To Hold Forever

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To Hold Forever Page 36

by Carrie Carr

  "Does Mommy gots owie?"

  "Um, no. Well, kind of, I guess." Lex took Lorrie into the room Lois had given them and sat on the bed. "Remember we told you how Mommy had a baby in her tummy?"

  "Yep." Lorrie wriggled until she was comfortable on Lex's lap.

  Lex used her fingers to comb through her daughter's unruly hair. "Well, it was time for the baby to come, so we took mommy to the hospital to see the doctor."

  Lorrie seemed to think about what Lex told her. She rested her head on her momma's cheek. "I want my Mommy."

  "I know, sweetheart. How about after we have breakfast, we go see her? I bet she'll be glad to see you."

  "Otay." Now that her curiosity had been sated, Lorrie was ready for action. She climbed off Lex's lap and tugged at her momma's hand. "Can we eats like hosses?"

  Lex allowed herself to be dragged from the room. Amanda had teased her about the only breakfast food she could cook without burning. Oatmeal before it was microwaved looked like horse feed, or so Amanda said. It quickly became Lorrie's favorite, which pleased Lex to no end. "Sure thing, lil' bit." Lex picked her up, which caused Lorrie to squeal. "Then you can tell your Mommy all about it." She hoisted her daughter onto her shoulders and did a slow lope to the kitchen.

  VOICES MINGLED TOGETHER in the open room, as several officers and suspects argued amongst themselves. Hubert sat next to a crowded desk with his head in his hands. He raised his head when a short man in uniform dropped into the rolling leather chair across from him.

  "Mr. Walters, are you aware of the conditions of your parole?" Officer Griffith flicked through the faxed sheets he'd received moments ago.

  "Yeah, I guess." In actuality, Hubert had no idea, other than the weekly reports he was required to make to his parole officer. "When do I pay my ticket and get the hell out of here? I've got places I need to be."

  Griffith placed the papers on his desk. "Don't worry. You'll be going, soon enough. Your parole has been revoked and you're facing charges in Texas, as well as here."

  "Revoked? What the hell does that mean?"

  "Rescinded, repealed, cancelled. Take your pick."

  Hubert slapped his hand against his thigh. "I know what the word means, goddamn it. I'm not an idiot." He thought for a moment. "I need to call my lawyer."

  The officer turned the phone around to face him. "That's the first sensible thing you've said since you were brought in here. Don't take all day." He opened the bottom drawer of his desk and flipped through several file folders before taking out a form. "I've got plenty of paperwork to keep me busy."

  "Jackass," Hubert mumbled under his breath. He jabbed the buttons on the phone, and waited impatiently for an answer. "Come on, damn it. Pick up the phone." He bounced his knee nervously. "Hey, Kirk. I need a little help."

  "Now what? I'm not going to be a part of any more of your schemes, Hubert. I almost lost my license over that last fiasco. So if that's what you're calling about--"

  "No, nothing like that." Hubert cut him off before he could go into a full rant. "Would you shut up? I'm in trouble and I need a lawyer."

  A heavy sigh escaped from Kirk. "What else is new? Where are you anyway? Your sister called me a couple of days ago, ready to rip my head off."

  "Forget about her, damn it. You've got to come up here and take care of some things."

  "Up where?"

  Hubert glanced at the cop, who was ignoring him. "Oklahoma. They've got me on some trumped-up possession charges."

  "You've got to be kidding me. You crossed state lines? Damn it, Hubert, that's against the conditions of your parole. Wait. Did you say possession? What have you gotten into now?"

  "It's not mine, dumbass. Someone planted it in my car. But these bozos won't listen to me. So you've got to get your ass in gear and take care of it. I'm not about to go to jail."

  Officer Griffith chuckled. "Want to bet?" He cleared his throat and continued to type after Hubert glared at him.

  Hubert sighed and returned his attention to Kirk. "What? I missed what you said."

  "I'm not driving all the way up to Oklahoma, Hubert. I'm not even licensed to practice law outside of Texas. So you'll have to find a lawyer there."

  "What the hell do I pay you for, then?"

  "You haven't, remember? You told me to get it from your sister, who, by the way, has filed charges against me. I'll be lucky to keep myself out of jail, asshole. So go to hell." Kirk hung up without letting Hubert answer him.

  "Fuck!" Hubert hit his leg with the receiver. "Son of a bitch."

  The cop turned in his chair to look at him. "Problem?" He seemed to enjoy Hubert's discomfort.

  "No. I mean, yeah. My lawyer can't make it. You got one I can talk to?"

  "They'll appoint you one, Mr. Walters." Griffith pushed the paper across the desk and held out a pen. "Read this over and sign it."

  Hubert took the pen and scribbled his name across the bottom of the page. "Now what?"

  "I'll take you to the holding cell, until your counsel arrives." He stood and gestured for Hubert to do the same. "Do you have any family to notify?"

