Rattling Around: The Baxter Boys #5 (The Baxter Boys ~ Rattled)

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Rattling Around: The Baxter Boys #5 (The Baxter Boys ~ Rattled) Page 9

by Charles, Jane


  The bikers were gone this morning when I got up. I didn’t think to look out there last night, but Tink must have sent everyone home after Kaden testified.

  Even though that part of the trial is over, I still haven’t stopped thinking about them and had hoped that Kaden would have wanted to come over and play the piano yesterday, but Noelle never called.

  I wish there was an excuse to go over there just so I can see how she’s doing but I already called her twice yesterday and the offer is out there. I guess I’ll just need to wait to see if she wants to contact me.

  At that moment, my phone lights up. My heart leaps into my throat when I realize it’s her.

  Noelle: Do you guys have internet?

  Me: Yes.

  Noelle: My grandparents don’t and I need to get online and I really don’t want to use up all the data using my hotspot

  Me: Come on over.

  Noelle: Thanks! See you in a bit.

  I don’t care what her reasons are, I’m just glad she’s coming here.

  Quickly I wash out the coffee pot and set it up for fresh. It’s still morning and I’m not done drinking yet and I hope she isn’t either. I just wish I had something else to offer her, like muffins, but Dylan hasn’t baked in about a week. I could run down to the bakery, but I don’t have enough time to get there and back before she arrives. Besides, I’m afraid that would appear too eager and I’m still not sure if she’ll ever think of me outside of the friend-zone and now is not the time to find out. That has to wait until the other crap settles in her life.

  Someone else answers the door before I can and I head out of the kitchen to find her standing in the foyer with Ryan, but she’s focused on the thigh-high, fuck me leather boots that were left in the middle of the floor.

  “Those are Zach’s,” I explain.

  Her eyebrows go up. “Seriously?”

  “He’s a female impersonator and tends to strip as he comes in the door. It’s not unusual to also find a dress, bra, wig, etc., strewn across the room from his undressing as he makes his way to the kitchen for a beer.”

  Noelle starts laughing.

  “What?” Ryan asks.

  “Grams said that Zach has the prettiest dresses, I just thought it was more confusion in her brain.”

  “When we first met them, Zach was coming home from a contest or something.”

  “Well, Grams sure loves him, and she thinks the rest of you are nice boys too.”

  Well, at least I’ve got Mrs. Dempsey’s approval, for what it’s worth. “I just put on a fresh pot of coffee. Do you want a cup?”

  “Yes! Thank you.”

  Ryan grabs the boots and tosses them into a corner before someone trips over them and breaks their neck or an ankle or something. “How’s the trial going?” he asks. “They don’t need you today?”

  Noelle blows out a big breath then tells us the latest of how Gary cut a deal with the feds for a reduced sentence.

  “So, it’s over?” Ryan asks.

  “Yes and no. I don’t think I’ll be able to relax until the Feds make their arrests. Then I won’t have to worry about Kaden being in danger.”

  All I know about mobs and all of that is what I’ve seen on television, but I don’t doubt that there are some really dangerous people living in this city and elsewhere who wouldn’t hesitate to get to a witness through family. “Where is Kaden?”

  “With Uncle Tink,” she answers. “Kaden doesn’t know what’s going on but he’s going to hang with my uncle and his friends for the time being. We both think he’d be safer with them and me and my grandparents. Kaden just thinks he’s having fun with his uncle and cousin.”

  If anyone can watch Kaden it’s Tink and the bikers. Even though they are all about supporting kids and helping them face difficulties in their lives, they are also protective as hell. “At least Gary’s going away and Kaden doesn’t ever have to see him again.”

  “Well, not until Kaden’s twenty-two, but I’ll worry about that then.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it ever,” I assure her. “Kaden’s not going to forget what happened and even if Gary wants to reestablish a relationship with him, Kaden’s going to remember his mom.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “Come in.” I can’t believe I left her standing in the foyer while we talked. My brain has taken a fucking holiday. “Sit where you want. I’ll find the password for the internet.”

