The Circle has been watching everything that was going on. The Circle adds balance to the realm sometimes by mischief. It was time to send two people down to cause trouble. It finally ends this reign of happiness. The first cloak figure called forth a female. She stood in front of the circle. Waiting her assignment. “Londyn, we would like for you to break apart her other relationships. Those to Nicolae, Criss, and Gatlin. No scratch that. Just Criss and Nicolae. DO NOT. I REPEAT DO NOT mess with Cooper. If you, do it will be immediate death. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes master.”
“Good. You may go forth.”
Londyn bows and disappears.
The next person to be called for was a man. “Miller, we would like for you to pretend to be the mate of Mercedes. You will be a spy. You WILL NOT become attracted to Belladonna. If you say immediate death. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. You may go forth.”
Miller bows and disappears.
The leader of The Circle makes a large crystal ball appear. The members sit back waiting to see what happens.
Chapter 12
A month has passed since Criss’ talk about leaving. He hasn’t mentioned it since then. They are moving into the new house this Saturday. Criss and Gatlin are both moving in. Cooper isn’t selling their house in case things go south. It’s Wednesday and Belladonna has a break. She is sitting there talking when a guy stops in front of her with a bouquet of roses and lilies. “Are you Belladonna?”
“Yes I am.”
“These are you for you.”
Belladonna looks at the card:
I’m lonely without you. Join me in my car.
I love you- Criss
Belladonna left the library and went to Criss’ car. Criss was sitting there waiting. He looked deadly sexy, like always. “You just felt like dropping by?”
“Yes, I did. I missed you.”
“I missed you. Something is wrong.”
“Have you ever felt like you were someone's prey before?”
“What do you mean baby?”
“There is a girl that lives near me. She is always around. She is constantly needing my help and when she does, she wears next to nothing, She has made it quite clear that if I want her just tell her. The weird thing is that she seems to have this weird hold on me when I’m with her.”
“Is it magic?”
“I don’t know but I’m scared Belladonna.”
“We’ll check it out.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Pete and Belladonna went to Londyn’s house while she wasn’t home. When they went into the house Belladonna says,” Revelare.” Pete discovers she is a witch and is using some pretty powerful stuff to attract a man. “Okay so we know what we’re up against,” Belladonna says.”
“Yes we do.”
“We can combat it.”
“Yep, we should be good.”
“Can we keep this between us?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
Belladonna and Pete left to go make the potion for Criss as well as extras in case anyone else ended up being affected. “I feel like I should make an amulet or a bracket or something.”
“Well, we can look into that but for now the potion should work.”
“I just don’t like it.”
“Can I ask a question?”
“Nothing has ever stopped you before.”
“Why don’t you want Mercedes to know?”
“I don’t trust that guy, that’s her mate.”
“You feel the same way.”
‘I don’t think he really is.”
“I don’t either.”
“But I’m not going to say that.”
“No that’s not the right thing to say.”
“So, I will just wait.”
“That’s the only thing we can do.”
Pete is having his show. Belladonna has given Cooper the run down on everything that has been going on with Criss. They are all watching the show when Nicolae walks in with a date. Londyn. Belladonna keeps her emotions in check. The same cannot be said for Cooper. “Hey everyone, this is Londyn. Londyn, this is Miller and Mercedes, Belladonna and Cooper, you know Criss, this Gatlin, and then we have Sam and Roger.”
“It’s nice to meet everyone.”
Belladonna turns to the band and Pete has a look on his face and Belladonna nods her head. Pete chooses the next song just for Nicolae. Belladonna can’t help but laugh even if it’s sad. Cooper holds her tight. “I can kill him?
“No, it’s fine.”
“No formal invite to her either. Only you can invite someone in.”
“Okay good to know.”
“I thought that would make you happy.”
“Bell, can I have this dance?” Criss asks.
“Yes, you may.”
Criss and Belladonna dance to the music having a great time. “He needs the potion.”
“Well, I can’t force him to take it. He is pretty far under.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know.”
I don’t either/”
Belladonna and Cage stop dancing. Belladonna and Cooper are about to go to the bar to get a drink when Nicolae comes up to Belladonna “Can you please dance with me?”
“Yes Nic.”
Belladonna goes out to dance with Nicolae. While they dance Londyn goes to the restroom. “I needed to dance with you?”
“Because we always dance with you.”
“Yes, we do.”
“Your date seems nice.”
“She’s okay.”
“Well, I understand you can’t be alone every night.”
“See I knew you’d understand. I felt guilty at first but the more we did it the less I did.”
Belladonna felt sick. “Criss needs you in the men’s room.”
“He just told me. I’ll be back.”
Belladonna looks at Cooper who nods his head. She goes to the bar and orders one shot. She takes it and goes back to Cooper who has her drink. “Feel better now?”
“A bit.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“Me too.”
