her. There were a lot of other things he wanted to do, like watch her take his cock, sinking into her tight cunt or ass. Had she ever been taken in the ass?

  Arms folded, he waited.

  Within a minute, she spun around and cried out, dropping the saucepan of spaghetti she’d been holding. He knew from personal experience she was eating her food out of the pan rather than get another plate. She hated doing dishes.

  “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “I know.”

  “You lied to Rhianna.”

  “Does it surprise you?”

  “No, I should have known.” She went to bend down to clean up the mess.



  “You know why.”

  “This isn’t going to happen. You’ve got plenty of women. You’ve got entire clubs of them. A harem at your beck and call.”

  “Then tell me why it’s you I want.”

  “Because you want what you can’t have.”

  He smiled. “Are you so sure about that?”


  “Then tell me why your nipples are rock-hard.”

  “It’s cold.”

  “And now you’re lying. If you were cold, you wouldn’t be walking around half-naked and I have to say, Claire, you can dance around my apartment naked all you want.” He stared at her tits as he couldn’t get enough of them.

  “This isn’t going to happen.”

  He crossed the kitchen, pressing her up against the fridge once again, trapping her in place.

  “You want it,” he said.

  “You’re Rhianna’s brother.”

  “I know who I am.”

  “And you don’t care. She hated all the girls who tried to chase after you. Who befriended her just to get close to you,” she said.

  “And you’re already best friends with her. You didn’t seek out friendship with her just to get to me. If so, you’ve been playing this game a long time.” He stroked his finger down her arm, hearing the slight catch in her voice.

  “You know I haven’t.”

  “Then how about I give you … a choice.”

  “It’s simple, I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “I don’t sleep with women, Claire. I fuck, plain and simple. There will be no snuggling, no sleeping, just you enjoying my dick.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “And you like it,” he said. He cupped her between her thighs and she cried out, moaning as he used his palm once again to rub her pussy. “Your mouth is lying to you again.”

  “Just because my body wants you doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to it.”

  “No, how about this. You give me one month, thirty-one days, and I will give you an apartment and you name your price.”

  “I’m not a whore.”

  “You want to benefit from this arrangement?” he asked.

  “I have a job. I don’t need money.”

  “But you do need an apartment and the places you’ve looked at are not good enough. Thirty-one days, and I’ll make every single one of your desires come true. In return, whenever I want you, however I want you, you’ll come to me, begging, wet, and ready. I will have complete, unlimited access to your body to do with as I please.”

  “You’re crazy. You think I don’t know about you? I haven’t heard what people have said, that I don’t know what you’re capable of. I saw what you did to Tony.”

  “He deserved it and I bet you liked seeing him pay.” He cupped her face. “Not too long ago, this pretty face had a nice little bruise on it from his handiwork, so don’t go telling me you’ve got feelings for an asshole who doesn’t deserve it.”

  She jerked out of his hold but with him blocking her path, she couldn’t go anywhere. “You could hurt me.”

  “It goes without saying that anything you experience with me will be consensual, legal, and I will not under any circumstances hurt you or leave a scar on this pretty body.” He pressed his cock close to her, letting her feel him. “You’re tempted, I can tell. The look in your eyes, it’s one I remember well.”

  When he put his hand back on her pussy, she cried out. Sliding beneath her panties, he groaned at how soaking wet she was. “You’ve been a good girl all your life. Don’t you want to have some fun? Rhianna will never have to know. I won’t tell her.”

  “I don’t want you to pay me,” she said.

  He smiled. “Then the apartment we use is mine. It will belong to me, but it’ll be where you come to when I need you. Got it? After tonight, this place is out of bounds.”

  She nodded.

  “I’m going to need you to agree,” he said.

  “You want me to say it out loud? That you can fuck me?”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, pulling his fingers from her pussy, Gripping her ass, he lifted her and went straight to his bedroom. He didn’t have time to wait. His cock ached to be inside her. Gabriel didn’t expect to last the full thirty-one days though. Once he had his fill and was bored, their agreement would come to an end.

