The Sigma Menace Collection

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The Sigma Menace Collection Page 31

by Marie Johnston

  A quick search of the man’s clothing netted Mercury absolutely nothing but lint and nicotine gum. He would not leave here empty handed. Madame G would face dire repercussions for bringing a Guardian into her compound.

  Recalling Dani’s information about the layout and activity, and how she escaped, he used her exact same method. With the helpful doctor’s finger to open doors, and blood to mask his own shifter scent, Mercury crept out into the hall.

  A wall of doors lined each side, Mercury quickly inspected both directions. Recent signs of captivity assailed his nostrils, but no one inhabited the rooms. One scent sparked something familiar in Mercury. It was recent—a young shifter, and he needed to be found.

  That was all for the east side. Mercury headed to inspect the west. Now that he had more access to fresh air, he discerned it was the middle of the night, at least twenty-four hours since he’d been taken.

  The west side was mostly empty but for two rooms. A male and female shifter, both in various forms of recovery from some sort of torture, were naked and splayed like Mercury had been.

  Using the doctor’s finger, Mercury opened the male’s cell. His long, shaggy hair hinted at months to even possibly years of captivity. Baring fangs, he growled low at Mercury.

  Moving to stand over him, Mercury looked the male in the eye. Seeing intelligence, and most importantly sanity, he determined the male could be saved.

  “I’m going to free you and to get out of here, you need to do exactly as I say.”

  Taking in Mercury’s scent, the male’s eyes widened at the Guardian, then nodded imperceptibly. Mercury mentally unlocked the male’s bonds.

  When the male was freed, he stood and bowed his head, putting his fist over his heart. “Until I die, I, Garreth, pledge my service to you and your pack of Guardians.”

  “Let’s hope that oath lasts longer than the next few minutes.”

  Next, they went to the female. In similar shape, the female appeared to have been imprisoned nearly as long as the male, maybe longer. As soon as the males entered, she snarled, snapped, and bit at the air, straining against her bonds. Her eyes were frantic and wild with fear. A pit formed in Mercury’s stomach. If the female was feral, his only option would be to put her down.

  Garreth moved to her side and once he captured her gaze, he held it. The female quieted, chest heaving but relaxed. He held her still with nothing but his eyes and gently touched her forehead. Without breaking eye contact, she slowly nodded.

  “She will follow our commands, as long as we mean her no harm. Her name is Kerrice.”

  “You can mind-speak?”

  Garreth shook his head. “I’m a healer of sorts. But she is my daughter.”

  “Is she feral?” Their situation was dire enough without having to face putting down the male’s young in front of him, even though they both knew it was a mercy Sigma wouldn’t grant her.

  “Close,” Garreth replied grimly. “I… I need to try to save her.”

  “As long as she doesn’t endanger our escape, she comes with us. We need to make our way to the doctor’s office. There’s another male shifter prisoner I have to find.”

  “We’ll follow you, Guardian.”

  Dani had been right. The compound wasn’t heavily staffed, especially at night. The recruits were kept separate, and not allowed near the holding cells and lab. It was a nice advantage, and with no weapons, hell—no clothes—he’d take all the advantages he could get.

  Heading to the stairwell, the three shifters crept up to ground level. Mercury knew exactly where they were and where the doctor’s office was, and he couldn’t wait to get there. Dani was right, the stairwell was creepy as hell.

  Opening the door a crack, he held up a hand to halt the other two and let his senses roam. There were humans, the shifter he was searching for, and, Sweet Mother Earth, from the smell of fresh air—exits. Bet the big, important doctor had a nice size window in his office.

  Bringing the beautiful image of his sweet mate to mind, he mentally reached out. Dani, I’ll be out in ten. Cover the doctor’s window and plan for three extra rescues.


  He turned to the shifters. Garreth was again calming the agitated female. “We can’t get around the cameras up here. We’re heading to an office, you two find as much data as you can grab, and I’ll find the shifter. The window in the office is our exit.” Waiting for their acquiescence, he finished, “Let’s move.”

