The Sigma Menace Collection

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The Sigma Menace Collection Page 29

by Marie Johnston

  "This is serious enough, we have to consider every angle. Since you two," the commander jutted his chin toward Malcolm and Harrison, “have close ties to the council, you're gathering intel and we'll start with what you already know."

  "I wouldn't call the ties 'close'," Malcolm drawled.

  "Our father wouldn't hunt and kill human mates," Harrison spit out.

  "Now, our mother…" Malcolm said ruefully.

  "Mal!" Harrison stopped to think. "Yeah, she might. But she'd do it herself."

  Commander Fitzsimmons nodded. "Give us everything you ever heard growing up around council life, even if it's just rumors. Then head up there and gather what information you can."

  "Got it, Boss." Malcolm saluted.

  As he was leaving with his twin, the commander gave them one last order. "Off the radar."

  "Always," Malcolm chuckled.

  The commander turned to Mercury and Bennett. "While they're finding out who wants human mates killed, we need to find out why Sigma’s using human mates to make babies. For what purpose, exactly?"

  As if they didn't have enough problems.

  "And we need details for Dani's doctor appointment."

  "Is something wrong?" Mercury asked alarmed.

  "Your mate needs to start her normal OB visits,” the commander said. “We need to know if her pregnancy is progressing normally. We’ve got her in at the end of the week. You'll go in with her while Bennett and I stay outside the clinic. After the appointment, we'll go to the bank. We switched her accounts to us so she has the freedom to use her own money. We also moved her trust fund, wiped out any old addresses, and got her stuff out of storage."

  "Have you told her that?"

  "Nope. You get to." It was the closest Mercury had seen of the commander smirking in a long time.

  Chapter 11

  There were a few raised eyebrows at the handling of all Dani's remaining assets, but she finally just shrugged. "It needed to be done. When do I get my stuff? It's been years since I've seen some of that."

  Mercury was astounded at the amount of money Dani had in her name.

  Again, Dani shrugged it off. "My parents worked hard, saved a lot, and spoiled me. I was their only indulgence. After they died, I never had a chance to spend any of it. The only good that came out of me signing on with the devil."

  "Jace transferred it, diversified it and some other shit I didn't understand, and left it up to you what you wanted for spending. We'll need to meet with him."

  When they did, Mercury had become agitated during the meeting. Afterward, he confessed to little knowledge about financial matters and math in general, telling her he was never able to get beyond the basics.

  She recalled seeing his scribbles in the cabin, but thought it was a hobby, like reading.

  "I can help you, if you don't mind. But Mercury, it's not like I walk around understanding IRAs and annuities, either. I can't talk stocks and trading, that's why I hired out. I only need a basic understanding."

  "But you've taken a lot of college level math classes. And aced them. I've seen your transcripts."

  "I started to major in bioengineering because my mom pressured me to follow her, but then I had plans to be a big shot criminal lawyer, and the main reason was so I could wear power suits that cost over a thousand dollars each and be on TV. I couldn't do an algebra or calculus equation for the life of me."

  "You were a straight A student."

  "And I worked my ass off for it. But it's not like I use it every day. Or every year. Or since class for that matter. There isn't a whole lot I remember from my classes. If I worked with it, maybe it would come back. We aren't all walking math whizzes just because we went to school."

  From the obstinate look on his face, she feared she wasn't getting through to him.

  "Mercury. There's nothing wrong with your brain. Period."

  Now they sat in the doctor's office. Dani was reading the latest in clueless parent literature the clinic supplied and Mercury was doing Sudoku. He wore a plain t-shirt and jeans, along with a baseball hat and glasses to help mute his exotic eyes. He was still insanely hot under his disguise. Other overly hormonal bitches in the waiting room must have thought so, too, as they eyed her man. Her chest constricted in possessive jealousy. She was about to engage in a few prenatal throwdowns, until Mercury gave her a quizzical look when magazines started rustling on the end table.

