Keeping Wicked (The Mitchell Brothers Book 3)

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Keeping Wicked (The Mitchell Brothers Book 3) Page 5

by Kathryn L. James

  “Please Chad.” I curled my leg around the back of his thighs drawing him into me.

  Driving his fingers in and out of the depths between my thighs, he lowered his head and pulled a rosy tightened nipple into his mouth. He teased, sucked, and when his teeth grazed the sensitive bud, I jerked in a welcoming frantic response.

  “You’re so tight,” he whispered.

  “Please.” I begged, arching upward feeling the explosion coming.

  “Please what? Tell me what you want.” His tone was hoarse and sinfully sexy.

  “Please… oh damn… please take me,” I rushed out, squirming at his mercy. It felt as though molten lava poured its way into my veins.

  The sound of a foil package being ripped open lasted only seconds before I felt the tip of his hardness slide up and down through my crevice and then stopping at my entrance. Squeezing my eyes closed, I waited for him to push inside me. I quaked, but not out of fear but because he did something to me, no-one else ever had—in twenty-four hours he’d peeled every protective layer away and I’d never felt more whole.

  “You feel so fucking perfect.”

  Then he plunged deep inside me and I couldn’t swallow the sharp cry I’d tried to hold back. It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, and I felt his eyes lock on me, but I couldn’t muster the courage to open mine. He stilled, elbows on each side of my head and I felt his ragged breath against my skin.

  “What in the fucking hell?” Fury spewed in his tone and I felt him pulling away and slowly sliding out of me.

  “Please, don’t stop. I need this.” I swallowed hard and dug my nails into the bare flesh of his back. “Please don’t stop.”

  My eyes flew open and I wrapped my legs tightly around his hips urging him to continue. I tilted my hips and arched upward, urging him to continue. He sucked in a deep breath and I could tell an internal tug of war played out in his mind, but when his hardness throbbed inside me, I knew he still wanted me.

  He grasped my wrists and held them down on either side of my head and his mouth dipped down and kissed my neck, breathing me in. In a slow gentle move, he pushed in and tenderly slid out in rhythmic strokes. A moan vibrated my throat and the discomfort dulled until all I felt was the promise of ecstasy.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I said breathlessly. “You feel amazing.”

  He let out a low growl building up the pace, withdrawing and thrusting deeper inside me. The air left my lungs each time he drove into me and I moaned with each measured stroke. He consumed each piece of my entire being. Skin to skin, glistening and searing as his body owned mine.

  Lifting my hips, I trembled at a thousand degrees and when he slipped his hand between us, circling his thumb against my throbbing bundle of nerves everything in the universe exploded.

  “Oh God, yes!” I climaxed all over him, clenching and pulsing as I came hard and swift.

  “Fuck!” he growled, throwing his head back shuddering in his own release until he finally stilled.

  Moments passed and our breathy panting filled the room. He pressed his sticky forehead to mine as we both came down from the glorious high.

  Fucking hell, this is what I’ve been missing?

  There was an awkward silence, and I held my breath hoping I could lay there in the moment and enjoy the hell out of how he’d made me feel.

  A few seconds later, he pulled out of me and rolled to his side. I sensed his regret and cringed at his disdain.

  “What the hell, Leah?” he growled.

  “Are you always like this afterward? If so, I’d be willing to bet you don’t get many second dates.” I tried to make light on his obvious pissed off state.

  “Cut the shit. You should have told me,” he bit out.

  “Yeah, okay. I should have said, I’m a damaged screwed up virgin who wants you to make love to me. Then you would have jumped my bones because you couldn’t resist? Not likely.”

  “This is fucked up.”

  “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Women who save themselves for the right moment or right guy always want more. I don’t want clingy and I sure as hell don’t want a relationship. That pretty much makes it a big fucking deal.”

