To Hold Forever

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To Hold Forever Page 7

by Carrie Carr

  Hubert led the silent woman with him into the room and took a seat on the sofa. "The place looks good."

  Unsettled by his demeanor, Lex followed them and sat on the loveseat. "Thanks. I didn't even know you were out of jail. What brings you here?"

  "I thought I'd show Janine where I grew up." He put his arm across the back of the couch and his fingers grazed the top of the woman's shoulders. "Oh, yeah. Janine, this is my sister, Lex." With a proud look on his face, Hubert pulled her close. "Sis, this is my wife, Janine."

  Wife? Lex blinked. Sis? He's never called me that. "It's nice to meet you, Janine." Lex continued to stare at her brother. She was relieved when Amanda came into the room carrying Lorrie.

  "Momma!" Lorrie struggled in Amanda's arms until she was set down. As soon as her feet hit the floor, she raced to Lex and climbed into her lap. Standing up, she wrapped her arms around Lex's neck and gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

  Hubert's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Momma? You have a kid? How did that happen?"

  "Didn't dad ever go over the birds and bees with you?"

  Amanda joined Lex and Lorrie on the loveseat. She gave a friendly smile to the woman who sat next to Hubert. "Hi, I'm Amanda, Lex's partner. This is our daughter, Lorrie."

  "It's nice to meet you, Amanda. I'm Janine."

  "Hubert's wife," Lex added.

  "Oh?" Amanda quickly covered her surprise. "How long have you two known each other?"

  Janine leaned into Hubert's embrace. "A little over a year. I was Hubert's anger-management counselor. Once he was paroled he started sending me flowers, asking for a date. After several months I finally gave in and we've been together ever since."

  "How long have you been out, Hube? I didn't think you'd be coming home to Somerville so soon." Lex bounced Lorrie on her knee to keep her occupied.

  Hubert squeezed Janine's arm. He turned and looked at her with adoration. "Janie's been my rock. Thanks to her, I got out early, about eight months ago. I'm only on parole for a year, then I'm free and clear. We've decided to settle down here since that's where my family is."

  "Family?" Lex stopped moving, much to Lorrie's dismay.

  The little girl patted Lex's leg. "More." When she was ignored, Lorrie patted it harder. "More." She raised her eyes to Lex's face and frowned. "Momma?" Trying another tactic, she kicked her legs. "Pease?"

  "I'm sorry, lil' bit." Lex resumed the action.

  "Yeah. You, our grandfather. And it looks like I've got a niece now."

  Amanda stood. "Would you like some coffee?" She needed a few minutes to get her equilibrium back. "There's a fresh pot in the kitchen."

  Janine also got to her feet. "That would nice, thank you. Let me give you a hand so these two can get reacquainted."

  "Um, sure." Amanda left the room with Janine on her heels. Once they were in the kitchen she pulled out a tray and placed four mugs on it. "Do you take anything in your coffee?"

  "No, black is fine." Janine touched Amanda's arm. "I know this must be a shock to you, us showing up like we have. Hubert told me all about the animosity between him and his sister. He's let go of his anger and forgiven her."

  Amanda spun around. "He's forgiven her? Did your husband happen to mention why he was locked up?"

  "Of course. He was quite remorseful about the whole misunderstanding."

  "What?" Amanda shook her head as if trying to clear it. "Just what exactly did he tell you?"

  Janine poured the coffee into the mugs, not seeing the incredulous look on Amanda's face. "Oh, he admitted that what happened to the two of you was wrong and he was terribly upset by it. As a matter of fact, he feels like it was his fault. If he hadn't mentioned to those men how upset he was with his sister, they would have never run your truck off the road."

  "I hate to break this to you, Janine, but Hubert didn't mention something to those men. He paid them to hurt us. He even admitted that to us right before he was arrested. I can't even begin to tell you all the horrible things he's put Lex through."

  "Well, that's your opinion of course. I go by what he's told me. Hubert has always been honest with me and I trust him."

  Amanda picked up the tray and started to leave the kitchen. "A word of warning to you, Janine. This is a wonderful family you've married into, but Hubert's never been a part of it. Watch your back. When you least expect it, he'll turn on you."

