scarlet belt, boots, and gloves. Her knee-length glowing orange hair is styled entirely to the right side of her head. Her green eyes are the only noticeable color on her albino skin.
She walks around the outskirts of the Hill family domicile and enters through the back door. She finds an iron skillet in the kitchen, picks it up, and carries it into the living room where she sneaks up behind Roger Hill and tries to smack him upside the head with it.
Roger Hill uses his telekinesis to shield himself from the blow. “You're wasting your time.”
“I will decide that,” she sneers as she swings again.
Again Roger's telekinesis shields the blow. “Suit yourself.” Roger turns to look at the woman. “Does the persistent woman have a name?”
“Leslie Lynn,” she states as she strikes blow after blow to Roger's telekinetic shield until she finally wears herself out.
“Are you finished?” Roger asks.
Leslie Lynn sits down on the sofa. “I've failed. Why did I fail?” She asks herself.
“You failed because Gunovi didn't give you all of the information he'd have if he would just listen,” Roger instructs.
Lynn looks at Roger as if she's shocked to hear his words. “How do you know that I work for Gunovi?”
Roger points to the debris from all of Gunovi's henchmen who have tried, and failed, to kill him. “It was a safe assumption.”
“Maybe you had better do to me what you did to them,” Lynn pleads. “This young Gun seems like he would eliminate anyone and everyone who would fail him.”
“Well, I'm sure Officers McLanda and Jeans will be back shortly. I'm sure they will gladly protect you from Gunovi.”
Leslie Lynn lays down on the sofa. “Wake me up when they get here.”
Roger looks confused at how the mafia woman can be so calm at a time like this.
Frank Sevilliavokoffilan
A muscular man, with a tan that shows he has spent more than his fair share of time at the beach, kicks down Roger's front door. He pulls a gun from his ripped jean shorts. He aims the gun, his brown eyes showing that he isn't the one in control of his actions. “Gunovi sends his regards,” he states before he opens fire at Roger Hill.
As the man fires, Roger uses his telepathic abilities to see into the man's mind. “Frank! I see the otherworldly machine that has you controlled! How did this come to pass?”
Frank stops firing his gun and begins his story. “A man offered me money to test his machine out on me. It was a fair exchange. I do not regret it.”
Roger uses his telekinesis to take the mafia man's gun away from him and crush it into a ball.
Frank Sevilliavokoffilan tackles Roger, but the half-Concentratian uses his telekinetic powers to pin the black-haired henchman of Gunovi's to the ceiling.
Officers McLanda and Jeans walk up to the broken down door.
“You're just in time for two more,” Roger states. “I'm certain this one is under some kind of mind control, but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with his actions.”
Officer McLanda escorts out Leslie Lynn as Tom Jeans escorts out Frank Sevilliavokoffilan.
Dr. Frank McShoot
A caucasian man with short black hair scurries up the drainpipe and through the window that leads into Roger Hill's bedroom where he starts going through the pockets of Roger's clothing. “What can I find in here to make Gunovi think I eliminated Hill?”
“Nothing,” Roger states as he enters his bedroom. “Do you think Gunovi will believe anything short of my laying in front of his eyes?”
“Perhaps not,” the man ponders. “And I don't suppose you would die so I could have the reward?”
Roger shakes his head. “How much is Gunovi offering for my death?”
The man hands Roger a flier that Gunovi obviously had printed up. “I don't know exactly, but he states that there will be a handsome reward.”
Roger takes the flier and looks at it. “You've been duped. Gunovi has no intention of paying a reward or he would have used an exact amount, instead of using the word handsome.”
“Fudge nuggets,” the man curses. “And here I thought I was on my way to easy street.”
“Now that we have that cleared up, maybe you can tell me who you are and what you're doing in my bedroom.”
“Frank McShoot,” the man answers, “doctor of pocket filching.” He smiles and hands Roger his business card.
“Two things are going to happen now,” Roger instructs the mafia henchman. “First you're going to turn yourself in to the police. Second, you're going to stay out of my pants. That spot is reserved for people of my choosing.”
Roger follows Dr. McShoot down to the living room to wait.
A sexy woman with a full body tan leans on the door frame of the Hill family residence. Her orange bikini distracts from her wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. “You're a dead man,” she laughs at Roger.