  Dani decided once and for all that her mate—when had she began to think about him like that?—was undeniably attractive and she would have to get used to women noticing him. And God forbid they ran across any woman from his past at the club who would remember him. At this rate, Dani would throw the woman against the wall, not just books or magazines.

  With a sigh, Dani calmed herself down. It hopefully wouldn't be this bad after the baby was born as it seemed the child added fuel to her raging hormones.

  The clinic visit was anticlimactic overall. There were a ton of questions, many of which Mercury couldn't answer because they were family medical history questions, but once they told her doctor he was orphaned, it went quickly.

  The pelvic exam proved more than a bit embarrassing, and this time it was Mercury asking all the questions: “What the hell is that thing?” about the speculum; “Does it hurt?” when the doctor inserted it; “What are you looking for down there?” Dani was extremely glad she chose a female obstetrician with a few years under her belt so Mercury’s astonishment wasn’t the worst expectant dad behavior dealt with.

  They both vehemently refused genetic testing, fearing the questions that would arise on the genetics they might find testing a half-breed. Dani reluctantly got normal prenatal blood work done, still fearing what abnormalities might get flagged, but worrying more that refusing the basics would raise even more eyebrows. Today was all about normalcy and blending in.

  Sent packing with an armful of educational materials, free diaper samples, and another appointment in a month, Dani felt immense relief, yet more trepidation. It was still early. So many unknowns. This felt normal, but their baby wasn't and she didn't know what to do to shake off Madame G's tendrils.

  "The bank's uptown," Mercury was saying. She'd been losing herself in her little world of anxiety, she almost missed what he said. "We can stop there and there's a drugstore a few doors down if you want to stop and pick up anything. As long as it's all clear."

  "That'd be awesome." She felt downright civilized and it felt great being back in a world with appointments and errand running. Too bad she had to worry about being abducted and her baby stolen.

  “It’s daylight and in the middle of town, chances are low any Agents will try anything.” Mercury tried to reassure her, as if sensing the road her thoughts went down.

  Dani nodded absently.

  The bank errand went fast. More signing papers, more women drinking in the sight of Mercury. He was oblivious and that was the only reason both he and the women remained unharmed. The stress of the day and the emotional upheaval left Dani feeling like her nerves were frayed, smoldering, and ready to blow. In her crazy uncle’s words, her fun meter had been pegged.

  The edginess increased as she wandered around the drugstore. Mercury must’ve felt the same way. He left her to shop with a quick kiss and he was gone to check the perimeter. He and the other Guardians were still using radio communication until they tested their telepathy more, not wanting to broadcast unintentionally right into an Agent’s mind.

  They’d given a few of her weapons back, but she wasn’t wearing any. That would’ve been a little awkward during the doctor’s exam, so they were stashed in her bag.

  Mercury hadn’t returned and she wandered as much as she could, finally purchasing some personal care items and, since she couldn’t help it, a little lovey for the baby—a yellow scrap of the softest cloth attached to a fuzzy ducky head.

  Now what? No Mercury and she’d already paid. She couldn’t really keep wandering the store. She had to blend. What would a normal person, not hu
nted for their baby, do?

  Dani headed to the front door. She could make it look like she was waiting for a ride while trying to catch sight of any of the Guardians. Her concern was mounting. Mercury had to have found something amiss if he wasn’t back yet. Or maybe the other Guardians had run into trouble and were briefing him. Where were they?

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a sidewalk sign for the bookstore next door. What would it hurt? Sigma wouldn’t look for her in a bookstore and she’d start giving off shoplifter vibes if she lingered here much longer.

  Closing her eyes she pulled up an image of Mercury, Bennett, and the commander. Then she sent out a mental, Heading next door to look at some books. She hoped that if she did really pull off that mental trick, she didn’t broadcast it the square block around the store to any being with latent telepathy talent.

