All In (Caldwell Brothers Book 5)

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All In (Caldwell Brothers Book 5) Page 10

by Colleen Charles

  “Oh, come on, everyone has one thing they can’t resist,” Troy teases. “And I bet yours is something crazy. Lemme guess – Baskin Robbins? A big bowl of ice cream with gummy bears and chocolate chips and caramel syrup?”

  “Oh, god.” I shake my head as I laugh in his face. “No! What did I say about the sweet tooth?”

  “Okay, fine, Pizza Hut – an order of Buffalo wings and cheese bread and a whole medium pizza to yourself?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “As much as I hate to admit it, that’s a lot closer.”

  Troy grins. “Come on, big tough lady. Tell me.”

  “You’re so annoying. A gentleman never hounds a lady about her diet.”

  “But you’re having fun,” Troy replies. “Aren’t you? Stepping on a limb. With me, your very own personal lunkhead.”

  I bite my lip, chewing it raw because he’s hitting way to close to home. “Yeah,” I mutter. “I guess I am.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you mine. I go straight to In-N-Out, and get two double cheeseburgers, Animal-style. Oh, and fries too. Definitely fries. And on the way home, I get a six-pack of beer.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound so bad. What kind of beer?”

  “Chick Beer.”

  I burst out laughing. “Oh my god, seriously?”

  Troy manages to look offended. “Yeah.” He puffs out his chest, and I stare at it, wanting to touch it. “I mean, I do need to watch carbs…after having all those fries. Although, when you’re as tall as I am, that helps with weight control. And I’m really active with my job chasing card counters all over the Armónico.”

  By now, I’m giggling so hard that I feel like I’m about to pee in my leggings.

  “It’s good.” Troy tosses his head, then puts his pointer finger to his nose like a bespectacled college professor. “I mean…for beer that comes in a pink bottle.”

  Something about his restraint makes me laugh even harder. By the time I manage to cover my mouth, other people stare.

  “So, now you gotta tell me yours. It’s only fair.”

  My phone buzzes on the table and I glance down to see ‘Dad’ scrolling across the screen.

  “Hold on,” I say, still laughing. Picking up the phone, I swipe open the call and hold it to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Hey, pumpkin,” Dad says. “What are you up to?”

  I glance at the little that’s left on my plate. “Oh, nothing, just finishing up breakfast. Is everything okay?”

  “Sweetie, I need to talk to you.” I don’t like the serious tone of his voice. Nothing good ever comes of the ‘we need to talk’ convo.

  “I just ate, but I could meet you at the Greek diner for an iced tea.”

  “No,” Dad says, so quickly that it makes my heart skip a beat. “No, not there, Jos.” He clears his throat. “Sweetheart, this is really important. Can we meet at your place?”

  My chest grows even tighter. “Sure, yeah. Is ten minutes okay?”

  Dad doesn’t reply, and I feel a pang of alarm travel up my spine.

  “I’m already there. I’m in my truck, in the driveway.”

  Without even thinking about it, I leap to my feet and grab my bag.

  “Hey.” Troy spears me with a concerned look. For a heartbeat, I wish I could stay and ease his mind. Maybe even lean on him for more support. “What’s going on?”

  Fumbling in my wallet, I grab a twenty and throw it down on the table. “That should cover me. Sorry, but I’ve got to go.”

  Troy tosses the money back at me and stands up, his mouth open. Then he stops. Something about the look in my eyes must have changed his mind, and he clamps his lips together. I realize I’ve unwittingly emasculated him again, but I don’t have time to deal with it. My dad comes before my one-night stand. He nods and gives in.

  By the time I dart out the door, Troy’s practically gone from my mind. I hop in my car and speed out of town, away from the Vegas Strip. When I get home, Dad’s still sitting in his truck. He looks relieved to see me, and somehow that just makes me feel worse. Dammit, I hope he’s not really, really sick.

  “Hey.” I pull open the door. Before I can hop inside, Dad shakes his head.

  “Let’s go inside, pumpkin,” he says. His forehead creases with worry and I notice big dark bags under his eyes.

