Home at Last

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by Judith Keim

  Home At Last

  Judith Keim

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Home At Last | A Chandler Hill Inn Book - 3 | Judith Keim | Wild Quail Publishing






























  About the Author



  The Talking Tree (The Hartwell Women –1)

  Sweet Talk (The Hartwell Women – 2)

  Straight Talk (The Hartwell Women – 3)

  Baby Talk (The Hartwell Women – 4)

  The Hartwell Women Series – (Boxed Set)

  Breakfast at The Beach House Hotel – 1

  Lunch at The Beach House Hotel – 2

  Dinner at The Beach House Hotel – 3

  Christmas at The Beach House Hotel – 4

  Fat Fridays (Fat Fridays Group – 1)

  Sassy Saturdays (Fat Fridays Group – 2)

  Secret Sundays (Fat Fridays Group – 3)

  Finding Me – A Salty Key Inn Book – 1

  Finding My Way – A Salty Key Inn Book – 2

  Finding Love – A Salty Key Inn Book – 3

  Finding Family – A Salty Key Inn Book – 4

  A Christmas Star – A Seashell Cottage Book

  Change of Heart – A Seashell Cottage Book

  The Beach Babes – A Seashell Cottage Book (Coming soon)

  A Summer of Surprises – A Seashell Cottage Book (Coming soon)

  A Road Trip to Remember – A Seashell Cottage Book (Coming soon)

  Going Home – A Chandler Hill Inn Book – 1

  Coming Home – A Chandler Hill Inn Book – 2

  Home at Last – A Chandler Hill Inn Book – 3

  Winning BIG – a little love story for all ages

  For more information: www.judithkeim.com



  “Love the characters in this series. This series was my first introduction to Judith Keim. She is now one of my favorites. Looking forward to reading more of her books.”

  BREAKFAST AT THE BEACH HOUSE HOTEL is an easy, delightful read that offers romance, family relationships, and strong women learning to be stronger. Real life situations filter through the pages. Enjoy!”

  LUNCH AT THE BEACH HOUSE HOTEL – “This series is such a joy to read. You feel you are actually living with them. Can’t wait to read the latest one.”

  DINNER AT THE BEACH HOUSE HOTEL – “A Terrific Read! As usual, Judith Keim did it again. Enjoyed immensely. Continue writing such pleasantly reading books for all of us readers.”

  CHRISTMAS AT THE BEACH HOUSE HOTEL – “Not Just Another Christmas Novel. This is book number four in the series and my introduction to Judith Keim’s writing. I wasn’t disappointed. The characters are dimensional and engaging. The plot is well crafted and advances at a pleasing pace. The Florida location is interesting and warming. It was a delight to read a romance novel with mature female protagonists. Ann and Rhoda have life experiences that enrich the story. It’s a clever book about friends and extended family. Buy copies for your book group pals and enjoy this seasonal read.”


  “This was an EXCELLENT series. When I discovered Judith Keim, I read all of her books back to back. I thoroughly enjoyed the women Keim has written about. They are believable and you want to just jump into their lives and be their friends! I can't wait for any upcoming books!”

  “I fell into Judith Keim's Hartwell Women series and have read & enjoyed all of her books in every series. Each centers around a strong & interesting woman character and their family interaction. Good reads that leave you wanting more.”


  “Excellent story line for each character, and an insightful representation of situations which deal with some of the contemporary issues women are faced with today.”

  “I love this author's books. Her characters and their lives are realistic. The power of women's friendships is a common and beautiful theme that is threaded throughout this story.”


  FINDING ME – “I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series and cannot wait for the others! The characters are endearing with the same struggles we all encounter. The setting makes me feel like I am a guest at The Salty Key Inn...relaxed, happy & light-hearted! The men are yummy and the women strong. You can't get better than that! Happy Reading!”

  FINDING MY WAY- “Loved the family dynamics as well as uncertain emotions of dating and falling in love. Appreciated the morals and strength of parenting throughout. Just couldn't put this book down.”

  FINDING LOVE – “I waited for this book because the first two was such good reads. This one didn't disappoint.... Judith Keim always puts substance into her books. This book was no different, I learned about PTSD, accepting oneself, there is always going to be problems but stick it out and make it work. Just the way life is. In some ways a lot like my life. Judith is right, it needs another book and I will definitely be reading it. Hope you choose to read this series, you will get so much out of it.”

  FINDING FAMILY – "Completing this series is like eating the last chip. Love Judith's writing, and her female characters are always smart, strong, vulnerable to life and love experiences."

  "This was a refreshing book. Bringing the heart and soul of the family to us."


  GOING HOME – "I absolutely could not put this book down. Started at night and read late into the middle of the night. As a child of the ’60s, the Vietnam war was front and center so this resonated with me. All the characters in the book were so well developed that the reader felt like they were friends of the family."