  “You’re an asshole. Let me be perfectly clear, I had a great time. The sex was off the charts, but I can promise you one damned thing. I sure as hell won’t be one of those clingy girls. In fact, we’ll call it a night right now. Thanks for the steak. Date over.” I slung my legs off the bed and before my feet planted on the floor his strong hand curled around my upper arm.

  “Christ, Leah. Give me a minute.”

  “No. I’m ready to leave.”

  I felt the rustle of him moving and the heat of his body sliding into a kneeling position behind me. His arms circled my body and his mouth closed in at my ear.


  I didn’t move an inch. He kissed a line of warm kisses from my shoulder, to the curvature of my neck to my ear. “Tell me why you… chose me.”

  “I didn’t choose you. My hormones did.”

  He let out a soft chuckle and nipped at the lobe of my ear. “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. I’m good at reading people and it’s not in my nature for women to shock the hell out of me. You being a virgin shocked the hell out of me. Had I known, I would have been gentle.”

  “No. If you had known, it would never have happened. And for the record, I didn’t want gentle.”

  “You’re right. It wouldn’t have happened.”

  “I’m glad it did,” I whispered.

  “Stay the night.” His breath on my skin altered all logic. “I’ll take you home in the morning.”

  “It’s probably not a good idea. Plus, what more is there to say?” I whispered, arching my head to the side giving him full access to the side of my neck. He fisted my hair pulling it away guiding my head to the side to give him more of my flesh to kiss.

  “I think there could be a lot more to say.” His teeth grazed the curvature of my neck and slowly we eased down onto the mattress with me flat on my back and his rock-hard chest pressing against my breasts.

  Apprehension coiled in my belly and I exhaled softly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  “Off the charts, huh?” he rolled to his side and propped up on his elbow.

  “It was pretty hot, but then again I don’t have anything to compare it to,” I lied. I had Preston and that horrific night and that was hell—this had been the most beautiful kingdom in paradise.

  “When this happens again, I’ll show you how much better it can be. Tonight, was incredible, but it can’t touch how many times or how hard I can make you come.”

  God, my heart pounded so hard he had to hear the thumping in my chest. He cupped the side of my face with his hand and kissed me. It was so gentle and tender, and I wondered if he was trying to make up for taking me hard and fast. I opened my mouth inviting his tongue inside, and he tasted incredible. This night was already forever tattooed on my brain.

  “I’ll be right back.” Chad rolled away and slid out of the bed on the opposite side of where I lay. Mesmerized I watched his muscular build disappear inside the adjoining room. Sounds of water ran for a few minutes and then he returned with a wet washcloth.

  “Open your legs,” he commanded, his hand nudging my thighs apart.

  Heat filled my cheeks and I lay unmoving in a daze, taking me by complete surprise.

  “Open up, Leah. Let me take care of you.”

  Slowly I did as he said, and he lightly ran the warmed cloth down my crevice. I swallowed hard, blushing at the most intimate gesture.

  “This isn’t necessary. I… can take care of myself.”

  “Are you sore?”

  “No, not really.”

  After several sweeping movements, he took the cloth back to the bathroom and I couldn’t take my eyes off the silhouette of his strong masculine build.

  Abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous.

  Climbing back in the bed he pulled the cover over half of our bodies and in ten seconds flat we were nestled together. “How is it a beautiful woman like you has never had sex?”

  “Things… happened. I thought he was something special and then he left me damaged. Look, I… don’t want to talk about it.”

  He trailed his fingers over my hip to the rectangular scar on my lower abdomen. “Is this what he did to you?”

  “It’s a chapter in my life that doesn’t deserve to be mentioned again.”

  The cell phone rang in the other room and I let out a thankful sigh for the interruption. Talking about that night wasn’t a road I wanted to travel. Insistently the device chimed, and Chad never moved.

  “Aren’t you going to answer it?”


  “It’s getting late. It could be an emergency.”

  “They’ll call back. Wake me if you get up before I do,” he whispered huskily pulling me tight against him.