“Are you insane?” Roger asks.
“Would Lunacy imply insanity?” The woman asks. “Lunacy is what people call me.”
“Are you sure they call you Lunacy and not lunatic?” Dr. McShoot snorts.
“Great!” Roger states sarcastically. “Gunovi is so desperate that he's sending his funny farm goons.”
“I resemble that remark,” Lunacy laughs.
“Are you here to kill me or irritate me?” Roger asks.
“Maybe she's trying to irritate you to death,” McShoot offers.
“Then she might be succeeding where the rest of you have failed,” Roger states matter-of-factly.
Lunacy laughs madly, skipping around the house. “I'm succeeding. I'm succeeding,” she sings between mad, hysterical, laughter.
Roger shakes his head, trying hard not to laugh at the crazy woman.
Officer Jeans follows Officer McLanda up to Hill's door.
“Here's two more for the looney bin,” Roger informs when he sights the two officers. “I think they're crazy enough to go willingly.”
Lunacy laughs even more hysterically and skips out to the patrol car. “Take me home, ociffers.”
Dr. McShoot follows Lunacy out, followed by the two officers.
An albino woman with permed black hair blasts an amethyst ray, through the front door, directly at Roger Hill.
Roger instinctively deflects the amethyst ray with his telekinetic ablities.
The woman wears a blue-green pantsuit with clashing turquoise belt, gloves, and boots. She releases a series of calendula blasts at Roger as she enters the house. “I am Calendula”
Roger again deflects the blasts with his telekinesis. “Another one of Gunovi's people out to get me? I guess he finally realized it would take someone with super powers to defeat me.”
“He is out of normal humans to send,” Calendula states as she swings an extra-long yo-yo around her head, trying to use it to trap Roger.
“Good,” Roger states as he grabs the end of her yo-yo weapon and pulls it away from her. “That means I should really be getting under Gunovi's skin. Now, how do I defeat you?”
“I'm invulnerable,” Calendula answers. “You can't defeat me.”
“Even the immortal can be defeated,” Roger rebukes. “The trick is finding their weakness.”
“You have no hopes of finding out my weaknesses,” Calendula protests.
Roger laughs as he uses his telepathy to read Calendula's mind. “Jonquil.”
Calendula looks frightened.
“So that is it,” Roger smiles as he uses his telekinesis to bring in jonquil from a nearby field, form it into a chocker, arm and leg cuffs, all banded together with chains, and place it on Calendula. “That should hold you.”
Calendula frowns because she is weakened and can't fight back.
A woman with wavy purple hair and sea green skin appears in Roger's doorway. She wears a white pantsuit with magenta gloves and boots. Her magenta belt is wider on her
left side and holds her magenta boomerang on the narrow side. Her purple eyes hide no secrets. She is determined to get the reward Gunovi has offered for the elimination of Roger Hill. “I'm Vega,” the woman sneers. “I thought you would like to know the name of the person who came to finish you off.”
Roger looks at the attractive, sea green skinned, woman, obviously using his telepathy to read the woman's mind. “You don't look like any Earthling I've ever seen,” he states matter-of-factly with a smile.
“Who said I was from Earth?” Vega asks.
Roger taps his temple with his finger and smiles.
Vega attacks Roger with an orchid ray. When that fails, she tries a prickly pear blast, followed by a turquoise ray, all of which Roger instinctively deflects with his telekinetic abilities.
Roger uses his telekinesis to get coral and form it into a pair of handcuffs, which he uses to weaken and hold Vega by placing on her.
McLanda and Jeans walk up and escort the two members of the Gunovi family out to their patrol car.
Roger looks around and sees his parents house in complete disarray from the power blasts he deflected. “No good deed goes unpunished,” he quotes in a whisper.
Weather Bug & Maske
Identical twin women arrive on the Hill family's front lawn. They both have shoulder length black hair. They both wear pink pantsuits with matching masks. Their eyes are obscured by the red eyeslits in their masks. They both also wear white boots, gloves, and belts. If not for the powers each wields, these two could pass for each other.
Weather Bug raises her arm and a sudden thunder storm emerges.
Maske claps her hands together and the Hill family house explodes.
Roger and Nathan Hill stand on the charred ground, obviously protected by their telekinetic shielding.