  “Okay.” My stomach falls to the vicinity of my feet. Leading the way into my house, I grab two bottles of water from the fridge and pass one to Dad. We sit down on my couch, and I bite my lip, shifting my weight as I pause to hear whatever horrible thing my father needed a face to face meeting to say.

  “Sweetie, I need you to be careful. Can you promise me that?”

  I frown, because that’s not what I expected. This isn’t about me. And it’s almost a little too little, a little too late. Some asshole has already tried to snatch me from a busy Starbucks in broad daylight. But he can’t know about that, and I’m sure as shit not going to reveal it. “Dad, if you’re talking about Troy, I–”

  “Troy?” Dad asks as he plays with his bottle of water, passing it from one hand to the other. “I don’t know any Troy. I’m talking about Dante.”

  “You mean Dante Giovanetti? What about him?” The name sends a shiver down my spine. Dante’s as well-known with Vegas locals for his criminal activity as for his award-winning casino. “What happened, Dad?”

  Dad presses his lips together and gives me a mournful look. “Sweetheart, I know you hate talking about this, but when you were younger, the incident that occurred…” He trails off, and for the first time, I find myself wondering whether or not my dad is really as strong as I’ve always thought.

  Did he betray me then? Is he doing it again now?

  No, that can’t even be close to the truth.

  “When I was kidnapped?” I try not to wince at the mere mention of the incident.

  “Yes.” Dad takes my hand and squeezes it. “It happened because of Dante.”

  For a moment, I’m worried that I’ll pass out. I grip the side of the couch with my free hand and try to take a deep breath. Stars float before my eyes as my dad’s voice echoes in my ears. Dante, Dante, Dante…

  “And I tried so hard to protect you.” Dad’s voice cracks, but he clears his throat and stares into my eyes, trying to convince me of his sincerity. For the first time in my life, I’m not so sure. My entire universe quakes beneath me, threatening to open up a fissure so large, I’ll fall into the black abyss. And I fucking don’t like the dark. “And you’ve grown into such a beautiful, strong, smart woman…but there are still bad men in the world, Joslyn, lots of bad men.”

  I nod slowly, feeling dazed. I’ve dedicated my entire life to blocking the vicious acts of bad men. From myself and every other woman in my sphere of influence.

  “And it kills me to say this, but I won’t be able to guarantee your continued safety now. Joslyn, I need you to be safe and alert – more so than you’ve ever been.”

  Tears fill my eyes, and I nod, thinking back to yesterday. Dante tried to nab me again. But after my mind races, I decide telling my dad about it doesn’t answer anything. He’ll only get himself too involved to the point where his own safety will be placed in jeopardy. He’s too old and fragile to tussle with the likes of Giovanetti.

  “I will, Dad,” I whisper. High alert doesn’t even come close to how I’m going to be moving through the world from this moment on. If Giovanetti or any of his thugs come at me, they’re going to be missing their balls. “Are you okay?”

  Dad sighs. For a moment, I think he’s about to confess something horrible. But then he nods. “Yeah, sweetheart. I’ll be okay. As long as you’re okay, I’m okay.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I shouldn’t tell you,” Dad says.

  “Dad, you’re already here.” I squeeze his hand. “I promise, I can take it – no matter how bad it is.”

  He’s silent for so long, I’m not sure he’s going to answer. His voice is raw when he does. “I’m being forced out of the N
evada Gaming Commission.” In that moment, he sounds like an old man. “And as you can imagine, Dante’s not taking the news well.”

  I struggle to interpret his meaning. “Fuck Dante. He’s never been good to you, and he’s an evil man.”

  Dad sighs, slapping his hands on his knees. Although I can’t really understand the stress of being on the gaming commission, I’m smarter than my dad thinks I am. “Pumpkin, it’s not that simple. Dante’s putting pressure on me not to retire, but the commission wants someone new, someone younger.”

  A knot of dread begins to swell in my chest.

  “And what happens if you’re forced out?”

  “They could attack me; they could attack you. Again.” I know he’s referring to Dante and his gang of thugs, but somehow ‘they’ is even more chilling to my ears than Dante’s name. Just how far and deep is the man’s evil reach? And what have they made my dad do?

