“Are you ready, beloved. Do you officially want to make me yours?”
“I want something else.”
“What do you want?”
“I want to be yours too.”
“You want to be mated?” Cooper could barely keep the excitement out of his voice.
“Yes. Do we have to have a party first?”
“No. You’ve met Nicolae and he had a chance. Whenever you want to do it.”
“I love you so much. You’re my world.”
“I love you so much.”
The room has a soft glow of candles throughout it. Cooper lays Belladonna on the bed. He takes his index finger and runs it down her body. He pulls her dress up and begins touching her panties. They are getting wetter. Cooper kisses her neck while he touches her. She is moaning not worrying about how loud she is. Cooper is getting harder the more she moans. He is moving, faster, getting her closer to cuming. His fangs are itching to bite her. “My love can I bite you?”
Right as she cums Cooper bites her. Oh god I missed you. So bad. I know it’s only been since this afternoon, but I’ve missed you.
Cooper sends back, “I did too.”
Cooper kisses Belladonna then starts undressing her. Once he has her completely naked he undresses himself. “Are you ready my Queen?”
“Cooper slowly slides inside of her. Belladonna is digging her nails into his back. She bites him. God you feel amazing. I will never get used to this never. An eternity will not be enough time. It is the greatest feeling in the world. We were made for each other. Never doubt that. Never.
She is moving faster up against him and he matches her thrust per thrust. She can feel herself about to cum. Cooper smiles at her and nods his head. Belladonna bites Cooper and says, “Mea.”
“Sic enim aeternum.”
Cooper bites Belladonna. “Mea.”
“Sic enim aeternum.”
As they climax golden lights shine around them. Cooper kisses Belladonna. He picks her up off the bed and lays her down on the rug in front of the roaring fireplace. The same fireplace from the vision. Cooper is in heaven. He has everything he has ever wanted right now at the time, in this place.
The cherry blossoms are everywhere on the ground, in the air, and on the trees. Nicolae is there again. “Is the place falling apart?”
“Far from it. I just thought you’d find it more beautiful.”
“It is beautiful.”
“It pales in comparison to you.”
Belladonna blushes. “You embarrass me.”
Nicolae comes over and kisses Belladonna. “I love you.”
“Nicolae, I have something to tell you.”
“I already know.”
“It changes nothing for me. I’m still in love with you. I’m not giving up on you. On us. I’m not going after Mercedes. I’m not watching her. It’s just not happening.”
“Nicolae I don’t want you to miss out on your mate because….”
“Because we won’t happen. Might not happen. I’m waiting. It doesn’t matter if I die without having you as a mate. If I choose someone else, it would be the biggest lie in this world.”
“I just wanted to make sure.”
“I’m sure.”
Nicolae kisses Belladonna again. “I’ve missed you,” he says.
“Nicolae, I can’t do this.”
“Have you missed me?”
“I’ll let you go. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
“You just don’t give up.”
They pull up in front of a building. It’s concrete about six stories high and only a few windows. They go to the front door which has an armed guard who is human. “Your bodyguard needs to leave his weapons here.” Tad takes his weapons and puts them on the tray. The armed guard nods at Cooper and lets them through. Cooper goes to the elevators. He hits down and they go to the basement. Belladonna is expecting it to be spooky and dimly lit but instead it is decorated nicely and airy. There is an armed guard down there. He nods at Cooper. Belladonna is holding Cooper’s hand as they walk through the maze of hallways. He seems to know exactly where he is going. They finally end up at a corner office. It has deep brown paneling. Matching brown leather furniture. The art is of ritual sacrifices. Belladonna glances at them and thinks nothing. There is an armed vampire guard outside and inside of the room. He nods at Cooper. The man behind the desk motions for Cooper and Belladonna to take a seat. He motions for his bodyguard to leave the room. Tad is waiting outside the door. The door is shut and the man behind the desk sits down. “Belladonna my dear you are stunning. Cooper did very well for himself. I told him if he was just patient and waited, the Gods would reward him. They did. I’m being rude. My name is Harperion.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well. Cooper, did you explain why you are here?”
“No. not completely. I thought I’d let you do that.”
“That was a good idea.”
Belladonna looks at Cooper who she can feel is nervous. She looks back at Harperion who is digging for a book. He comes back with one and addresses Cooper and Belladonna. “What I’m going to do is officially bless the mating. By doing this it makes it official. No one can undo it. Not that it’s easy to undo in the first place. It just means it can never be undone. Everyone comes to me at some point during their marriage to have their mating blessed. I’m also doing one more thing. I don’t want this to scare you in any way. I’m going to explain it to you. Are you ready to hear it?”