  Swiftly trotting down the hall, they maneuvered through the corridor, and using the mad doctor’s finger, gained access to the office. Mercury cleared the room and was ushering Kerrice and Garreth inside when they heard shouts.

  Fuck, it was on. They would have to fight their way out.

  “Search it!” Mercury ordered slamming the door.

  Garreth immediately headed to the desk, unplugging the laptop. Kerrice followed his lead, searching drawers. Taking stock of his surroundings, Mercury prepared to go out and take on the enemy to find the third shifter when another large window caught his eye. One-way glass.

  Hastening to the window, Mercury peered into a dark room. Flipping the switch next to the glass, a light on the other side blinked on, revealing another room similar to the holding cell he’d been in.

  The figure on the table moaned, turning his head away from the light. The shifter Mercury had been looking for lay in a heap on his side. The fact that he wasn’t bound concerned Mercury. How bad of shape did the young male have to be in not to be shackled?

  Gunshots sounded and the door shook. Not being able to open the highly secure office door, the Agents were trying to shoot the handle off. Maybe the assholes would run out of bullets before they blew it open, or get hold of something with more blast power.

  Moving quickly, Mercury grabbed the office chair and smashed the glass to get to the young captive. After clearing the biggest shards out of the opening, he sprung over and into the room.

  Jagged glass pierced his feet when he landed, but paying them no attention, he quickly went to the male’s side. He was tall, but scrawny, no doubt starved. He had unusual coloring, in that he had very little coloring at all, except for the dried blood covering his body over the faded scars that would soon disappear completely. The experiments were recent, the boy would be out of it until healing was complete.

  Heaving the young shifter across his shoulders, he barked, “Garreth!”

  The older male had found the laptop bag and was loading it, but set it down to run to the opening. Slipping and sliding with bloodied feet, Mercury picked his way across and heaved his load to the other side of the window, doing his best to miss the remaining glass.

  Once Garreth secured the captive, Mercury jumped back over just as the door was kicked in.

  One man came rushing in, weapon pointed and ready to shoot Garreth, but Kerrice lunged for him, transitioning to her wolf midair, and taking him down by the neck.

  Growling and screams filled the air as two more Agents piled through the door. To their disadvantage, they had the writhing bodies of the first Agent and Kerrice in the narrow doorway slowing them down, giving Mercury time to pick up the dropped weapon from the first Agent and take out another with a head shot. The third Agent moved efficiently around the first and got a shot off before Mercury got hold of him.

  Searing heat laced through Mercury’s shoulder. He’d been hit, a through-and-through. Ignoring the burn, he dispensed of the third Agent.

  Motioning to Garreth to hand his unconscious load over, he ordered, “Out the window. Grab the intel.”

  Garreth hesitated, seeing blood draining from Mercury’s shoulder, but finally hefted the shifter onto Mercury’s shoulders.

  Using the same method of window removal, Mercury swung the chair. It rebounded without even a crack. Son. Of. A. Bitch. Of course, they used bulletproof glass on exterior windows. If they could make it across the lawn to the woods, they stood a chance at freedom. It wasn’t like they were getting out of the compound using the front door.
They had to find a way to break the window.

  Kerrice whined, still in her wolf form. The wildness was creeping back into her eyes. Even the staid Garreth was rattled.

  Their heightened ears picked up the sounds of reinforcements heading their way. Zeroing in on the window, Mercury gave it a mental push. Sensing some give, he tried again, but harder. Still not working.

  Dani, I need help taking out this window.

  What do you need me to do?

  Combine your thoughts with mine and we’ll push it out.

  Got it.

  Concentrating on the window again, Three, two, one!

  Energy poured through him and smashed into the window, flexing it outward until it eventually shattered out into the night.

  Kerrice was the first to clear the opening, followed by Garreth, who transitioned before he jumped, the computer bag hanging out of his mouth.

  Securing the unknown shifter, Mercury vaulted out, landing deftly on his feet, taking off in an instant run. He couldn’t change forms and carry his load, consequently relying on his two legs to cross the expanse of the lawn.

