The Hunters Rage

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The Hunters Rage Page 17

by Elizabeth N Harris

  “Not bleeding out yet, let’s move, don’t want my blood on the floor.”

  “Knife?” Akemi said striding over and shoving a pressure bandage over the wound. He looked found for a blood trail and found it, Akemi pulled bleach and began destroying it.

  “And a bullet graze.”

  “Lucky shot.” Akemi said with a small smile. Akemi deftly slapped a second pressure bandage on my arm.

  “Fucking was.” I agreed as Akemi finished destroying mine and Angel’s blood trails.

  “Hmm. Let’s get you and Angel home.” As we approached the exit, sirens screeched into the yard of the warehouse. We sank back into the shadows as police exited vehicles and approached the building weapons drawn. Akemi and I faded backwards looking for another exit.

  We heard pipe bikes, and I looked up as I saw Rage pull into the yard. Drake got off his bike, and I saw four of the MC behind him. None were Ace.

  “Head for the trees.” I said to Akemi, pointing at a broken window on the far side of the warehouse. The police entered the front, so the back was uncovered. We headed there at speed.

  We clambered out being careful not to cut ourselves on glass shards. The police come into the warehouse as we slipped into the tree line. The SUV hadn’t been in the yard, Butch and Simone got Angel away from the police cleanly.

  A figure stepped out in front of us and Akemi raised his gun. With a groan, I pulled the balaclava from my head. Lowrider regarded us, lowered his weapon and then cocked his head in the direction of the tree’s indicating for us to follow. We ran through the trees and hit a clearing. Jett was waiting beside two bikes.

  “Get on.” Lowrider told Akemi, and Akemi swung up behind Jett. Lowrider threw a leg over his own bike, and I climbed up behind him. I wrapped my arms around him as he kicked the bike stand and roared away. I clung to his back as he weaved through the back roads and straight to Rage. There was our SUV. Butch standing beside it in the darkness.

  “Go.” Lowrider said to Akemi. “Artemis stays.”

  “Not happening.” Akemi replied. Lowrider and Jett squared up to him.

  “Artemis is staying, my brother will want to see her.”

  “Artemis is injured and needs medical care. We’re taking her with us.” Butch said, and his loose body went tense. His gun was in his hand, and a quick glance showed Lowrider was similarly armed. Jett watched him with careful eyes his body also tense.

  “I’m going with them. We’ve medical training.” I told Lowrider. Lowrider prepared to argue, and then bikes roared into the forecourt, and the argument became moot. Butch and Simone disappeared into the darkness of the SUV and Akemi materialised at my side.

  “What the fuck were you thinkin’?” Ace roared, swinging his leg over his bike and stalking towards me.

  “It’s got shit to do with you.” I snarled back. Blood loss was making me dizzy and tetchy.

  “You took on Santos without backup.” I made a pfftting noise.

  “Had back up, now move. Need to get stitches.” Ace drew back looking at me and then saw the cut shirt and the bloody arm.

  “You’re hurt? You got shot?” Ace asked and then grabbed me by the other arm. Akemi plastered himself to my back, fire in his eyes.

  “Take your hands off my sister.” Akemi growled a threat in his voice. Ace ignored him.

  “Yeah, took a bullet. Gotta stitch it up, let me go to get this shit fixed up.” I told Ace not liking the worry I saw in his eyes.

  “This stops. We got kids, you stop this shit now. No more.” Ace demanded, and I allowed sadness to cross my face.

  “This is why we won’t work.” I told Ace and then pushed past him as Butch gunned the engine and Akemi and I was in the SUV before Rage could react. Ace’s burning gaze followed me, and I allowed one tear to fall before leaving the man I loved behind.

  Chapter Nine.

  Drake sat with his arms around his pregnant wife and resting his chin on Phoe’s shoulder. Phoe stood between his legs and was watching Ace. Hell, Drake was watching his brother too. Ace had returned to the sullen man he’d been before this shit with Artemis had started.

