Faith's Crossing

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Faith's Crossing Page 16

by Carrie Carr

  “Okay, sure.” Jeannie shrugged her shoulders. Poor Mandy, they’re just not going to let this go.

  “Please, Michael. Calm yourself. I can’t help it if our daughter has begun dressing like a…a…field hand. Did you see that outfit? The skirt was at least a year old, and not even pressed,” she tsked.

  “I think she looks great. And I love her hair.” Jeannie turned to her husband. “What do you think? Should I get mine trimmed, too?”

  “Whatever makes you happy, sweetheart. You’d look great without any hair at all.” Frank enjoyed the look of shock on her face.

  Jeannie grimaced, then stuck her tongue out at her husband. They both continued to tease each other, much to the consternation of the older couple at the table.

  AMANDA WALKED OUT of the dining room, closed the door quietly behind her, and started down the long hallway on the way to the sitting room. “Lex?” She peeked inside, only to find the large room empty. Okay, if I were an upset rancher in a strange house, where would I go? Turning around, she almost screamed out loud when she came face to face with Beverly.

  “Goodness. I’m terribly sorry to give you such a scare. Are you alright, Miss Amanda?”

  “I’m fine. You wouldn’t happen to have seen Lex in the past few minutes, would you?” Amanda leaned up against the doorframe, releasing a heavy breath.

  “As a matter of fact, I have. She told me she needed some fresh air, so I showed her how to get to the back gardens.” Beverly noticed the lines of tension on the younger woman’s face. “Is it true that you’ll be staying? Mr. Cauble called me earlier and told me to have your things pulled from storage tomorrow, but I wanted to check with you first.”

  “I’m afraid that’s just wishful thinking on his part, Beverly. At the rate things are going, I’m not sure if we’ll even be here through tomorrow.” Amanda spared a wistful glance toward the rear entrance to the house. “I’ve got a moving truck and crew scheduled to show up tomorrow. Would you—”

  The maid patted her on the shoulder. “I’ll send them over with Paul to the storage facility. He’ll make sure that they get everything.” She saw how Amanda kept looking down the hall, fidgeting. “Why don’t you go and check on Lex? I’ll tell everyone that you retired for the evening.”

  A relieved smile crossed Amanda’s face. “Thanks, Beverly. I owe you one.” She forced herself to walk away slowly, when all she really wanted to do was race to the gardens as fast as her feet would carry her.

  SITTING ON A slight hill under an Eucalyptus tree, Lex looked down at the massive “garden”. The sound of a beautiful fountain, surrounded by a ten-foot hedge on three sides, soothed the rancher’s frazzled nerves. Rows upon rows of colorful flowers peppered the area, and multi-colored leafed botanicals were everywhere. Propping her chin on an upraised knee, Lex stared at the gurgling pool, mesmerized by the play of lights and the sinking sun on the spraying water.

  Come on, Lexington, pull yourself together. This was just the sort of thing you were afraid of, wasn’t it? That she’d come back here and pick up where she left off? All of her friends are here, and her family. She angrily brushed away a tear from her face. “Look at this place. What in the hell could I possibly have to offer her to compare with this?”

  “Your love,” a gentle voice whispered from behind. “Your heart.” The owner of the voice, whose soft hair was framed by the setting sun, suddenly blocked Lex’s view. “Mind some company?” Amanda asked, touching Lex’s knee with her hand.

  “Uh, sure.” Lex shifted so Amanda could sit in front of her, framed by her legs. She wiped at her eyes, disguising the motion by using the same hand to comb her hair out of her face. “I’m sorry about running out on you like that, but the walls were starting to close in on me.” Lex wrapped her arms around Amanda and pulled her close.

  Leaning back into the embrace, Amanda sighed, then bent her head to kiss one of the arms holding her. “Don’t apologize. I’m just really sorry that my father said what he did.”

  “Was it true? Are you considering staying here, and going to work for him?” Taking a deep breath, Lex continued, “If that’s what you want…I’ll…support your decision. I love you, and I want you to be happy.” The heartfelt speech took more out of her than she expected, and Lex laid her head on her lover’s shoulder.

  Amanda tangled her fingers into the thick hair spilling over her shoulder. “What about us? Do you think I could just walk away from this? From you?” She felt the body behind her take in a shaky breath.

