I Have to Have Her

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I Have to Have Her Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Going to bed wasn’t an option. Where she’d been tired earlier, she suddenly felt wired.

  She went to Gabriel’s office and raised her hand to knock, but she stopped herself. Grabbing the doorknob, she twisted it and let herself into his office.

  The light was on and he stood at his window, looking out over the city. “Where’s Rhianna?”

  “She’s asleep. Snoring, actually.”

  He turned toward her.

  The look on his face made a shiver work down her spine. “She’s fine,” she said.

  “I don’t care.”

  She stepped into the room. “Then I’m fine.”

  His gaze moved down her body and the heat shining back at her was hard to ignore. Licking her dry lips, she approached him.

  “I’m not in a good place right now,” he said.

  She opened the robe, dropping it to the floor, followed by the towel so she was completely naked for his gaze.

  “What are you doing?”

  She didn’t have a clue.

  The anger in his eyes, she had to dampen it out. To help him find some kind of peace.

  She walked up to him, put her hand on the low part of his stomach, tilted her head back, and stared into his eyes. “I’m right here.” She offered him a smile.

  Pressing a kiss to his heavily inked, muscular chest, she glanced up, but his gaze was as hard as ever.

  That just wouldn’t do.

  After kissing him again, she moved down his chest to kneel on the floor. She held on to the waistband of his pants and slowly lowered them down. As she kissed above the length of his cock, her gaze was still on him. Wrapping her fingers around his dick, she licked the tip. His pre-cum gliding across her tongue, she took him into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” He bunched her hair as she started to bob her mouth over his length, finding a pace that she just knew would drive him wild.

  He suddenly pulled out of her mouth and using his grip in her hair, he pulled her up and placed her on his desk. “Nothing can happen to you,” he said.

  “Nothing has happened to me, Gabriel. I’m right here.”

  He spread her legs and she cried out as he slammed every inch of his cock inside her, stretching her.

  He took possession of her lips as he fucked her hard and fast. Gabriel wasn’t done though. He pulled out of her, gripped her hips, and moved her so her stomach was flat against his desk. He moved her feet apart and spread her ass cheeks wide.

  “Now that’s a pretty ass, Claire. Do you have any idea how much I’ve dreamed of this?”


  “I’ve thought about it a hell of a lot.” He stroked between her cheeks, touching her anus. Warmth flooded her body as heat spilled into her cheeks. She gasped as the tip of his finger grazed across her forbidden entrance, but that didn’t stop him. He continued to stroke and work her body to a fever pitch.

  She heard a drawer opening and she cried out as something cool and wet touched her asshole. He worked his fingers in and out, spreading the lubricant.

  “I had hoped to take my time, Claire, but I just can’t wait.” The tip of his cock pressed against her ass and she tensed up.

  He bit down on her neck as one of his hands went between her thighs, touching her clit. “Don’t fight it. If you don’t want it, tell me to stop.”

  She moaned as he teased her clit.

  Slowly, he started to ease inside her and she rocked back. Even as there was a slight nudge of pain, she didn’t want him to stop. The pleasure far outweighed any kind of pain.

  “Fuck, you’re tight. I should have known.”

  He started to pump in and out of her, driving her higher. Her orgasm was so close but he stopped playing with her clit, his hands going to her hips. “I wish you could see this. Your hot little ass all wrapped around my dick. So fucking pretty. Your body was designed to take me. You’re hungry for me.” He growled the words, thrusting inside her.

  When she didn’t think she could take it anymore, his fingers were once again between her thighs, teasing her, torturing her. He brought her to the brink of pleasure but held her poised, not letting her go over, even as she wanted to. His name spilled from her lips and only when Gabriel was ready did he let her come.

  She screamed his name as he fucked her ass. His orgasm joined with hers, spilling his cum into her ass as he did.

  He didn’t let her go. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  She didn’t know how long they stayed there in this position. Something had changed between them. She wasn’t exactly sure what, but it no longer felt like an arrangement.

  Chapter Nine

  One week later

  Gabriel climbed out of the car, buttoning up his jacket as he looked out at the endless landscape of nothing.

  Lucas’s clubhouse was set in the middle of nowhere. Their turf was nothing but a wasteland, and soon his one station would be gone. It had taken a lot of favors, money, and blackmail to get what he wanted today.

  He wasn’t going to wait for the perfect opportunity nor was he going to help the cops bring in a bunch of wanted bikers. Lucas had pushed too far, and this was his punishment.

  Entering the clubhouse, he saw the bodies of the fallen bikers, and Gabriel didn’t give a flying fuck. They all deserved it as far as he was concerned. Each and every single one of them got what was coming to them.

  Lucas though, hung upside down, blood spilling from his chin.

  Gabriel grabbed a chair and sat down.

  “You fucker. You think you can stop me?”

  “Look around you, Lucas.” He took his time to survey the damage. “Every single one of your bikers are here.” He reached down and grabbed the head of the nearest one. “All of them dead.”

  “There are more.”

