Faith's Crossing

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Faith's Crossing Page 25

by Carrie Carr

  Anna Leigh clapped her hands in delight. “That’s wonderful, isn’t it Jacob? We were just discussing that very thing this morning.”

  “You were?” Amanda was hard pressed to keep her jaw from hitting the table. She raised her hands and covered Lex’s. “It’s really not that far from town, and we’ll still visit with you often.”

  “Honey, I think it’s okay.” Lex wasn’t very surprised, but she was delighted at the Caubles’ acceptance. “And you know that you have an open invitation, right?”

  Jacob stood up. “We’ll be sure and take you up on that offer, young lady.” He helped his wife rise and move away from the table as well. “Now we’ve got some errands to run. Why don’t you go on upstairs and get a little rest? You both look completely worn out.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea, love.” Anna Leigh said, as her husband wrapped an arm around her. “We’ll see you girls for dinner tonight?”

  Amanda stood up as well, letting Lex wrap long arms around her. “Wouldn’t miss it.” She stifled a yawn. “But I think you’re right about needing a nap. We’ll see you guys later, I think.” She blushed as her grandfather winked at her, just as they left the room.

  A sultry voice whispered in her ear, causing chills to chase down Amanda’s back. “They’re just too much, sometimes.”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “What was that about a nap?”

  “Nap? Who said anything about a nap?” Amanda turned around in Lex’s arms. “I didn’t say nap, did I?” Meeting her lover’s face halfway, they shared a long, passionate kiss. “The hell with the nap. Let’s just get upstairs.” She took one of Lex’s hands and led her to the stairs, the exhaustion from their trip forgotten.

  THE NEXT MORNING'S sun was hot against Lex’s back as she rearranged a bag in the bed of the pickup. Dinner last night was interesting to say the least. Jacob knows some pretty good tales about Amanda. Lex chuckled as she tossed another bag into the back of the truck. And I had no idea she was such a hellion when she was a kid.

  “What’s so funny?” Amanda asked, bringing the last bag with her and handing it to Lex. “You’re still thinking about those stories Grandpa Jake told last night, aren’t you?”

  “Yep. I had no idea you were such a…scamp, growing up. Remind me not to let you unsupervised anywhere near the cattle.”

  Jacob had related a tale of a young Amanda using the neighborhood dogs as dolls for a tea party, complete with clothes and hats. It seemed funny to everyone until it was found out that the clothes were from her grandmother’s closet, and Amanda found herself grounded for over a week during that particular summer. Anna Leigh admitted there were several hats that she never wore again, since the dog smell never quite left them. That little bit of information caused her granddaughter even more embarrassment.

  “I’m going to have to find some way of getting even with him for telling that one, aren’t I?” Amanda took another step until she was wrapped up in warm arms. “Mmm.”

  Lex enjoyed the embrace. I don’t think I will ever get enough of this. “We’d better get a move on. Martha’s expecting us for lunch.” She kissed the top of Amanda’s head, and then released her.

  Jacob and Anna Leigh met them at the front of the truck. “You two will be back over for Jacob’s birthday next weekend, right?” Anna Leigh asked, giving Amanda a hug.

  “We wouldn’t miss it for anything,” Lex replied, shaking Jacob’s hand. She reached out to Anna Leigh, but was surprised when the older woman wrapped her arms around her and squeezed.

  “Thank you for making our little girl so happy, Lexington.” Anna Leigh’s whispered gratitude was just between the two of them. She felt Lex return the hug enthusiastically. Pulling back slightly, she said in a louder voice, “Welcome to our family, dear.”

  Lex held Anna Leigh close as a lump formed in her throat. “You—” she had to stop and clear her throat, “both have always made me feel like part of the family. Thank you for raising such a wonderful granddaughter.” She stepped away and ran a hand across her face. “Umm, yeah.” Taking a deep breath, Lex finally got herself together, at least for the moment. “Thanks for everything.” She was grateful when Amanda moved in close and put an arm around her waist. “We’ll, ah, see you next weekend, right?” Lex knew she was quickly losing her composure. We’ve got to get out of here before I start bawling like a baby.