  Yelling and gunshots filled the air behind him. Return fire resonated from the woods. He hoped it was Kaitlyn on the long-range rifle. She was a crack shot.

  Bennett’s voice filtered through his mind. Once you’re in the trees, head west to the road. Dani and Jace are standing by with the vehicles.

  Flying over the grass, waiting for the fire of a bullet to slice him, Mercury made it to the tree line and kept going, waiting until he was well out of view to head west.

  “Hand him over,” Bennett’s dark form popped up running next to him.

  Barely slowing, Mercury passed the tall, gangly shifter off to Bennett.

  “Who is he?” Bennett repositioned his load so he could run.

  Dunno. It was easier for Mercury to use mind-speak, he was starting to feel the blood loss. Garreth, you got Kerrice?

  The answering bark from behind told Mercury both shifters he’d rescued were on his tail.

  “Our mission is to get the shifters and the information you stole back to the lodge,” Bennett said. “We’ve gone from rescue to escape and evade. These woods are infested with Sigma.”

  Gunfire echoed through the night. The Agents shouldn’t be able to see in the dark woods, but they probably had enhanced vision or night-vision goggles, or fuck, both.

  A bullet tore through Mercury’s thigh causing him to stumble. The stumble turned into a face first smash into the ground with a mouthful of dirt and tumbling to a stop only when he hit a tree.

  Groaning, Mercury rolled to get up on all fours and attempt to stand, slumping his shoulder against the tree to push up when his injured leg wouldn’t work. The burn of what felt like a million charley horses in his thigh told him the bad news.

  “Silver bullet.” Mercury’s vision swam, the silver poison working faster with his blood loss.

  “Fuck. Can you transition? It’s only a mile to the road.” Bennett knew Mercury wouldn’t let him drop his load to help.

  “I got him,” Garreth’s gravelly voice cut in.

  He had the body frame to be big, like most male shifters, but his time in captivity robbed him of several pounds of muscle mass. Bennett gave him a dubious look, but it didn’t slow Garreth as he hefted Mercury up, supporting his injured side.

  Kerrice stood back, observing the scene. Her whines portrayed the urgency that they keep going, but also that as much as she wanted to help, she couldn’t bring herself to get closer, much less touch the strange males.

  Mercury’s peripheral vision might be like looking through chicken soup at that moment, but he didn’t miss the look of utter devastation and remorse that crossed Garreth’s face whenever Kerrice made her mournful sound. He could only imagine the atrocities she’d been subjected to.

  Deep in the woods, a sudden yell was cut off almost before it started. A quick howl told them why.

  “The commander got one. We need to move.” Bennett led the way, moving only as fast as Mercury’s dead leg would allow.

  You need to go ahead without me. Save the others.

  Bennett snorted. “And deal with your pregnant mate when I show up without you. She’s been a pain in the ass the last three days.”

  Three days?

  “Yep. Time flies when you’re having fun.”

  Mercury! What’s wrong? Dani’s sweet voice fluttered in his mind and he needed it so very much. Otherwise, the beckoning of unconsciousness was looking like a good option.

  Nothing a little salt won’t cure. And a few days of sleep. Care to join me?

  Silver? Shit.


  If you promise not to die, I’ll give you the most amazing blow job after you’re healed.

  Unconsciousness can go fuck itself. Deal. But first, would you do me the honor of making our matehood official?

  Yes, now hurry your ass up.

  Ah yes, his lovely mate had the heart of a warrior, not a romantic. Giving as much effort as he could, he and Garreth sped through the woods, following Bennett with Kerrice somewhere behind.

  Detecting a road nearby, he caught Dani’s sweet scent on the wind. It cut through the mental fog threatening to take him under as they cleared the remaining yards.

  Dani jumped out of one of the SUVs and he was tempted to stop and stare. Her vibrant glow, even with the deep concern and fear for him in her features, was breathtaking. Seeing her with her hair secured in a tight bun, wearing all black, and loaded down with her weapons made three days feel like three years. Did the baby’s powers help her get into his gun safe or had she blown it open?