  Quickly ducking out of the drugstore and into the bookstore, she stopped to take in her surroundings. Exit to the alley in the back of the store, stairs to a musty smelling basement in the middle of the store, and an elderly man and woman manning the cash register. The only other people in the store were checking out and they didn’t set off any of Dani’s spidey senses. Cool, this shopping foray might not end badly.

  Dani made her way to the end of the first aisle when she spotted a book. It was a new math tutoring aid that she thought might be more beneficial to Mercury than the ancient texts he was using. The book had many graphs and pictures, and catered to a younger audience that might be at the level Mercury was now. Dani squatted down to get a good look.

  “Chick lit’s in the next aisle, doll.”

  Shit! Dani flew upright face-to-face with Agent X, who was browsing through a random book pulled off the shelf. Oblivious in her browsing, Dani had wandered away from the front door, and away from the employees to where she could be easily cornered.

  “Not that math can’t get my girl juices flowing, but some of the new romance is pretty saucy.” X put the book down and faced Dani with her hands on her jean-clad hips. Her raven hair was slicked back today showing off her buzzed sides and her belly-bearing shirt read Team Jacob.

  “Mercury’s here and so are the other Guardians, X,” Dani warned. It certainly wasn’t because X was the closest thing she had to a friend other than a few chats with Kaitlyn and Cassie at the lodge.

  Regret flashed through X’s eyes. “Doll, I know you’re bluffing. We captured him out back. He’s on his way to the compound now.”

  Disbelief rocked Dani. X was the one bluffing. Had to be! Mercury could not land in Madame G’s hands. The things she’d make him do!

  “You’re lying,” Dani challenged.

  X’s eyes flickered behind Dani and then back to her face. “You were the distraction today. They would be occupied with protecting you, not thinking one of them was our target.”

  Anger coiled in Dani’s belly. The air electrified around her.

  X’s eyes flickered behind Dani again, an eyebrow quirked.

  “Good thing, too. His claiming stench is all over you, but no matey-matey yet. That would’ve pissed Madame G off, wasting all that blood.”

  “I will kill you,” Dani’s voice shook. “And I will level that living hellhole getting him out of there.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that to me?” X’s plump lips rounded into a pout. “After all I’ve done for you?” Her gaze once again went behind Dani.

  Dani clenched her hands and glanced quickly over her shoulder expecting to see Agent E, or even the Guardians, closing in. Instead, books floated off their shelves and hung agitating in the air. The more her rage and despair rose, the more the books quivered.

  That was her way out.

  Dani turned back to face X, her face a mask of calm. “Who said words never hurt anyone.” Hit her!

  Books flew past Dani, so closely they lifted strands of hair. She spun a full one-eighty to sprint for the door.

  Soft thuds and muttered curses followed Dani as X tried to run through the barrage of books hitting her.

  Ignoring the shouts of the employees, Dani crashed out the door and sprinted to the end of the block.

  Her chest heaving, she stopped to look around. No sign of Mercury, no sign of Bennett or Commander Fitzsimmons, no sign of Agent E, just a few people frowning at her dash to the corner.

  Looking back at the store, Dani gasped. Standing just feet behind her was X, discreetly wiping her bloody nose with the back of her hand.

  “Nice trick. I told the bookstore owners they better make sure to balance and level their shelves before I sue the shit out of them.” X squinted into the partially clouded sun, drew sunglasses out of her back pocket and donned them.

  “Now what, X? You take me out in the open?”

  “Maybe if you ran out the back into the alley, but nah. There’ll be other times.” Her voice took on a grave tone. “But don’t ever think Madame G will give up on that baby, not as long as her blood flows in it.”

  “What does she want a baby for?”

  “Because she likes changing diapers and late night feedings. I don’t fucking know. Find out what Madame G wants, then you’ll figure out what she needs a baby for.”

  Squealing tires pulled Dani’s attention away from the Sigma female in front of her. A black sedan she recognized as Bennett’s came whipping up to the curb.

  He jumped out and ran to her.