  Amanda understood the emotional fine line Lex was treading and decided it was time for a retreat. “We’ve got to get going. Martha is probably getting ready to call out the National Guard by now.”

  “You two go on. We’ll see you Saturday, if not sooner.” Jacob pulled his wife to him as the two women climbed into the truck. “Those two are something else, aren’t they, sweetheart?”

  Anna Leigh looked up into his eyes lovingly. “Yes, they are, my dearest. Let’s go into the house and discuss it, shall we?”

  Jacob loved when they had discussions, especially the kind his wife was hinting at. “Why do I have the distinct feeling that we won’t be doing much talking?” He followed the woman of his dreams, the love of his life, into the house and allowed her to pull him up the stairs.

  THE DRIVE TO the ranch was unusually silent, as both women were deeply occupied by their own thoughts. Lex was worried about Amanda and how she would be able to adjust to the life they were about to embark upon together. The fact that Amanda’s parents disapproved didn’t matter to Lex, but she knew in her heart that the younger woman was devastated by their hateful words. Looking sideways as she drove, Lex noticed with surprise that there was a slight smile on her companion’s face. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Amanda turned away from the window. “Think you can afford it, Slim?” She noticed the concern etched on her friend’s face and reached over to bring one of Lex’s hands into her lap. “Actually, I was just thinking about how happy I am right this very moment.”

  “Really?” Lex wanted to be reassured. She wanted to know that Amanda was happy with her decision, happy with the opportunity to start a life with her. “I was just thinking, that if you wanted, we could always build a house in town, if you don’t like living on the ranch.” She braced herself for the answer. I’ll go anywhere, be anyone, just for the opportunity to be with you. I hope you know that.

  “But you love living on the ranch.” Amanda frowned and wondered what on earth was going through Lex’s complex mind.

  “What good is the ranch without you?” Lex stopped the truck just before they were about to cross the old bridge. She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned so she could give Amanda all of her attention. “I love you, Amanda. And I want to do everything in my power to make you happy. If that means living in town, fine.” She took Amanda's hand in hers and chafed it with her fingertips while she spoke. “If that means pitching a tent in the middle of the woods, that’s fine too.”


  “No, wait. Please. I’ve got to get this out now.” Unused to sharing herself with anyone, Lex blinked, shedding a tear that then rolled down her cheek. “I’m not real good with stuff like this, but I want you to understand what a difference you’ve made in my life. I love you, and I hope we can have a long and happy life together.” Lex looked deeply into Amanda’s eyes and saw a strong love reflected back to her.

  Amanda gently pulled her hand free and wiped the tear away with her thumb. “I love you too.” She looked around and realized where the truck was parked. “It’s kind of fitting that we should start our life together here.” Hoping that some fresh air would help settle her partner, Amanda opened her door. “Come on. Let’s stretch our legs for a minute, okay?”

  Lex followed her lead, and soon both women were standing on the shore of the creek, looking down at the peaceful stream of water that flowed beneath the bridge. “Full circle, huh?” Lex felt at peace for the first time in her life. The woman standing with her made her feel complete.

  “Full circle, love,” Amanda whispered, her lips meeting Lex’s in a life-affirming kiss.


  Other books in the


  Destiny’s Bridge - Rancher Lexington (Lex) Walters pulls young Amanda Cauble from a raging creek and the two women quickly develop a strong bond of friendship. Overcoming severe weather, cattle thieves, and their own fears, their friendship deepens into a strong and lasting love.

  ISBN 978-1-932300-11-6

  Hope’s Path - Someone is determined to ruin Lex. Efforts to destroy her ranch lead to attempts on her life. Lex and Amanda desperately try to find out who hates Lex so much that they are willing to ruin the lives of everyone in their path. Can they survive long enough to find out who's responsible? And will their love survive when they find out who it is?