  I take a deep breath and nod. “Okay,” I say softly as I try to process it all. “I can take care of myself, Dad. I promise.”

  “Joslyn, I know you’re an adult, but you’ll always be my little girl.

  For a moment, I’m filled with such strong affection for him that I want to throw myself in his arms and cry. I remember him at the scene of the crime. My kidnapping. My dad on his hands and knees for hours, searching for my toe in the hopes that it could be surgically re-attached. He wouldn’t stop until the crime scene investigators told him he’d be arrested for evidence tampering.

  What had Dad agreed to do in order to get me back?

  I shiver at the thought.

  But I can’t cuddle myself into my dad’s solid chest and cry. I may not know the particulars of what’s going on, or why, but I know that I have to be strong. And part of being strong is making sure that my dad never worries about me again, for any reason. Besides, I’ve always hated crying. It makes me feel weak…and that’s one thing I never want to feel again in my life.

  “I promise, I can take care of myself,” I repeat, holding my hand up in the air. “I swear.”

  Dad nods, looking faintly relieved, and I’m guessing that he’s glad to have everything out in the open. But now I feel worse than ever. I’d never thought it would come to this – a day when I realize that my dad is just like everyone else on earth…strong, yes, but not infallible. A bittersweet taste lingers in my mouth, and I fight back tears of distress, but I know I have to pull myself together and stay strong.

  I pat my father’s knee. “Dad, you don’t have anything to worry about. And that’s final.”

  I guess this is part of growing up, I think as my dad pulls me into a close hug. But no matter how many times I repeat the sentiment in my head, it doesn’t make me feel much safer.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After Joslyn runs out of IHOP with her phone glued to her ear, confusion threatens to drive me insane. I can’t read her – she’s like a goddamned book in a foreign tongue – and every interaction leaves me unsure of where we stand. I’ve never met someone so feisty and tempestuous – not to mention surprising – in my whole life, and I don’t quite know how to handle it.

  Who are you fooling, Cass? You can’t handle her. Best you just chalk this one up to a lust coma and move on with your womanless existence.

  I tuck Joslyn’s cash away for the next time I see her and foot the bill. Nixon will be pleased. I consider his reaction as I stroll out into the hot Vegas sunshine. Joslyn and I had breakfast together, and we didn’t argue once – that has to be some kind of leadership sign for sure. But as much as I want to tell myself that I’m only getting along with Joslyn for Nixon’s sake, deep down I know that’s not true.

  Part of me still wants to impress her. To turn her head and heart. Because her good opinion is rarely bestowed, so it’s worth more.

  And I wonder if Joslyn feels the same way. I head to the Armónico and spend the day walking the floor, making sure no one counts cards or sneaks in their own dice. It’s funny, really. Catching thieves and cheaters at work used to be my favorite pastime. I never found it boring. But today, my heart’s not in it. My mind keeps drifting to Joslyn, and whatever was so important that she had to run off in the middle of breakfast like that.

  Whatever was more important than me.

  “Hey, Troy, got a second?”

  Turning around, I see Nixon standing behind me. It’s rare to see him on the floor in the middle of the day. Most of the time he’s holed up in his office, or out in meetings.

  “Yeah,” I say, frowning. Shit. I hope he’s not going to chastise me about Joslyn, I think as I follow Nix into the exec elevator that leads to his office suite. Once inside, he shuts the door, and I flop down in the chair across from his desk.

  “So, Troy–”

  “Look, whatever she told you, I swear, we’re getting along.” I pop up again, and pace his office, unwilling to sit down in the face of my ready defense. “We’ve been running in the mornings together, and we even got breakfast together today. Everything’s good with us. I promise.”

  Nixon gives me an amused look. “Troy, what are you rambling on about?”

  I narrow my eyes, realizing I just spilled my guts in an unnecessary soap opera episode of sex gone wrong. “Joslyn. I thought you brought me in here to chew me out.”

  Nixon laughs and rears back. “No. Although I am pleased to hear that you’re getting along with her. I know she can be tough, but she’s the best fitness instructor I’ve ever hired.”

