Keeping Wicked (The Mitchell Brothers Book 3)

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Keeping Wicked (The Mitchell Brothers Book 3) Page 9

by Kathryn L. James

  “I thought you left.” I managed to find my voice.

  “How’s Harry?” His eyebrows pulled downward, and a strained shadow crossed over his face.

  “He’s doing good. Anita’s with him right now.” My eyes clung to his. He was so damned beautiful, and I couldn’t look away.

  “I had some things delivered for you.”

  “It’s too early for Delaney’s to be open.”

  “After you shower and dress, we need to talk.” Dismissing the fact it was too early for any retail store to be open, he stared at me like a pensive hawk.

  “What’s wrong?” Swallowing hard, I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear what he had to say.

  “Get dressed Leah. I’ll be in the living area.” He draped the bags across the foot of the bed before turning around and walking out of the room. I didn’t miss the ticking in his jaw or the tension in his thick neck.

  Staring, I frowned at the empty doorway for a few seconds. Puzzled to say the least, I finally walked over to where the embossed garment bag and shopping sacks lay across the bedding. Unzipping the shiny gold zipper, I lifted my eyebrows at the impeccable taste of whoever picked out the two outfits inside. The first, a tailored chic cobalt-blue jacket, a white V-neck tee, and a pair of jeans. The second, black leggings, a dove-gray cotton tee and a light denim jacket to match. I removed a black nylon drawstring bag and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. Several pairs of lacy panties and matching bras lay neatly folded in between sheets of gray tissue paper. Inside the pink bag, shoe boxes filled with a pair of ballet flats and chucks to compliment the outfits.

  He did all of this? His whiplash moods confused the hell out of me.

  Last night he was tender and caring, going out of his way to make sure I was taken care of. He held me, letting me cry and unleash every emotion I had to expel—because he knew I was a train wreck. He brought me to the most luxurious room the city had to offer and somehow managed to waltz in with clothes from the ritziest department store that hadn’t even opened this early—yet he wore a stony expression made of steel.

  Last night I drowned in the way he was full of warmth and the way he’d looked at me—like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. I hated the way apprehension danced in his eyes now. It struck a chord and I knew I wasn’t going to like whatever he had to say. I knew I wouldn’t like it because it was the same perplexed expression my dad used to wear before letting me down or breaking one of thousands of promises.

  I kept reminding myself, we were nothing more than sex.

  Sex that would not happen again.

  Sex that was forever etched into my memories.

  Quickly, I showered and blew out my hair in natural messy loose curls and tucked a pony-tail holder into my pocket for later. My heart raced like crazy as I shoved my feet inside the cobalt blue ballerina flats matching the jacket.

  I found Chad sitting at the head of the table with his laptop open and his cell phone glued to his ear. He tipped his head toward the bar where a variety of pastries, muffins, and sweet breads filled a platter alongside a pitcher of fresh squeezed orange juice.

  I offered a smile, but he didn’t return one which made me want to start firing questions. Maybe he was going to cut my dad, push him into early retirement—after all Chad was a powerful businessman and the Lonestar’s was a business. He needed a head coach that was in tip-top shape, one who could take the team into the Series for the win.

  I moved the assortment of breakfast goodness on the table and poured some orange juice into two small crystal glasses before sitting to the right of him. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh into the phone.

  “Look, I’m not flying back out to Denver anytime soon. He’ll either wait or get on a flight to Dallas.” He paused, raking his sexy eyes over me.

  His lips finally curled into a slight smile. Chad’s disposition had my nerves on edge at the thought of my dad possibly losing his job. Would he fire him?

  Then he let out a clipped daring laugh laced with arrogance. “I don’t give a fuck about idle threats to sue me. The son-of-a-bitch will choke on his threats when he learns I play golf with his attorney. Clear my schedule for next week and Pauline, go home. While I appreciate you coming in on Sunday we’re done for the day.”

  He pressed end on the phone and shoved it inside his pocket.

  “Bad morning?” My voice sounded shaky, trying hard to cover up the dreaded confrontation.

  “Typical day. Welcome to the life of being a Mitchell.”

  “At least you weren’t born into the Wright gene pool.”

  “Since we’ve fucked, I’m glad I wasn’t either.”

  I crinkled my nose and shook my head. “Look, thanks for the clothes and the room and all.” I paused before adding, “and I still haven’t figured out how you managed have something from Delaney’s sent over this early.”

  “I have my ways.”

  “Please tell me you don’t have a stash of clothes on hand for the women you bring here.”

  His jaw tensed and his eyes narrowed. “I don’t bring women here.”

  I swallowed, letting his affirmation sink in. I shouldn’t have cared if he’d brought a dozen women here, but the truth was I did care—and I couldn’t explain why if I’d tried.

  “Now I’m being rude, I’m sorry, Chad. I’m very thankful for all that you’ve done—especially last night. I was a mess.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “It meant more than you’ll ever know.”

  “Garrett is holding reservations for the penthouse for a few days. It’s at your disposal, so use it so you can be close to Harry while he’s in the hospital.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the amenities. I was talking about you being there for me when I needed someone to hold me… and as far as the room goes, I’ll get a standard room if I need one.”