  They’d tried to find Artemis, but as usual, she was a ghost. No one had seen hide or hair of Artemis since that night, the police had found numerous bodies scattered at the warehouse but no perpetrator. RCPD had no direct leads leading them to Artemis and had no grounds for a warrant. He believed that Ramirez had taken his back or Artemis’s back. Drake would never ask Ramirez to compromise his principles, and Drake swore he’d never ask Ramirez if he had.

  Drake knew of the events that had happened on his forecourt and knew Ace had fucked up. Problem was Ace couldn’t tell Artemis he’d fucked up. Ace had lost his mind, worrying that night. Akemi brought the twins but refused to be engaged in conversation unless it concerned Falcon and Nova. Akemi remained respectful, as was his way, but the guy wouldn’t get involved.

  The twins said nothing, although they’d been asked. Nova, being Nova, asked if they were being forced to take sides. At the denials Nova received, she replied that her loyalties were with her mother. No one should put her and Falcon in the middle. After that, they left the kids alone.

  It was quiet on the streets but not for Santos. Police began receiving tip-offs and evidence, and they’d begun dismantling Santos’s empire. Rage, Hawthorne’s and RCPD knew the information came from Artemis. But it was solid and was allowed to the police to move fast when they needed.

  Instead of blowing shit up, Artemis was now playing informant and hacker. Drake shook his head. Artemis was certainly in a league of her own. Drake compared her to the girl she’d been and found very few similarities. Kayleigh had winced at the sight of blood and puke made her heave too.

  Kayleigh would never have told Ace to go fuck himself. Nor would Kayleigh have gone against Ace if it was something Ace was passionate about. Kayleigh didn’t have the stamina or physical fitness she had now. Although she’d been more prone to laughter and happiness back then.

  Yeah, Drake had a hard time reconciling the girl she’d been to who Artemis was now. Out of Rage, Drake understood what Artemis meant when she said Kayleigh was dead. Who Kayleigh once been, was gone, buried, murdered. Artemis was a different personality from Kayleigh. It was just damn confusing. Drake looked up from his contemplations as the door opened and Slate stuck his head in.

  “Drake, someone here to see you. Say’s it’s important?” Drake frowned. He’d shut the clubhouse tonight, Drake wanted time with his brothers and old ladies. No skanks, no biker bunnies, no hangers-on. Just family.

  “Tell them to come back.” Drake snapped at the prospect, pissed that his family time was being interrupted.

  “Think you’ll wanna see him.” Slate said firmly. Drake liked the prospect, saw good things in Slate’s future but the prospect needed to follow orders.

  “Tell him to come back.” Drake snarled this time, and Slate turned on his heel. Drake watched as seconds later, the door opened, and a small Japanese man entered.

  “Very rude when I came this distance to speak with you.” Master Hoshi said calmly, flicking an imaginary piece off fluff of his suit sleeve. Drake frowned.

  “What are you doin’ here?” Drake asked. “Where’s my prospect?”

  “The charming young man is taking a short nap. I wish to speak with you and Ace.”

  “Can’t see much to discuss, especially if you’ve hurt my prospect.” Drake tilted his head to Lex, who left the clubhouse.

  “The prospect merely sleeps, I wished no harm.” Master Hoshi’s tone left no doubt he could have meant and caused harm if he so wished.

  “Yet you put Slate to sleep.” Phoenix spoke up. Master Hoshi turned and studied her and Drake stepped between them.

  “Yes, my dear child, I put the prospect to sleep. A simple nerve pinch. Slate, was it? Will awake furious at being forced to sleep by a far older and smaller man than himself. Slate’s pride will be damaged, no doubt. Yes, yes, I see why my daughter went to war for Phoenix.
Your wife is beautiful.” Master Hoshi said, looking Drake in his eyes. “Inside and out.” Drake nodded curtly.

  “What do you want?” Drake asked as Master Hoshi let the silence fall as he looked around. Master Hoshi dragged his eyes back to the irate man.

  “World peace, harmony for all living things, innocents to never experience the dark side of life, but that’s unlikely.” The old man said. “I wish to talk to you and the man who aims to be my son.” Master Hoshi spun on his heel and regarded Ace, who’d moved silently up behind him. Ace stopped moving and folded his arms across his chest.

  “Why?” Ace asked.