  Dropping her on the end of the bed, he cupped her face, ravishing her lips once more. After he stepped back, he opened up his belt, staring at her. Her cheeks were flushed.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said.

  “Maybe we should turn the light off,” she said.

  “Take off your clothes. I don’t like to repeat myself, so you’re going to have to get used to doing as you’re told.”

  She stood up and he wondered if she was going to hit him. He wouldn’t mind. He rather liked the idea that she wasn’t afraid of him. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulled it up over her head. She wore a matching bra. It was a nice color, but not sexy enough. She flicked the catch and her breasts sprang free, and he groaned.

  They were big, with nice-sized red nipples he’d been thinking of sucking.

  “Now the panties,” he said.

  She bent forward and he wished she was in front of a mirror, but there would be plenty of time for that. Watching her now, she wriggled out of the panties and they dropped to the floor.

  “Leave them,” he said. “Climb on the bed. Spread your legs, let me see what now belongs to me.”

  Claire slid on the bed, lifted her legs so her feet were flat on the bed, and opened her thighs, showing him. She had a small smattering of curls but there was no mistaking the arousal clinging to her.

  He crawled onto the bed, putting a hand on her knee and holding her wide.

  “Touch your pussy,” he said.


  “You heard me. I don’t like to repeat myself.”

  “You keep doing it for me.”

  He gripped her hips and spun her around, gripping her ass tightly. After raising his hand, he brought it down hard on her ass. “And maybe now you should take your punishment?” He pushed two fingers inside her from behind, hearing her cry out. In and out, he pumped and she rocked back, moaning his name. “That’s right, Claire, I’m the one in charge. You push me, I’ll push back. I’d hate for our first time together to be where you don’t get an orgasm for being naughty.”

  He pulled his fingers from her and put her back into position. Her face was flushed.

  “Now, touch yourself.”

  She reached down between her thighs, stroking over her clit.

  “So pretty. That’s it, let yourself go, feel it. Feel how good it is.” He watched her work her clit with a single finger.

  She was so reserved.

  Joining in, he shoved two fingers back inside her and brought them up to her clit, showing her what to do. “Don’t be afraid of getting
wet, of feeling every single inch. That’s it, stroke your pussy.” He took her hand, guiding her to the best orgasm she could possibly have.

  She arched up, and he groaned, seeing the fullness of her tits shake.

  He let her take over, and cupping her ass, he pressed his face against her pussy, sliding his tongue between her fingers, working her. Down he went, fucking her cunt, feeling her squeeze and tighten around him, and then he moved up.

  “That’s it, baby, come for me. Come all over my face.” Once she was wet enough, he intended to fuck her so hard, to pound inside her.

  She came, crying out his name. The sound echoed off the walls, reminding him of just how powerful he was. This woman was his. For the right price, he’d taken her. In the back of his mind, he wasn’t actually sure what price she’d taken. The apartment was his, and she hadn’t settled on any money.

  Reaching into his drawer, he grabbed a condom. After tearing into it, he slid it over his dick. “Tomorrow, I’m going to arrange for you to see the doctor, to get on the pill.”

  “I’m already on the pill,” she said.

  He pulled the condom off.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m clean and I’m guessing you’re clean.”

  “I’ve never been with anyone without a condom,” she said.

  “Until me.” He put the head of his cock at her entrance and started to slide within her. She was so tight.

  He grabbed her hips and slammed all the way to the hilt within her. She was the first woman he’d been with without a condom. Her pussy tightened around him, squeezing him.

  Gabriel pulled out only to slam back inside. He did this over and over, watching her. She was so wet and he felt all of her. Taking hold of her hands, he locked them above her head, staring into her eyes. He slammed his lips down on hers and kissed her hard, consuming her.

  Fuck, she felt so good.

  Over and over, he pounded inside her. The first stirrings of his orgasm began, and he shoved to the hilt as he came, spilling his cum deep inside her pussy. Pressing his face against her neck, the pleasure rode his body like a wave and he allowed it to consume him. To take every single waking thought that made any sense.

  Kissing her neck, he licked over her pulse, groaning. He pulled out of her and moved toward her side, giving her time to breathe and not to take all of his weight.


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