  For a second, Hubert considered calling Lex, but quickly decided against it. He had a feeling she wouldn't help him, family or not. "No, I've got nobody." He walked ahead of the cop, trying to figure out how his life had gotten out of hand so quickly.

  THE MATERNITY WING of the hospital wing was bustling with activity as Lex and Lorrie walked toward Amanda's room. In one hand, Lex carried a small teddy bear with a balloon attached, which Lorrie helped pick out. Her other hand was held firmly by her daughter, who clutched a page out of a coloring book, which she had colored for her mommy.

  Lorrie's eyes grew wide when a woman pushing a cart of books and snacks rolled by them. She'd never seen so many goodies before. "Momma, what's dat?"

  Lex was saved by a voice from behind them. "That's something the nice lady takes to all the rooms, so folks will have snacks and stuff to read." Martha stepped around them. "Good morning, girls."

  "Mada!" Lorrie released Lex's hand and practically leaped into Martha's arms. She waved the paper in Martha's face. "I made dis for Mommy."

  Martha noticed the date and Lorrie's name on the bottom of the page, printed neatly by Lex. "It's beautiful, honey." She was pleased to see that her nagging worked. Lex's eyes were clear and the exhaustion from the previous day was gone. "You look much better today, Lexie."

  "Thanks to you." Lex kissed Martha's cheek. "One of these days I'll learn not to argue with you."

  "Uh-huh. It'll snow in July before that happens." Martha turned and continued toward Amanda's room, leaving Lex sputtering in the hall.

  Lorrie squirmed in Martha's arms as they stepped into Amanda's room. "Mommy!" She tried to get down, but Martha held firm.

  "Hold on there, sweetie, we have to be careful. Your Mommy's pretty tender right now."

  Amanda held out her arms when Martha cautiously helped Lorrie onto the bed. "Hi, baby. I've missed you." She kissed the top of her daughter's head.

  Lex came into the room and placed the balloon-wielding bear on a side table. She took her place on the other side of the bed and kissed Amanda's cheek. "You're looking great, sweetheart."

  "I doubt that, but thanks." Amanda self-consciously brushed her hair down with her hand. "I'd kill for a bath."

  Lex leaned close and whispered in her ear, "I'll give you a sponge bath, later." She kissed Amanda's ear before straightening up. "Love you."

  "Love you, too." Amanda noticed the paper Lorrie was holding. "What's that?"

  Lorrie stared at the paper before thrusting it in Amanda's face. "I clorled dis for you."

  "It's beautiful." She raised her eyes to Lex. "I'm glad you went home and got some rest." She had been surprised to wake up and find herself alone, but had a feeling Martha had sent her partner away.

  "It wasn't my idea." Lex pointed to Martha. "She made me."


  They all turned toward the door when a nurse came in, carrying a
fussing Melanie. "I believe it's someone's lunchtime." She handed the baby to Amanda. "How are you doing?"

  "Sore, but tired of lying around."

  Lorrie oooh'd in surprise when she saw the infant. "Mommy? Who's dat?"

  "This is your baby sister, sweetie. Her name's Melanie." Amanda pulled the baby's blanket away enough so that her arm was showing. "Would you like to touch her?"

  "I can?"

  Lex moved to stand behind Lorrie. "Yep. Be real easy." She lightly touched Lorrie's arm with her fingers. "Like that."

  "Otay." Lorrie held out her hand cautiously and touched Melanie's arm. "Soft. Likes Teddy is." Emboldened by Amanda's smile, she rubbed her as if the infant were a pet. "I likes the baby."

  Melanie, tired of the attention, began to cry, which scared Lorrie.


  "It's okay, lil' bit." Lex covered Melanie's arm and kissed Lorrie on the head. "Melanie's still getting used to us. And I think she's hungry."

  "Oh." Lorrie tugged on the baby's blanket. "S'okay, Melly. Momma gets you sumpin' to eats." She turned to Lex. "Momma?"

  Lex tried to keep from laughing at her daughter's plea. "Actually, kiddo, that's something your Mommy is going to have to do. Right, Mommy?"

  "Right." Amanda started to pull down her top, before realizing Martha was standing nearby. She wasn't too comfortable nursing in front of anyone besides Lex. "Um--"

  Martha waved her hand. "Say no more. I think I'll go check out the gift shop."

  "Mada, I goes?" Lorrie loved spending time with her parents, but she loved running around a lot more. Since the baby wouldn't play with her, she'd find something else to do.

  "Sure, honey." Martha helped her from the bed. "We'll be back in a little while. I've got to spend some time with my favorite girl."

  As soon as the room quieted, Amanda held one hand out to Lex.

  "Come here. I think this is going to be a two-person job."

  Lex eased Amanda far enough up so Lex could sit partially behind her. "How's this?"

  "Perfect." Amanda opened her top and guided Melanie to her breast. Not much encouragement was needed, as the infant quickly latched on to her nipple and fed hungrily. "I still say she's got your appetite."