  "I was completely immersed in this book, with the beautiful descriptive writing, and the authors' way of bringing her characters to life. I felt like I was right inside her story."


  A CHRISTMAS STAR – "Love, laughter, sadness, great food, and hope for the future, all in one book. It doesn’t get any better than this stunning read."

  "A Christmas Star is a heartwarming Christmas story featuring endearing characters. So many Christmas books are set in snowbound places...it was a nice change to read a Christmas story that takes place on a warm sandy beach!" Susan Peterson

  CHANGE OF HEART – “CHANGE OF HEART is the summer read we’ve all been waiting for. Judith Keim is a master at creating fascinating characters that are simply irresistible. Her stories leave you with a big smile on your face and a heart bursting with love.”

  ~Kellie Coates Gilbert, author of the popular Sun Valley Series

  Home At Last

  A Chandler Hill Inn Book - 3

  Judith Keim

  Wild Quail Publishing<
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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, public or private institutions, corporations, towns, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. This book may not be resold or uploaded for distribution to others.

  Wild Quail Publishing

  PO Box 171332

  Boise, ID 83717-1332

  ISBN# 978-0-9992448-9-0

  Copyright ©2020 Judith Keim

  All rights reserved


  This book is dedicated to friends and family who give me a home of my heart.


  Louise “Lulu” Kingsley sat on the deck of Camilla Chandler’s home and wondered how she could be so lucky to live in a place like the Willamette Valley, Oregon. The journey to reach this point had been more than painful—it had almost destroyed her. But, here at Chandler Hill, she felt she might have found her true home at last.

  Staring out at the rolling hills and the rows of grapevines devoid of their fruit after the harvest, she saw the goodness of the land, its beauty, and, most of all, the comforting prospect of more harvests to come. She thought of this continuity of life as a renewal of her own.

  If Cami hadn’t offered her a place to stay and a job in a new location, Lulu wasn’t sure she could have survived the last year of family scandal and misfortune. For anyone who didn’t know much about her, they’d think her life was a privileged, easy one as the daughter of a rich, powerful man who’d one day wanted to run for president of the United States. But the man who tied her to her newly discovered half-sister was a man of too many appetites, and his actions had hurt others, including her fragile mother and her.

  The understanding shown by the half-sister she’d never known growing up meant the world to her. Cami came from a long line of kind, generous Chandler and Lopez families. Living and working at the Chandler Hill Inn and Winery was more than an ordinary existence. For Lulu, it meant finding a loving place in the world, one she’d desperately needed.

  “I thought I’d find you here,” said Cami, stepping onto the deck and standing behind her. “I love to sit here and gaze out at the land. It’s very peaceful toward the end of the day and, as always, I think of Nonnee. My grandmother’s love of the land was the foundation for everything that’s been done here with both the inn and the winery.”

  Lulu turned around in her rocking chair and smiled up at Cami. Not much older than she, Cami’s big heart matched her usual smile. Though Cami wasn’t as tall as Lulu and had totally opposite coloring, their facial features were astonishingly alike. Among other things, they shared a tiny quirk—misshapen earlobes, a genetic inheritance from their father. Lulu wished she had strawberry-blond curls like Cami and her grandmother, Lettie Chandler, but Lulu’s hair was straight and dark.

  Cami took a seat in a chair next to her. “Gwen is very pleased to have you assist her at The Barn. I explained it was only temporary, that you’d agreed to handle our marketing program. But with the holiday season not that far away, I understand both she and I will need your help until after the New Year.”

  “I love being part of the staff,” said Lulu, meaning it.

  Cami gave her a tender smile. “Sweetie, you’re much more than one of the staff; you’re family. We intend to use your marketing and sales skills here at the inn and the other two wineries now associated with Chandler Hill.”

  A warmth filled Lulu. Being part of a real, healthy family was such a gift. An only child after the death of her younger brother, Teddy, at the age of ten, she’d always longed for siblings. Cami’s grandfather, Rafe, was a wonderful man who’d been very kind to her. They’d formed a bond over the fact that her father and Autumn Chandler, Lettie and Rafe’s daughter, had met and fallen in love, producing Cami. The rest of Cami’s family consisted of people who weren’t related by blood, but were still a close-knit group.

  Cami nudged Lulu’s arm playfully. “By the way, I think Miguel was disappointed you weren’t at the strategy meeting today.”

  Heat flooded Lulu’s cheeks. Miguel Lopez was one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. Like his great-uncle, Rafe, he had hair so dark and shiny it resembled the wings of a blackbird or the smooth coat of a panther. She couldn’t decide which. His straight nose, dark, intelligent eyes, and full, kissable lips had every young woman in the valley swooning in the wake of his sexy butt. Those were the very reasons Lulu had no intention of ever getting involved with him. His easy ability to attract others reminded her too much of her father.