  Unexpected and unwanted tears brimmed my eyes. If Chad had been my first lover under different circumstances, the trajectory of my life could have been written in a different genre. I wouldn’t have been fucked up and fate might have been good—hell maybe with my own happily ever after.

  But it hadn’t.

  And I needed to get the hell out of here, before craving more of his taste spread to craving more of everything I couldn’t have.

  After a few more minutes his breathing became even and shallow validating a restful state. Seizing the moment to escape reality, I carefully slid out of his arms and stood at the bedside. In the moonlight, I watched him sleep for several seconds and then pressed a feather light kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you,” I whispered so quiet I wasn’t even sure I said anything aloud.

  Using the app, I sent for an Uber and then tiptoed around with the aid of the built-in flashlight feature on my phone to gather up all of my clothes scattered about the dining room floor. In a rush, I dressed and quietly stepped into the humid air outside. In an almost jog, I headed down the lengthy drive and prayed it wouldn’t take long for my ride to whisk me away.

  It took everything I had to not turn around and look back, but I kept taking one step at a time keeping my focus forward until I finally reached the massive entrance to Chad’s ranch. Crickets chirped and in the distance a whippoorwill called out into pitch black night air as I waited patiently.

  In awe of how shockingly simple it had been to let go of all of my fears and succumb to a vicarious night of pleasure.

  I gave Chad Mitchell my fucking V card!

  A small giggle escaped my lips that turned into full blown laughter. Tonight, I’d crossed the threshold and I knew this one night had changed the trajectory of my life.

  I felt free and could taste the air I breathed. All this time, I’d felt fragile and suffocated underneath layers of ice and pain, but now all I felt were the sparks of life fueling an unstoppable smile curling at my lips.

  Bright headlights approached and I walked to the edge of the street as soon as I verified it was in fact my ride. It came to a stop and I climbed into the back seat and closed the door.

  After giving the driver my address, I leaned my head against the headrest and closed my eyes. Thankfully, he didn’t talk, and it seemed like as soon as I dozed off, we came to a stop at the curb in front of my townhouse.

  Chad Mitchell was going to be a man I’d never forget, but do everything in my power to never cross paths with again… except in my dreams.

  Chapter 7

  Carli pat the sofa cushion next to her, already giggling. “Sit your out of control ass down! I want all the details!”

  “Unlike yourself, some girls don’t kiss and tell.” I couldn’t keep a straight face if I’d tried and raised my eyebrows playfully.

  “Oh my God, don’t leave me in suspense!”

  I shrugged my shoulders with a blush rising in my cheeks. “All it took was him walking inside Ortega’s. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I can’t explain it, he just had me. I lost the ability to logically think when he fucking kissed me. He had his driver pick me up the next night for a date which happened to be dinner at his house. It was… I can’t even describe how good it was.”

  “Did you make the first move?” Her curious gleam had me smiling again, but I left her guessing. “No way. You jumped his bones.” She pointed her finger at me. “When are you seeing him again?”

  “I’m not. It was a one-time thing.”

  “How can you be so sure? I mean this was a huge deal! Wait… was… he huge?”

  “He was… perfect. Thick, long, and the veins. Perfect in every way.” I giggled.

  “You’ll see him again.” She tilted her head to the side. “I’d bet money on it.”

  “It’s a bet you’ll lose. Guaranteed. Neither of us want to see each other. He made his opinion loud and clear. After he figured out about my V card, after it was too late, he was pissed and assumed I was going to be clingy and desperate for a relationship. I swore I wasn’t looking for more than anything other than sex.”

  Part lies. Part truth. I told the truth in not wanting a relationship, but I told a lie in regard to not wanting to see him. Given the chance, I would sleep with him one last time, just to touch the stars again.

  “Holy shit, you didn’t tell him you were a virgin before y’all…”

  I shook my head. “It would have never happened if I had. Afterwards we talked, and he was a nice guy. Turns out, there are a few left in the world.” Vivid memories of how he gently cleaned me afterwards rolled through my thoughts. “When he fell asleep, I called an Uber and left.”