  “Not of your club, there’s not. This is every man. Don’t worry, I checked. You were going to have a party in celebration for invading my turf. My land.”

  “I warned you.”

  “In case you don’t realize this, Lucas. I don’t follow orders. I don’t do anything I don’t want. You came to my city and took out one of my café’s.” It wasn’t owned by him personally, but in his city, he considered every small business was a part of him.

  “You think I’m the only one who knows about your woman? It wasn’t exactly hard, you know. You’ve got people who want to see you fall.”

  Gabriel was very much aware of the anonymous tip and it had only taken a few PIs to find the man who’d been dancing with Claire was the same man who’d been at the café, serving coffee. The man had invaded the event, pretended to be a businessman to get close. He’d seen an opportunity and well, Gabriel had already ended his miserable existence and was being fed to sharks as they spoke now. There would be no memory of him.

  No one would care.

  He was nothing.

  No one.

  “But you were the one who made sure I knew and you didn’t exactly keep it a secret, did you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Gabriel laughed. His men had already laid out a tray with his favorite knives. Stroking the blade, he picked up the largest one, holding the tip against his finger. He thought about Claire. The pain she’d been in. The glass in her hair. She could have died.

  No matter what he intended to do after this, he would make this son of a bitch pay for the danger he put her and his sister in.

  Lucas hung upside down, his arms tied behind his back. Perfectly vulnerable and exposed. He didn’t think of where would be the right place to make the pain last, or to keep him alive longer. He reacted. Slamming the blade into Lucas’s thigh, he relished the screams that rang through the air. He repeated the action. When the blade was covered in blood, he put it back on the tray and took a smaller one. This time to slash through the skin.

  The moment Lucas passed out, he paused, wiping the sweat from his brow. He got his men to wake him up, throwing buckets of piss at him. Again, the torture commenced and hours later, the floor was covered in b
lood, but his anger wasn’t over.

  Gabriel moved to the exit as his men doused the remains in gasoline. He moved toward his car, stripping out of his clothes, which were taken back inside the building. He pulled on a fresh suit and stared at the clubhouse.

  As the last of his men exited, flames started to engulf the place. Watching it burn, he waited until there was nothing left before climbing into his car. Even as he went, he called Claire on his way. She was working that night and he needed her now.

  He’d already wiped all the blood from his hands and ran a hand down his face. He needed her. One last time he had to have her.

  Like all the times before, she didn’t answer her damn cell phone. He’d already told his man to take him to her, and the drive only fueled his need. Killing Lucas was supposed to put this monster to bed.

  Arriving at the private mansion, he climbed out of the car and made his way to his office. He passed Casey on the way and told her to get Claire to his office. Sitting at his desk, he put his hands flat on the desk.

  There was no fear of hurting her. He’d never hurt Claire, at least not physically.

  Seconds passed. Maybe even minutes.

  The door opened and there was Claire, dressed for work, her body on display.

  “Gabriel.” She stepped toward him but stopped the moment she looked into his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  He got to his feet.


  He didn’t speak, just advanced to her. She stepped back and he kept on following her. Her back hit the door and he slammed his hands either side of her head, trapping her.

  “This is exactly where you need to be,” he said.

  “What’s going on?”

  He took possession of her lips, sliding one of his hands down to move between the fabric at her thigh. He touched her pussy, feeling how wet she was. Working his fingers beneath her dress, he touched her clit and fingered her, moving down to feel how tight she was.

  She cried out and he stopped kissing her to watch.

  “You’re going to come on my fingers. I’m not going to stop until you give me what I want.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “I know. I can feel you. Come on me, Claire. Let me see how much you like it. Come on, baby.”

  She rocked her hips against his hand and he moaned, not wanting her to stop.

  “That’s right, take your pleasure. You know you can.”

  When she came, he watched, absorbing every single part and relishing all of it. She was sheer fucking perfection.

  Taking hold of her hand, he moved toward his sofa and sat down. He let her go and lowered the zip of his pants, working his cock out. Running his hands up and down the length, he watched her. He held his hand back out again for her to take, which she did. He pulled her close so she straddled his lap, and he teased his cock at the entrance of her pussy after shoving her panties out of the way.

  He worked her over his dick, taking hold of her hips to show her just what he wanted, and she gave it to him, crying out for more as he fucked her, harder still.

  It felt so fucking amazing.

  She gripped his shoulders as he moved within her. Having her on top wasn’t enough for him, and so he slid her down to her back so he could work inside her pussy, filling her up.


  He covered her mouth as he fucked her, finding his own release and flooding her pussy with his cum one final time. Closing his eyes, he basked in the moment, feeling the release right down to his core. It was next to impossible to want to stop.

  He did though.

  The orgasm ebbed away and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. “Now, we’re done.”

  He felt her tense up but he didn’t let her go.

  Was she going to make a scene? Make this harder than it needed to be?

  After a few seconds passed, he was ready to deal with whatever outburst that might come from her. He pulled out of her pussy, slid his cock back into his pants, and turned his back on her. Gabriel heard rustling but he didn’t look. She hadn’t spoken.