“Yes, I’m ready.”
“There are times when people will want to trick you by taking the form of others. I have a way to combat that. The King and you would never be affected by that. Especially by one another. You would also always be able to communicate to one another. If god forbid you were taken by someone you would be able to communicate to one another regardless of what they did to you. That is something else I would offer. It is something that can’t be undone. Lastly and is the most important one for both of you. No one else can have sex with you. It is physically impossible. No worries of something happening to you or of one of you being unfaithful. I would do all three of these things. That is what the Kings has requested. Do you agree with it?”
“Yes, I agree.”
“Okay then let me begin.”
The wall behind Harperion opens up to a stone room. He motions for Cooper and Belladonna to follow him. He makes a circle with a piece of chalk for both of them that overlaps in the center. He then takes red sand and spreads it on the chalk. He has Belladonna and Cooper stands in the middle of each circle. He has them each hold a candle. He then begins. “Benedic hoc matrimonium aeterno. Ut sanguinem sorum, serva eos civitatum. Non homo, neque creatura protest conteri quod Deos beati.” Harperion lights the sand on fire while the candles burn. Harperion then lights incense and walks around Cooper and Belladonna who are holding the candles while he recites, “Larva videtur. Nihil occultum. Silentium est, non licet. Vulputate sit amet. Fidelitas est aurea. Prohibitum fructus manet intacta. Omnibus est petenda, est concessa. Per Deos et supra hominem infra.” The candles go out and the incense explodes. “You may get out of the circle now it’s been completed.” Cooper goes and shakes Harperion’s hand. Then Harperion kisses Belladonna’s hand.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, Cooper?”
“No that will be it.”
”If there is anything else either one of you need please feel free to call me.” Harperion hands a business card over to Belladonna. She puts it in her bag.
“Thank you,” Belladonna says.
“It was my pleasure.”
The store is busy again. Belladonna is working register and trying not to murder anyone who shows up in line. She has been yelled at, screamed at, and told she is an idiot. She is loving her job today. Thankfully, she is at lunch. S
he is headed towards the back when a very handsome gentleman stops her. He has dark hair and eyes, six feet tall, muscular built, and something familiar about him. “Excuse me I was wondering if you could help me?”
“Sure, what can I do for you.”
“I was looking for the psychology section.”
“It’s mixed in with self-help. I’ll show you.”
“I hate when bookstores do that.”
“Most people do. Here you go.”
“Thank you, Belladonna.”
“You’re welcome. Do you need anything else?”
“Your phone number.”
“I’m married.”
“Guess I’m late.”
“Yes, you are. You have a nice Christmas.”
“You as well, Bell.”
Belladonna goes to the back repeating the conversation not realizing she doesn’t have her nametag on today.
Chapter 7
Today is practice plus the new teacher is coming. Belladonna is dreading it. She
gets to her father’s house and just about dies when she sees the new teacher. It’s the guy from the bookstore. The one that asked her out. She asks aloof when she gets out of the car and goes straight over to Cage. “Hey Belladonna. This is the evaluator Criss.”
“Nice to meet you Criss. I’m Belladonna.”
“Nice to meet you Belladonna.” He smiles a knowing smile.
“Belladonna do you want to work on water?” Cage asks.
“Yes, that would be great.”
“Has she been working on spells?”
“Actually, she hasn’t. We were working on physical first then we were working on mental.”
“Let’s try both. Belladonna today I’d like for you to work on a spell.”
“Okay a spell.”
“You have over a hundred spells to learn.”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
“Is it supposed to?”
“Most people find it daunting.”
“I’m not most people.”
Cage chuckles.
“Alright then. Let me get the book.”
“I have it I’ll get it,” Cage says.
Criss and Belladonna are left alone. “I apologize. I had no idea you were my student.”
“I’m not bothered by it.”
“Okay just making sure.”
“Criss, I barely remember you.”
“I can’t say that.”
“Well, s it’s water under the bridge.”
Cage comes back with the book. “Thanks Cage.”
“You’re welcome Belladonna.”
“Okay why don’t you sit on the porch and study the spell called hush. It’s the ability to whisper something without being heard. Learn how to pronounce everything. Then try it out.”
She studies how to say the words. Taking time with each word and phrase. When
she finally has it down she tries it out. It isn't as easy as she thought it would be. Criss comes over and helps her. “Focus on it. Center yourself like you do for a physical activity. When you form a fireball or throw a water ball.”
“Can I go out to the yard, and do it?”
“No, you need to focus on it here.”’
“You can call me a name and see if I hear it.”
“I can do it mentally and see if you hear it.”
“You shield too well. I don’t.”
