Second Chance Bride: A Fake Fiancee Romance

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Second Chance Bride: A Fake Fiancee Romance Page 17

by Samantha West

  Technically, Jason was my first investor. He took the twenty dollars I pulled out of that slot machine a few months ago and put it back into the company.

  I don’t know why, but that’s stuck with me. It just makes me feel like this is really a family business. And even though Jason isn’t technically my fiancee or my husband or anything, it feels good for him to have part of this with me.

  I smile up at the boys as I pull out one of the little bottles of cleanser, spinning the cap off and taking a sniff.

  “Well, it smells good,” Jason says, coming around the table to put his arm around me.

  “Looks good too,” Mark chimes in.

  I don’t have any ill feelings toward my brother. In fact, when I had a chance to think about how he reacted five years ago, it just reminded that he’s always wanted the best for me. He was just trying to protect me. And even though he may have been directing his anger at the wrong person, I know his heart was in the right place.

  And in the end, I couldn’t have asked for things to work out better.

  “Oh shoot,” Jason says suddenly, pulling away from me slightly, “I almost forgot. This was in the mailbox for you.”

  He hands me a small manilla envelope and I shake my head, pursing my lips in annoyance.

  “Shit,” I huff, turning it over it over in my hands, not bothering to check who it’s from, “I thought I changed my address to our new place on all my stuff.”

  “Maybe it’s from the DMV,” Mark shrugs, “they keep your old address on your file forever.”

  I tear at the thick yellow envelope, not bothering to unclasp the little silver metal fastener.

  “Careful there,” Jason says, looking over my shoulder, “it might be something important.”

  “I highly doubt that,” I say, peering inside. “It’s probably about an old magazine subscription I haven’t paid for.”

  I push my hand in and feel around, but there doesn’t seem to be any paper inside.

  And then I reach in a bit farther, and my fingers find something hard.

  I swallow thickly as I pull it out, realizing that it’s a ring. A diamond ring.

  “What is this?” I ask Jason and he take the ring from me. “What is going on?”

  “What’s it look like?” Jason says, dropping down to one knee in front of me on the kitchen floor of my parents’ house.

  I feel my heart swell with so much giddiness I could absolutely burst. I thought Jason couldn’t make me any happier - and then he went and made me even happier.

  “Yes,” I say, throwing my arms around his shoulder, “yes!”

  “Cassandra Blake,” he says, “I love you. I always will. You’re perfect.”

  I swallow hard and press my face into his chest and he stands up, wrapping me up in those strong, sexy arms of his.

  And then he pulls away from me and looks down at me with those dreamy eyes...the ones that I always get lost in.

  And I’m home.


  Second Chance Baby - Preview

  A Secret Baby Romance


  My heels click on the floor of Eric’s lobby the way they never do in my building. But then, I guess this is my building now too.

  That’s what happiness is, isn’t it? And achievement? The feeling that you’ve done everything right and you’ve become absolutely fulfilled by your choice of career, boyfriend, everything? The clicking of a four-hundred dollar pair of heels on the floor of a building your fiancé owns an apartment in - isn’t that happiness?

  As the doorman smiles warmly and nods at me, I smile back. I’d say hello, but the lobby of this building on West 57th Street is so cool and sharp, and I already feel as though I don’t belong here. Adding my voice to it will just make me feel like even more of an outsider.

  The other thing that’s making me feel a bit uncomfortable is the fact that I’m wearing a garter belt and stockings under my clothes.

  I wanted to do something nice for Eric, so I decided to put away my own personal comfort for an evening and show him my sexy side.

  At least I think I have a sexy side. I went shopping during lunch yesterday at Bloomingdale’s a few blocks from my office. The woman assisting me told me she had just the thing I’d want to wear for my fiancé, after she prodded and finally got out of me what I was actually in the store looking for.

  At first I’d told her I didn’t need any help. I loitered near the display of simple cotton bras and panties, the ones where the underwear comes rolled up in packs of three or five. I even grabbed a couple of packs, but it was a decoy to distract from what I really wanted.

  But it was a bit embarrassing. I know it’s just underwear, but I felt all sorts of feelings looking at the selections they had to offer. Imagining myself in a corset or a pair of thigh-highs, my legs covered with the silky material and my feet coming to graceful arches in my cheeks flushed and I felt the skin on my face grow warm the longer I looked, so I just looked away.

  Until the saleswoman came by to help me again. She knew I was trying to buy something titillating, and she was kind enough to not make me feel any more self-conscious than I already felt.

  So part of what I feel off balance about this evening is what I’m wearing under my clothes. The other thing is just being in his building, though it is technically my building now, too.

  The hallway leading to the elevator bank is so gorgeous it’s actually just almost silly. It’s dim and romantic, with recessed lighting along the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the white marble floors and walls. I’ve been here so many times, but this is my home too, now.

  I don’t know if I’ll ever really be able to get used to it.