“So much for thinking I was gonna get to stay outta this,” Nathan shakes his head. “Which of you two destroyed my bedroom?”
Maske blasts Nathan with kryptonium, but his telekinetic shielding deflects the blast.
“I think that answers your question,” Roger remarks.
Weather Bug tries blasting Roger with her heat vision as Maske clenches her fist and a sardonyx ray shoots out of it towards Nathan. Both blasts are again deflected by the Hill boys' telekinetic shielding.
Maske growls as she tries trapping Nathan in an alexandrite cell. Nathan uses his telekinesis to encase Maske in her own alexandrite cell, then line it with aster.
“Aster?” Roger asks.
“Telepathy,” Nathan answers.
Both boys were trained in their Concentratian abilities by their grandfather, Howard Hill.
Weather Bug tries zapping Roger with her bug-bite ray, but the older Hill boy uses his telekinesis to transport the woman into the aster-lined cell with her identical twin sister.
“What will it take to get rid of you two?” Maske snarls.
“A trip to our ancestral home,” Nathan answers as he turns to look at the destroyed house. He raises his hand and the house seems to rebuild itself, as if by magic, but Nathan and Roger know that their telekinesis is capable of far greater things than rebuilding a house.
A man with wavy auburn hair and apricot skin appears from thin air in front of Roger. He wears green goggles, a white skin-tight pantsuit, white boots, and white gloves. “I'm Puissant. The name means powerful.” He shoots Nathan with his paralyzing ray, trapping the younger half-Concentratian.
“Well, Piss Ant,” Roger starts, “I'm the one Gunovi wants. So, you paralyzed the wrong Hill.”
“That's Puissant!” Puissant blasts a bolt of electricity at Roger in a huff. Roger narrowly misses deflecting the electric bolt, it singes the shoulder of his white button-down shirt.
“Puissant's own telepathy must be blocking mine,” Roger thinks.
“It is,” Puissant communicates back to him telepathically. “I intend to keep you out of my mind.”
“I don't want in your mind,” Roger states. “I just want the Gunovi Family brought to justice.”
“You want justice? I'll give you justice!” Puissant explodes the Hill house as he throws a combination of fire and ice balls at Roger.
Roger quickly throws his telekinetic shield around himself and Nathan, leaving it up. “No sense in putting it down, since I can't read Puissant's mind.”
Puissant uses his intangibility to walk through Roger's telekinetic shield. “You can't keep me out!”
Roger drops his telekinetic shield and punches Puissant in the gut. Gunovi's henchman stumbles back a little in surprise, but is otherwise unharmed.
Roger, seeing that Puissant truly is powerful and that he has no way of truly knowing what will stop him, creates a massive telekinetic storm that throws whatever it can pick up at Puissant.
Puissant lets out an evil laugh, but the storm is enough to distract Puissant and allow a small chunk of brazilianite to hit the villain in the head, knocking the villain unconscious.
Roger stops his telekinetic storm and takes Puissant's goggles off him. Looking into his eyes, he can see that this powerful being is also under some sort of otherworldly mind control. “If I can release his mind control, he could be a powerful force for good.”
Roger sets to work, using a combination of his telepathy and telekinesis to sever whatever connection is being used to control the super villain's mind while he is still unconscious.
Nathan begins moving again. “That was weird.”
McLanda and Jeans arrive in their patrol car and see the house is gone.
“I'm not going to ask,” McLanda states. “I have a feeling we're better off not knowing.”
Roger escorts Puissant to the patrol car as Nathan releases Maske and Weather But from their cell and escorts them to the patrol car.
“I think you're about two-thirds of the way to capturing the entire Gunovi Family,” McLanda informs.
“Good,” Roger replies. “That means there's an end in sight.”
The patrol car drives off.
General Sandthorn
A man walks up with his arms around two ladies of the night. His manner shows that he is in charge and they were hired to be his play things. His cerulean pantsuit has a yellow trimmed v-neck that matches his blonde hair. He wears cerulean boots and gloves that also have yellow trim around their openings.
One of the ladies wears a bright red, skin-tight, pantsuit with an extremely low v-neck and almost no back. Her black boots and belt match her shoulder-length black hair. She has brown eyes and peach skin.
