Enchanted: (Billionaire Venture Capitalist #8): A Fake Fiancée Romance

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Enchanted: (Billionaire Venture Capitalist #8): A Fake Fiancée Romance Page 25

by Ainsley St Claire

  “But what about everything else?”

  “You’ve got this under control. In a few days, he’ll have an encrypted phone, and the lines of communication will open between the two of you. Your father is going to take down an international criminal organization that looks like it covers almost every continent.”

  She must be exaggerating. “What do I do now?”

  “You go about your life for the time being. You’ll remain on the board of your father’s company. He knows where Lillian is, and she’ll be arrested tonight.”

  “Wow, that’s great news.”

  “He did mention that the inheritance that was given to Lillian was set up so that he could track her. He was thrilled that you couldn’t care less about the money. He also said he likes Quinn and talked to her at one point. I guess she was walking around a park and she was admiring a statue. He also thought you should know that she flew to Atlanta, bought a silver Toyota Camry, and drove to her father’s home in Pensacola, Florida.”

  I shake my head and smile. “I’ve been looking for her since she left, and no one knew where she was. I need to go to Florida.”

  “Only if you go with your bodyguard. Your father believes you’re in danger, and you just might be. The world knows you and your dad took down a human trafficking ring.”

  “If they don’t know he’s alive, then they won’t know I’m behind anything.”

  Marci smiles. “He’s your dad. On some of these things, he may be right on. Take the bodyguard to Florida.” As almost an afterthought, she adds, “He also said, if you get a bunch of hang-ups from burner phones, he’s thinking of you.”

  I should have known. I miss my dad.

  While I wait for my bodyguard, I text Mason.

  Me: She’s in Pensacola. I’m going to fly in tomorrow.

  Mason: She’s crazy if she doesn’t come back.

  Me: Agreed.

  Chapter thirty-three


  Waking up in the guest bedroom at my father’s has been fun, but this isn’t a vacation like my dad thinks. I’m here for a while. The heat borders on oppressive. The humidity makes me feel like I can never get dry. I have a fine ring of wet hair constantly. And my hair... it’s a disaster. I look like a furry dog. I keep it in a ponytail, but that gives me a headache after a while.

  I hear the news going in the kitchen. They’re highlighting the legal maneuvering of those caught in the human trafficking ring. From what I can tell from the news report, they’re pleading out to avoid public hearings, which is good news for William. He won’t have to testify. They remind everyone that William and his dead father brought down the ring.

  The scary part is that they believe that this has been going on for years. I can’t even imagine. Young runaways, girls from impoverished countries promised an escape, and flat out kidnappings—there is no way to see this as anything other than tragic. I’m proud of William for having the courage to put a stop to it. His company teetered for a while, but I could see some heavy Greer influence on making sure the focus was on that the moral high ground was where they wanted to be.

  I read in the paper that they expected William to assume the position as chairman of the company, but I’ve been reading the business paper in Philadelphia, and it looks like they found someone from Silicon Valley to come in. I’m so happy for William. He can try to go back to his unassuming life in San Francisco.

  I walk into the kitchen in search of a cold glass of orange juice and a slice of toast. I’m in the kitchen when my dad announces, “Here she is. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  I would, but these days I drink it over ice. I nod and grab the pot I brewed last night and tucked into the fridge.

  “What’s your plan today?”

  “I guess I should start looking for a job that will make me some money to pay my bills while I continue to look for a job more in line with my skills.”

  “Are you staying here because of me? Because, sweetheart, I’m doing great. Maggie and I wander the beach, which keeps my stress and blood pressure low. Everything is going well.”

  I sit down at the table. It’s time to confess. “No, Dad. Right now I don’t have anywhere to go.”

  “What do you mean? You said you weren’t fired.”

  “I wasn’t. I quit.”

  “But you love your job, why would you quit?”

  I take a deep breath. “I couldn’t afford to live in San Francisco anymore. My rent was more than a paycheck, and I make good money.”

