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Israel Page 11

by Avery Gale

  There is so much more, baby. Let’s up everything a notch, shall we?

  Opening the top drawer on a nearby end table, Israel pulled out a couple of toys he’d hidden inside before heading out to the steak house. Using his legs, Israel lifted her ass until her legs slid apart several inches, giving him the extra space he needed. Pulling his fingers from her slick vagina, he used her juices to tease her rear entrance. She clenched her ass cheeks, giving him the perfect excuse to land a couple of stinging swats on her already cherry red flesh.

  “Don’t even think about it. Relax those muscles and let me play with your pretty ass.” When she drew in a deep breath, Israel took advantage of her moment of distraction to push a finger past the tight ring of outer muscles. “There are so many nerve endings here—the potential for pleasure is off-the-chart.” Using his finger to slowly fuck her rear hole, he felt her juices soak through the lightweight fabric of his dress slacks. His cock was so hard, he wondered if it would burst through his zipper in a quest for relief.

  “It feels… so naughty. I’m not supposed to like this.”

  “Why? Because some uptight schoolmarm told you anal pleasure would send you into the fiery depths of hell?” He’d heard the same refrain so many times. Who the hell was talking to young people about sex, anyway? He kept imagining the nuns from the old Haley Mills movies his sisters used to watch on TBS. Hell, those movies had to be from the 1960s, but the girls loved the antics of Mills’ character at the convent school.

  “Nobody talked to me about sex, except to say don’t do it until I was in medical school.” Holy hell, Israel wanted to slap his palm against his forehead. He’d read her file and should have known better. “It’s okay. I didn’t… well, I didn’t have a normal childhood.” She was speaking casually, as though he wasn’t working to relax the vice-like grip her anal passage had on his finger as he used it to fuck her ass. Before she’d finished speaking, Bristol was lifting her sweet backside into his touch. Pulling his hand from her body, Israel felt the loss immediately.

  Coating a small plug with lube, Israel inserted the tip and kept up a steady pressure, unrelenting in his intent to seat it in his mate’s sweet ass. The plug was the smallest one he’d been able to find in his favorite shop. The small device would do little to prepare her for anal sex, other than introduce her to the sensual pleasure of having something in her ass. When he was balls deep in her, Israel would use the tiny remote to turn on the slender plug, and the vibrations would amplify the experience for both of them.

  “Push all those stereotypes out of your mind, Beautiful. Let your body guide you. There is no room for embarrassment or shame between us.”

  She nodded stiffly.

  She hadn’t used words, something he wouldn’t always allow, but tonight was going to be an exception to many of the usual rules of protocol. His mate’s lack of experience in submission was eclipsed only by her sexual inexperience. Israel understood the importance of balancing her introduction to the lifestyle with the tamer elements of sex most people are exposed to in college and early adulthood.

  It was ironic, as a gynecologist and obstetrician, Bristol advised patients on sexual topics she’d never personally experienced. Israel wondered if her input would change as she gained hands-on experience. Giving her ass a heated pat, Israel kept his hand in place, letting the heat from his palm intensify the sting.

  “It’s different with the plug.” He loved hearing the airy quality of her voice. His mate’s arousal was a powerful aphrodisiac. There was a sing-song quality to her voice when she was sexually aroused, nothing like the fact-based physician, dealing with Charlotte at the club.

  “Good different or bad different?”

  “Oh, so good. It’s absolutely delicious. The swat pushed it just deep enough to remind me it’s there. I’ve heard the other subs talk about plugs, but I had the impression they were much larger.”

  Israel couldn’t hold back his laughter. He could only imagine what the other submissives at the club had told her. It was terrifying to think about Bristol in the women’s locker room with Tobi West or Jen McCall. Hell, what was he thinking? His sisters would be able to coach her on all the ways to annoy him. Maybe he needed to rethink his plan to take Bristol to the club tomorrow night.

  “If it’s all the same to you—I’d like to finish what you started before thinking about the club. I really need to come. My entire body is on fire.” She was grinding herself against him, pressing against his aching cock, and making it damned hard for him to think of anything but the overwhelming desire to fuck her.