  Only when he couldn’t stand the silence did he turn around to find her already at the door, about to open it.

  “Don’t you have any questions?” he asked.

  He watched her spine straighten as she turned to look back at him.

  “You made it perfectly clear. I don’t need to ask anything else.”


  “Goodbye, Gabriel.” She left his office with her head held high. No commotion. She didn’t even slam the door closed. In fact, she looked utterly calm and serene as she moved. What would it have taken to get a single rise out of her?


  The following day, Claire pushed the last of her clothing into a bag as Rhianna kept on trying to talk to her.

  “Look, there has to be some mistake.”

  “No mistake.”

  “But he loves you.”

  She scoffed. “Nope. He doesn’t. I did tell you this was all about sex, but you didn’t want to believe me. It’s over. Our time has come to an end.” She moved toward the bathroom, grabbing her toothbrush and a few sanitary items before shoving them into her bag as well.

  “You’re not taking your dress,” Rhianna said. “You know you don’t have to leave.”

  After Gabriel had dumped her last night—she did think it was rather cold of him, but she wasn’t going to be the kind of woman to make a scene—she’d come back to his apartment, slept, and now, she intended to move on. There was an apartment that had called her back that very morning, and she didn’t care where it was, she was taking it.

  “Rhianna, there’s no way I’m going to be able to wear that thing.” She pointed at the white ball gown she’d been provided to look pretty on his arm. “And no, I can’t stay. I’ve got things to do. You know. A life to lead. Being here was never part of the plan and he’s done me a favor.”

  “What about working for him?” Rhianna asked.

  “I’ve already spoken to my boss. She says she’s more than happy with me to keep on working for her. I think I’m going to look for another job. Have a clean break.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to stop wanting to hang out with me?” Rhianna sounded so sad.

  She put all of her items down and moved toward her friend, cupping her face. “No, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hang out with you. You’re the best part of all of this. I hope you know that.”

  “I don’t like that you want to leave,” Rhianna said.

  “Imagine if it was you. You’ve been in an agreement and he ends it sooner than you expected. Would you really want to stay because he’s going to have other women, Rhianna?”

  “Do you love him?”

  “No.” She pulled away.

  “You’re lying.”

  “If you say so.” She checked through her stuff one final time and picked it up. “I’ll call you as soon as I get there. Okay? Please, don’t worry, and don’t stress out. You told me stressing leads to wrinkles.” She honestly didn’t know if that was true.

  She walked toward the door of the apartment and stepped out. Closing the door, she held her head high.

  This, she could do. She loved her best friend but being away from Gabriel would be even better. She pressed the button for the elevator, waiting for it to take her somewhere else, anywhere else.

  Pulling her backpack on, she held her case, and the doors opened. She tensed up as she caught sight of Gabriel. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night.

  “Claire,” he said.

  “Gabriel.” She stepped onto the elevator but he made no move to leave.

  She waited, hoping for this final part of her leaving all to herself.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  The elevator doors closed. Great, he was going to come with her.


  She turned to look at him. “I don’t have to answer you, Gabriel.”

  “You’re packed.”

>   “I’m not staying at your apartment. This was never part of the plan, anyway. I’ve got some money saved up.”

  “What about the place I bought for you?” he asked.

  “I didn’t want it then and I don’t want it now.”

  “Claire, stop being stubborn.”

  She sighed. “I’m not being stubborn. You’re clearly not used to a woman dealing with whatever last night was. This is me dealing and I can handle it. Believe me.” She willed the elevator to take them down.

  “You didn’t cause a scene.”

  “There was no reason to.” She wanted to burst into tears. Not once during their time together had Gabriel ever made her feel like an easy fuck until last night. After he’d told her it was over, and the way he’d done so, she felt sick to her stomach. He’d been cold. “Did you get a kick out of last night?” she asked. “Did it make you feel all special?”


  “You know what, I don’t want to know. Forget it.” She shook her head. “I thought you had more class than the way you ended things. I guess I was wrong.”

  The elevator doors opened up and she stepped out, but he caught her wrist.

  “Don’t make a scene, Gabriel. You hate them, remember?”

  He gritted his teeth and let her go.

  Her heart raced but she stepped out and into freedom. She nodded at the receptionist, knowing this would be the last time she saw this place. There was no way she would ever come back to Rhianna for help. She would always confide in her best friend and that wouldn’t change, but favors were not in the cards.

  She found a cab waiting and she gave the driver the address for her new place. After putting her bags in the trunk, she climbed into the back and waited as he pulled into the main traffic.

  Leaning her head back, she looked up at the building. Was Rhianna looking at her?

  She shook her head. It was stupid and pointless to think of what might have been.

  “Are you okay, honey?” the cab driver asked.

  She nodded her head but the tears she’d been keeping at by started to spill over. “I’m fine. Honestly, I’m fine. There is nothing to worry about.” She took a deep breath, and a second. In and out, she could do this.


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