  “No, I don’t think that. But I’m also not stupid enough to disregard what a great opportunity this is for you.” Lex raised her head slightly to place a kiss just below Amanda’s ear. “I could, um, give you some time to get settled, then come back out here, if you want.” Lex found herself torn between her heart, which was screaming not to go, and her mind, which knew that this was the best thing for Amanda. Oh, God, what am I going to do?

  Amanda turned around slightly, so that she could see Lex’s face. “What about your ranch?” She put a hand up to touch her friend’s tense jaw.

  “I’ll sell it, or hire somebody to run it. I don’t care about the damn ranch.” How did this happen so fast? She didn’t know, and, if she were truthful to herself, she didn’t care. Lex closed her eyes and leaned into Amanda’s loving touch. She felt a fingertip brush away another tear from her face. “I care about you. Nothing else matters to me.”

  Fighting back tears of her own, Amanda brushed the dark bangs from her lover’s face. “You’d give up your ranch for me?”

  “In a heartbeat.” Lex opened her eyes. “Hey, don’t cry.” She lifted a shaky hand to Amanda’s face to brush the tears away. “What’s wrong?”

  “No one’s ever offered to do something like that for me before.” Amanda looked deeply into Lex’s eyes. “Oh, Lex.”

  Lex pulled Amanda closer, kissing the top of her head. “Shh.” She began to rock the sobbing woman. “Please don’t cry, sweetheart. I love you. Do you really think I’d let you stay here alone?”

  Amanda let herself calm down before continuing. “No. I know you wouldn’t leave me, but you don’t have to worry. I would never ask you to give up something that means so much to you.”

  “What are you saying?” Lex felt a jolt of fear shoot through her. “Do you…don’t you…you don’t want me to stay?” she finished in a quiet voice.

  “No, I don’t want you to stay. I would get really lonesome in Texas without you.” Amanda looked up into Lex’s eyes. “The movers are going to pick up everything that's in storage tomorrow. Do you still want to stay? We can leave whenever you get ready.”

  “But what about Friday? Won’t your father be upset with you?” Lex was so happy, she almost laughed out loud. She’s not staying. She’s going home with me!

  Amanda wrapped her arms around Lex and squeezed. “He’s already upset. And to quote a good friend of mine, ‘you’re more important’ than some stupid dinner party.”

  “Thanks.” The idea that Amanda would put everything and everyone secondary to them touched Lex deeply inside, but she didn’t want to be the cause of a feud between her lover and her family. “But we’re already here, so we might as well stick it out.” She leaned down to give Amanda a kiss, which was eagerly returned.

  After breaking off to catch her breath, Amanda tucked her head into the warm spot underneath Lex’s head. “You know, this is one of my favorite places. I was hoping I would find you here.”

  “Really?” Lex murmured, rubbing her cheek on the soft blonde hair. “It just seemed so peaceful and secluded. Kind of reminds me of home.” She thought about that for a moment. “Without the fancy fountain, of course.”

  “Yeah. It would probably scare the horses half to death, not to mention the fuss Martha would make over it.” Amanda raised up a little and kissed the skin on Lex’s throat. “I used to sit out here for hours, reading…dreaming.”

  “What did you dream about?” Lex was enthralled at this peek into Amanda's early l

  “When I was really young, I’d dream about the usual things. Who I would marry, what I was going to do when I grew up. You know, that sort of stuff.” She felt the arms tighten around her. “For as long as I can remember, I wanted to go to work for my father. Of course, I alternated that idea with working for Gramma, or even helping Grandpa Jake. I had a hard time deciding. But mostly, I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps.”

  Understanding where the conversation was headed, Lex felt her heart constrict. “Oh, sweetheart.”

  “No, wait. I went to college and took a lot of extra classes so I could graduate early. You know, because I wanted to make my dad proud. But he really didn’t take me seriously, just sort of brushed me off and told me to travel for a couple of years, like my mother had. So, in my fit of rebellion, I used my degree to join a small accounting office here in Los Angeles.” Seeing the sad look on Lex’s face, Amanda touched her cheek gently. “And I thank God every day that it all happened that way.” She leaned forward, and the kiss she started soon heated up, as she allowed her passion to take over. “Because,” she punctuated her point with a smaller kiss. “You are,” another, slightly longer kiss. “My greatest dream come true.” This time, she met Lex’s lips halfway, pulling her lover’s head down, with one hand tangled in Lex's dark hair.

