Silver Fox & The Western Hero: Warrior Reborn: A LitRPG/Wuxia Novel - Book 1

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Silver Fox & The Western Hero: Warrior Reborn: A LitRPG/Wuxia Novel - Book 1 Page 9

by M. H. Johnson

  Yet a hundred contemplative breaths made it clear that Lord Justice's path, the patron god of this city, would never be Alex's own.

  Though he could take the first glorious steps upon that path, Silver would be a milestone, and should he reach Gold, it will only be by a miracle, with only one in perhaps a hundred million or a billion mortal souls ever achieving even the very first ranks of that pristine state of being.

  It was the Fox and Dragon that spoke to him.

  And he knew even then that he could step upon either path and embrace perfection, taking his first steps upon a glorious journey without end.

  But somehow, he sensed there was more.

  That these diametrically opposed paradigms of chaos and order, configurations of Yin and Yang, could be balanced.


  Even as years turned to decades and decades became centuries, Alex's soul pondered the mystery of it, till he sensed at last that he was in danger of becoming one with the Earth and Heaven forevermore, his essence embraced by a thousand cultivators; their strengths, flaws, and inner mysteries touching his soul as well.

  And just before his spirit accepted at last the siren call of the River of Souls as the faint yearning for life sparked within him once more, he gleaned a brilliant flash of enlightenment that inspired him so profoundly he took his first steps back to the beautiful world he had walked upon for a single night, before sleeping beneath her soil for a thousand years.

  A bear of a man was dueling a young upstart Bronze who dared challenge the larger man's claim to this favorite cultivation spot, lashing out with quarterstaff and powerful kicks, the ground exploding when the staff head came down. For all that the masters insisted their duels be to submission only, unjustified deaths leading to significant repercussions, the powerfully built disciple wanted to teach this laughing upstart a lesson.

  After clipping the smaller boy with a grazing blow to the temple that nonetheless had abruptly broken the younger lad’s perfect stream of adroit dodges, Alex's spirit sensed the child's imminent demise as the snarling cultivator before him roared and lashed out with a powerful strike, summoning his Qi in a powerful blow that would kill even a heavily armored man if he lacked a skilled cultivator's resiliency.

  And his wouldn't be the first death Alex had sadly accepted upon his soil.

  Yet this youth surprised him, somehow flowing into the tiny pauses between intent and action, seeming to flow around the terrible blow that smashed the ground so hard even Alex's tired bones rang with the impact.

  Somehow, the child had used Dark Qi, what almost all cultivators did their absolute best to expunge as impure clots within their meridians, but was really just the disorganized Qi of chaos and change. And for the very, very few who could use it, incorporate it, who did not fear the price that all but those with perfect discipline and meridian configurations would pay, it could be a fantastic tool.

  As the powerfully built cultivator found to his horror when his opponent flowed past his blow with supernatural grace before lashing out with a knife-hand strike that tore right through his opponent's throat, forever wiping away the sneering disdain the Silver-ranked cultivator had worn, eyes widening with terror.

  Plaintive mewling could be heard as his heels kicked the ground, hands frantically grasping at a throat spewing blood.

  And Alex paid no further attention to the victor's ice-cold gaze, the disdain with which he viewed his enemy, refusing even to call for a healer, caring nothing for whatever price he would pay, savoring his opponent's death.

  For in those terrible, wondrous moments when the veil between life and death was thinnest, when all things were possible, Alex had his final epiphany as a spirit. He sensed at last how to combine the configurations of Fox and Dragon as one.

  Two seven-pointed stars that never meshed no matter how hard he tried, until he visualized the pair upon a giant shimmering pearl, one star pointing up, the other down, and the six points of each star fit perfectly when the black star pointed south and the white star north. And though those two points were diametrically opposed, as he continually squeezed together his visualized pearl, intensifying the qi sea trapped inside, there came a point of perfect balance, where the Heaven and Earth points met, wrapping around the other side.

  And in that pristine moment of perfect understanding, Alex got the notification he had been waiting for countless seasons that, for him, had passed in less than a thousand breaths.