  “You’ll get five swats for trying to top from the bottom. We move on my timetable, not yours, Beautiful.” Even though she’d attempted to phrase the request as respectfully as possible, it didn’t matter, and it wasn’t a habit he wanted to encourage. Hell, the time would give him a couple of minutes to find his damned control.

  Chapter Twelve

  Holy burning ass cheeks from hell. The five swats Israel gave her because she’d politely asked him to get the hell on with it, fucking hurt. They still hadn’t turned to pleasure yet, and Bristol wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Maybe she wasn’t meant to be a sub after all. Spending the rest of her life having boring sex hurt a lot more than Israel’s monster paws landing on her backside, but holy fiery hell. Damn, she hated waffling between answers.

  Indecision is a decision, Bristol. She could still hear Ms. Ames’s reminder. Her high school science teacher stepped up when Bristol’s parents died. Althea Ames took in a high school sophomore, agreeing to look after the brilliant but angry girl, who turned ten the day her parents were buried. Ms. Ames changed Bristol’s life in so many ways, she shuddered to think where she might have ended up without her. None of them had known at the time how short their time together would be. Althea knew she had cancer but hadn’t told anyone, worried the judge would place Bristol in a home where she wouldn’t thrive. Shaking her head, Bristol tried to push the sadness aside. It spoke volumes that she’d grieved Althea for years but hadn’t felt anything but relief when her parents died.

  “Let’s see if I can’t help you refocus on the moment, Beautiful.”

  Israel was above her, his cockhead pressing against her opening. Holy Hannah, she’d been so lost in the sadness of her past, she didn’t remember him laying her on the bed. Israel’s smile was part devilment and part promise.

  “You’re right about the promise. You’ll soon learn I’ll never make a promise I don’t intend to keep. As for the devilment—well, you’re right about that as well.”

  Holding up a small black box, Israel wiggled his eyebrows and smiled. Bristol saw him slide a switch along the top of the box a split second before he pushed his enormous cock so deep, she felt the tip press against the opening of her womb. It took her mind a couple of seconds to realize the reason it felt like her vagina was electrified.

  “Fucking hell, baby. You were tight before—now it’s borderline excruciating.”

  Bristol could hear the strain in Israel’s voice. She’d seen some of the plugs the Doms at the club used—they were huge. She was starting to understand why her friends insisted fucking with a plug was a whole new experience.

  “You need to catch up, Beautiful, I’m not going to last long, and I want you with me when I come.”

  She had big news for him—she was already spiraling over the edge so fast, he was the one lagging behind.

  “Now, Bristol. Come with me.”

  Israel’s command set off an explosive reaction beginning at her core before lighting every nerve ending on fire. Bristol’s skin was tingling, and her toes curled against the Egyptian cotton sheets as pleasure, unlike anything she’d imagined possible, washed over her. The power of her orgasm was so intense, she lost herself in the brilliant white fireworks exploding behind her eyelids. Israel’s lips sealed over hers before she could shout into the night. Growling deep in his chest, the vibration set off another soul-shattering release.

  For a few seconds, the
constant internal chatter in Bristol’s mind was turned off. The silence brought with it a profound sense of peace that recharged her soul. The escape so perfect, she had no idea how she could survive without it. Drat. Damned if the man wasn’t circumventing all her defenses.

  He wasn’t playing fair. He had to know how much she wanted him. It wasn’t just the sex—it was also the connection, the feeling of belonging she’d longed for her entire life. As a child, she’d described it to a professor as standing on the sidewalk, watching through a window as a family enjoyed a holiday meal—everyone laughing and talking, the sound of their voices muffled by the glass and distance. Knowing she’d only be able to watch from a distance was sadder than not knowing such moments existed.

  Taking a deep breath, Bristol tried to slow her racing heart by focusing on what she needed to get done. With the next several days off, she might be able to find another small apartment in a safer area while she waited for the architect to finish up the plans for her lake house. He’d been putting her off forever, and it was time for her to put some pressure on him.

