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Home at Last Page 14

by Judith Keim

  “Of course. I’m being silly. It will be good for you, Mom,” Lulu said contritely.

  “Tomorrow, let’s go shopping!” Melba said. “I can’t wait to see what Rosalie comes up with next.”

  “Right, tomorrow.” A flush of pleasure coated the cheeks of Lulu’s mother. “In a while, we have to meet up with Rafe for that walk through the vineyards and dinner.”


  The next morning, the three of them decided to head toward Eugene, where several shopping areas were located. They agreed to buy practical but fun things that could be moved into another environment. Lulu had a one-year lease and didn’t know for certain if she could continue to rent Abby and Lisa’s home at the end of that time.

  As she drove, Lulu listened with interest to the conversation between Melba and her mother.

  “Rafe thinks it’s a good idea for you to buy a house here, Rosalie. I believe you should look into it. As he says, you have Chandler Hill family now.”

  “I’m thinking about it. I just want Lulu to be happy.” Her mother called to her from the back seat. “Lulu, will you be okay with my buying a house here? Honestly?”

  Lulu didn’t hesitate. “Yes, Mom. It’s fine with me. I probably can use your help with the baby. I’ll have to work and don’t intend to stay at home.”

  “See, Rosalie? It’s something to consider,” said Melba. “And then I can come visit you. I love the countryside here.”

  Lulu knew Cami would love to hear those words. She and her grandmother had shared a love of the land.


  After shopping with her mother and Melba, Lulu’s idea of her mother being fragile ended. Her mother was a bundle of energy as she quickly surveyed her surroundings in a store and either left it or homed in on a few things of interest. Their visit to the furniture store in Albany was the most successful. Everything from bar stools for the kitchen to end tables in the living room to lamps and a chaise lounge for the bedroom were purchased without any fuss.

  Lulu was both mentally and physically exhausted by the time they headed home. The furniture was scheduled to be delivered in the next few days, but everything else was packed into the back of her car.

  Melba and her mother stared out the car windows in a daze.

  “I’m going to bed early,” said Melba.

  “Me, too,” Lulu’s mother agreed. “I can’t remember when I’ve felt so tired from all the physical activity.”

  “I’ll drop you off at Cami’s,” Lulu offered. “No need to stop at my house.”

  As Lulu drove up to the driveway to Cami’s house, she noticed Drew’s truck, Becca’s SUV, and a couple of other trucks parked outside.

  “What’s the occasion?” said Melba.

  Lulu shrugged. “I don’t know. Let’s go see.”

  She led her mother and Melba up the front stairs and opened the front door. “Hello?”

  A group had gathered in the kitchen. When Cami noticed them, she hurried over. “Hi! We’re celebrating. Miguel is back for a short visit, and he’s brought someone from the vineyards where he’s staying. Come say hello.”

  Lulu’s heart began to beat erratically. She caught the worried looks her mother and Melba shot her and wondered how she could gracefully leave the house.

  Unaware of the panic Lulu felt, Cami took her hand. “I want you to meet her.” She signaled Lulu’s mother and Melba to come with them.

  Walking into the kitchen Lulu felt her stomach whirl in sickening circles. She hadn’t fought morning sickness like so many others, but, at the moment, she could hardly stand.

  “Are you all right?” Cami asked.

  Lulu swallowed hard. She couldn’t let anyone else know how upset she was.

  She looked up to find Miguel’s eyes on her. He nudged the beautiful Latino woman next to him in a gesture Lulu thought was intimate. The woman turned to Miguel, and at his words, glanced across the room at her.

  Lulu was a true politician’s daughter. She acknowledged them politely and turned to her mother and Melba. She was about to tell them she was leaving when Rafe approached them.

  “Hello, ladies. How did the day of shopping go?”

  Lulu’s mother beamed at him. “Very well. We’re all exhausted.”

  He laughed. “Guess it was all worthwhile.”

  “Oh, yes. My mother is a whiz at knowing what to do to fix up the house. It’s going to be great.”