  “My daughter suffers pain again. Is it not the duty of a father to stop a child’s pain? Come, come.” Master Hoshi said, clapping his hands and moving swiftly towards the inner sanctum. “Just you two if you please.” Master Hoshi flung over his shoulder. Drake met Ace’s eyes and Ace shrugged. What the fuck? They followed the quirky man into the inner sanctum and found Master Hoshi had settled himself into Fish’s chair at Drakes left-hand side.

  Drake and Ace settled in their chairs and turned their attention towards the wiry man. Master Hoshi fussed at his suit pants and took out a small box and hit a button and then looked at them.

  “This will short out any electrical listening devices and block recordings. Only you may hear this. If someone else hears or is told, I shall take care of the problem.” Master Hoshi warned in a soft voice.

  “Stop the spy shit and get on with it.” Ace said, unimpressed.

  “If Artemis spoke of from whence she came, Artemis faces death. Akemi or I would have to deliver it due to her position in our ranks. I may speak, I make the rules and may break them. I choose to do so now to help my daughter.

  It began many years ago, I was visiting an old friend in the hospital when a young girl was brought in as I left. It was intriguing because she’d two babes with her, both of whom were rushed into the theatre before I understood what was happening. The extent of Artemis’s injuries meant I knew a grave and serious injustice had been committed, and so I remained.

  Artemis had been viciously assaulted, no female should ever suffer such horror. She flatlined several times while I waited, survival appeared hopeless. The doctors thought to give up, but I’d power and used it to keep doctors working on Artemis and the children. They survived, and I became a regular visitor.

  With my money and power, I ensured Artemis and the two babes received the best medical care there was out there. Artemis was put back together like Frankenstein with one difference. I can wipe the scars on her flesh away with a good plastic surgeon, but I can’t wipe away the scars on her psyche.

  I covered every base. We recorded Kayleigh as dead, another Jane Doe. No name was given and records wiped from existence. The babes I registered as dead and paid or cajoled those in the know to stay silent. The fact they have done so is because they fear death. I brought in my medical people to treat Artemis and her babes.

  Akemi and I took the hate and the violence choking Artemis and honed it. I informed her it was possible to get justice and live. Artemis grasped the offer with two hands, I trained her for two-and-a-half years. She became a weapon forged in hate and revenge. She trained twelve, sixteen hours a day with little time off except time allowed to bond with the children. Artemis drove her own training with a dedication that even Akemi didn’t show.

  Many years ago, I found myself in a similar position, a victim of betrayal and lust. My father taught me the old ways. I took my revenge against those who had betrayed me and then I encountered a man a while later. Hurt and betrayed, same as I was, I trained him, and he took his revenge.

  So my idea grew. Why should evil escape punishment for their crime? It often leaves their victims in the dirt, but not those I found. They got their justice or revenge.” Master Hoshi paused and looked at Ace.

  “I find myself thirsty, perhaps a cold drink will help? Rarely do I talk so much about such things anymore.” Master Hoshi asked politely. Ace left and returned with a bottle of water.

  “Didn’t think you’d want a beer or cola.” Ace said, giving it to Master Hoshi.

  “I drink beer.” Master Hoshi said, opening his bottle and drinking.

  “Make a note.” Drake said wryly.

  “Over many years, the people I collected got their justice and then needed direction. I offered them direction, same as I gave Artemis direction. My daughter though was different. Artemis saw revenge as her and the twins surviving. She didn’t want blood at first. Artemis and my son became close and together began raising my grandchildren.

  Artemis is special. Very special, and so is my son. Everything Artemis felt for you she honed and used on missions. Yes, your information is half right. She did many missions, men died, she has countless deaths on her soul and is covered head to toe in blood.

  The girl brutalised so terribly is dead, and a hunter arose from Kayleigh Mitchell’s ashes. Artemis is stunning, is she not? For years Artemis did what she wanted, ran her own team. There are others as you surmised. Artemis is strong, so strong that I send her the ones who’d had revenge and yet can’t be risked to live in the world. She takes them and utilises them.

  When I pass from this world, Akemi and Artemis will run the organisation. They know the future and embrace it. Akemi and Artemis will continue to aid victims. They will continue to seek those downtrodden, used and broken and remake them into something beautiful and strong, the same as I did with them.