  “How did the meeting go?” Lulu asked. “Are the three different vineyards able to establish a joint purchasing program for supplies, advertising, and other services?” Chandler Hill, Taunton Estates, and Lone Creek Winery were all part of a group set up under one umbrella for financial purposes. Cami’s fiancé, Drew Farley, along with Dan Thurston, Adam Kurey, and Miguel, had formed a partnership to buy the Lone Creek Winery after a fire had destroyed sections of vines in its acreage.

  “We’re ironing out details to combine some of the operations, but yes, it’s moving forward. With you about to begin handling the marketing for all three, it simplifies those matters.” Cami grinned at her. “So glad you’re here.”

  The sound of someone approaching sent Sophie, Cami’s black-and-tan miniature dachshund into motion. She barked and ran to greet Rafe.

  “Hi, come join us,” said Cami. She rose and pulled a chair over for Rafe. “The sun will be setting soon, but it’s still pleasant outside for this time of year. In fact, I was thinking of staying here for a while and tasting a new pinot noir release from Taunton Estates.” Her eyes sparkled as she teased him. “You, as owner, might want to judge it for yourself.”

  Rafe laughed. “I think I should, especially if it means I get to spend time with my two favorite women.” His gaze swept over them, bringing a smile to all three.

  It was this kind of banter that Lulu loved most. Rafe was such a decent person. In his seventies, he was a quiet man who lived and loved and worked hard. He still mourned Lettie Chandler, who’d passed away over a year and a half ago. She had been and still was the love of Rafe’s life. Lulu was grateful to have this wonderful man part of her life, especially after the scandal involving her father.

  Cami went to get the wine and glasses, leaving Lulu and Rafe alone.

  Rafe said, “It used to be that things got quiet after the harvest and all the hoopla that went with it. But the Chandler Hill Inn with its spa and special vacation and bridal packages have kept business going throughout these months. Christmas, the New Year, and Valentine’s Day are big deals here now.”

  “I can’t wait for the Christmas celebration,” Lulu said, giving him a smile. “I hope to convince my mother to make the trip here. I think it would be good for her.”

  Cami overheard them as she stepped onto the deck, set the tray down, and poured the wine into the three glasses. “How’s your mother doing?”

  Lulu couldn’t hide the sadness in her voice. “With her, I never know for certain. Her depression comes and goes, becoming more of a merry-go-round when she sneaks drugs or alcohol. I’ve talked to the doctors about it. They try to discuss newer options, medicines, and therapies. Heaven knows, she’s tried a lot of programs, but nothing seems to work. My counselor has advised me that aside from encouragement, there’s not much I can do.”

  “That’s sad,” said Cami, setting the wine bottle down on the table and handing the glasses of wine to Lulu and Rafe.

  “I’m learning that it’s not my job to keep her spirits up and help her stay sober,” Lulu continued. “My father used to tell me, ‘Take care of your mother.’ when he went away. Our lives c
hanged dramatically when my brother drowned, and she became suicidal. Nothing’s been the same since.” She hated the tremor in her voice.

  Cami rose and wrapped her arms around Lulu. “I’m sorry. That’s too much for a young girl to handle.”

  Lulu paused a moment to pull herself together. It felt unfamiliar to accept this sign of acknowledgement. If I’d only been there when Teddy decided to go swimming alone at the beach.

  Rafe broke into her musing about the guilt she carried and always would. “Okay, ladies! Let’s taste this wine. I hope it’s as good as my new marketing director says.” His words brought a smile to Lulu. She’d put a good spin on the product.

  They’d just proclaimed the wine excellent when Drew arrived. Drew Farley was as nice a guy as he looked. His tawny-colored eyes matched his hair, which was what she would call the color of butterscotch. He kissed Cami hello and sank into one of the chairs on the deck with a soft groan. “Ah, it’s good to be home. I’ve been working with Dan on the last bit of cleanup and updating of the house at Lone Creek. He and Becca expect to move in next week.”

  “I’m happy for them,” said Lulu. “I know how excited Becca is to have a house of her own. After having her for my assistant, I’m glad she’ll be settled here and can continue to work for me.”

  “Yes, it’s a fair deal all around,” Drew said. “We’re lucky the fire at the vineyard didn’t do any significant damage to the house, and they have a place to live on the property for free in exchange for taking care of it.” He accepted the glass Cami handed him, swirled it in the glass, sniffed it, and then took a sip. “What do you think? Is this as good as I thought it might be as one of Taunton Estates’ best?”

  “It’s a lovely wine with a nice, fruity bouquet and a smooth finish.” Cami grinned at him. “I can’t wait to get more involved in Chandler Hill wines. Then I’ll really test your work.”


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