  “Well done, Rosalie,” Rafe said, and a broad smile lit her mother’s face.

  Rafe turned to Melba. “And you? Still standing?”

  Melba laughed. “Ready to sit down.”

  “Can I get you a glass of wine or something else to drink?”

  After taking their drink requests, Rafe left, and Becca joined them. “Doesn’t Miguel look great? And Valentina is gorgeous. Her father’s winery is the one we hope to do some cooperative projects with in the future.”

  “I see,” was the best that Lulu could say as Miguel and Valentina approached. He was as handsome as always. She swallowed hard and tried to push away the memory of his naked body.

  “Hi, Lulu!” Miguel said. “I want you to meet Valentina. Her family is hosting my stay in Chile. I wanted to bring her here for a short visit while I take care of some business. This gives her a chance to work briefly with Drew and see what our operation is all about.”

  “Yes, it is a good opportunity, and so beautiful here,” Valentina said, smiling as she gazed at Miguel.

  Standing next to her mother, Lulu sensed the stiffening of Rosalie’s body. She silently reached over and squeezed her mother’s hand, surprised by her protectiveness.

  “Valentina, this is my mother Rosalie Kingsley. Miguel, you’ve been introduced to my mother before, but neither one of you has met our beloved family friend, Melba Milner. My mother and Melba are here visiting for a few days.”

  “Welcome to Willamette Valley,” Miguel said, giving them a broad smile. “Have you seen the Lone Creek Winery yet?”

  Her mother smiled happily. “Yes, Rafe showed it to us.”

  “It’s an exciting time for all of us,” said Miguel. He turned to Valentina. “We’re hoping to do lots of things together with the winery in Chile.”

  Her smile was as warm as his. “Yes, my father hopes for that to happen too.”

  “Do you work only at the vineyard?” Lulu’s mother asked Miguel.

  “At the moment, yes. However, we have plans for expanding the operation, and I’m not sure what role I’ll be taking. Maybe as the PR guy. We’re not sure yet. I like to travel.”

  His smile, the way his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm made Lulu sigh inwardly. Careful not to show it, she said, “Excuse me, but I want to speak to Cami.”

  As Lulu walked away, Rafe came up to her. “How are you doing?”

  The meaning behind his words were obvious. She let out a long breath. “Okay, I guess.”

  He placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’ll all work out. Give it time.”

  “Is Miguel going back to Chile?”

  “Yes. That will be a good thing too.”

  Cheered by the idea she wouldn’t have to continue to face him, she went on her way.

  “How’s it going with the house?” Drew asked her as she approached Cami and him.

  “It’s great. My mother is adding all kinds of final touches to it, decorating with additional furniture and art objects.” She beamed at them. “It looks very nice, and it gives her something to do.”

  “Sounds good,” said Drew. “The house needed it. Abby and Lisa took most of their things with them.”

  Cami beamed at her. “Rafe said your mother may buy a place here.”

  “She’s selling the house in California and moving to a condo. Then, we’ll see.”

  “That will be nice, especially with ...” Cami stopped talking when Lulu frowned at her.

  “Especially with what?” said Drew.

  Cami dismissed his question with a wave of her hand. “How unsettled things have been for her.�

  Lulu’s heartbeat steadied. She couldn’t wait for Miguel to return to Chile so she could get settled herself before having to face him with the truth.

  He appeared at her side. “Hi, Lulu. A couple of us are going to the Green Grape. Want to come?” He gave her a hopeful look.

  Heart pounding with mixed emotions, she said, “Thanks, but I can’t. Melba, my mother, and I are exhausted from shopping. I’m renting the house where Drew stayed, and we’ve been fixing it up.”

  His look of disappointment surprised her and then made her angry. Wasn’t it enough that Valentina seemed to be taken with him? Did he need every woman panting after him? She worked to keep an edge out of her voice. “Looks like you have good company anyway.”

  Miguel shrugged and studied something across the room before turning back to her. “Just thought I’d see if you wanted to join us.”