The other lady wears a yellow-orange mini-dress with matching boots. Her dress is trimmed with a turquoise belt and v-strap. Her boots also have turquoise trim. Her extremely wavy, mid-back length, blonde hair looks like she unsuccessfully tried washing a perm out of it. Her eyes match the trim of her clothing, all of which clashes with her peach skin.
The two women stand silently on the sidewalk as the man releases his grip on them and walks up to meet Roger.
“I am General Sandthorn,” the man states. “It seems you have almost single-handedly dispatched all of Samuel Gunovi's super-troops under my command.”
“Why would you work for Gunovi?” Roger asks, trying to be as civil as General Sandthorn.
“He provides me with extremely pleasurable entertainment,” General Sandthorn holds his hand out to indicate the two women. “The one in red is Pammela Snob. The one in orange is Katrina Volt. Only Gunovi's generals get such pleasurable company.”
“Ah,” Roger thinks out loud. “So, he uses the women to spy on his generals, that way he can keep both under his control.”
The two women look shocked to have their secret revealed, but General Sandthorn just shrugs off the statement.
“That would seem to be the insolent attitude that Gunovi wants you eliminated for,” Sandthorn states. “Personally, I would rather see you working for Gunovi, but since that is not an option, I suppose it is up to me to dispatch you.
“You look to be a descendent from the planet Diopside,” Roger states. “Are you?”
General Sandthorn laughs. “You know the planet was descimated a few years ago.” He pauses. “But, yes, in answer to your question, I am part Diopsidian.”
“Good,” Roger answers as he uses his telekinesis to gather any nearby diopside particles he can find.
“Your half-Concentratian telekinsesis won't do you any good,” General Santhorn states. “My own telekinetic powers should easily match yours. And, if you add my other powers to that, you are hopelessly outmatched.”
“If I was planning on a head-to-head battle with you, sure,” Roger congratulates the villains assessment of the obvious. He forms the diopside particles into a pair of handcuffs which he telekinetically puts onto General Sandthorn. “But, every Diopsidian has a weakness to diopside. And, now I have made you essentially powerless.”
General Sandthorn tries to break out of the diopside handcuffs, but it's no use. Pammela Snob and Katrina Volt also try but, every time they do, the telekinetic remains, from Roger using his telekinesis on them, zaps the two ladies of the night.
Roger traps the two women in a telekinetic bubble so they won't hurt themselves any further.
McLanda and Jeans arrive just in time to place the three in their patrol car and drive off.
“If it's alright with you, I'd like to go back to reading my book,” Nathan tells Roger as he looks at the house.
“Sorry about that,” Roger shrugs and uses his telekinesis to rebuild the house.
Dr. Clematis
A man floats up before Roger, obviously using magic to keep himself afloat on the invisible gasses in the air. “You! You are Roger Hill!” he states in a monotone voice. His blue eyes show no sign of emotion, nor does his albino skin. His short blonde hair looks almost like it is glued onto his head. He wears a light green pantsuit that covers from his neck down over his feet, except the right leg of his pantsuit is a dingy yellow that matches his gloves.
“Who wishes to know?” Roger Hill's eyes gleam in a manner that says, “I already know Gunovi sent you.”
“You may call me Dr. Clematis,” the man states. “I am here to terminate your existence on behalf of Samuel Gunovi.”
“By talking me to death?” Roger asks. “You've really got to do something about your monotone voice.” Roger uses his telepathy to read the man's mind with incredible ease. “Plutonian, huh? You must have escaped before they had a chance to encase you in their usual purple prison garb.”
Aster and diamond balls appear in Dr. Clematis' hands. He throws them at Roger. The half-Concentratian lets the attacks hit him, but they have no effect.
As he is being attacked, Roger uses his telekinesis to make some juice-looking concoction in the kitchen and float it out to his hands. “It's good to have a grandfather who spent time on Pluto and learned the secret recipe for Plutonian Juice.” Roger smiles as he uses his telekinesis to pour the juice down Dr. Clematis' throat.
Dr. Clematis falls to his knees on the ground, powerless.
An animalistic-looking woman walks up with her emerald green eyes glowing. “You,” she snarls. “You are the one I've been tracking.” The glow in her eyes
The Key of the Gunovi Family Page 3