  Dani looked back to the empty spot where X had been standing. Was the female’s ability flashing? No, she had a form of mind control but was weak at it. Or was she? Dani was starting to suspect many more levels to X than the Agent liked people to think she had. And only vampires could flash. Dani never heard of a shifter having the ability, though they did have superhuman speed.

  Turning back to the Guardian and seeing the blond’s face filled with grim concern, she gave him the dire news. “They have Mercury.”

  Mercury woke to a draft chilling his bare flesh. Why was he naked?

  Keeping his eyes closed, he opened his other senses up around him as he tried to remember why he was here and where “here” was.

  An enclosed room. The draft must’ve have come from the female who just entered, the only other being in the room. He was stretched on a metal table, a wrist bound at each corner in silver cuffs, same with the ankles. The cuffs were the kind that severed limbs if they were tampered with. Well, shit.

  Dani. Did they have her, too? He remembered giving her a kiss before going to check on the back exit of the drugstore. He’d felt uneasy, concerned Sigma Agents got past their surveillance.

  The memories came back in a rush, his brain finally pushing past the mental fog of the drugs they’d shot him with. Seeing movement when he peeked out the back door, he was digging out his hidden radio to notify Bennett, who was the closest.

  Then those bastards shot him in the back. Someone had gotten into the store and lay in wait. Mercury vaguely remembered the radio fumbling out of his hand, his mind trying to send out a mental SOS, but the haze had already settled in.

  Inhaling deeply, Mercury scented the female. Young shifter female, probably less than fifty years old. There was fear residing in her, like it was a steady state of her condition. She also smelled…tainted.

  Opening his eyes, he zeroed in on her.

  Sensing he was awake, the blonde female met his stare, going from a bored fear to a sultry temptress in less than a second.

  “Well, well,” she purred, moving in on him. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Mercury kept his stare passive.

  Seeing he wasn’t immediately aroused, she straightened, attempting to make her bosom more pronounced. She wore a leather bustier attached with garters to sheer black stockings. Were those panties crotchless?

  Comprehension dawned on Mercury. Sigma couldn’t get to the baby via Dani, so they would attempt to make more babies.

  “It won’t work.” He barely recognized his own gravelly voice, still groggy from the meds.

  Mistaking his rough sp
eech for passion, she sauntered up next to the table, leaning over so she was touching as much of his skin as she could, and palmed his manhood. Her hand cupped and rubbed as she licked a trail up his stomach.

  He remained flaccid.

  A perplexed look crossed the female’s face. She doubled her efforts on him, massaging, manipulating, using both hands.

  Not even a twitch.

  Now she looked downright offended. Mercury smelled a spike in her fear.

  “If I don’t sleep with you, she’ll kill me.” The female’s blue eyes watered with unshed tears. “You have to help me,” she whispered desperately. One tear slid down her cheek.

  “Madame G won’t get rid of a shifter female who’s been working for her for years,” Mercury said flatly. “How long did it take for her to convert you?”

  The female’s face turned to stone, she put her hands on her hips and leaned in close, her fangs dropping as she hissed. “And when shifters turn to the mighty Guardians for help finding their lost little girls, how long do you look for them?”

  Without hesitation, Mercury replied, “We never stop. We never give up. We will free you, if you want to be free.”

  The female let out a bark of laughter. “To be welcomed back by the clan that traded me for their security? No. I will take the power Madame G gives me instead.”

  “Being a fangbanger does not equal power.”

  She leaned in until her head was next to his. “If you do it right, it does.” Her tongue rimmed his ear in one last attempt at seduction. Seeing the frown on his face, she pivoted to stomp out of the room.


  She turned to sneer at him, her hand hovering above the fingerprint pad to unlock the door.

  “If you truly were traded to Sigma,” Mercury said, “name your clan. When I get free, we will make them answer for their crimes.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him and turned away to drop her finger down on the sensor. The door clicked and unlocked.

  Before the door latched shut behind her, he heard the words, “New Moon.”


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