  “You could live in a less expensive apartment.”

  “I do stay in a less expensive apartment. I’m not in a trendy neighborhood, but I do live where it’s safe.”

  “What about getting a roommate?”

  He doesn’t understand. His rent for his two-bedroom apartment two blocks from the beach is less than a thousand dollars a month. “I’m too old for a roommate.”

  “Okay, I know this isn’t very father like, but what about a male roommate in a one-bedroom apartment?”

  I laugh. “Are you condoning premarital sex?”

  “I’m not naïve, I know you’ve had sex. Probably with that boy you went to Philadelphia with.”

  “Okay…” How do I explain this to my dad? “San Francisco is like most cities. It’s roughly 51 percent female. The problem is that half of the 49 percent of the male population is not interested in my female anatomy. That means the other half are interested. But in my experience, when roughly 25 percent aren’t in San Francisco for serious relationships but to make a lot of money, it doesn’t always lead to fulfilling relationships. They aren’t looking to settle down. Only to have fun.”

  “And you don’t want to have fun?”

  “I do, but I also want a family.” Maggie puts her head in my lap. “And a dog.”

  “Okay, I’m your dad. It’s my job to worry about you.”

  I stand and give him a nice kiss on the cheek. “I love you, and I love that you worry about me. I’m going to take a shower and then go find myself a short-term job.”

  I stop by three different Starbucks and leave applications. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to apply for work. I leave Emerson’s contact information for a reference. I hate that she may be called. That’ll blow the fact that I’m not coming back, but I need to do something while I look for a long-term job.

  When I return to my dad’s place, there’s a big black Mercedes in his visitor spot. “Hmm. He must have one of his lady friends over for a visit.” Oh, gwad! That’s why he wants me out; he wants to resume his playboy ways. Duh! I’m putting a cramp in his style. I’ll talk to him. We can figure this out. I park a few blocks away from his building and walk back. At least it isn’t cold and raining. Well, the humidity is at 98 percent, so it might as well rain.

  I walk in and announce myself loudly so that he has time to disengage from his girlfriend. Then I spot Gerald. “What are you doing here?”

  He shrugs. I hear my dad say, “You have a visitor. Come on in here.”

  I round the corner and immediately see William. The heat must not affect him. He looks delicious with his hair combed just right, a blue linen plaid Polo shirt, and white linen shorts. “What are you doing here?” I ask before I even have a chance to process he’s here.

  “I came to talk to you. I’ve been here getting to know your dad. You didn’t tell me that you were born here in Pensacola.”

  “Yes, he was stationed at the military base here in town. He was a pilot in the Marine Corps.”

  “You didn’t tell me a lot of things.”

  I see my dad gather up the dog and leave. “I… I… I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing you date other women. It would have shattered me.”

  “Why would I date anyone else? Quinn, I love you. I’ve been trying to tell you that for weeks before you left. I know my life is a complete mess with my dad and all the stuff with his company, but I need you in my life. Please? If you want to remain here close to your dad, I’ll move here. I’ll start my own f
irm here in north Florida.”

  “No, I can’t ask you to do that. SHN needs you. You need to go back to them, and I’m going to stay here for a while. I’m looking for a job that matches my skills, and I’ll pay off my school loans.”

  “I told you, you can live with me and pay off your loans. Hell, if you’d let me, I’d pay them off for you, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

  I can’t argue with him any longer. He doesn’t understand that he will break me when our relationship ends. We can’t build a relationship on hiding a secret from everyone.

  I try to crack a smile. “Let’s go for a walk. Pensacola Beach is two blocks away, and it’s a beautiful white sandy beach.”

  He claps his hand to his thighs and stands. “Okay. I get it. You’re worried that I don’t actually love you, but I do. I’m standing here before you.” He pulls me into his arms and presses his soft lips to mine. When his tongue brushes mine, the jolts of electricity shoot right to my core. “I love you, Quinn Faraday, and I always will. My life is incomplete without you.”