  I lean down and hit the call button for the elevator with my elbow. In my arms I’m cradling a cardboard box of some things I’ve taken home with me because I don’t want them sitting in my office while I’m on my staycation. I have a few picture frames and my plant - it’s not that I don’t trust my colleagues to water my plant, but...I don’t trust my colleagues to water my plant. Even though it’s cactus, it still does need to be watered about once a week.

  And the picture frames are coming home with me because I want to make Eric’s home my home too, officially. Just dropping my stuff into his apartment won’t make it mine if there’s nothing personal there, so I have my framed photos of my parents with me.

  The elevator dings so softly that I can barely hear it. I step into the elevator - again, not the first time I’ve been here, but now it’s really starting to seep in that this is where I live now. The strangest part is that this elevator is honestly about the size of my first apartment.

  Maybe I feel a little uncomfortable here because I’ve moved in gradually. Placing the box down on the plush cream-colored carpet beneath my feet on the elevator, a flood of nerves swarms into my belly. I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes tightly.

  Before I can compose myself, the elevator dings softly again, depositing me on Eric’s floor. I grab my cardboard box and hitch it up onto my hip.

  I make my way through the hallway of the 60th floor, but now my heels aren’t clicking. The floor is covered from wall to wall with the same cream carpet from inside the elevator. The maintenance fees in this building must be ridiculous, and there must not be very many children living in this building for them to be able to keep these damn carpets clean. They’re pretty, sure, but it seems a bit impractical to have them in a common area.

  But the view...the view is breathtaking. I almost don’t want to look, because I don’t want to meander in the hallway for too long before one of Eric’s neighbors comes out of their apartment and asks me what I’m doing here loitering on their property.

  But I allow myself to indulge a bit. I put my box down on the knee-height ledge of the window and peer out, taking in the view all the way down to the street and all the way up to the sky. There’s so much to see - all in sparkling, vivid detail. I allow my eyes to scan along the skyscape, at the gli
ttering river off to the east and the little windows of the skyscrapers all around me, lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.

  I can hardly believe this view is mine now.

  I drag myself away from the gorgeous view and continue down the hallway. I’m not here for the view. No, I’m here for sex. Sex is a valid reason to go to your fiancé’s apartment, right?

  It seems a bit silly to being surprising my fiancé with sexy new lingerie, but I think it’s important to keep it fresh, or at least that’s what I’ve been told. Even though we’ve only been together for three years and engaged for six months, things are getting a bit stale already.

  We both work long hours, and fatigue and anxiety are anathema to a good sex life, or so I’ve been told. When Eric and I do have our date nights, he buys a nice bottle of whiskey from whatever white-glove restaurant he brings me to, and he gets so wound up over work and then so apathetic when he has his drinks in him, that by the time we get home I have to give myself my own shoulder rub instead of him sweetly asking if he can do it for me like he used to.

  But this...the push-up bra that makes my breasts a size bigger and makes my waist look slimmer, and the silk stockings, the lace tops of which I can feel against my thighs, anticipating his touch on my body, and the black thong that covers pretty much nothing...this will work.

  This, he’ll like.

  Hell, I already like it. Even though I feel uncomfortable, I’m turning myself on with this stuff. Surely it’ll turn him on.

  Drawing my shoulders back and forcing myself to stand up a bit straighter, I push my long brown hair behind my shoulders with one hand, still balancing my cardboard box on my hip with the other, with about as much grace as a slightly inebriated flamingo. And when I get to his door - our door - I take my brand new key out of my purse and let myself in.

  Strangely, the apartment is dark. He’s almost always here on Friday evenings waiting for me, because we have our standing date. I am here earlier than normal, and I don’t always come up to his apartment, but it’s strange that he doesn’t seem to be here.

  I flip the entryway light on as I cautiously take another step into the apartment. Of course I have every right to be here, but I still do feel like a bit of a stranger.

  My heels start clicking on the hardwood floor again as I make my way to the living room. Oh yeah, that’s the sound I have learned to love and loathe in equal measure.

  As I come around the corner to the hallway leading to his bedroom, I see the light inside is on, bleeding from underneath the door and slicing across the floor. Realizing my palms are sweating and I’ve been clutching onto my cardboard box like a life preserver, I place it on the table in the hallway.

  Eric’s probably in his room getting ready for our date, and I should slink in to surprise him, throw him down on the bed and strip my clothes off so he can see what I did for him.

  Maybe I don’t quite belong here. Maybe I’m trying too hard. Eric may be out of my league, but I’m moving up to match him. I’m getting there.

  His father got me a job at his friend’s law firm, and I started as an associate last year. So I’ve had some success in joining Eric’s world. I still have some ways to go, but I’m trying.

  This is me trying.

  The wives and girlfriends of blue-chip attorneys surprise their men with slutty lingerie on a regular basis, right?

  I feel the arches of my feet strain inside my shoes as I cross one leg in front of the other and take another step toward Eric’s room. I try to turn the doorknob, but the door’s locked.

