“You looking if the “thread” you put there is severed.”
“Yes I am. It should be. It is.”
“Good. You will be protected along with anyone you love. You will have nothing to worry about.”
“How will Eden handle it?”
“He’ll come pay me a visit.”
“I will tell him you renounced there is nothing that can be done for that.”
“He’ll be angry?”
“More than likely but don’t be worried about me. I’m protected more than anyone in this realm. Now you should go.”
“Thank you again.”
“You are welcome.”
Cooper and Belladonna headed out to the farm to get Destiny. When they got there Pete was sitting there waiting. “What’s wrong Pete?’
“Criss came by trying to find where you were. He tried to start crap with me and when he did, he couldn’t hit me or anything. It was the strangest thing. He took off and said to give you a message. He is looking for you.”
Cooper and Belladonna went into the house. Destiny was asleep. Stephen was watching tv. “Did everything go okay?”
“Yeah, it seems to have,” Belladonna says.
“That’s good. I’m happy for you.”
“Thank dad.”
“We’re going to take Destiny and head home.”
“Okay be careful.”
“We will.”
They gathered all of Destiny’s stuff and got into the car. On the way home a car was sideways in the road. Criss stood in the middle of it. Belladonna got out of the car and Criss you would tell was trying to remain calm. “You renounced me?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Do you know that got rid of our thread?”
“I found out after the fact.”
“I feel so completely empty. I can’t feel you. I can’t feel what you feel. Where you are. What you’re thinking. I’ve had this for god. It’s gone.” Criss is crying. “What all did you do? You did more than renounce me. You made it that I can’t hurt anyone. I have this desire to leave. I have to fight it. I’ve never had to fight something so hard in my life. And do not say it or I will lose my shit.”
“What was I going to say?”
“Something about when you were thirteen.”
“Did I fight you?”
“No, you didn’t. I could give you all the memories. God I wish you would let me. Hold on”. Criss produces a golden circle. “When you are ready for them, put this up to your temple. Watch.”
“Have you spoke to Eden?”
“Yes, he is handling it much better than me.”
“Imagine that.”
‘“We need to go Belladonna.”
“Move the car or I will.”
“I love you Bell”
Belladonna gets back in the car and Criss moves his.
They spend the rest of the day lounging around doing next to nothing. Cooper looks over at Belladonna. “Are you curious about the relationship?”
“I’m worried it’s like something out of a V.C. Andrews novel.”
“I think it’s going to be. I don’t think there’s no way it is not, beloved.”
“I don’t know that I’m ready for that.”
“Well then don’t watch it.”
“Maybe in a few days.”
“Okay in a few days. Tomorrow you have to go get books and your schedule.”
“Yeah, I know. Yippee. At least they have my name right.”
“That’s progress.”
“Maybe tomorrow I’ll go to the DMV and sit through that mess.”
“Oh, you are just a glutton for punishment. School and DMV.”
“Well, I need to get it done.”
“Yes, you do.”
“I’ll con Mercedes to go with me.”
“You better start that conversation now.”
“Yeah, you’re right I should.”
Belladonna called Mercedes and begged her to go to the DMV with her, which she finally agreed to. Belladonna then made plans for the nursery for their boy. Belladonna made sure everything was locked up that night and got ready for bed Cooper was waiting on her. “I thought I could give you a massage after the day you’ve had.”
“I would love that.”
“I thought so.”
“Criss is trying to get into the house. He is paying attention to our conversations.”
“Telling me you’re joking.”
“I wish I was. Nicolae is on his way with Gatlin to take care of him.”
“I should.”
“The less contact the better.”
“You’re right.”
“This isn’t feeling much like a massage.”
I don’t mean to I’m sorry.”
“Undress me Cooper.”
“Yes, my Queen.”
“You have too many clothes on.”
“I guess I should remedy that.”
“Yes, you should.”
“Now let me take care of you.”
“What are you doing, Criss?”
“Listen to Belladonna and Cooper make love if you must know brother.”
“Why don’t you go home?”
“Cause if I got home, I think I should pack.”
“For your new house?” Nicolae asks.
“No, I have signed that to go to Gatlin.”
“You what?” Gatlin asks.
“The house is supposed to be your house, so I turned the house over to you.”
“Thank you. That means the world.”
“Am I still moving in?” Nicolae asks.
“Yes,” Gatlin says.
“Are you leaving?” Nicolae asks.
“I feel like I should. The pull is overwhelming.”
“Is it from the renouncing?” Gatlin asks.
“I guess so.”
“What about Eden?”
“He left without a second thought. He hightailed it out of here.”
“Why is it different with you? Nicolae asks.
“We had a bond which is now gone.”
“It’s gone?” Gatlin asks.