  “And you haven’t heard from him?”

  “No and I won’t. We’ve gone our separate ways.”

  “I know you want to see him again. I’ve known you too long.”

  “Zane has rewired your brain.” I laughed. “At least, after all these years, I no longer have cobwebs in my va-jay-jay.”

  “I’m so glad to see the old happy you back. This is the Leah I first met.”

  I tipped my head to the exceptionally large bouquet of long-stemmed red roses. “I take it those are from Zane?”

  “Aren’t they beautiful?” she squealed. “He’ll be over in a while. You should stay and have dinner with us.”

  “No third wheel here.”

  “He would be cool with it. I already told him your movers had to reschedule for tomorrow. You should get a huge discount for that shit!”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll grab some fast food.”

  “Or you could see if you could make a dinner reservation at the Mitchell house and tell him you’ll bring dessert all wrapped up in a lacy black thong served on his table!” She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

  “So, how come you’re being all super-secret on the sex details with you and Zane?”

  “I guess I’m afraid to jinx it, but holy hell, he’s skilled. I lost count of the number of times he made me see fireworks.”

  I let out a laugh.

  So. Was. Chad. Mitchell.

  “It was your first time, but did you… were you able to have a taste of that?” Carli’s smile was wide and dimpled.

  “Yes. The first time was on top of his dining room table. It was toe curling, take your breath away good.”

  “You’re first time was on the table?”

  “Not all the way-all the way. Oral.”

  “Who are you and what did you do with my best friend?”

  “I’m certain he’s ruined any future experience. I don’t think anyone will hold the candle to him. Big shoes to fill. Big.”

  We talked for hours and laughed the entire time. Zane had done a number on her. I’d never seen her light up speaking about one of her dates. It was a close race as to which one of us was the giddiest.

  On the way home, my cell phone chimed signaling a text. Stopping at the next red-light, I scooped it out of my purse in the pa
ssenger seat.

  Dad: Don’t forget about the party Friday night.

  I groaned in protest. Attending this party was the last thing I wanted to partake in.

  Me: I’ll be there

  The light turned green and I sped down the highway. A car, the same make and model but different color than Chad’s Aston Martin zipped past me.

  “Forget him,” I mumbled, knowing that was an impossible order.

  “Fix You” by Coldplay filled my car and the lyrics hit the dead center of my heart. He had without knowing, fixed me. The scar that marked me no longer mattered. He made me feel beautiful. Tears stung my eyes remembering how instead of being revolted, he had pressed his lips to the ugliness. I began singing the words to the song and beamed like a lunatic the rest of the way home.

  As I rounded the last corner, even in the distance, I couldn’t believe it. Sitting in my drive was the same car I’d ridden in the night we left Ortega’s. I slowed and turned in beside the shiny sports car with a dropped jaw.

  He was here.

  Chad Mitchell was freakin’ here, parked in front of my house.

  I slid into the drive and locked my gaze on the silhouette sitting inside the sports car.

  Oh. My. God.

  He eased out wearing a tailored suit and fuck I wanted to do bad things with him. His cuff links glimmered in the afternoon sun and his eyes locked on mine.

  In an instant, my mouth became like the desert and I swept my tongue over my lips to try and relieve the dryness. He was sin and divine all in one package. He moved with certainty and arrogance as he walked to my car door and reached for the handle.

  A black on black tie hung loose around his neck and my hands trembled to touch every hardened plane underneath the crisp white dress shirt. My gaze was affixed to the web, calling the moth to the spider.

  “You bailed without so much as a good-bye.” His jaw flexed and ticked.

  “Well hello to you to.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice.

  He extended his hand offering to help me out of my car and instead of taking him up on it, I squared my shoulders and hopped out. Without looking back, I pressed the remote and the car honked indicating it was locked.


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