  After he walked away, Cami said, “What’s the matter? He only asked you to join the group. Aren’t you happy about that?” Her puzzled look made Lulu feel bad.

  “Sorry. I guess I’m just tired. Mom and Melba said they were going to bed early. I’m going to my house to unload all the stuff my mother bought. She’s done a great job of coordinating things to look nice.”

  “Can’t wait to see it! Don’t worry about your mother and Melba. They can have an early dinner here and go to bed whenever they want. See you later.” Cami hugged her and turned back to Drew.

  Lulu waved to her mother and Melba and made a quick escape.

  She was almost to her car when Miguel left the house and called to her. “Wait up!”

  Lulu reluctantly turned around and watched him trot toward her, willing herself to be strong. She wasn’t ready to tell him anything yet. She hadn’t reached her first trimester, and she needed to wait to be sure everything was all right.

  He stopped in front of her and studied her. “Hey! Did I do something wrong? Why were you upset with me a moment ago?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. You did nothing wrong.” She blinked rapidly, remembering how right everything had seemed in his arms.

  “Uh, okay. So we’re good?”

  “Yeah.” She forced a smile. “We’re good.”

  “See you later. Valentina and I are going to be busy for the next couple of days, but maybe we can meet up before I go back to Chile.”

  “How long are you going to be gone this time?” Lulu asked.

  “I hope to be back around the first of April, but it could be a few weeks later.”

  “Oh, we’ll definitely need to get together then,” said Lulu.

  He grinned. “That’s a deal.”

  Lulu watched him go, her feelings so mixed up she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Miguel wasn’t a jerk; he was every girl’s dream. That was the problem.


  Lulu stood with her mother and Melba inside the air terminal wishing they didn’t have to leave. She was coming to respect her mother in a way that hadn’t been possible before, and she’d always relied upon Melba for strength and support. They’d spent the last two days inside Lulu’s rental, quietly reading, relaxing, and napping.

  “Goodbye,” said Melba wrapping her arms around her. “It was wonderful to see you. I have all the faith in the world that everything will turn out right for you. I can see why women are so attracted to Miguel. He’s a very handsome man. And charming.”

  Lulu remained silent. She knew her mother felt the same way as Melba about the man who’d fathered her child. But they all knew very well what living with a man like that could be like.

  “Goodbye, sweetheart.” Her mother hugged her tight. “I’ll be here whenever you need me. Melba has already promised to return with me in the spring.”

  “Good luck selling the house. If you need me to come to California to help you, let me know.”

  “Melba and I will do very well on our own, dear. You have enough to worry about.”

  She gave each of them a last hug and headed out the door to the parking lot. She was truly on her own now with more responsibility than she’d ever had. When the time came to tell Cami and the others the truth, they would, she hoped, support her decision.


  Back at the inn, Lulu settled into her marketing job. The slower months were perfect for updating the online catalog, gearing it toward spring and summer weddings. Working with Gwen on the inventory of The Barn was fun for Lulu, but she couldn’t help worrying over Gwen’s lack of color and how tired she seemed to be.

  When she could no longer hold back, Lulu said to her, “What is it, Gwen? Are you sick?”

  Gwen burst into tears. “After Christmas they found a lump in my breast. They’ve done a biopsy and I’m waiting for the news. I swear I haven’t slept for the past three weeks. One test was inconclusive. Some sort of mix-up or something.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. But, Gwen, maybe it’s all right, after all.”

  “My older sister died of breast cancer. That’s why I’m so scared.”

  Lulu hugged Gwen as she began to cry in earnest. “Have you told Cami?”

  Gwen shook her head. “No, I haven’t told anyone. I didn’t want them to worry. I remember hearing stories about the time when Abby’s first partner died of cancer. Everyone was devastated, and with all the work for Christmas and New Year’s, I didn’t dare say anything. It’s one of the most important times of the year.”

  “I think Cami should know. I understand you have no family here.”