  In the living room, Lorrie tired of using Lex as a horse and curled up in her arms. She had one hand tangled in Lex's shirt and her eyes closed. To keep from disturbing her Lex kept her voice low. "I don't know what your game is, Hubert. The last time I saw you, I remember you threatening to kill me. Don't you think for one minute I've forgotten what you did to us."

  He leaned forward in his seat. "I'm not sure what you're saying. Can't you be happy for me?"

  "The only thing that would make me happy is to never see your face again. You're a sorry excuse for a human being and nothing you do or say is going to change that fact."

  Janine heard the last of the conversation as she came into the room. "Excuse me? What gives you the right to pass judgment on him? From what I've been told, you're as much to blame as anyone."

  After Amanda placed the tray on the coffee table, Lex handed Lorrie to her and stood. "I think you two should leave."

  "That's a good idea." Janine got her purse. "You were right, Hubert. She is an unreasonable and hateful person." She took his arm. "Let's go. You shouldn't have to be subjected to her nasty temper."

  He waited until his wife's back was to the others and grinned. "Thanks, baby. I told you it wouldn't do any good to come out here." To Lex, he mouthed, "Bitch." Then, out loud, he said, "Bye, sis. I had hoped to have a better relationship with you."

  "Go to hell, Hubert." Lex got to her feet and held her fists at her side, wanting more than anything to knock the self-satisfied look off his face. "Get out."

  Amanda put her hand on Lex's chest to keep her from going after her brother. "Honey, it's okay."

  "We'll be leaving now." Janine led her husband from the house, muttering her fears of what his volatile sister might do to him.

  Lex waited until the door was closed. "That went well." She exhaled heavily and dropped down to sit on the loveseat again. "I'm sorry, Amanda. I don't know what's wrong with me."

  "You have nothing to apologize for. I talked to Janine in the kitchen and apparently she is completely deluded as to who he is. Hubert has obviously lied to her about everything."

  "She's an idiot." Lex rubbed her face with her hands. "I wonder how long it's going to be before she meets the real Hubert. There's no way he can keep up the charade for long."

  Amanda sat next to her with Lorrie still sleeping in her arms. "They say love is blind." She nudged Lex with her shoulder. "It's obviously stupid, too."

  "Yeah." Leaning her head back and closing her eyes, Lex suddenly felt very weary. "I don't know what he's up to."

  Amanda placed her head on Lex's hand in a show of support. "I don't either, but maybe he'll be too busy with his new wife and leave us alone."

  "I hope so, but I'm not counting on it."

  Neither was Amanda. She had a feeling they hadn't seen the last of him and the thought scared her.

  HEAVY RAIN SETTLED into the area again the following day. Lex decided to use the time to work in the barns. She was reorganizing the tack room when Jack appeared at the door. "Can I talk to you for a minute, boss?"

  Lex took off her hat and wiped her brow. She propped herself up against the rack where the saddles were kept. "What's up?"

  "I've been doing a lot of thinking." He mirrored her posture on the opposite wall.

  "What about? Is there something the matter?"

  Unable to meet her eyes, he ducked his head. "I owe you an apology."


  "Being a gutless coward." Sticking his hands in his front pockets, he looked everywhere but at her. "I've come to give you my notice."

  Lex moved to stand in front of him and wai
ted until she had his attention. "Hell, Jack. I don't think you're gutless at all. If it had been anyone else but Charlie, I wouldn't have gone in the first place."

  He raised his hopeful eyes to hers. "Yeah?" Jack was only in his early-twenties, and looked up to his boss. "Were you scared, too?"


  "How did you get over it?"

  She clasped his shoulder. "I didn't. But I wasn't about to let anything happen to Charlie or any of you. And I didn't want those assholes near our place." Lex escorted him from the room. "Do you honestly want to quit? I'd miss you."

  "No, I guess not. But I didn't think you'd want a coward working for you."

  They stood at the main door and watched the rain come down. "You're not a coward. I'd trust you to watch my back, any day."

  "You would?"

  "Yep." She noticed he wasn't wet. "How did you get here? It's pouring rain and you look dry."

  He scuffed his toe in the dirt. "Roy dropped me off. He was heading into town for a few supplies." Jack frowned at the rain. "I guess I'm stuck here until it lets up some."