  Shit. Now the surprise is less of a surprise. I guess as soon as he comes to the door to let me in I can jump on him and just forget the strip-tease.

  I clear my throat and jiggle the doorknob.

  “Eric?” I say sweetly. “Let me in, baby.”

  I hear rustling and a dimmed thud behind the door.

  “Eric? Everything okay in there?”

  “Uh, yeah,” he says. He sounds startled.

  “Did I wake you up?” I ask, getting closer to the door. “Why’s the door locked?”

  I see the light on the floor shift. It looks like he’s walking around in there. A creeping uneasiness, starting inside my belly, floods my veins slowly, like warm water filling a tub. I swallow thickly and step back.

  “Yeah, just give me a minute,” he says. A rustling sound gathers behind the door, and other thud.

  “ the door,” my voice cracks.

  “Please,” he says, his voice low and muffled. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” I say, reaching out for the doorknob. I feel like I’m not inside my body. Someone else is animating my movements, my actions, and my mind goes completely blank. I can’t think of anything.

  This is not. Fucking. Happening.

  The door opens slowly, the blade of light on the floor spreading out before a blonde woman in a short white dress appears.

  “He wasn’t talking to you,” she says, gliding past me. I feel my mouth drop open and my jaw grow hard, the heat of humiliation pricking the back of my neck.

  And I just stand there, frozen. A cold sweat breaks out on my forehead. It feels like two minutes go by, but it’s probably only two seconds before I reach out to the door and push it open.

  Eric stands before me, just inside the room. He looks as shocked as I feel.

  “Really?” I say. I feel my head cock to the side and my mouth fill with hot saliva. I don’t even know what I’m feeling. It’s anger, yeah. Blinding, searing anger. I feel it with red heat, filling my cheeks and my belly. I want to scream and cry and run away.

  But it’s also disbelief.

  And embarrassment. Humiliation. Of all the days I wanted to do something sexy and hot and fun for him, he had a cliche tall, gorgeous blonde in his bed. It’s ironic. Funny, almost.


  “I am so sorry, Amanda,” he says, springing from the corner of the bed. His shirt’s unbuttoned and I can smell her Dolce and Gabbana perfume still on him.

  “What the fuck?” I ask. His eyes widen and he looks at me with disbelief. I’m even surprised I said that. I don’t talk like that. Ever. But I guess this is new territory for me.

  “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” Eric gets down on his knees and tries to take my hands in his, but I swat them away. I don’t know where they’ve been, though I can guess. But I don’t want to know.

  “No,” I say, “this?” I back up into the hallway and wave a finger in the air between us. “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.”

  I grab my box from the table in his hallway, slam my engagement ring down with force that feels ceremonious, and start out out of his apartment as he runs up next to me. I don’t even feel like crying. Not now. I just want to get the hell away from him and burn the stupid garter belt I’m wearing.

  “Mandy, please. Come on. Let’s just talk. It was one stupid mistake.” He grabs me by the wrist and I freeze from the shock of his touch before yanking my arm away.

  “No. And you don’t touch me.”

  I get to the elevators and hit the call button, turning away from him, dodging him as he tries to move to face me. I know he wants to reason with me, but it’s not happening.

  I swallow thickly as I hear that soft, infuriating ding of the elevator, and I step inside.

  Eric starts to get on the elevator with me, but I shoot him a look that I can see makes his blood grow cold. He puts his hands up and backs away, still facing me.

  “No,” I say. “No.”

  The doors slide closed and I feel my insides crumble, deflating me. Defeating me. Now I feel like crying. But I don’t. I look up at the ceiling and squeeze my eyes shut, blinking away tears as I take my phone out of my purse to call my best friend.

  “Hey!” Ashley answers. “I know, I know. I won’t ask you again if you’ve changed your mind about the trip.”

  I let out a long breath and pinch the bridge of my nose, shaking my head.

  “You don�
�t have to ask,” I reply. “Can you have the limo pick me up in Midtown?”

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  About the Author

  Sam is an NYC native with a deep love for pizza, veggie dumplings from Mott Street, her GSD mix, spring and fall, and rum and cokes. She's living her HEA with her long-term boyfriend and her library.

  Keep in touch!

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  Also by Samantha West

  Double Wood: An MFM Billionaire Romance

  Two billionaire entrepreneurs see one opportunity, and her name is temptation.

  Good thing these bad boys don’t mind sharing.

  We aren’t supposed to want her.


  Beautiful. Curvy. Feisty. Perfect.

  We came to her one-horse town for business.

  Buy her bowling alley, flip it, franchise it, and get the h*ll out of dodge.

  But she’s an opportunity we can’t pass up.

  We’re used to sharing everything in business.

  And we don’t mind sharing her, too.

  Taking her, claiming her, making her ours in every way imaginable.

  Showing this pretty little thing what it’s like to be with two big men.

  She’s used to running things.

  But now we’re in charge.

  And we won’t stop until she’s begging for more.

  Even if it threatens everything we’ve built.


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