Literary Lunes Magazine
December 2011 Issue
Edited by Beth Ann Masarik
Literary Lunes Magazine copyright © 2011 Literary Lunes Press. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form without written permission except for the use of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
For information about reprinting, distributing, or otherwise sharing the contents of this book, please contact Beth Ann Masarik at [email protected]
First edition, December 2011
Originally published in paperback and e-book by Literary Lunes Publications
Interior edited by Beth Ann Masarik
Cover design by Beth Ann Masarik
ISBN: 978-1-105-34806-8
Literary Lunes Magazine, a subsidiary of Literary Lunes Publications
Literary Lunes Press
Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor
By Beth Ann Masarik
A Nano experience
By Tish Thawer
A Trip to Nanoland
By JA Clement
Catch The NaNo Rush
By Lynn Rush
Just Add Ninjas – A NaNo Tale
By Erin Danzer
Behind the Scenes: an Interview with Olivia Starke
By Beth Ann Masarik
Christmas Lites: An Anthology
By Cambria Hebert
By Terra Kelly
Deliberate Disaster
Jamie Danzer
Moments With Words
Denny Marshall
Summer Stack
Thomas Michael McDade
The Hunt
By Amy Eye
Blood for Blood
By Matthew Wilson
Can Love Endure?
By Melynda Fleury
Battle for Dominance
By S.B. Sebrick
There You Have It! My Opinion!
By Cambria Hebert
Our Partners
The Staff
Letter from the Editor,
Dear Readers,
Thank you for picking up a copy of the December 2011 issue of Literary Lunes Magazine. I can’t believe that it’s almost a year since we’ve been around! I sincerely appreciate everyone’s support while the magazine continues to grow and prosper.
Featured in this issue is an interview from the lovely Olivia Starke, author of several romance novels, and articles by several NanoWrimo participants who wanted to share their experience. We also have some new poetry, and several wonderful short stories.
I am also pleased to feature the lovely ladies that helped put the Christmas Lites anthology, compiled by our very own Cambria Hebert along with her friends Amy Eye and Jenn Pringle. All proceeds will be donated to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and they are also donating copies to our deployed troops.
Speaking of anthologies, the Luney Writers anthology is still being edited due to a hectic schedule, and won’t be available until after the first of the year.
I have one more announcement to make before I let you read this wonderful edition of Literary Lunes Magazine. Since January 2012 is our one year anniversary, I want it to be HUGE. I’d like those who read our magazine and who support us, to please send me the following information:
How did you come across Literary Lunes Magazine?
What do you think of it?
What was your favorite and least favorite issue and why?
What would you like to see in future issues that we do not currently have?
Along with your submissions, please include your name and the country you are from, and send them to [email protected]
Thank you all for a wonderful year, and here’s to a successful new year!
Beth Ann Masarik
A Nano experience
by Tish Thawer
Hello to all you Literary Lunes! My name is Tish Thawer and I am the author of The Rose Trilogy. During this crazy month of NaNoWriMo madness I thought I would share my thoughts and maybe a tidbit or two of what I've been working on.
Now don't judge me... but I have openly admitted to cheating during NaNo. Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit that I am using NaNo as the kick-in-the-ass that I need to stay on track with the three books in my trilogy, instead of starting a completely new project. Book one, Scent of a White Rose is due to release January 10, 2012, and the other two following only months behind. Therefore, NaNo has given me the opportunity to really hunker down and expand on what I have already been working on. However, what I didn't expect was a completely new twist to my story. It's amazing what can happen when you are laying down over 2,000 words a day. I've definitely had moments where my mind has gone blank, but instead of walking away, I just let my fingers continue to fly, (I type 92wpm, so yes... I do mean fly). Through this experience, I can now say that I'm a true believer in automatic writing. I have yet to be disappointed in the direction that my muse has led me.
As far as my daily accomplishments, I'll admit that there are some days that I haven't written a single word. This is mostly due to 'real life' situations smacking me in the face, like court sessions, sick kids, doctor's appointments, and the occasional obsessive need to check my Facebook and Twitter feeds. But then there are other days where I completely kill my 2k goal and hit the 4k mark instead. So overall, I pretty happy with my daily progress. I'm confident that I'll reach the 50k goal by the end of the month, as a matter of fact my NaNo stats currently say that if I keep up my pace, I should finish around the 18th! *This is me crossing my fingers hoping I can actually keep up my pace!* :)
Though everything is still in rough form, I have included just a small tidbit of my NaNo writings below. Hope you enjoy! Also, you can follow my progress on NaNo, as my user name is simply TishThawer. You can also find me and my books on Facebook, again under Tish Thawer, and The Rose Trilogy, as well as on Twitter @TishThawer, or my blog at - I'm always thrilled to meet new followers and make new friends! ♥ ~ Tish
NaNo 2011 Project:
I couldn't stand to watch my Dad sit there with that bitch for a second longer. Now that it was obvious there would be no shopping and no movie in my near future, I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Jillian, "Hey can you please come pick me up at the northwest corner of the business district? I have to get the fuck out of here NOW!"
Jillian had started to question me about what was wrong, but I just didn't have the patience to explain it to her over the phone. After grasping my level of frustrating she agreed to come pick me up right away.
"I can't believe your Dad is actually seeing someone and didn't even tell you about it." Her shock was genuine, but I was too mad to discuss it.
"Can we just not talk about it?" I asked. "I would love it if we could just go for a drive. I'll pay for the gas. I just need some time to get rid of this angry feeling before I can process any of this."
"You got it. Where do you wanna go?" Jill asked.
"I don't care. Let just head east I guess." I really didn't have a specific destination in mind, but it was beautiful this time of year, and the idea of taking in a little of the countryside sound just about perfect right now.
Jillian hummed along to the radio as we drove, and I just stared out the window, watching the trees go by. I kept thinking about all those overnight trips that Dad had made to Masen. It was pretty damn obvious that he spent them with her, but I couldn't help but wonder just how long it had been going on. It pissed me off to think tha
t he had just jumped into a relationship right after Mom had died, and I still didn't understand the statement he had made about me not knowing everything. What the hell was that supposed to mean anyway?
I was lost in my thoughts as I tried to process everything that had happened since Meredith's visit. The way she had scooted closer to Dad on the couch, seeing him in that ridiculous "hip" outfit that was obviously meant to impress her, and then watching her comfort him at the café. But what had really struck me as odd, was the strange, almost angry look that Meredith had given me as I ran by her table today.
I could understand that I probably looked a bit distressed, but then wouldn't you think that she would have had a surprised or concerned look on her face instead of an angry one? What the fuck did she have to be angry at me about? She was the one who was secretly sleeping with my Dad, so if anyone had the right to be angry, it was me! This line of thinking wasn't helping me calm down, instead, I was starting to get even more pissed off, but then a bump in the road jostled my attention back to the present.
"Hey, where are we?" I asked Jillian. I didn't recognize the road we were now travelling down.
"I turned off the highway a little ways back. It's getting close to being dark and this is the town Justin is from. I thought that since we were close, I'd drive through and check it out."
Jillian's answer surprised me. I had forgotten all about her new vampire boyfriend. Of course he'd made some sort of excuse to be unavailable until after dark.
Literary Lunes Magazine: December 2011 Issue Page 1