  "Nah." Lex adjusted her hat and grabbed her coat, which was lying on a bale of hay. "I'll give you a ride."

  "Thanks." Feeling relieved, Jack followed Lex out into the rain.

  Chapter Ten

  MARTHA WAS UP to her elbows in dishwater when the front doorbell rang. She was the only one in the house. Amanda had taken Lorrie in to town for her regular checkup with her pediatrician. With a heavy sigh, Martha wiped her hands on a dishtowel as she hurried to answer the door. Upon opening it she came face-to-face with a man in his mid-twenties. His hair was rusty brown and his hazel eyes were set in a tanned face.

  He took his straw western hat off and held it in his shaking hands. "Ma'am? May I speak with Rawson Walters?"

  "I'm afraid not, young man. He passed away a few years ago. Is there something I can do for you?"

  Lowering his eyesight to the hat he was holding, the stranger shook his head. "I guess not, ma'am." He raised his head and noticed the wedding band she wore. "Are you Mrs. Walters?"

  Unable to help herself, Martha chuckled. "Lordy, no. I only take care of the place." She held out her hand. "I'm Martha Bristol."

  "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Bristol." He shook her hand. "My name's Cleve Winters."

  "Mr. Winters. Were you here to see Mr. Walters about a job? I know we can usually use an extra hand."

  Cleve began to fiddle with the brim of his hat. "Not exactly. I was hoping to meet with him and talk."

  Feeling he was no threat, Martha stepped aside. "It's nasty out here. Why don't you come in and I'll get you a cup of coffee? We can discuss this more in the kitchen."

  "ANOTHER CUP OF coffee, Lex?" Lester, the bunkhouse cook, waved the pot in the air. "It's still raining pretty good. I'd hate to see that old Jeep of yours end up in a ditch somewhere."

  Lex choked down the rest of her cup. It was a lot stronger than she was used to, but a welcome offering to warn her after being out in the damp air. She grinned at the men seated around the scarred old table. "Nah. Since I've already whipped these guys in poker, I might as well head on up to the house."

  No fair. We should get a chance to win our pennies back," Roy complained good naturedly. "I'm out almost a dollar as it is."

  "Is it my fault you can't bluff?" Lex stood and jiggled the change in her pockets. "At least you're not the one rattling when you walk."

  Chet, another one of the hands, tossed a penny at Roy, hitting him in the chest. "here. Don't say I never gave you nothing."

  Roy picked up the offering and studied it. "Gee, thanks. Now I get that new truck I was thinking about." He flipped it in the air. "Since you have all my others, do you want this one too, boss?"

  "That's okay. Save it for next time, then I'll take it off your hands." Lex ducked as the penny went sailing over her head. "You're going to have to do better than that."

  Before Lex could make it to the door, the telephone near the stove rang. Lester limped over and answered it. "Lex? It's for you."

  She walked to where he stood and took the handset. "Thanks."

  "Lexie, you need to get up to the house." Worry colored Martha's tone.

  "What's up?"

  "I don't want to get into it over the phone, but you've got a visitor."

  Lex propped herself against the wall and studied the fingernails on one hand. She frowned when she saw dried mud underneath them. "Who is it? Not Hubert again?"

  "No. It's a fellow you should talk to. Now quit playing twenty questions and get your rear to the house."

  Lex's cocked her head at the no-nonsense tone in Martha's voice. Whatever it was, she was upset. "Yes, ma'am." Lex hung up the phone. She moved to the door and took her coat from its peg, shrugging into it. "Gotta go, guys. I'll be back some other time to take your money."

  Roy made a shooing motion with his hands. "Go on. I'll try to find something constructive for this lot to do." He waited until the door was closed and turned to Lester. "Is Martha on the warpath?"

  The old cook shrugged. "Didn't sound like it. At least not until the boss was giving her a hard time." He hitched up his pants. "Since it's still raining, it's a good day to move all the furniture and clean the floors. Come on, boys. I'm going to put y'all to work." He was answered by a roomful of groans.