  “Thanks.” She heads to the dining room table and takes a seat. “It’s time to look for a job. I haven’t worked since I got here and money doesn’t grow on trees.”

  She gets all set up with her laptop after finding a plug and I grab the password I forgot as soon as I put it in my computer, and then get her a cup of coffee. “Sugar, milk?”

  “Just black, thanks.”

  Girl after my own heart. I’ve never been able to stand flavored coffee or any of the other mixtures cafés have. Why mess with a good thing?

  I set the coffee on the table next to her and she gives a soft smile. Unfortunately, I can’t just stand here and watch her do a job search because as much as I’d like to just look at her, it’s a creepy thing to do too.

  “I’ll be in the basement working. Just come down or yell down if you need anything.”

  “Thanks. I will.”

  “Coffee is in the kitchen, help yourself if you run out.”

  Her eyes meet mine. “Thanks Sean, for everything.”


  As much as I need to find a job, I would have been good with just sitting with Sean. Real adult conversation. Normalcy, but I can’t have any of that until my life is really normal again.

  Every once in a while I hear someone going in and out the back door, and sawing. I may not know anything about construction, but I know a table saw when I hear one. I’ve only seen a few of the guys, as they passed through the kitchen and never came back. First it was Christian, then Ryan, and lastly Zach.

  Curiosity finally gets the best of me and I wander into the kitchen and then down the stairs to the basement until I stop on the bottom step. It’s literally a construction zone down here. Walls are going up, there’s sawdust everywhere and a toilet on the far wall. Good thing I live close because if I needed to go, it wouldn’t be happening in an open room like this. Though, it will be closed off, eventually, I assume since there are stud walls around it.

  The guys stop and look at me. “Do you need anything?” Sean comes forward.

  My face heats. I didn’t mean to interrupt them. “No. Just curious as to what you guys were doing down here.” It’s also none of my business and I should have just stayed in the dining room.

  “Building an apartment.” Sean grins.

  “You’re going to rent the space out?” They already have six guys living here, along with two girls. Do they really need more bodies in this house?

  “No.” Then he goes on to explain that they rent and this is for the future owner. “But, right now, we need to make room for a baby.”

  My heart skips. Baby? Please don’t let it be Sean’s because that would, well, suck balls.

  “Christian’s girlfriend, Bethany. She doesn’t live here, yet, but when they are here, the baby will need a room,” he adds.

  Not Sean’s, thank goodness.

  “My room is across from Christian’s so that will be the nursery, so I’ll be moving down here.”

  “Why not Christian and Bethany?” I assumed that they’d want an apartment to themselves. I would.

  “Ah, we thought of that,” Sean grins. “But, Bethany is a nurse who works nights and Christian plays in a band, and none of us want the baby sleeping down here when we are asleep upstairs, even with monitors.”

  That makes sense.

  “We’re still going to have the best monitor there is,” Dylan says. “One for every floor, or maybe every room in the house.”

  “Plus, I’ve been researching baby proofing everything. We are going to need l
ots of gates for the stairs,” says Ryan.

  “And, she’ll have the most fashionable baby clothing, always,” Zach insists.

  “Could be a he,” Alex argues.

  “It’s a she,” Ryan and Dylan say at the same time.

  The guys are almost as excited as if they were going to be the father.

  “You know, the baby is mine, and Bethany’s,” Christian reminds them.

  “Like that matters to us when she’s here.” Sean laughs.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bunch of guys so excited about a baby.

  “Hey, let me give you a tour,” Sean changes the subject.


  “Kitchen will be right there,” he points out. “But, it’s not like I’m going to use it since I can’t cook, but a future renter will want it.”

  Most people will want a kitchen in the place they’ll be living.

  “I probably won’t put appliances in though. They’d only sit, but the space will be there.”