  “Yeah.” I think of Joslyn’s fit body moving passionately against mine. “I know. She’s really…fit.”

  There’s an awkward pause and Nixon clears his throat. “So. First of all, nothing said in here can leave this room, you understand?”

  I nod solemnly. I’m almost tempted to salute, but based on Nixon’s tense expression, I don’t dare.

  “I don’t want to get your hopes up – at least, not yet – but it looks like Reagan and I are well on our way to taking over the Mona Lisa,” Nixon says. “I think we can get the votes from the Nevada Gaming Commission, and that’s the big step we need.”

  “That’s good. When?”

  “Soon. I just wanted to let you know in case Charles or one of Dante’s other goons starts sniffing around.” He breaks into a grin. “I know I shouldn’t be celebrating prematurely, but want a drink?”

  Before I can say yes or no, Nixon pulls out a bottle of Talisker from behind his desk and pours a little bit into two highball glasses. He passes one to me, and after a second, we clink glasses.

  “To the future,” Nixon says with a little smirk. But I know him better than most. Inside, he’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Soon, the Caldwell family is going to be running Las Vegas. Nothing and no one will be able to stop me. And I hope you’ll still be here. By my side, just like always. Just like when we were kids.”

  “Of course.” I tilt my head back and pour all of the smoky scotch into my mouth at once.

  “Well, we’re on our way, at least.” He ignores my ill treatment of the expensive liquor.

  By the time I leave Nixon’s office, I’m grinning too. Between the news Nixon just gave me about the Mona Lisa and the way things have been going with Joslyn, I know that life is moving in the right direction. When I get back to the floor, Jack beckons me over with a flick of his wrist.

  “Hey. There’s some woman here for you, it’s that hot chick who teaches in Nixon’s gym.”


  Jack shrugs and gives me a big lazy grin. “I don’t know her name, man. How could I remember that little piece of unnecessary information with the rack on her?”

  Something snaps inside me, and I want to punch Jack in the face. Wondering at my own base reaction, I roll my eyes. I already think of her as mine. That needs to stop. “For the head of pit security, you don’t pay much attention to detail. Where is she?”

  Jack frowns. “She left, actually. She just asked me to give you this.” He hands me a slip of paper, folded up into
a sweaty rectangle. “Is this like junior high? Is she asking you to check ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the ‘do you like me’ question?”

  I narrow my eyes and rip open the paper, holding it at an angle so Jack can’t see. Why the hell didn’t she just send me a text? What could be so important that she needed a personal meeting? She’s going to tell me to go fuck myself. Well, I won’t let her.

  T – come over immediately. – J


  “None of your business.” I crumple the paper and shove it deep in my pocket. “I need the rest of the day off.”

  Jack shrugs. “Your paycheck, buddy. I’m not the boss, you are.” He punches me in the shoulder and strolls away, whistling under his breath. “Enjoy yourself, Don Juan.”

  I can’t put a finger on why, but something about Joslyn’s note settles a pile of unease into my gut. As I leave the Armónico and head to the parking garage, I realize that it’s not like her at all. Joslyn always has her phone on her – she’s even returned texts while running before – and the note makes me wonder if something is seriously wrong. By the time I get to her house, my stomach is tangled in a web of anxiety.

  As soon as I pull into the driveway, Joslyn opens the front door. She looks like a mess – her dark curls spring loose from a bun on top of her head, her tanned skin looks pale and sallow, and streaks of red mar her bright blue eyes.

  “Jesus,” I mutter under my breath. “What the hell is going on?”

  Joslyn doesn’t say anything, merely gives me a solemn look as she steps back to allow me inside. When I’m standing in her foyer, she glances behind me before shutting the door and locking it.

  “Jos, come on – what’s going on?” I ask, touching her shoulder.

  Joslyn nearly jumps at my touch. She’s fucking scaring me. “Sit down.” She leads me over to the couch, and I sit, trying not to think of the last time I was here. In her bed.

  “What is it?”

  Joslyn sighs. She reaches for a bottle of water and takes a long drink, swallows, then looks at me. I hold my breath. “It’s my dad,” she admits. “He’s being blackmailed by Dante Giovanetti.”


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