  Cultivator Class System now fully incorporated. First Principles Understood.

  A cultivation path may be chosen at this time.

  Do you wish to embrace the broken path of Officer Wan? Warning, unable to proceed beyond 3rd ranked Aspirant with no access to Elemental powers.

  You have chosen no.

  Do you wish to embrace the golden path of the Huli Jing? Fate, Shadow, and Wood will be your Elemental affinities.

  You have chosen no.

  Do you wish to embrace the Divine Paths of the Fox, The Dragon, or The Sage? Warning: Imperfect compatibility with Divine Sage Path.

  You have chosen no standard templates.

  You have chosen to fuse Fox and Dragon paradigms. Time to successful Fusion: 600 Breaths.

  100% Compatibility achieved. The Paths of Fox and Dragon has been successfully converged.

  Do you wish to embrace the Divine Path of Duality? Warning: Limitations of both divinities will be in effect.

  You have chosen Yes!

  Congratulations, you are now a Disciple of the Dual Path.

  The Major Elements of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water are open to you. The Conjoining Elements of Metal, Spirit, Lightning (devil & spirit dispelling), and Wood (nature & healing) are open to you. Note: Long Wang's limitations are in effect. All elemental potencies must be either channeled through the body or tools and weapons wielded by the body (The Path of Physical Cultivation) or must be acts of creation performed upon willing subjects (Alchemy, Metallurgy, Healing.)

  Alchemy is open to you without restriction. Healing may only be performed upon willing subjects. Arcane artifacts may only affect the wielder or have an area of effect no greater than the tool forged. (Rings of healing, magic swords, suits of armor, etc.) You may scribe no Talismans save upon yourself or willing recipients (Tattoos). You may forge no artifacts of mass destruction.

  Congratulations! You have the ability to break down meridian impurities with Master ranked efficiency, separating strands into Dark and Light Qi. Dark Qi may be expelled, forged into Dark Qi Meridian Channels, or stored in Divine Caliber Artifacts. The strengths of Dark Qi include flexibility, movement, mastery of chaos and destruction.

  Elemental limitations do not apply to Dark Qi.

  Disadvantages of the Dual Path.

  Followers of this path cannot break their word once given.

  Tool of Fate: Periods of calm are the exception, not the rule. You are a focal point and natural buffer for Chaos and Order. Your stubborn insistence on synergizing two divine paths smacks of arrogance transcending the gods.

  Silver Fox would be proud. His curse of always living in exciting times is now your own as well.


  Alex Hammer

  Class – Cultivator: Disciple of the Dual Path (Unlimited potential. This is a Divine Path.)

  Rank 0 Basic Cultivation Achieved

  Physical Characteristics

  Strength 9 (Exceeds 37% of Population)

  Vitality 9 (Exceeds 37% of Population)

  Finesse 9 (Exceeds 37% of Population)

  Quickness 9 (Exceeds 37% of Population)

  Spiritual Characteristics

  Scholarship 11 (Exceeds 62% of Population)

  Perception 13 (Exceeds 83% of Population)

  Willpower 14 (Exceeds 90% of Population.)

  Qi pool 0 (All Meridian Channels are blocked.)

  Health Points: 100


  Insightful – Rank 2

  Charismatic –
Rank 1

  Skill of Significance

  Terran Grappling – Rank 2

  Terran Fencing – Rank 1

  Terran Capitalism – Rank 3

  Mathematics – Rank 2

  Interface Enhanced Skills

  Biochemical Mastery – Rank 3

  Poisons Mastered: – Deathwort, Crimson Parsnip, Eldritch Hogweed, Foolsbane, Jazmin Berries, Magebane, Toxic Tapinella and Deathberries. (You have full immunity to all poisons mastered. You may now synthesize balms to any poison mastered.)

  Botanical Formulae mastered: – NONE

  Arcane Formulae mastered: – NONE

  Bio-Contaminants mastered: – NONE

  Full Regenerative Capacity – Heal rate based on Vitality. Injuries will be free of scarring. Missing limbs will require 1 month per pound of bio material lost to regenerate fully.