  If there were appliances, I’d rent the place just so I’d have somewhere to cook.

  Once again I look around, and if I can figure it with the half-finished walls, I’m standing in about the front, or back, of the living room. Behind me is the kitchen, then a long wall against the brick wall with a bedroom, bathroom and another bedroom. The washer and dryer will be in the kitchen, which is kind of convenient and there is a door leading out to a walled patio.

  “Two bedrooms with a bathroom in the middle. And this…” He spreads out his arms. “Is the living room.”

  “This is going to be nice.”

  “We hope so.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you guys to it. Like I said, I was just curious with all the noise.”

  “Was it too much?” Ryan asks with concern.

  “Too much what?”

  “Noise. We can hold off if you’re trying to concentrate.”

  “Oh my God, no.” I’m a guest in their house, using their internet and they are so not disruptive. “If I can work in a kitchen with people shouting all around me and sometimes in my ear, I can deal with this.” I laugh. “Besides, if it was too much, I’d be the one leaving. It’s your place, remember.”

  “But, you need to look for a job,” Sean says. “Any luck?”

  “Some. I’ve posted resumes and filled out some applications, and I have some addresses to check out so we’ll see.”

  There are a lot of places hiring so I’m feeling hopeful, even if I need to start out as a waitress in a restaurant. Not that I’ve waitressed before but it would be good to see what it’s like on that side of the restaurant for a change. I’ve only been in the back. “Well, I’ve got to get back to the job hunt.” I find myself smiling. “It’s nice to do something normal for a change.”


  I’ve come upstairs more than necessary just to check on Noelle, and to make sure she didn’t leave without saying goodbye. I’d really like to just stay up here and talk with her but she’s busy looking for a job.

  “If you need me to leave, I can. I’ve been here a long time and don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  “You can stay as long as you want,” I assure her. Even spend the night. Not that I tell her that, yet.

  By the afternoon I can’t concentrate on the basement. I know she’s looking for a job but she should do something that’s relaxing for a change, even if she’s going to worry until all the business with Gary is dealt with. And, she should be relaxing with me.

  “Let’s call it a day,” I finally say.

  Ryan grabs his phone and starts checking something on it. The other guys stand around.

  “What? Did you all have plans or something?”

  “Alex called it,” Ryan says and the others get out their wallets and each hand over a five dollar bill. Then he looks at Dylan. “You were way off.”

  “What’s this about?”

  They turn and look at me, each other and then Zach grins.


  “How long it would be before you blew off the basement to be with Noelle.”

  “I’m just being neighborly.”

  “Sure you are.” Ryan pats my shoulder as he heads up the stairs. “I’m going to grab something to eat before I head out for a shoot. There had better be pizza left.”

  “I should get to the shop.” Alex follows him up.

  “Got a wig to style. Show tonight.” Zach sets a hammer aside.

  “Chicken is thawing and I’ve got to figure out something to do with it.” Dylan sets his drill on the table.

  “Need to get Bethany to work. I don’t like her on the subway.”

  Christian was the last one out of the basement and it’s like they couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

  What the hell? They made a bet? On me?

  Noelle glances up when I get to the dining room. “All done?”

  “For the day.” I grab a chair and sit down across from her. “How’s it going with you?”

  “I was just about to shut everything down. I think I’ve applied to every restaurant, café, and caterer in town.”

  “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day? Tonight?”

  She frowns. “Laundry and more unpacking.”

  I just stare at her. Is she shooting me down or is this stuff really pressing?

  “I didn’t make near the progress yesterday that I’d hoped to,” she explains.

  “Yeah, but you don’t really want to do anything like that, do you?” I try to keep my tone light and playful. Okay, I’m trying to be charming and not sure if it’s working.

  “Nobody really wants to do those things, but it’s life.”

  “That’s not true,” I dispute with knowledge.

  “Really?” She laughs. “Who would prefer to unpack and do laundry over anything else?”