“I know better. You trap me in your head.”
“You know that trick?”
“Yes, I do.”
“How about if I swear not to trap you?”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You have to trust your teacher.”
“I don’t.”
“That’s harsh.”
“How did you know my name that day at work?”
“You were wearing a nametag.”
“No, I wasn’t. A customer pointed it out.”
“I knew you were my student. I wanted to find out about you.”
“So, if I would have accepted your date?”
“We would have gone out.”
“Just is.”
“I didn’t lie. I haven’t forgotten it.”
“You might as well.”
“Not likely.”
“I’m married.”
“You are mated.”
“I am.”
“What’s his name?”
“You’re mated to a Vampire.”
“I did.”
“You’re fae.”
“Thank you for the update.”
“Cage said nothing?”
“I do what I want.”
“I see.”
“What are you thinking?”
“Now you’re lying.”
“Nothing I’m willing to share.”
“I see.”
“Practice the spell.”
“Yes sir.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Belladonna finally gets the spell. Cage cheers for her. Criss is overly quiet about everything. After practice is over Belladonna goes to her car. Criss goes over to it. “Good job.”
“Really? Cause you seemed so happy for me?”
“I apologize. It was really good.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you being mated to a vampire.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t have a say so over what I do.”
“Are you going to the club tonight?”
“Yes I am. My vampire husband and I are going. Our daughter will be home with the nanny.”
“Yes, I was told about the daughter.”
“Do you have something to say about her?”
“No nothing.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Bell.”
Cooper and Belladonna were getting ready to go out. He could barely keep his hands off of her so she could get dressed. She was giggling as she was trying to do her makeup. “This guy has a crush on you?”
“I am assuming so and hates that I’m married to a vampire.”
“Well, he’ll get used to it, my love.”
“Yes, he will. Cause I’m not changing.”
“I won’t let you.” Cooper kisses her.
Belladonna finishes getting ready, and they get in the car. Mercedes is outside waiting for them and she waves them down. “Oh my god I have the biggest gossip.”
“What is it?”
“Ava and Roger broke up.”
“No way!”
“I thought they were long term,” Cooper says
“I did too but they broke up.”
“Damn. Are they both coming?” Belladonna asks.
Ava shows up looking like a hooker is the only description Belladonna can use. “Ava, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m single and ready to mingle.”
“Okay then,” Mercedes says.
Roger shows up next with Sam. They say nothing. Cage and Criss come up next. Ava immediately notices Criss and turns on the charm. Belladonna tries not to laugh with Mercedes. “Everyone, this is Criss. He’s my new teacher.”
“I’m Ava.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Sam, That’s Roger. Mercedes. Cooper.”
“You’re Cooper.”
“Yes, the vampire.”
“Can I speak to you alone?”
“Not right now I’m with Belladonna.”
“Later then.”
“Sure later.”
Belladonna cuddles closer to Cooper as it’s cold out. “It’s too cold for this.”
“I’ll warm you up.”
“Then do i
“There are too many people around.”
“You don’t seem like you’d mind an audience.”
“With you I do. I don’t want anyone to see you.”
“Especially Criss.”
“Especially him.”
“I expect when we leave here you to warm me up.”
“The moment we do I will.”
“Swear on my life.”
Pete sounds great tonight. He is doing one of Belladonna’s favorite songs so he keeps looking up to her to make sure she is enjoying it. Criss is attempting to make Belladonna jealous by paying attention to Ava. Belladonna is too wrapped by in Cooper to notice. Belladonna is singing with Mercedes. Cooper went to go get drinks. Criss moves over to Belladonna. “You like this song?”
“I love this song.”
“So who are you….”
“Don’t finish that question. You’ll make an ass out of yourself. It’s a song.”
“It’s not bothering you?”
“Ava and you?”
“You noticed.”
“Criss it's hard not to notice.”
“Are you jealous?”
“Nope Criss I’m sorry.”
Criss walks away towards Cooper.
“How did you manage to get her?”
“That must be it.”
“You don’t approve?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Well, it’s set in stone.”
“You saw Harperion?”
“Yes, we did.”
“Well then I guess it is set.”
“Are you okay Criss?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Can I get you a drink?
“Yeah, a beer.”
“Sure. Do you want to talk?”
it’s fine.”
“If you change your mind.”
Cooper takes the drink back to Belladonna and Mercedes.
Criss had a bit too much to drink and Ava was taking advantage of the fact. Belladonna went over to him. “Criss, are you okay?”
“No, I’m not. I never get what I want.”
“I’m going to have Cage take you home.”
“You take me home.”
“Okay I’ll drive your car home.”
Queen: Part One Page 8