  STANDING ON THE back porch of the ranch house, Lex took her hat off and shook the rain water from it. "I'm starting to feel like a damned fish." She stomped her feet to clear some of the mud off, then wiped them on a thick mat outside the door. Satisfied they were clean enough, she stepped into the house and hung her hat and duster on the hooks by the door. "Martha?"

  "Stop your yelling, Lexie." Martha came out of the kitchen and swatted her with a towel. "I know you like to spend all your time there, but I didn't raise you in a barn."

  Properly chastised, Lex took the towel from Martha and wiped the water from her own face. "Sorry about that."

  Martha took the towel away from her and dabbed at Lex's hair. "You're soaked."

  "Couldn't help it. It's coming down in buckets out there." Lex ducked out of the way. "Stop that."

  "Maybe you should go upstairs and get into some dry clothes."

  "It's not that bad. I'll dry."

  Martha slapped at Lex's arm. "You'll catch cold is what you'll do. Go change and I'll have your guest wait for you in the den."

  Knowing she was beat, Lex kissed Martha's cheek. "Yes, ma'am." She hurried up the stairs, leaving small bits of mud as she went.

  "I'm going to kill that girl one of these days." Martha could always count on Lex keeping her mop bucket in use. She went to keep Cleve company until Lex returned.

  Less than five minutes later Lex returned to the first floor of the house. She walked into the living room where Martha was talking with a man who sat next to the fireplace. "Hello."

  He jumped to his feet. "Ms. Walters. Thanks for seeing me."

  "No problem." Lex held out her hand, pleased with his strong grip. "Call me Lex."

  "Okay, Lex. My name's Cleve Winters."

  Lex motioned for him to sit. She took the chair opposite him. "What can I do for you, Mr. Winters?"

  "Cleve, please." He propped one foot on his opposite knee and began to jiggle it nervously. "I wasn't expecting to see you."

  "Who exactly were you expecting?"

  Realizing his foot was moving, Cleve stopped. "I actually came here looking for Mr. Walters."

  "Why? Did he offer you a job or something?" Out of the corner of her eye, Lex saw Martha twisting her ever-present dishtowel. "Martha?"

  "I think I'll get you two some coffee." Martha stood and left the room, unable to meet Lex's gaze.

  Lex got to her feet also. "All right, Cleve. I'm not in the mood for games. What the hell's going on here?"

  His foot started wiggling again. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to upset Mrs. Bristol. I only came here to--"

  "To what?" Lex was on the verge of jerking him out of the cha
ir and shaking him. "Spit it out. Why were you looking for my dad? What was he to you?"

  Cleve studied the stitched pattern on the top of his boot. "My father."

  "Excuse me?" Lex was sure she didn't hear him correctly.

  "I said--he was my father."

  Lex felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. She fell into her chair. "I don't believe this."

  He rose from the chair. "Look, Ms. Walters. I didn't come here to cause any problems. I wanted to meet my father."

  "What makes you think my father, Rawson Walters, was yours, too?" Lex ran her hands through her hair, which was still damp from the rain.

  "Because my mother told me so."

  "How do you know she was telling the truth?"

  Cleve's face reddened. He grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her from the chair. "Are you calling my mother a liar?"

  "Get your damn hands off me." Lex clutched his wrists in an effort to break free.

  "What's going on in here?" Martha came into the room and almost dropped the tray she was holding. "Lexie, stop it!"

  Lex pushed Cleve away from her and brushed the front of her shirt. "I didn't do anything. This jackass attacked me."

  Embarrassed by his actions, Cleve backed away from Lex and stuck his hands in his front pockets. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Bristol." He glared at Lex. "Just don't talk about my mother like that."

  "Like what? All I did was ask a simple question." Lex took the tray from Martha and set it on a nearby table. "Thanks."

  "You insinuated my mother was a liar." He clinched his fists at his sides. "I don't appreciate that."

  Lex adjusted her shirt. It was still wrinkled where he grabbed it. "Well, I don't like when someone manhandles me either. So I guess we're even."

  Martha was tempted to spank her. "Behave."

  "Fine." Lex sat again. "Okay, Cleve. Why don't you tell me why your mother thinks we have the same father?"

  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Digging through it he finally found what he was looking for. Cleve handed Lex a small photograph. "See for yourself."


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