“Yes, and I feel completely empty.”
“That’s rough,” Nicolae says.
“I’ve been a part of her life for nine years.”
“Nine?” Nicolae asks.
“Don’t ask.”
“I’m not going to. I figure this is part of the conversation I don’t want to know.”
“You don’t,” Gatlin says.
“I’m going to leave. Leave them to their four-hour love making session.”
“I’m sure they were making a show just for you,” Gatlin says.
“Bye. If I end up leaving, I’ll tell you brother.”
Criss looks up at the window and heads to his car. Gatlin and Nicolae stay behind. He waits until Criss is gone, and Nicolae says, “She was thirteen?”
“Yep. He found his Queen.”
“I see and he?”
“Okay and we gave Cooper crap about sixteen.”
“Yeah, puts it in perspective.”
“Yes, it does.”
“Well let’s go.”
Belladonna that night goes into one of the spare bedrooms and puts the golden ring up to her temple. She lays back and watches what unfolds. It is the night of her thirteenth birthday. She goes to sleep when what she thinks is a dream is a handsome older man shows up in her bedroom. He is sitting next to her bed. He calls her princess. She loves the way he calls her princess. He tells her he is a King. Her King who has come to claim her. He then kisses her. Her first ever real kiss. She is taken aback by it. He asks if anyone has ever kissed her like that and she gets all bashful. He says he never kissed anyone like that before. She tells him he is lying. He swears to her. He kisses her again. He tells her he could do that all night. “What’s your name?” she asked.
“I don’t have one.”
She looks down feeling
“You go by a different name.”
“Yes, I do but you don’t need to worry about it.”
Belladonna is just coming into her powers. She isn’t sure what she can and cannot do. Criss starts walking around the room looking at pictures of her with her friends. Pictures of her alone with boys. He feels jealous. Belladonna feels all this through the vision. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Yes Trent.”
“Trent. How long have you been dating Trent?”
“Four months.”
“He hasn’t kissed you like that?”
“No, he has not.”
“Has he done anything to you?”
“It’s none of your business.”
“Princess, everything is my business now.”
“How do you figure?”
“I’m your King. You tell me everything. I tell you everything.”
“He had gone under my bra and sucked my nipples.”
“He did what?!”
“Why are your eyes black.”
“I need a minute.”
Criss turns away and walks back and forth several times. He then comes to Belladonna and kisses her. Really kisses her. She is laid back on the bed. Criss’ hand goes up her shirt as he caresses her breast. Belladonna lets out a soft moan. He kisses down from her mouth to her neck to her breast. He sucks each nipple slowly. Nibbling every so often. Going back and forth between them. Belladonna is moaning louder now. She hears in her head. Trent didn’t do it like this did he? He didn’t take care of you like I am. He didn’t know what he was doing. He doesn’t care for you like I do. No one will care for you like I do my princess. I bet you are so wet. So wet.
Criss starts kissing her again. Belladonna knows he’s done that a million times before she doesn’t need to know. The kissing though is an odd thing to be a first one though she thinks. Maybe it’s because it’s personal she thinks to herself. Criss kisses her neck not sure what to say to calm her worried about how many people he’s been with.
As she is watching this, she realizes she doesn’t need this bit of information. Criss’ number was never important to her. “Princess, are you curious of my number?”
“I’ve slept with?”
“That’s personal.”
“You’re my princess there are no secrets between us. You already know I never kissed anyone. As far as the rest my total is twelve.”
”When was the last one if I may be so bold.”
“A hundred seventy-four years ago.”
“That’s a while ago.”
“They were a necessary evil to get me here.”
“How so?”
“I had to sleep with twelve women for you to be number thirteen on your thirteenth birthday.”
“That just sounds spooky.”
“It’s not spooky Bell. It’s completely okay. Do I seem spooky?”
“Okay then. You’re safe with me.”
“Okay. I believe you.”
“Princess, can I ask you a question?”
“You already have.”
“What’s the furthest you’ve gone with a guy or a girl.”
“Only one guy to kill.”
“You don’t need to kill him.”
“He touched what is mine.”
“When did I become yours?”
“I see.”
“I don’t think you have.”
Criss kisses Belladonna as he does he undresses her. Criss undresses himself. He takes himself playing with her making her cum. Then sucking on her clit. Then when it's time for him to make love to her he is so slow and tender with her. The minute something hurts he stops. They are finally able to make love and Belladonna yells out for him. Criss actually cries during it. He has finally found his soulmate, and nothing can take her away.