  Damn it all to blue bidets. I don’t know why he had to keep pushing. It wasn’t fair for him to try to bargain with her—he’d finish the plans if she’d have sex with him.

  Israel was certain his blood pressure had to be so far off-the-chart, his eyeballs threatened to explode. He was going to delay a conversation about the architect because he was too fucking pissed to discuss it rationally at this point. First, he needed to remind her there was no reason to look for an apartment—hell, he thought the issue had already been resolved. Apparently, she hadn’t thought he was serious when he said she could stay with him.

  “I’m looking forward to having you here with me, Beautiful. This apartment is large enough for the two of us, so there is no need for you to worry about finding a place.” He felt her stiffen against him and smiled down at her before rolling to the side, keeping them face to face.

  “I’ll pay rent.” As long as it isn’t too much. Who was she kidding? An apartment like this was way out of her price range.

  “Are you trying to earn another punishment?” When her eyes widened, he reminded himself how new she was to the lifestyle. “You will not pay rent to me or anyone else associated with Adler Oil. That is not up for discussion. We are destined mates, Bristol. I realize the timing isn’t right for you, but fate never makes a mistake. If you will stop and think about it, you’ll probably be able to think of a couple of reasons we might have met now rather than later.”

  Israel could feel Bristol trying to step back emotionally. There were times he would allow her time to regroup, but it certainly wasn’t happening when they were discussing their future. Hell, he was still deep inside her—not a good time for a submissive to try to step back from his or her Dom.

  “I don’t mean to seem ungrateful for all your help or disrespectful about mating. I just thought I would have more time to explore myself and the world around me without the responsibilities that accompany a full-time relationship.”

  Israel waited, making an effort to stay patient while she sorted through her thoughts. He could feel her struggling to put her feelings into words. He already knew she was losing the battle to resist mating. After all, he’d meant what he said… fate never makes a mistake.

  “For so many years, I was controlled by parents who had no idea what to do with me. I’m not being boastful, but I passed them intellectually by the time I started school. It was easier for them to ignore me than figure out what I needed. Once I was in school, the powers that be quickly discovered I was smarter than the average kid and how little my parents cared. Basically, I slept at home—that was it. The rest of the time, I was at school or spending extra time with academic coaches and tutors.”

  “What did you do on the weekends? Where did you spend holidays?” He’d looked forward to each school break but doubted it was true of Bristol’s childhood. The Adlers might have lost their parents far too early, but they’d had amazing childhoods.

  “Weekends were torture… holidays as well. Several teachers worked to send me to summer enrichment camps. I didn’t fully appreciate their efforts until I was in college.” She chewed on her lips and shrugged. “That’s why I sponsor kids who want to go to camp. If their parents can’t or won’t send them, I pay for it.”

  Israel was thrilled to learn his amazing mate was a philanthropist. Giving back was something he and his siblings were devoted to.

  “You need to work with Asia on this. Adler Oil funds several scholarship programs. I know Asia has been looking for ways to expand the effort. The two of you could do amazing things for kids.” Stroking the side of her face, he watched her eyes dilate and heard the slight hitch in her breathing.

  “Sweet mate, belonging to me won’t stop you from exploring. You’ll be gaining a travel companion who is looking forward to seeing the world through your eyes. I’ll never try to hold you back, personally or professionally. I want to add to your life, not restrict it.” He was speaking from his heart and hoped she understood he was sincere—if not, he planned to step the process up tomorrow night at the club.

  While she used the master bath, Israel used the guest bath down the hall and still beat her back to bed.

  “You cannot hide in there all night, Beautiful. I can hear your brilliant mind spinning out of control from out here.” Bristol opened the door, her cheeks scarlet red with embarrassment.