Nicolae comes out of the restroom. He has been crying. He looks terrible. He makes a beeline for Londyn. “I don’t know what exactly you did to me but if I ever see you again I will kill you. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Londyn is shaking.
“The same goes for me” Criss says.
“Understood I’ll be gone by morning.”
Nicolae goes over to Belladonna and starts crying again. He holds her. Unable to keep it together. “I’m so sorry precious I don’t know what happened. I would never normally do that. You know that. I’m not like that. I love you so much. You mean so much to me. I couldn’t hurt you if i tried. I feel so sick doing anything with her.”
“Nic, I just need some time. I understand you weren’t yourself, but it just hurts okay.”
“I understand. I love you.”
“I love you.”
Belladonna was in Women’s Lit when Damari came in. They sat together in all of their classes. They are pretty good friends now. He never brings up the Queen business so it’s a normal friendship. Which is what Belladonna needs. Valentine’s Day is less than a week away. She is dreading it. She is only buying for Cooper. That’s it. No one else. Maybe a box of chocolates and a card. That would be good. They could handle that. She was in her own little world. She was tired. Taking twenty-one hours was kicking her butt, pregnancy, and Destiny was a bit much. Add in training and well. She was tired. Her father wanted her to patrol tonight with Sam on the docks. Mercedes s
aw a demon attack so they needed to be prepared. Sam and Belladonna always went out together. Cooper wasn’t sure he liked the idea. Cage hasn’t heard about it yet but she was sure he would have an issue with it. Class was done and Cage was waiting outside of it. “Well, this is a surprise. What were you needing?”
“Sam. Sam. That is insane. I’m going with you two tonight.”
“Cage that isn’t necessary.”
“I think it is.”
“Cage it really isn’t”
“Sam could fight his way out of a wet paper bag. It is necessary.”
“Okay then I’ll see you tonight at nine.”
“I’ll see you then.”
Later that evening Belladonna is doing her homework, so she won’t have to do it on Sunday. There is a knock on the door. Criss storms into the house. “You are doing a patrol! Are you insane? With SAM! That’s murder. Please tell me what flowers I should put on your grave. I want to know. Cause I won’t give them to you anymore.”
“Cage is coming with us. I’ve been going with Sam for three years now and never had any problems. SO why don’t you let me be an adult and decide what I’m doing. I’m not thirteen Criss.”
Criss comes over to Belladonna who is standing and puts his arms around her. “I love you. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I can’t have anything happen to you. You’re my princess. You’re my life.”
Criss goes to kiss her and then kisses her forehead. Hugging her tightly. “I love you sweetie.”
“I love you, sir.”
“You’re killing me.”
Belladonna smiles at Criss.
Cooper stands in the entrance way. Watching Criss calm down. “Criss why don’t you hang here while Belladonna is out and then you can be here when she gets home.”
“Sure, that sounds good.”
“Have you heard from Nicolae today?” Cooper asks.
“No I haven’t. Have you?”
“Yes. He’s in pretty bad shape.”
“Not my fault. Is he going to be ready to move tomorrow?”
“Yes, I think we all are.”
“Good. I’m going to go now. Love you.”
“Love you, beloved. Be careful.”
“Always am.”
Belladonna went to the red sign by the docks. Sam was waiting for her. He hugs her the moment he sees her. They are both bundled up as it is in the lower twenties today. They wait for Cage for twenty minutes then decide to go on without him. Belladonna feels like an icicle. She just wants to go to her car and the heated seats. Finally, they come across the demon. He has a large tentacle on the top of his head. His body looks like a fish with legs. He has teeth like a shark and a large tongue. They throw their potions down and the creature begins to disintegrate. Belladonna goes and looks at it. “Clean job.”
Sam goes behind her and looks, “Yep it looks good. We should probably check to make sure there isn’t another one.”
“Yeah, I know,” Belladonna frowns.
“I can do it alone.”
“Nope not on your life.”
They walk around for forty-five minutes and don’t find anything. They go out to their cars. “Hey why don’t you sit in my car while yours warms up.”
“Okay Sam.”
Belladonna sits in Sam’s car while her’s warms up. Sam takes her hands and starts trying to warm them up. Which he succeeds in. “Thank you, Sam. I never knew you were a boy scout.”
“I’m a guy of many layers.”
“But you were always busy, so you never got to know me.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“So am I.”
“Why do you say it like that, Samuel?”
“I have to leave soon.”
“I have four years to get you to notice me. To spark an entrance from you. If I was unable to do so I would have to leave.”
“Who is making you leave?”
“My parents.”
“Who are you parents?”
“They are over all of fae.”
“Oh my god.”
“I wasn’t trying to make you a princess or anything.”
“Good to know.”
“Anyway, you didn’t show an interest so I go back to fae.”
“You have a brother?”
“Yes. He will come to see if he has a chance.”
“Your parents don’t give up do they?”
“No, they don’t.”