  He removed a key card from his pocket and slid it across the table to me. “Take the damned key, Leah. You’ve had little sleep, and sooner or later it’s going to catch up with you. Stay tonight and stop arguing.”

  I heaved a huge sigh and reluctantly picked up the key card without the slightest plan to use it. To make him drop the issue, I slid it inside the pink compartment on the back of my phone case. The spicy scent of his cologne wafted in the air and it smelled so delicious, it made tingles spontaneously climb up and down my spine.

  God, what is wrong with me? Is this the way virgins feel toward the first guy they’ve ever slept with? Is this what he meant when he’d said virgins were clingy? I pinched off a piece of muffin unable to contain my smile.

  Then it hit me, it had nothing to do with being clingy. It had everything to do with having the most amazing orgasms that were so good there wasn’t a word in the English dictionary to accurately describe how great it was, and I wanted him to give me another—just once more.

  Get. Your. Shit. Together. And get out of here before you make a fool out of yourself.

  “What did you want to talk about?”


  “I didn’t know there was an us.” I played it cool.

  He tossed a sharp look at me, but then his eyes traveled over my face to my lips where he lingered long enough for me to understand something stirred inside him—something as much as the storm winds churned inside me.

  “There isn’t. We need to be on the same page and understand what happened between us can’t happen again,” he clipped, still looking at my mouth.

  I let out a whispered laugh and ran my tongue over my bottom lip, “Well thank God you’re not firing my dad.”

  He raised his eyebrows and his gaze met mine again. “Why in the hell would you think I was going to fire Harry?”

  “Because of us.”

  “There is no us, Leah. We fucked before we knew who we were. I need to make sure you understand that.”

  “Understood. Thankfully, we found out the big bad secret, otherwise we could have cont
inued to fuck each other for a few days or weeks until one of us got tired of the other and moved along. I mean you have to admit, the sex was sinfully hot.” The flirty girl I used to be found her way back and poured gasoline onto the smoldering coals.

  “Leah,” he growled, reacting exactly the way I’d meant for him to react at my flirtatious comeback.

  I stood up and pushed the chair in. “You should probably work on that look that says you want to fuck me as much as I want you to.”

  Adding a little extra sway in my hips, I sauntered toward the door. He’d opened Pandora’s box the moment he touched me. I didn’t want a relationship, but I ached for one more night of passion with him.

  And bad little Leah was about to show him what he was missing—and how hard it was to resist.

  Chapter 12

  As soon as I entered the hospital lobby my phone started ringing with Anita’s name lighting up the screen.

  “What’s wrong?” I picked up my pace toward the elevator.

  “They aren’t going to remove the breathing tube. Both the heart and lung doctor made rounds and decided he needed another day to rest. He’s breathing fine on his own, but whatever numbers they are looking at, tells them he needs a little extra help.”

  “Is he responding?”

  “Yes, but the nurse said they’re going to increase the sedation medications to keep him comfortable. She said it’s important that he stay calm and that he doesn’t fight against the apparatus. Apparently, it’s common for patients to want to jerk the tube out. Other than that, they said he’s doing remarkably well and better than expected.”

  “Are you with him right now?”

  “I was but walked out to the waiting room. He seems confused, but I didn’t want to risk him hearing anything.”

  “I’m getting on the elevator now. I’ll be right there.”

  The day passed painfully slow sitting by Dad’s side. Anita and I chatted, and I tried to stay distracted from all the intimidating machines and noises in the room with no avail. The cardiac monitor showing his heart rhythm and rate along with various other important data was in my direct view. It was hard not to be overwhelmed by all the lifesaving equipment hooked to him.

  “His color seems pinker and his face doesn’t appear so swollen.” I whispered to Anita.

  “If he is cognitive at all, he’s one pissed off man.”

  I let out a chuckle and nodded my head. She couldn’t be more accurate.

  When the sun faded into night, Anita reluctantly left but not before promising to be back first thing in the morning. Alone and nothing to do but overthink, everything from Dad lying there in guarded condition, the crazy-train I’d boarded by sleeping with Chad, and the one-eighty turn my life had taken.

  Carli’s name flashed on my phone screen and a full smile lit up my face. God, I needed to talk to that girl—there was so much to say.

  “Why didn’t you call me? I had to read about your dad on freakin’ social media!”

  “I’m sorry, Carli. I’ve been half out of my mind and didn’t even think to call.”

  “How is he?”

  “Better today.”

  “I would have been there, Leah. Zane and I are back in Galveston, but I can either catch a flight or drive in, which ever will get me there the fastest.”

  “No. I don’t want you to do that. Anita has been by my side through this.” I purposefully left out the part about Chad. I didn’t want to talk about him, especially since he hadn’t even called.

  Before we finished talking, we’d cried and laughed together. I think in the few short days, my friend was head over heels in crazy love.

  “Honey, why don’t you go home? We’ll call you if anything changes,” a nurse softly spoke behind me.

  I struggled with leaving, but finally made my way across the crosswalk with a ton of stress piled a mile high on my shoulders. I wasn’t prepared for the shock of the possibility of losing my dad—to have lost the chance to tell him I loved him.