  “I was trying to figure out what to say. You’ve been so patient, nothing like Charlotte portrayed you.” Her comments got Israel’s attention. What the hell had his sister-in-law said about him to make his mate so wary. She obviously sensed his concern because she immediately started shaking her head, “No, it wasn’t what you’re thinking.” She walked over to the bed, sitting where he’d pulled the coverlet back for her. “She told me you and Austin were the most determined businessmen she’d ever met. There was more to the conversation, but I’m not sure I should repeat it since it took place at my office.”

  “Let me guess, she described my brother as a steam-roller and didn’t feel I was much better.” Bristol’s mouth dropped open, the plump lips of her bow-shaped mouth, forming a perfect O. Damn, he was looking forward to seeing his cock slide between those rose-colored lips.

  It was true, he and Austin were bulldozers when it came to business. Asia was a wrecking ball, and the youngest of them, Paris, would take you apart and put you back together in a way she found easier to manipulate. Kensington had been relentless in his acting career, holding out for the best roles and negotiating contracts his fellow actors envied—all while marching to his own drummer.

  “Bristol, as a group, all the Adlers are steamrollers in our professional lives because we are driven to be successful. Remember, fate has chosen mates for us who are our perfect matches. Paris needed a mate with a personality similar to hers but stronger. Without Trinity providing balance, she is the very definition of rushing in where angels fear to tread. Asia needed a mate who was both intelligent, politically connected, and possessing a high level of magical ability.

  “What I’m trying to tell you, in a very obscure way, is fate matches the Adlers with strong mates—mates who can go toe-to-toe with us. Mates who bring much-needed counterbalance and intellectual stimulation. Mates who challenge us in all the right ways.” Pushing several strands of her white-blonde hair behind her ear, Israel relished the silky feel of the locks between his fingers and let the gesture lure her in. It was the perfect segue, allowing him to change the subject without being rude.

  “I love your hair. I’ll always braid it before we play in our playroom or at the club.” Her eyes sparkled with interest, but he shook his head. “Not tonight. You’ve had a few crazy days, and I’m looking forward to holding you while you sleep.” He looked pointedly at the shirt she’d found while he’d been down the hall. “Lose the shirt, mate. We sleep naked. Being skin to skin makes it easier for our bodies to synchronize. You may be a shifter, but you have a lot to learn
about your own body, Beautiful.”

  “I’ve heard about the synching, but I’ve never experienced it. I’ve talked to patients who describe it as a powerful connection, a level of inner-peace they’d never experienced before.”

  “Take off the shirt, sweetheart, and let’s find out for ourselves.” He made quick work of the buttons, letting her see the appreciation in his eyes as his gaze moved over the bare skin he exposed. Watching the white cotton slide sensuously off her shoulders was so fucking hot, Israel felt his cock stiffen in response. “You keep teasing me, and it’ll be a good long while before you get any rest, Bristol.” When he reached for the light, she went completely still.

  “I won’t be able to sleep if it’s completely dark in the room. It’s disorienting and terrifying.”

  He could tell there was more to the story and suspected there was more to her parents’ abuse than simple neglect. Moving from the bed, Israel turned on the soft lighting in the shower before pulling the en suite’s door partially closed. Bristol’s whispered thanks made his heart clench. He doubted she would ever be completely free of the lingering effects of childhood abuse but hoped he and his family could help alleviate some of the more severe impediments to her happiness.

  “Being able to get my bearings without waiting for my eyes to adjust will help me go back to sleep when I wake up during the night.”

  Last night, Israel had assumed she woke every half-hour or so because she was in a different place. If she regularly struggled with sleep disruption, her success was even more remarkable. Climbing back into bed, Israel pulled her back against his chest, sighing in contentment when she relaxed into his embrace. His cock snuggled between the cheeks of her ass, happy to be close to heaven but resigned to letting her tender tissues recover from his intense fucking.

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart. I’ve got you. Contrary to the way it feels, my cock isn’t calling the shots. My brain is still in charge, and I know your body and mind both need rest.” Israel smiled to himself. This was going to be one of his favorite parts of every day—holding his naked mate in his arms, feeling her relax as her thoughts slowed enough for him to finally track them.


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