  Lex returned Amanda’s passion with her own, then gasped as she felt a hand unbuttoning her shirt. “Ah, Amanda.” The insistent hand reached inside, brushing her stomach lightly. “Oh, God. We can’t.” Amanda's mouth attached itself to her throat, as the hand began moving upward. “Mmm. No! What if someone, ahh.” The warm hand found its target, taking the firm flesh and kneading gently.

  “How about,” Amanda whispered into Lex’s ear, “we continue our conversation upstairs?” She nibbled on her trembling partner’s earlobe. “I want you. Right now.” She pulled back a little, enjoying the flushed look on Lex’s face. “Come on.” Amanda slowly removed her hand, then buttoned up Lex’s shirt. “I want to try out that huge bed in the guestroom.” She stood up and pulled a slightly rumpled Lex to her feet.

  Walking back into the house, Amanda giggled when Lex stumbled as they stepped through the kitchen doorway.

  “Don’t laugh. It’s all your fault, you know.” Her knees weak from the make out session in the garden, Lex wrapped her arm tightly around Amanda’s waist.

  Amanda guided them through the kitchen and back into the main foyer. Just as they were reaching the large staircase, a voice stopped them.

  “I’ve been looking for you, Amanda. I thought we had a conversation to finish.” Michael glared at Lex, noticing his daughter’s bedraggled appearance, and the bruised lips on both women. “Just where exactly were you?”

  Not relinquishing her hold on her lover, Amanda tried to tactfully make an exit. “We were just enjoying the peace and quiet of the gardens, Daddy.” Feeling Lex tense, she added, “And I think we said all there was to say earlier.”

  “I don’t think so. Come back into my office, and we’ll try to get all of this straightened out.” He turned, expecting his daughter to follow.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy, but we were on our way upstairs. Maybe you and I can talk some more tomorrow.” She turned, taking Lex with her. “Goodnight.”

  Knowing when to back off, Michael stormed back to his office. Dismissed, like a servant, by my own daughter. All because of that…that…woman! “We’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?” He sat down behind his desk, and pulled his Rolodex forward. Finding the number he was searching for, Michael grabbed the phone.

  A slightly accented female voice answered. “Richards Investigations.”

  “This is Michael Cauble. Put James on the phone.” Michael was not in any mood for niceties.

  “Very well, Mr. Cauble. Hold one moment, please.” The secretary’s voice was cool and professional. She was used to the rudeness of her employer’s clients. Most of them were rich and rarely thought of her as anything but a means to an end.

  Michael waited impatiently, drumming his fingers on his desk, as tinny strains of the song Memories flooded his ear. There should be a law against Muzak.

  “Richards, here,” a gravely voice intoned. “Mr. Cauble? What can I do for you?”

  “James, I have a rush job for you. Double your usual fee if you can get it together before Friday.” Michael pulled a pencil from his desk and doodled aimlessly on a notepad. A stick figure wearing a cowboy hat appeared beneath his sketching pencil.

  “This Friday? Must be really important.” Richards sounded intrigued. “What is it?”

  “I want you to dig up everything you can find on a Lexington Walters. She’s a rancher right outside of Somerville, Texas. I don’t care what it costs, or how many men you have to put on it. I need it quick.” The stick figure now stood on a wide platform.

  “Not a problem, Mr. Cauble. I’ll get a team out in the next hour, and send you a report by tomorrow morning.” He had been under Michael Cauble’s employ for the past several years and knew how well the man would pay.

  “Excellent. Don’t send it by courier, though. Just fax it to me. I rely on your discretion, James.” Michael hung up the phone, smiling. No two-bit dirt grubber is going to get her hands on my daughter’s money. The platform in his sketch became a gallows, and there was now a noose around the neck of the stick figure.

  NOT TOO FAR away, Lex allowed herself to be led up the long staircase, her thoughts elsewhere. Why is her family so dead set against seeing her happy? Are they really that self-centered? Or is it something else? Maybe it’s because of who she’s with.