  I rest my head on his chest, and I can hear his heart racing. “Let’s walk. It’s a brilliant day.”

  He takes my hand, and with Gerald behind us, we walk to the beach. He tells me what’s been going on, and I’m stunned as he walks me through his dad showing up, Lillian being found and arrested.

  “What was she doing with the sex trafficking ring?”

  “She was being blackmailed by the CEO of the company to manage my dad. She decided if she got rid of my dad, she would get rid of the blackmail and get all my dad’s money and could run away.”

  “I guess you messed that up a little bit.” I smile at him and squeeze his hand.

  “Yes, she pulled her boys into it, and now they’re all going to a federal penitentiary for quite a while.”

  “That must make you feel pretty good.”

  “It does, and at SHN we may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with Adam and Eve since they arrested all those in their hacking farm. You were pivotal in deploying of the Trojan horse into their system.”

  “So that must mean they caught the mole. Who are Adam and Eve?”

  “We don’t know. They weren’t arrested, and while everyone who ever worked with them was ready to turn them in, they don’t know their names.”

  “Oh, you’ve got to be joking! Will this ever end?”

  He chuckles. “You sound like Dillon.”

  We watch the sun set, and the views are amazing. The military jets take off above us. “Boy, that’s pretty loud.”

  I nod. “I love that sound. My dad used to call it ‘the sound of freedom.’”

  “Let’s get you some dinner. Where can we go?”

  “Let’s check on my dad and make sure he isn’t planning a big feast or something else.”

  “I’m down with whatever you want to do.” He reaches for my hand, and we walk back to my dad’s apartment holding hands.

  When we walk in, my dad says, “I didn’t think I was going to see you again tonight.”

  “Dad, I wouldn’t just disappear on you.”

  “Well, I just ordered Chinese for one. Why don’t you kids head out for dinner? And maybe I’ll see you for breakfast in the morning.”

  Chapter thirty-four


  I can’t help but be excited to see her again. She has a warm glow about her, and I know it’s the sun. Before I left for Pensacola, I got a text message from CeCe.

  CeCe: Bring our girl home.

  That’s my plan, but I have a feeling that she isn’t going to budge. Not without help. After talking to her, I know that she still isn’t sold on coming back.

  Me: I need some reinforcements. Can you come and bring some help?

  CeCe: We’ll leave tonight and be there for breakfast.

  Me: Perfect.

  I send over her dad’s address and let her know I’m staying at the Portofino.

  When Quinn walks out of her room in my favorite sundress, it takes everything I have not to take her hard and fast, but I know if I did, I’d lose all the goodwill I’ve built with her dad and with her.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. There’s a beachside shack that sells fried clams and fries in pages of today’s newspaper over by the ocean. Would that work?”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  “That stuff will kill you,” my dad announces from the kitchen.

  We laugh. “One night will be okay.” And I wink.

  Gerald walks behind us as we head back to the beach.

  “It’s quite beautiful here. Look, that house here is for sale. We could buy it and live here. I’m sure there’s even a guest house for your dad.” I’m not joking.

  “The cost of living is pretty low here, but I still think waterfront property is pricey.”

  “I’d do anything for you. You just need to ask.”

  She smiles but doesn’t respond. “Here we are.”

  It’s a shack on the beach. From the roof line are two chalkboard menus. “How does the family size order sound?”

  “That’s a lot of food, but you and Gerald might be pretty hungry.”

  I look over at Gerald, and he nods his approval, so I step up and order. I’m shocked when it costs me twenty dollars. Not because that’s expensive, but because I’m worried it won’t be enough food. Boy am I wrong, and I mean I’m seriously wrong. There is enough food to feed an army.

  “I warned you it was a lot of food.”

  We drink our beers with our fried clams and barely make it halfway through. Gerald sits at another table, and I keep offering him more food, but he declines. “We’re going to waste so much food.”

  “We can wrap it up and give it to a homeless person.”