She sees the times after that and the years. They talk and they make love. Criss gets jealous when she has a boyfriend. Insanely jealous. He is completely faithful to her. He will stay away for days when she has a boyfriend, but he always comes back. He is staying away when Cooper happens and the pregnancy. He comes back after it's done. He apologies Swear he was faithful. Worships her body. He worries he is losing her. At eighteen she tells him to go away again. He discovers Gatlin. He comes back to her room after he removes the memory of him. She greets him as happily as ever. At nineteen she tells him she can’t be his princess anymore she needs to explore things. Criss cries. He swears they’ll be together. It ends.
Belladonna doesn’t know what to think of everything that she just saw. She gets back into bed and tells Cooper everything via telepathy. He holds her and kisses her. She sleeps and end up in the cottage. Criss is sitting in the living room waiting for her. “I’m not supposed to be here, but I needed to see you. I can’t tell how you feel. Can you tell me?”
“I watched the memories.”
“You were a bit controlling.”
Criss laughs. “Yes, yes I was.”
“I saw all of my thirteenth birthday.”
“You are a jealous man.”
“Yes, I am but I’m sure you saw that through the years.”
“You mean how you’d leave for days or weeks?”
“Yes.” Criss looks down ashamed.
“What are you thinking?”
“I wish I wouldn’t have done that now. I wish I wouldn’t have been more of an adult about it. Explained how I felt instead of just flying off the handle.”
“Did you know I loved you then?”
“Yes of course I knew.”
“I thought you were just a dream.”
“I know but I wasn’t.”
“Maybe give a girl a hint.”
“I waited outside of your school one day but Brent got your attention.”
“You could have walked up. I would have gone with you.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Criss, I loved you above all else. You knew that. I know you knew that.”
“Yes, I knew that.”
“You just ruined it with your jealousy and your lack of faith.”
“What am I ruining with this time?”
“You are King of the Dark. I can’t be your princess or your Queen. You’ll have to find someone else.”
“There is no one else. Do you understand that. I chose you. I purposely chose you. I told you I would take it off the table. I don’t need a Queen, a princess, nothing. I just want you.”
“You know what our relationship was like when you were growing up. It wasn’t perverse. My gods I cried when making love to you the first time. I made sure it was perfect for you. Absolutely perfect for you.”
“Criss, I think it would be best if you left. You’ll be happier elsewhere. Away from me. It’s what you need to do.”
“No, I refuse to. I love you. I need you. I want you. I crave you. I desire you. I can’t leave. “
“Sooner or later, you’ll leave. I need to go.”
“Can I kiss your back.”
“It will just confuse you now.”
“I think it will confuse you.”
“Maybe both of us.”
“I have too many classes,” Belladonna complains.
“You’re telling me. This is called you are at the finish line, load me up!”
“Mercedes summed it up,” Pete says.
“Oh, by the way your little friend is waiting for you outside.”
Belladonna looks and there is Criss in a tight Henley and jeans. God he looked yummy. Belladonna puts her head down and goes to cash out. By the time she gets to him a red-haired girl is talking to him. “If you want, we could get coffee sometime.”
“Thanks, but my girlfriend would mind.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“Hey,” Belladonna says as she com
es up.
“Sorry again.”
“You were picking her up.”
“I was being social.”
“You were picking her up to try and make me jealous.”
“I thought your rule with me was we never play games with each other.”
“I did that when you were thirteen.”
“You said it would always be our rule.”
“You’re right. No games.”
“Can I help you carry this?”
“Did you buy out the bookstore?”
“Pretty much. I like having a book. Shoot me.”
“Imagine that you working in a bookstore and all.”
“I know right.”
Criss laughs as they walk to her car. “When do you start classes?”
“That should be fun.
“Not really. I’m taking seven classes this semester. I’m going to be dead. Dead and pregnant.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“Was there a certain reason you are here, or you just wanted to hit on college girls?”
“I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today.”
“I have to go to the DMV.”
“Oh, you know how to have fun. How about after the DMV?”
“Come on, I'll be leaving soon just a few hours.”
“Okay a few hours.”
“Just call for me when you’re done.”
The DMV isn’t taking that long. Mercedes and Belladonna are comparing schedules and if they have any free periods together. On their Monday, Wednesday, Friday they do but that is the only one. They would have to check with Pete to see if he did or not. Then Mercedes texted Pete to join them for DMV fun. Pete shows up not believing he is coming there when he has no business. “Okay children Pete brought his schedule. Which I could have taken a photo of, but I understand my presence was needed.”
“We just love you Pete,” Belladonna says.
“I wish you loved me.”
“I’m being cute like one of the ninety-seven men you have following you around.”
“Oh okay.”
“Pete is off during that time period and he has the time period your off on Tuesday Thursday.”
“Woo hoo Pete!”
“Happy to fulfill my duty as male best friend.”
“Well, you definitely have this semester.”
Queen: Part One Page 17