  ISBN 978-1-932300-40-6

  Love’s Journey - Lex and Amanda embark on a new journey as Lexington rediscovers the love her mother's family has for her, and Amanda begins to build her relationship with her father. Meanwhile, attacks on the two young women grow more violent and deadly as someone tries to tear apart the love they share.

  ISBN 9781-932300-65-9

  Strength of the Heart - Lex and Amanda are caught up in the planning of their upcoming nuptials while trying to get the ranch house rebuilt. But an arrest, a brushfire, and the death of someone close to her forces Lex to try and work through feelings of guilt and anger. Is Amanda’s love strong enough to help her, or will Lex’s own personal demons tear them apart?

  ISBN 978-19323000-81-9

  The Way Things Should Be - In this, the sixth novel, Amanda begins to feel her own biological clock ticking while her sister prepares for the birth of her first child. Lex is busy with trying to keep her hands on some newly acquired land, as well trying to get along with a new member of her family. Everything comes to a head, and a tragedy brings pain—and hope—to them all.

  ISBN 978-1-932300-39-0

  To Hold Forever - Three years have passed since Lex and Amanda took over the care of Lorrie, their rambunctious niece. Amanda’s sister, Jeannie, has fully recovered from her debilitating stroke and returns with her fiancé, ready to start their own family. Attempts to become pregnant have been unsuccessful for Amanda. Meanwhile, a hostile new relative who resents everything about Lex shows up. Add in Lex’s brother Hubert getting paroled and an old adversary returning with more than a simple reunion in mind and Lex begins to have doubts about continuing to run the ranch she’s worked so hard to build.

  ISBN 978-1932300-21-5

  Other Carrie Carr titles

  Something to Be Thankful For

  Randi Meyers is at a crossroads in her life. She’s got no girlfriend, bad knees, and her fill of loneliness. The one thing she does have in her favor is a veterinarian job in Fort Worth, Texas, but even that isn’t going as well as she hoped. Her supervisor is cold-hearted and dumps long hours of work on her. Even if she did want a girlfriend, she has little time to look.

  When a distant uncle dies, Randi returns to her hometown of Woodbridge, Texas, to attend the funeral. During the graveside services, she wanders away from the crowd and is beseeched by a young boy to follow him into the woods to help his injured sister. After coming upon an unconscious woman, the boy disappears. Randi brings the woman to the hospital and finds out that her name is Kay Newcombe.

  Randi is intrigued by Kay. Who is this unusual woman? Where did her little brother disappear to? And why does Randi feel compelled to help her? Despite living in different cities, a tentative friendship forms, but Randi is hesitant. Can she trust her newfound friend? How much of her life and feelings can Randi reveal? And what secrets is Kay keeping from her? Together, Randi and Kay must unravel these questions, trust one another, and find the answers in order to protect themselves from outside threats—and discover what they mean to one another.

  ISBN 978-1-323300-04-8

  Diving Into the Turn

  Diving Into the Turn is set in the fast-paced Texas rodeo world. Riding bulls in the rodeo is the only life Shelby Fisher has ever known. She thinks she's happy drifting from place to place in her tiny trailer, engaging in one night stands, and living from one rodeo paycheck to another – until the day she meets barrel racer Rebecca Starrett. Rebecca comes from a solid, middle-class background and owns her horse. She’s had money and support that Shelby has never had. Shelby and Rebecca take an instant dislike to each other, but there's something about Rebecca that draws the silent and angry bull rider to her. Suddenly, Shelby’s life feels emptier, and she can’t figure out why. Gradually, Rebecca attempts to win Shelby over, and a shaky friendship starts to grow into something more.

  Against a backdrop of mysterious accidents that happen at the rodeo grounds, their attraction to one another is tested. When Shelby is implicated as the culprit to what's been happening will Rebecca stand by her side?

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