  The hotel buzzed with people scurrying about and I wondered if there were a special event close by bringing in a crowd. It was senseless for me to occupy the luxurious penthouse when someone may be willing to book the thing and pay the astronomical thousands per night. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

  I stopped at the registration desk and the attendant greeted me with a genuine smile. “Do you have a single non-smoking room with a king?”

  “Let me check.” She began clicking on the keyboard, then held her fingers still. “How many nights?”

  “One for now.”

  “You’re in luck. We have one left.”

  It didn’t take long to gather up my few things and leave the key to the penthouse laying on the table. The standard room was modest in size but still luxurious with expensive touches. I hung the fresh laundered clothes inside the closet and then stepped to the window to admire the view. It didn’t compare but was still just as breathtaking and impressive.

  Unable to stop myself, I looked at the blank screen of my phone thinking of Chad.

  “Get it through your head. Chad’s the type that just doesn’t show up one day.”

  Disappointed in the truth, I made my way over to the shower and turned on all four faucets.


  Toeing off my shoes and quickly sliding out of my clothes, I eased underneath the steamy spray jetting from all around me. Letting the blast sooth my aching muscles, I bent slightly forward, so the incredible pulsating reached every square inch of my back.

  Although it may have been the most relaxing shower of all time, my mind refused to shut down.

  Why hadn’t he called?

  I worked the peach scented shampoo through my hair and massaged the lather over my scalp.

  “Why do I even care?” I muttered rinsing the bubbles away.

  Jerking the plush white towel from the brass ring hanging on the wall, I roughly dried my body before wrapping it around me. I’d planned on sleeping in a tank top, but my gaze locked on one of Chad’s dress shirts hanging in the mix of my clothes.

  I ran my hand underneath the clear laundry covering and pulled the light grey buttery soft shirt from the hanger. I didn’t even bother to resist, undoing the first few buttons and slid it over my head. It hung mid-thigh and swallowed me. I closed my eyes, feeling the presence of him through the fabric engulfing me in warmness. It made me long for one last smell of his masculine scent.

  The chirp from my phone made me jump, pulling me out of the dreamy state. Seeing Chad’s name light up the screen caused my heart to race.

  Chad: Where the hell are you?

  None of your fucking business.

  Did he think he could ignore me all day and send me a snippy text with a tone this late? Not hardly.

  I slid the button on the side to silence and tossed the thing face down onto the table before turning off the light and climbing into bed.

  The damn thing vibrated.

  And vibrated again.

  Two, three, four and then the fifth.

  Oh my God. Stop it.

  He didn’t though.

  I debated whether to cover my head with the pillow or throw the device into the bathroom knowing the second wasn’t an option since the hospital might call.

  “Hello.” I couldn’t camouflage the agitation in my voice.

  “Where the hell are you?” he ground out.

  “Going to sleep.”

  “When I found your things gone, I assumed you went home. Imagine my surprise when you weren’t there. Next, I dropped by Harry’s, only for Anita to tell me you sent her a text assuring you were at the hotel. We both know you’re not there.”

  “I’m safe and sound so now you can relax. Good night, Chad.”

  “Don’t even think about hanging up on me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I pressed end wearing a satisfied smile.

  How fucking dare him!

  One call rolled into another unti
l I held the button down on the side powering if off. I hoped he gave up soon so I could turn it back on in case the nurse called. Lying on my back I stared at the twinkling city lights.

  Shit… my feelings were all over the map.

  I couldn’t just leave the phone off, and I couldn’t pretend it didn’t make me just a little bit happy that Chad had called. My fingers trembled pressing the button to power on the device at the same time a heavy thud repeatedly hammered on the door. At first I lay there frozen, but the knocking only became louder.

  “Hello?” I called out nervously.

  “Open the fucking door,” Chad commanded in an almost growl.

  My mouth gaped and I scrambled from the bed. Peeping through the tiny hole, I gulped as soon as I saw that sexy jaw tick.


  “Open the door, Leah,” he demanded.

  “Go home.” My voice barely audible.

  “I can’t.” His tone softened and he ran his hands through his hair.

  A stupid smile teased my lips.

  “Why?” I braced my hand on the handle arguing with myself to not open it.

  “I need to see you.”

  “Why?” My fingers blanched gripping the knob harder.

  Then the handle moved in my hand and not because I turned it. In a flash, the door began opening and I moved to the side to let it push against the wall. Chad held a key card in his hand. Dressed in dark jeans and a clinging black linen casual button down, he breathed ragged breaths.

  “What are you doing in room four-twenty-six and not in the penthouse?”

  “Why the fuck do you have a key to my room?” I snapped which was like an invitation for him to counter with a grin.

  His gaze trailed down my neck landing on my chest roaming all the way down to my legs and slowly back up.

  “You’re wearing my shirt.” Fire blazed in the depths of his eyes and a hot blush crept into my cheeks.

  “What are you doing here, Chad?”

  “You’re not in your room.” He brushed past me, opened the closet and draped the bundle of clothes across his arm. Pulling a pair of yoga pants from the drawer, he tossed them toward me.


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