  Cultivation Talents

  Rank 0 Basic Cultivator. (No Meridian Gateways opened at this time.)

  Body Cultivation Techniques Learned: – NONE

  Qi Purification Techniques Learned: – NONE

  Qi Cycling Techniques learned: – NONE

  Qi Disciplines learned: – NONE


  As brilliant dreams of divine Cultivation techniques were replaced by more concrete memories of his mad fight for survival, Alex found himself walking in mist-filled corridors that seemed without end. Far from finding the endless gloomy corridors filled with sarcophagi at all distressing, he found them somehow soothing, knowing that he would reach his destination in time.

  He smiled as he reflected upon his odd state of consciousness, somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, understanding somehow that endless years had passed within the story he found himself in, yet at the same time the experience seemed to have lasted no longer than the night he had first met Inspector WiFu, who was smiling at him at that very moment, wearing the same wide-brimmed black hat and uniform Alex had first met him in, just a couple of nights or perhaps a thousand years ago.

  Alex blinked as the light grew in intensity, his bemused self-reflection making it clear that his long night of sleep was finally coming to an end.

  "It took you long enough," quipped the smiling inspector, gazing at him so intently, brilliant eyes of silver and jade so like his daughter's, giving a bemused nod of approval. "But considering your attempts to fuse not one but two Divine Cultivation Paths, it's hardly surprising." He chuckled softly. "I swear, Grandfather looked ready to burst a vessel when I told him why you were so stubbornly clinging to this realm between life and death, providing such rich sustenance for the cultivators even now fighting over your gravesite. And after a thousand years, I fear the infusion will last pretty much forever." He gave a dramatic sigh. "Oh well. At least the duels make for entertaining fireworks displays, or as close to fireworks as this realm gets with the change of every season."

  Alex blinked. "Lord Zheng Yi is angry with me?"

  "Oh, you can talk! I was afraid you were going to take that Hungry Ghost thing way too seriously. But I'm happy to see that your cognitive faculties are actually intact, your body solidifying as we speak. Wonderful! And dear Grandfather's outrage at your gall was to be expected from someone renowned for his sense of order, rank, and propriety. The gears needed for a city to run smoothly."

  Alex winced. "He's mad about my trying to combine two divine paths, isn't he?"

  Silver Fox smirked. "What do you expect? Frankly, I think he's a little bit hurt you didn't choose his path. I mean, honestly, what Earth-bound gamer wouldn't be tempted to play the closest thing to a mage our paradigm allows? Throwing lightning bolts and tornadoes vicious enough to blow away entire armies daring to rise against you."

  Alex swallowed. "Entire armies?"

  WiFu's grin was positively wicked. "How do you think Grandfather managed to claim this city from the wilds in the first place?"

  Alex chuckled softly. "Honestly, when I was trying to figure it all out, as much as I recall the odd focus I had, there was very little thought of external ramifications. I was just trying to feel out the class and build that fit me best."

  WiFu nodded. "Exactly what I told him. At least Long Wang forbore from doing more than grumbling at your tomb. Between you and me, I think he's flattered that you wanted to embrace his path so badly you spent a thousand years trying to synergize it with my own. The lord of cities, however, is still less than pleased with us both."

  "Well if he's the god of cities, then he should be overjoyed, no? As innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit are every bit as important as order and justice in securing a city's fortunes, am I right?"

  Silver Fox's eyes positively twinkled. "Exactly what I told the old curmudgeon. And he can't deny that the heavenly sect founded upon the very spot where we had our, ahem, misunderstanding hasn't paid back the city in dividends many times over, Zheng Yi's name honored to this day amongst all of our city's many cultivators as well as by the city lord himself."

  Alex chuckled softly. "Well, that's a happy ending. I wanted to ask, though, what exactly happened that night? I mean first I saw you turning to a fox… I think…" He paled under WiFu's suddenly intense gaze. "And then, well, it seemed like that furious battle between you and Long Wang that managed to churn the entire sea somehow turned into your daughter sinking those ships using specially designed siege equipment?"

  An awkward silence grew as WiFu said absolutely nothing, just measured him with a quiet smile, breathing slowly as he did so.