  Jace was standing at the driver’s door. The shaved-headed male looked sinister before, but dressed in the standard all black Guardian gear, loaded for battle, his intimidation factor could be more effective than the weapons he brandished. “Get him in, we’ve got the jump bag ready.”

  “Mercury, oh thank God.” Dani rushed up to him, ignoring their three new shifter additions, the injuries, and all of the blood, and grabbed his face to plant a firm, quick kiss on him.

  Stopping much too soon, she pulled him toward the open door.

  Climbing in fucking hurt. His leg could barely bend, but he managed to get his entire body in. Alarm shot through him when he heard two sharp barks from Kerrice.

  Bennett, who was unloading the still unconscious shifter into the back of the SUV, whipped out his gun and faced the trees which Jace was already aiming into.

  Even though she lacked the enhanced vision of the Guardians, Dani hopped into the back with Mercury, using the open window to aim her own weapon out.

  Kerrice darted out of the tree line, limping with a crossbolt sticking out of her hind shank.

  “Kerrice, get in.” Garreth was opening the front passenger door for her.

  The dark wolf hesitated, seeing even more strange males. Her amber eyes flickered between her father and the Guardians.

  Commander Fitzsimmons silently emerged from the trees. “Load up. I got the Agent that hit her, the rest are back a ways, but one’s a vampire and she’ll get here fast. Bennett, we’ll pick up Kaitlyn a few miles down the road.”

  Bennett ran to the other SUV along with the commander. Jace got in the driver’s seat and put the vehicle into gear. Kerrice remained frozen.

  “Kerrice, please,” Garreth’s tight voice betrayed his conflict. He’d made a pledge to the injured Guardian, but he just couldn’t leave his daughter behind.

  “Kerrice, whoever you are,” Dani leaned out the window, “get the fuck inside.”

  The nose crinkled on the dark wolf as she measured Dani’s scent. Finally, the she-wolf jumped in the seat. Garreth’s sigh of relief was cut off by the door shutting as he ran around to crawl in the back on the other side of Mercury.

  It was a tight fit. Mercury groaned when his leg was jostled by Garreth reaching into the front to grab the black duffle bag resting on the middle console.

  “You said this was a first aid ki

  “Sure is. Can you do anything with it?” Jace asked, looking in the rearview mirror at the older male.

  “I have training, yes.” Garreth was concentrating deeply, rifling through the bag, which consisted mostly of saline bags and gauze.

  He grabbed a bag and ripped it open with one fang, handing it to Dani. “Pour this over his leg wound to help neutralize some of the silver toxicity.”

  She did as he asked, wincing when Mercury hissed in pain.

  Garreth repeated his actions with another bag, handing it to her. “Same with this one, only slower. The bullet’s still in him and this will help keep the toxin from spreading.”

  Dani followed directions and Mercury laid his hand reassuringly on her thigh, wanting her to feel no guilt for causing the pain that was saving his life.

  Taking the gauze and clotting activator, he slapped both against Mercury’s shoulder to stem the blood loss. Not even having the energy to hiss at the sting, Mercury let his head fall back onto the seat, allowing darkness to take him.

  Chapter 13

  “Is he dying?” Dani asked the older shifter, squeezed in on the other side of Mercury. Trying to keep adrenaline from wringing the saline bag empty in two seconds, she concentrated on keeping a steady drip rate on his leg wound. She heard that salt offset silver toxicity but the idea to cart saline bags around was so obvious it was genius.

  “He’s not well,” the deep, cultured voice rumbled.

  Jace flew over the roads, maneuvering turns that kept them clinging to their seats, Mercury groaning, and the wolf up front digging her claws in and finally getting down onto the floor, snapping off the shaft of the bolt sticking out of her in the process.

  “Are you a doctor?” Jace asked, after correcting a nasty fishtail around one curve.

  The male reluctantly admitted, “Sort of.”

  “Close enough. Who’s the dude in the back?”

  “No idea. We weren’t allowed to see anyone, only hear them.”


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