  Gwen shook her head. “Just a brother in New York. We’re not close. His wife and I don’t get along and, frankly, he’s not someone I can count on.”

  “Well, you can count on your Chandler Hill family,” Lulu said with well-founded confidence. “When do you find out the results?”

  “At the end of the week.” Gwen said, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

  “Do you want me to go to the doctor visit with you?”

  Gwen wiped fresh tears away. “Would you?”

  “Sure,” said Lulu, pleased to be trusted in this way.

  They were sitting misty-eyed in the office when Cami appeared on regular business. At Lulu’s prompting, Gwen spilled the whole story.

  “Oh, Gwen! I’m so glad you told me,” said Cami. “We’ll be right beside you. Don’t worry about anything here. No matter what the news is, we women will be by your side.”

  “Thanks. I needed to hear that. I’ve felt so alone.”

  “Do you want to take some time off?” Cami asked.

  Gwen shook her head emphatically. “I need to keep busy.”

  “Okay, then. I’ve got a few catalogs from wholesalers that I want you two to look through. I’m thinking we can offer brides the chance to purchase favors, gifts, everything from us. That way, it’s here and ready for them when they arrive—one less thing for them to worry about.”

  “Good idea,” Lulu said. If the time came for her to be married, she wanted something very simple. But she understood how some women had always dreamed of a big, fancy wedding, and she, like her mother, had a good sense of what might be right.

  As Lulu was leaving The Barn, Miguel was pulling into the parking lot in his truck. He saw her and waved. She waved back and headed toward her car.

  Miguel jumped out of his truck and hurried over to her. “Hey! Glad I caught you in time! I’m leaving tonight to go back to Chile. I was hoping you could join me for a drink.”

  “Thanks, but I’d better not. I’m on a new diet and trying to stay away from alcohol.” She considered it a half-truth, not an outright lie.

  He studied her for a moment. “You don’t need to lose any weight, You’re beautiful. You always look great.”

  Lulu swallowed hard. “Thanks.”

  “I know we haven’t had a chance to catch up on things on this trip but I hope to make it up to you. Like I’ve said all along, I want to get to know you better. If I email you, will you promise to answer?” His gaze bored into her.
  She nodded before she could stop herself. She owed him that.

  He grinned as Valentina headed their way. “Guess I’d better go. See you in the spring after the harvest in Chile.”

  Lulu returned Valentina’s wave and quickly climbed into her car in an attempt to escape further conversation.

  Later, alone in her house, Lulu plopped down on the couch in the living area and stared at the flames in the fireplace. Normally a fire soothed her, but tonight her thoughts were too jumbled to relax. The truth was, seeing Miguel and talking with him, remembering their romantic night, she could no longer deny the strong feelings she had for him. She felt a connection to him she’d never experienced with another man. Yet each time she thought of sharing a life with him, she stepped back, certain in her own mind she could never live the way her mother had been forced to exist, knowing other women were in her husband’s life. He’d already proved that she couldn’t hold his attention for long.


  Friday morning Lulu sat with Gwen in her doctor’s office, her hands cold with dread. She could only imagine what Gwen must be feeling. It was every woman’s hidden worry that each lump discovered meant she had inoperable breast cancer.

  The assistant at the desk had greeted them cheerfully as if it was an ordinary day. But Lulu understood that for Gwen, it was a day she’d dreaded. Lulu had tried to reassure her that if it was cancer the doctor would react much more quickly, but Gwen needed his assurance that she was okay.

  A nurse called Gwen’s name. Lulu rose with Gwen. “No matter what, we’ll get through this together.”

  A smile trembled on Gwen’s lips, and then she was gone.

  Lulu lifted her phone out of her purse and checked for messages. She and her mother now texted on a fairly regular basis, which reassured Lulu that her mother was continuing to do well. In fact, though the circumstances were far from ideal, her mother was looking forward to having a grandchild.

  Gwen emerged into the room crying. Lulu jumped to her feet and hurried over to her.


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