  Slow and deep, almost as if he were meditating.

  Or, perhaps, cultivating.

  Filled with a sudden sense of excitement, Alex sat on his butt, noting the suddenly cold floor yet not letting it distract him from assuming the lotus position and doing his best to emulate the wily fox's technique.

  The divine inspector gave Alex a bemused nod, slowly slipping off a thin copper ring from his leftmost finger. It was a tiny thing, looking like worthless wire someone had twisted into a knot out of boredom and lacking any real value, that he placed in his left palm.

  He then revealed the treasure in his right palm. Alex gasped at the pristinely beautiful ring of gold encrusted with jewels that seemed to flash and sparkle like a dozen glittering stars.

  "My gift to you, lad, by way of saying thank you."

  Alex blinked. "A pair of rings?"

  The fox slowly nodded. "The beauty in my right hand is the one Zheng Yi hopes you will accept. It is the priceless heirloom of the ruling clan of this city. It is a storage ring, filled with magical treasures, beast cores, medicinal pills, and sacred texts. It will one day be the heirloom of a lucky boy blessed by the gods themselves for his diligence, perseverance, and, when it was most important, his humility."

  Alex blinked, a cold chill flowing up and down his spine as he met Silver Fox's gaze.

  "So, what you're saying is, if I put that on, I will be reborn in truth."

  WiFu nodded. "You will close your eyes in the gentlest of slumbers and awaken anew in your mother's arms. The blessed firstborn of the man who will come into rule exactly 77 years from now, should no untoward ripples form within destiny's cloth. His life will be a joyous one, and he will be one of the few cultivators within this city to ever ascend to the Gold, with affinities quite similar to Zheng Yi's own."

  Alex swallowed. "But, if I choose it, this will be no more real than a dream to me. And the divine insights I gained..."

  "Will serve as the key that unlocks the door to seven lifetimes’ worth of luck, and your first life that of a prince who will achieve Gold Dragon cultivation. Not something to sneeze at, Alex. Not at all."

  Alex swallowed, feeling a sudden fierce temptation to take that beautiful shimmering ring, to forget all the horror and pain he had suffered as a young man feeling his life trickle away to cancer after surviving a car accident that took his father and sisters away from him. To know that he could have seven joyous lifetimes worth of fortune, gain prestige and power as he walked upon a promised golden path, where he was
almost certain no one he loved would die in his arms until their lives, rich and full, at last came to Winter's end.

  His once more living heart hammering, he squeezed his hand into a fist before it could touch that tempting, teasing ring.

  "Tell me about the copper knot in your other hand, Silver Fox."

  The ancient inspector flashed an approving wink, chuckling softly. "This old thing? As opposed to a storeroom of wealth, it holds but a few dusty tomes within its endless chambers, though you can imagine whatever bookcase, cabinet, or other structure you wish within a storage space comprised of infinite space and dream. But no matter how fancy your delusions, you can only take out whatever you put in. Technically, it can hold anything you want, and anything that wants to possess it. If you're smart, you'll figure out the trick of it, soon enough."

  His gaze hardened. "But remember, lad, it holds no chests filled with gold, jewels, or medicinal herbs. You will have to make your own fortune, your own luck. And the path this ring represents is a perilous one indeed."

  Alex swallowed. "But all my insights, all my memories..."

  "You will keep. Your status as a mortal cultivator who dares to walk upon the Divine Dual Path you alone have discovered will begin in earnest. May the gods have mercy upon your presumptuous soul."

  Alex’s heart roared in his ears as he made his choice, the divine trickster's eyes glimmering in approval. "Well done, lad. Now make haste, for it's considered blasphemous for a foreigner to be found within the sacred burial site of a servant of the gods, for all that the laws are far more lax today than they once were."

  Alex shivered at that, chuckling softly. "So, I guess I'm on the run once more."

  His patron winked. "I fear you are doomed to live in times as interesting as my own. May you learn to savor the adventure of it just as much as I. But always be ready to dodge life's hammers. Fate's folly will crush you if you're not careful, though you'll find the fox's fortune softening at least a few of those blows."


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