  Yet my daughter, with her hate and disgust, never once came here for actual revenge. Artemis stayed away until Rage MC called her. Artemis didn’t want to return here, she wanted the past to stay dead, but she had to face this. It was her last test, the last obstacle. I fear I forced an agreement on this.

  What we thought was, was not. She got beaten and brutalised again, although this time it was mentally and emotionally. Artemis decided actual revenge was needed, her soul cried for blood and sought it out. Until we found out the truth amongst the deceptions. Artemis should have broken again then, shattered in the fire of true betrayal and hurt, but she did not. She moved to make peace.

  Artemis is a difficult woman, one cannot simply control her. She needs aim and motivation. I am skilled at aiming Artemis where she needs to be. Artemis will not leave this life, because she cannot leave this life. There’s something none of you realised.” Master Hoshi broke off to take a drink.

  “What did we miss?” Ace asked, leaning forward.

  “Artemis has a monster. Every negative emotion Artemis suffered, created a monster, she appears to have it under control. However, I look, and I see the beast, it rages, the terrified child I first met has gone, consumed by the monster. I did not create that monster, Artemis did, I helped guide the monster into a position Artemis can control.

  If left unchecked Artemis is capable of raining blood and chaos where she walks. The missions let her monster out and feed it until it is glutted. The monster knows what it is to be alone, violated, scared, left for dead, and her monster will not let that happen again. Artemis would kill without reason or rhythm until she is put down. What Artemis does now allows her to control her monster.”

  “Monsters can be gentle and find love.” Ace said, leaning forward.

  “Indeed, even a monster can find love and fall in love. A monster by one perception is an angel by another’s. A child rescued, perceives an angel come to save her, a hero who walked through fire to save them from nightmares. The perpetrator creating the nightmare sees a real-life monster coming for him. Artemis is both.

  Killing does not faze my daughter, the killing will never faze my daughter, Artemis will not shy from it nor will she ever hesitate. Artemis will not take an innocent’s life, that is the control we have taught her. But she can give those who are guilty, a bloody and horrible death and feed the greedy monster. Artemis excels at justice and being a nightmare to those who are guilty.

  Your friend Hawthorne did not lie when he informed you she would take this clubhouse, a
nd everyone in it before you even knew Artemis was coming. You’d awaken to feel the whisper of her knife, as it slit your throat, and she’d watch as you bled to death.

  I gave Artemis two-and-a-half years training, the next nine years she sought her own further training. Artemis continued training with Akemi and myself as well. I do not think you understand the weapon Artemis is. A navy seal is a child compared to her, a marine is nothing, a ranger irrelevant, there’s no comparison for what Artemis and my organisation are.”

  “You’re Revenge. The organisation, there’s only been one mention of.” Master Hoshi nodded at Drake.

  “You killed anyone who mentioned it.” Ace said.

  “I killed those who sought to betray. There is a difference. Which is why my daughter cannot speak of these things.”

  “Why now?” Drake asked, sitting back.

  “Artemis will walk into a terrorist base alone and take out the fifty members before she stops. Even if her target is secure, Artemis will remain and kill those who are still alive. Why? Because she can. Because Artemis needs to and wants to. Do you understand what I am telling you?

  She loves you. She doesn’t recognise it, but she does. Or perhaps, being as perverse as she is, maybe Artemis knows she is in love with you. And chooses not to feed that love. That is unhealthy, Artemis feeds the monster, Artemis needs to feed love too. By telling Artemis she can’t be who she is, means you feed the beast. Instead of accepting Artemis for the wonderful woman she is, you tried to change her.

  Her monster revelled in that, gave it something to fight, to rage against. It began smothering the feelings Artemis had for Ace. It burns bright now and needs to smoother love, so Artemis indulges.”

  “What do you mean?” Ace asked, confused.

  “My grandchildren have a father now if Artemis dies, they remain having a parent. That is, if Akemi doesn’t take Falcon and Nova. This means that one of the things that kept the monster in control is gone. Falcon and Nova have a parent if Artemis dies. This in the past, stopped Artemis taking stupid risks, from burning the entire village.


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