  “Honey? You still with me here?” Amanda questioned, closing the guestroom door behind them. “What’s wrong?” She brought Lex over to the bed, and nudged her down. “Lex?” Amanda lightly touched her face, causing Lex’s gaze to sharpen.

  “Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I was just thinking.” Lex leaned into the touch. “What were you saying?” She guided the younger woman into her lap.

  Amanda snuggled into Lex’s arms, content to let the subject drop. “Nothing. I was just a little concerned.” She kissed the tan throat under her lips. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’ve never felt better. Why don’t we get ready for bed?” Lex stood up, lifting Amanda to her feet as well. “Oh. Umm.” The hands that began to unbutton her shirt again caused a delicious chill to race down Lex’s spine. She reached for the rest of the buttons, intent on helping with the task.

  “No. Please, let me.” Amanda pushed the shirt back over Lex’s shoulders and onto the floor. She unbuttoned Lex’s jeans, quickly slid them down her hips, and then bumped Lex back onto the bed.

  “I can—” Lex quieted when Amanda placed a hand over her mouth. She kissed the hand, which then moved to caress her face, running lightly over her upraised eyebrows.

  “Just sit back. I’ve wanted to do this all evening.” She leaned over and kissed Lex, then backed off and removed the well-worn boots from the silent woman’s feet, the socks quickly following them to the floor.

  Sitting back on the bed, Lex could only marvel at the gentle attentiveness that her lover showed. Deciding to just lie back and enjoy the ride, she chuckled when a hand tickled her bare foot, which she wiggled. “Hey.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re feet are so cute, I just couldn’t resist.” She ran another fingertip down Lex’s instep, then grabbed the end of the jeans and pulled them off. “And really sexy legs.” Amanda ran her hands up the inside of Lex’s calves, amazed at how strong they were. For someone who rides horses so much, she’s got incredible legs.

  “Ah, umm. Oh, God.” Lex leaned back and closed her eyes, as her heart began to pound. Her eyes opened back up slightly when she heard the sound of cloth rustling nearby. Enjoying her slight bit of voyeurism, she watched as Amanda slowly removed her own clothes, unaware that she was being watched. “You are so beautiful, Amanda.”

  “Yeah, right.” Amanda found it hard to believe that someone as beautiful as Lex would find her e
ven the least bit attractive. My hair's too mousy, my eyes are the color of stagnant water, and I’m not half as muscular as she is. Her inner conversation drew her attention away from her lover as she walked back over toward the bed. When she got close enough, Lex pulled her down. “I don’t think—” Her doubts were silenced by insistent lips, which claimed hers hotly. “Mmm.” She wrapped her arms around Lex’s neck, feeling strong hands pull her closer.

  “Don’t worry,” Lex murmured between heated kisses. “I wasn’t expecting you to do any more thinking tonight.” She rolled over to cover Amanda’s body with her own.

  Chapter Ten

  AMANDA STRETCHED STIFFLY, noticing with a slight frown that the sun was trying to peek in the windows. She looked down at the woman snuggled partially on top of her. Lex’s dark head rested on her chest, and Amanda brushed the scatted bangs from the smooth forehead. How did I ever get so lucky? Everything I ever wanted in someone, and in a really good looking package, too. Why can’t they just see how happy I am, and leave us alone? Everything has to be connected with money, not love, as far as they’re concerned. She released a heavy sigh, letting her head fall back onto her pillow.

  “What’s the matter?” Lex’s voice was rough with sleep. “You okay?” She nuzzled the soft skin under Amanda’s cheek.

  Just being asked made her feel better. Amanda glanced into Lex’s eyes. “I’m great. Just thinking.” She ran her fingertips across Lex’s cheek. “I love you so very much, you know.”

  “I love you, too.” Lex placed a kiss on Amanda’s chest and then hugged her tight. “I don’t know who to thank for sending you to me, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving you.”

  A knock on the door stopped Amanda’s answer. The maid’s soft voice floated through the door. “Miss Amanda? It’s me, Beverly.”

  Lex shrugged, as Amanda gave her a questioning look. They weren’t being very discreet, but neither one of them seemed to care. But, deciding to spare the maid too much of a shock, Lex climbed out of bed then padded into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.


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