  Lex chuckled as she lightly stroked the baby's head with her thumb. "You seem to bring that out in us." She became quiet as she thought about how different her life had become. If someone would have told her ten years ago that she'd be sitting on a hospital bed with her wife and newborn child, she'd have laughed in their face. Now, she couldn't remember what it felt like to be alone. Amanda had brought so much into her life. She kissed Amanda's temple. "I love you."

  Amanda turned her head slightly. She could see the moisture pooling in her lover's eyes. "You've made my life worth living, Lex. I love you, too." They shared a sweet, tender kiss, both looking forward to the rest of their lives.

  About the Author

  Carrie Carr is a true Texan, having lived in the state her entire life. She makes her home in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex with her wife, Jan. She's done just about everything from wrangling longhorn cattle and buffalo, to programming burglar and fire alarm systems. Her time is spent writing, traveling, and trying to keep up with their two dogs -a Chihuahua/Boston Terrier-mix named Nugget, and a Rat Terrier named Cher. Carrie's website is She can be reached at [email protected].

  Other Carrie Carr titles published by Yellow Rose Books


  Destiny's Bridge -Rancher Lexington (Lex) Walters pulls young Amanda Cauble from a raging creek and the two women quickly develop a strong bond of friendship. Overcoming severe weather, cattle thieves, and their own fears, their friendship deepens into a strong and lasting love.

  Faith's Crossing -Lexington Walters and Amanda Cauble withstood raging floods, cattle rustlers and other obstacles to be together...but can they handle Amanda's parents? When Amanda decides to move to Texas for good, she goes back to her parents' home in California to get the rest of her things, taking the rancher with her.

  Hope's Path -Someone is determined to ruin Lex. Efforts to destroy her ranch lead to attempts on her life. Lex and Amanda desperately try to find out who hates Lex so much that they are willing to ruin the lives of everyone in their path. Can they survive long enough to find out who's responsible? And will their love survive when they find out who it is?

  Love's Journey -Lex and Amanda embark on a new journey as Lexington rediscovers the love her mother's family has for her, and Amanda begins to build her relationship with her father. Meanwhile, attacks on the two young women grow more violent and deadly as someone tries to tear apart the love they share.

  Strength of the Heart -Lex and Amanda are caught up in the planning of their upcoming nuptials while trying to ger the ranch house rebuilt. But an arrest, a brushfire, and the death of someone close to her forces Lex to try and work through feelings of guilt and anger. Is Amanda's love strong enough to help her, or will Lex's own personal demons tear them apart?

  The Way Things Should Be -In this, the sixth novel, Amanda begins to feel her own biological clock ticking while her sister prepares for the birth of her first child. Lex is busy with trying to keep her hands on some newly acquired land, as well trying to get along with a new member of her family. Everything comes to a head, and a tragedy brings pain -and hope -to them all.

  Something To Be Thankful For

  Randi Meyers is at a crossroads in her life. She's got no girlfriend, bad knees, and her fill of loneliness. The one thing she does have in her favor is a veterinarian job in Fort Worth, Texas, but even that isn't going as well as she hoped. Her supervisor is cold-hearted and dumps long hours of work on her. Even if she did want a girlfriend, she has little time to look.

  When a distant uncle dies, Randi returns to her hometown of Woodbridge, Texas, to attend the funeral. During the graveside services, she wanders away from the crowd and is beseeched by a young boy to follow him into the woods to help his injured sister. After coming upon an unconscious woman, the boy disappears. Randi brings the woman to the hospital and finds out that her name is Kay Newcombe.

  Randi is intrigued by Kay. Who is this unusual woman? Where did her little brother disappear to? And why does Randi feel compelled to help her? Despite living in different cities, a tentative friendship forms, but Randi is hesitant. Can she trust her newfound friend? How much of her life and feelings can Randi reveal? And what secrets is Kay keeping from her? Together, Randi and Kay must unravel these questions, trust one another, and find the answers in order to protect themselves from outside threats--and discover what they mean to one another.

  Diving Into the Turn

  Diving Into the Turn is set in the fast-paced Texas rodeo world. Riding bulls in the rodeo is the only life Shelby Fisher has ever known. She thinks she's happy drifting from place to place in her tiny trailer, engaging in one night stands, and living from one rodeo paycheck to another -- until the day she meets barrel racer Rebecca Starrett. Rebecca comes from a solid, middle-class background and owns her horse. She's had money and support that Shelby has never had. Shelby and Rebecca take an instant dislike to each other, but there's something about Rebecca that draws the silent and angry bull rider to her. Suddenly, Shelby's life feels emptier, and she can't figure out why. Gradually, Rebecca attempts to win Shelby over, and a shaky friendship starts to grow into something more.

  Against a backdrop of mysterious accidents that happen at the rodeo grounds, their attraction to one another is tested. When Shelby is implicated as the culprit to what's been happening will Rebecca stand by her side?

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