and reenactments 225
complexity of 246
in combat sports 19
in feuding 38
in gladiatorial games 68
nature of 2
of chess 142
Strunk, Ronald 136, 305
Struzzi, Alberto 147
Suetonius 57, 73
Sun Tzu 3
Synthetic Theater of War 267
Tabula Rasa 295
Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius 18, 62, 85, 96
Tal, Mikhail 144
Tamerlane 144
Tank 259
Telemachus 91
Terentius, Publius 68
Tertullian 83, 85, 88, 89, 299
The Sims 284
Theodoret of Syria 91
Theodosius, Flavius 90
Theophanes the Confessor 111
Thraeces 63
Tiamat 39, 40, 52
Tiberius, Claudius Nero
and gladiatorial games 58, 72
Tinglit tribe 26
Titian 247
Title Ten Games 254
Titus Flavius Vespasianus 60, 73
Tiwi tribe 33
Tolstoy, Leo 133
Tolumnius, Lars 47
Totila, King 48
tournaments 5, 6, 104, 175, 204, 310
and Arthurian legends 113
and the church 117, 303
and women 301, 303, 304
as theater 114
casualties in 118
changing nature of 119
demise of 122
organization of 112
origins of 111, 112
reenacted 217
tactics in 115
develops laser tag 212
Trajanus, Marcus Ulpius 59, 83, 86
Trekken Torture 267
trial by combat 97, 310
abolished in England 109
and Jews 101
and the church 106
and women 301
during the Middle Ages 99
in medieval England 100
rules of 103
Trojan War 43, 46, 50
Turgenev, Ivan 133
Turianus, Junellus 147
Turing, Alan 232
Tyrtaeus 17
Tyson, Mark 14
urban warfare 208
simulated 208
Valerius Maximus 56
Vance, Cyrus 182
Varro, Marcus Terentius 81
Varus, Publius Quintilius 98
Veber, Jean 289
Vegetius, Renatus Flavius 66, 68
Venturini, Georg 174
develops wargame 145, 146
Verdy du Vernois, Julius von 151, 152, 165
Verus, Lucius 73
Vespasianus, Titus Flavius 67
and gladiatorial games 59
Vestal Virgins 298
and gladiatorial games 298
victory points 34, 240
in paintball 206
women in 294, 296
Virgilius, Publius 46, 86
virtual reality
merges with real reality 269
Vitellius, Aulus 67, 68
and gladiatorial games 81
Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio 68
Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet 126
Von dem Tuerlin, Heinrich 108, 302
Von Eschenbach, Wolfram 111
warfare, tribal 24, 25, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37
WarGames (movie) 242
Warhammer 231, 283
Weerth, Georg 305
Weickmann, Christopher 145, 313
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley Duke of
and dueling 130
and the playing fields 23
Wells, H G. 189, 231, 316
and wargames 148, 149
West, Simon 296
Wheeler, Earl 182
Whyville 284
Widukind of Corvey 111
Wiener, Norbert 232
Wilkinson, Spenser 163, 172
William II, German Emperor 147
and army maneuvers 175, 193
and wargames 147
William of Albine 303
William of Malmesbury 49
William the Conqueror 144
and single combat 50
and trial by battle 99
William the Marshal 113, 302
Wollstonecraft, Mary 289, 292
women 2, 37, 235
and airsoft 271
and chess 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 293
and combat 306
and combat sports 297
and contact sports 306
and dueling 271, 272, 305
and games 283, 284, 285, 320
and gladiatorial games 286, 298, 299
and gladiators 89, 299, 300
and reenactments 270
and tournaments 117, 119, 301, 302, 303
and trial by combat 273
and wrestling 289, 290, 291
as gladiators 273
as prizes 298, 303
as spectators 298
in trial by combat 102, 104
in tribal warfare 24, 31, 35, 37
in videogames 294, 295, 296, 297
physical characteristics of 277, 278
wrestlers 288, 289
World of Warcraft 231, 266, 283, 284
wrestling 13
and women 289
history of 14
modern 15
mud 290, 291
professional 13, 69
Xenophon 9, 17, 190, 286
Yamamoto, Isoroku 169
and wargames 168, 169
Yanomamo tribe 26, 31, 32
Yoshinori Ono 294
Wargames Page 54