  “I like that idea.”

  We get it wrapped up and walk along the beach. It doesn’t take long to hand off our leftovers to a grateful person.

  “You really are very thoughtful,” I tell her.

  “I try. So do you.”

  “Where is your mother? You never really talk about her.”

  “We were never particularly close. She really struggled with the life in the Marine Corps. A lot of traveling and long absences. When my dad got sick, she was there through it all. She took him to all his appointments and was really the rock for him. Once they pronounced him cancer-free, she decided she wanted to go live in Arizona, so she moved there without my dad. Today she paints and lives alone. I talk to her every now and then, but really, we aren’t close. Probably similar to how things were with your dad growing up.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She stops and shrugs. “I came to peace with my relationship with my mother a long time ago. She did the best she could but really needed my dad a lot more than he was available to her.”

  I lean down and softly kiss her lips. God, how I’ve missed her. “I’m staying at the Portofino. Please stay with me tonight. Please?”

  She agrees but not without adding, “I can’t go back to San Francisco with you.”

  “I reserve the right to change your mind.”

  She nods, and it gives me hope. When we arrive at the Portofino, I escort her to my room. Gerald disappears into his room next door. He knows if I’m going to leave, I’ll alert him.

  The floor-to-ceiling windows in my suite showcase the beauty of the Gulf. I turn to look at Quinn and see the awe on her face. Every time I see her, she’s even more beautiful. The golden glow of the full moon only heightens her exquisiteness. My cock, which has been hard for hours, is anxious for her body. “You look positively enchanting.”

  She steps in and kisses me. Our kisses start off soft and subtle but quickly become hard and feral. Pulling back, she yanks her dress off, leaving her in a sexy pink demi-cup bra and little pink panties. Sliding her arms around my neck, she flattens herself against my front before tilting her head up and capturing my lips. She takes every bit of what I’m giving and meets me with a hot passion that leaves me needy

  She unbuttons my shorts, and they fall to pool at my feet. I help her out by pulling my shirt over my head. My cock is hard and begging to be touched, but I don’t want tonight to be about me. I want it to be all about her.

  Leaning forward, I brush my nose along hers, wanting to take things slow, and yet not. Moving down her body, I press my mouth and nose to her sex, breathing in deeply and then glancing up at Quinn as she stiffens. Her eyes close as I flick my tongue over her panty-covered mound.

  “God,” she groans and pushes my head away. “Too much.”

  I take her wrist in my hand and lick along the inside of her thigh. “Not nearly enough. Relax and let me taste you.”

  She’s almost shaking by the time I tug her sexy panties off. I splay my fingers over her stomach and glide it up to her breasts. Her nipples are hard and wanting as they strain against her bra, and she arches her back into me as I play with the hard nubs. Trapping my hand against her breast, she opens her legs as she beckons me to enjoy her wet slit.

  She tastes like honey, and I lap up everything she offers. My fingers probe her tight channel as I lick and taste, her muscles grasping and holding me inside. I hum to cause a slight vibration, and she moans out her pleasure, filling my mouth with more of her sweet nectar.

  She’s the whole deal, the perfect woman as far as I’m concerned. It’s scary to think that something so close to perfection is in my grasp, and yet there’s a high chance I could very well fuck it all up tonight.

  Mirrors cover the walls behind us, reflecting the moon and water below, setting an erotic scene. I lay her on the couch overlooking the water and take her foot in my hands, massaging one and then the other. Her moans make my cock hard as a baseball bat as it peeks out of my boxers.

  Opening her eyes, she sees it waving at her and smiles. “I think something is looking for some attention.”

  I tear my boxers off and lift my hips. Bending over, she takes my cock deep into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the hard, bulbous head while stroking my balls. She swallows me deep, going up and down while looking right at me. I watch, enraptured, feeling her tongue flatten so she can take more of my length deep into her throat. When she pulls up, she flicks at the tip. What an incredible sensation.


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