  She lifts an eyebrow and looks at me in disbelief.

  “Oh, he can’t stand for one thing to be out of place. I bet if you told him your room is a mess, he’d go right over and then you wouldn’t have to deal with it.”

  “Leave me out of this,” my roommate calls from the kitchen.

  “That’s okay.” She laughs again. “I prefer to do my own laundry.” She closes up her laptop and unplugs it from the wall.

  I can’t let her leave. Well, I can. I just don’t want to. “But, we’ve already established you don’t want to do any chores.”

  “And you have a better idea?” The side of her mouth turns up.

  “I now know why you haven’t had a date in like a year,” Ryan says as he comes from the kitchen, a half-eaten slice of pizza in his hand. “You don’t know how to ask a girl out.”

  I frown at him. “Don’t you have a photo shoot or something to get to?” His interference isn’t necessary.

  “I’ve got time and I can’t stand listening to you bumble around out here.” Ryan looks at Noelle. “I believe my roommate would like to take you somewhere to do something more enjoyable than laundry and unpacking but can’t figure out how to get the words out.”

  She looks pointedly at me but there’s humor in her blue eyes. “Is that so?”

  Dammit, my face is getting warm. I am so going to kick Ryan’s ass when Noelle isn’t around.

  “Noelle Dubois, I’d like to take you away from all of this and get to know you better.”

  Her grin widens. Damn she’s beautiful. “I’d like that very much, Sean…”

  “Vines,” I answer, giving her my last name. “See, there’s so much to learn about each other.”

  Sean Vines has got to be the cutest, sweetest and most loveable guy on this planet and there is nothing I want to do more than spend the rest of the day with him.

  “So, where do you suggest we get to know each other?”

  My mind goes blank. I may have been back in New York for six months but other than the grocery store, laundromat, and Kaden’s school, I pretty much stayed in that little apartment because we were both terrified of G
ary finding us.

  “Park,” Dylan calls out.

  “He started packing a basket when he came upstairs.” Ryan grins and then takes a bite of his pizza.

  Sean’s eyes widen. “Seriously. I am twenty-four, you know. I’m not a child getting ready for a play date.”

  Oh, God. Is he pissed or just frustrated. A picnic actually sounds really nice.

  Ryan snorts. “It took you long enough to ask, so he figured he better help you along.”

  I bite my upper lip to keep from laughing. They may be bickering like two siblings but it’s just giving shit back and forth. Kaden and I are too far apart in age to be able to do that yet.

  Sean leans back and narrows his eyes. “You know, you’re pretty opinionated for someone who hasn’t been out on a date in months.”

  Seriously? Neither of them have dated in almost a year?

  What is wrong with the women in this town?

  “The woman of my dreams disappeared.” Ryan saunters to the stairs. “I’m to spend my life mourning the loss.” He ends with a heavy sigh.

  I’d worry about him if he wasn’t so dramatic.

  “You never even met her,” Sean calls.

  Ryan turns, holds up his hand then points a finger at Sean. “Ah, but the truth is in the lens, my friend. The truth is in the lens.”

  Sean rolls his eyes as he shakes his head before settling back in the chair as Ryan heads up the stairs. “Ryan saw a girl in the park last year when he was out with this camera. We have been giving him shit about it being love at first sight and all of that. Except, he only took pictures and didn’t get a chance to meet her.”

  “He actually took pictures?” That’s kind of disturbing. I’d hate it if I found out some guy had taken pictures of me. I hope he doesn’t really think he’s in love. I’ve read and seen enough murder mysteries that start off like that and it never ends well for the person being photographed.

  “You’re creeped out.” Sean laughs.


  “Here is your picnic. Everything you need.” Dylan plops an honest-to-goodness old-fashioned picnic basket on the dining room table, plaid blanket included. “Ryan’s not a creep. At least not that kind. Now go enjoy while Sean explains.”


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