“I’m sorry Samuel I just don’t feel anything.”
“It’s fine. I tried.”
“I do like you as my friend.”
“I’ll cuddle with that.”
“I’m trying not to laugh.”
Please do it was funny.”
“Yes, it was.”
Belladonna gets home and Cooper meets her at the door. “Did you ever hear from Cage? He never showed up.”
“Belladonna, I’m so sorry. Cage was in a car accident. He didn’t make it.”
“What?” Belladonna asks.
“I’m so sorry, beloved but she was going too fast around a curve and a car was in his lane and they weren’t able to save either of them.”
Belladonna didn’t hear the rest of what Cooper was saying she was too shocked. She stood there not able to say a word. Cage was dead. Her once lover, her teacher, and friend. Cooper got her into the house and sat her down on the couch. He kneels down in front of her. He tries talking to her but she isn’t responding. Criss who is still there tries but she doesn’t respond. They call over Nicolae and Gatlin. Nicolae talks and she doesn’t respond. Gatlin talks and she starts crying and she flings herself at him. He sits beside her as she cries. “Can we be alone please?”
“Yes, I’ll take care of it.”
“Cooper, she wants us to be alone. Where can we go?”
“You stay here, we'll go to the sitting room.”
“Okay. thank you.”
“Not a problem.”
Everyone else leaves the living room. They go into the other room. She kisses him while standing up. Gatlin unbuttons her shirt. He puts his hand up under her shirt. He is kissing her neck. She takes off his shirt and kisses his chest. He undresses her from the waist down. He takes off her shirts and bra. Belladonna takes off his jeans and boxers. He lays her down on the floor and starts making love to her. She bites him. Everything is going according to plan. Soon we’ll have everything we want Bell. Just hold on. Just a bit longer.
Gatlin rolls Belladonna around so that he was taking her from behind. She is so loud. He plays with her clit while he pounds her faster and faster. He bites Belladonna. I love you so much. I don’t know how you managed Cage but you did. Sam told me about being fae tonight. His brother will be here soon. Scott's arrival is on the horizon.
Belladonna and Gatlin cum. They kiss one another and continue to kiss on the floor until they figure they should get dressed.
Cooper is in the other room with everyone. He can’t believe Cage is gone. He knows Belladonna is going to be broken up about it for a while. About the time Belladonna comes to the door with Gatlin. “Cooper,” Belladonna breaks down again. Cooper goes to her and holds her. He carries her to their bedroom with the promise to be right back. He escorts everyone out of the house. Even Criss. He get upstairs and Belladonna is in the bathtub. “Can you get in with me?”
“Of course.”
“I love you more than this world.”
“I love you more than the world.”
Belladonna lays back on Cooper’s chest; She takes a deep breath. Cooper smiles. “If you fall asleep on me It’s okay. I’ll get you ready for bed. Your father still wants you all to meet in the morning. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I understand the reasoning behind it. You’ll come with me, right?”
“Of course, beloved. I wouldn’t leave you alone.”
“I’m so glad.”
nbsp; “Now just relax.”
“Yes Cooper.”
It’s a cold morning. Everyone is quiet. The only sounds that can be heard is the sniffles from Belladonna from where she is crying. Pete keeps supplying her with new tissues. “Today is a somber day for us. We lost one of our own. Cage was a great man. He was a team player. He made us better people. A better team. He made my daughter a better fighter. A better person. The world lost a bright light. The service will be four hours away if we want to go it will be on Tuesday, so I suggest we leave Monday after everyone gets done with school/work. Then we can leave after the service Tuesday. Does that work for everyone?”
“Yes,” from various people.
“Okay good. If you want to carpool, I’ll let you figure that out. I’m sure Cooper and Belladonna are set for how many people they are going to have with Destiny in the car and baby equipment.”
“Yes, it’s just the three of us,” Cooper says.
“Also, another teacher is going to be sent by the end of next week. Even though we have an evaluator she needs a permanent teacher.”
Everyone rolls their eyes.
“Okay that’s it for the day you have a nice week. I’ll see you Monday afternoon. Once we figure out a time, I’ll call everyone.”
“Belladonna can I speak to you please, “Gatlin asks.
“Yeah. I’ll be back Cooper.”
“Okay I love you.”
“I love you.”
Gatlin walked with Belladonna a far distance away from the house. “I missed you last night.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t dream at all last night”.
It’s fine. I didn’t know you if ended up elsewhere.”
“No, I didn’t. I was tired.”
“No. Just tired.”
“You know I don’t mind Cooper so you can tell me.”
“Honestly Gatlin it wasn’t Coop.”
“Okay. Just pregnancy tired?”
“I think so. I’m exhausted today.”
“Just think you do this three to four more times.”
“I know. I must forget about pregnancy.”
“I hear women do.”
“I believe that.”
“We have to move after this.”
“Yes, I know. I just want a nap.”
Queen: Part One Page 19