Shadow Child

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Shadow Child Page 19

by Wendy Wang

  "You hear that? Your own child is begging you not to do this. Don't go."

  "There is nothing here for me now," Porter sneered. "And I don't really care about your money or your daddy's connections. Not if I have to stay with you one minute more."

  Edwina screeched and lunged at Porter, her nails aiming for his eyes and cheeks. Porter slapped her hard across the face as little Barbara Jean ran to her mother, trying to get between her parents, trying to stop her father from hitting her mother. They were too close to the top of the stairs. Charlie knew it was a vision of the past and that there was nothing she could do to stop it, but her heart faltered as she watched Edwina jerk her daughter by her arm, trying to push her out of the way of her father's raised fist. The girl screamed and tumbled down the long staircase. The sound of her head striking the steps echoed through Charlie's mind. Edwina screamed and ran down the steps until she reached Barbara Jean’s limp body. She picked up her lifeless child and hugged her to her breast.

  "What have you done?" Porter’s eyes were wide and his chin had dropped to his chest.

  Edwina looked up at him, her tears cutting through the blood that dripped from a gash in her cheek. A high-pitched keening sound escaped from her mouth.

  Charlie squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, she was back in the attic. Edwina was sitting across from her now.

  "It was my fault. Porter could've left me. Right then and there. Should have. But he didn't. He stayed because my father paid him to stay. There could be no hint of the scandal, you see. So we buried Barbara Jean out by the Playhouse that her granddaddy had built for her. And we contacted the police saying someone had taken her from her bed.”

  "And when you died, you hid yourself away from her?

  "I did. But I couldn't be completely without her. I could feel her wanting me. Missing me. But how could I look her in the eyes, knowing that I had killed her?"

  "She's your daughter and she loves you. How could she not forgive you? It was clearly an accident. And you've paid a terrible price for it, Edwina. Aren't you tired of being without her?”

  “I am.” Edwina’s voice cracked.

  “Then help me,” Charlie implored. “Help me bring my Ruby back so you can be with your daughter forever.”

  “I don’t want to go to hell,” Edwina whispered.

  “You won’t. You’ve already been there for more fifty years.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I need you to meet me down at the playhouse. I’ll get rid of the salt trapping you here. Can you do that?”


  Charlie rushed downstairs, past Ben and Jason as well as her cousins and aunt and uncle who were all gathered at the table, and out into the chilly dawn. She stepped into the playhouse.

  "Barbara Jean?" Charlie called out. "I know you can hear me. I need you to please bring Ruby back to me."

  "Barbara Jean Hayward, you come out of hiding right this minute young lady."

  Charlie turned to find Edwina standing behind her. Gone was her bloodstained dress and ragged inner arms where she'd opened her veins.

  "Mama?" Barbara Jean suddenly appeared in the rocking chair. "Mama is that you?"

  "Well of course it's me you silly bear, who else would it be?"

  Barbara Jean hopped up and rushed into her mother's arms. Charlie covered her mouth with her hand and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

  "I missed you so much, Mama," Barbara Jean said.

  "I missed you too, baby," Edwina said.

  A quiet rap on the door made Charlie look away.

  "Am I too late?" Tom asked.

  "I would say you just in time," Charlie replied. "Edwina, I'd like you to meet someone."

  The smile on Edwina's face faded. "I know who he is."

  "You don't have anything to be scared of," Charlie gave Tom a pointed look "Does she?"

  "No, she doesn't. I'm here to help if you’ll let me," Tom said.

  Charlie gave them both a reassuring smile. "It's kind of shocking at first, so don't be scared."

  Tom's glamour melted away leaving only the creature behind. His black reaper robes fluttered around him and he held out his bony pale hands for Edwina and Barbara Jean to take. When he had hold of them, he stepped in front of Charlie, blocking her view for just a moment, before he disappeared, carrying the spirits away with him.

  When Charlie’s vision cleared she saw Ruby sitting at her table in front of her tea set, looking frightened and bewildered.

  "You gave us all quite a scare little girl." Charlie smiled to soften her words. She held out her hand for Ruby. "Come on, baby, let's go see your mama, She will be so glad to see you."

  Chapter 18

  Samhain Night

  Charlie sidled up next to Jason and handed him a cold beer. They stood in front of the bonfire her uncle had built and watched the flames lick up to the sky. Jason glanced at her with wary eyes.

  "I never did thank you," she said.

  For what?"

  "For helping me with Edwina."

  He shook his head. "I didn't really do anything Charlie."

  "No, but you are willing to," Charlie told him. "That means a lot."

  "You're welcome. I've been meaning to talk to you," Jason paused. "I know you helped Lisa. And I just wanted to say I appreciate it."

  Charlie suppressed a smile. "Did she tell you or did you guess?"

  "She told me. I think she felt guilty." Jason chuckled. "Just so you know, I do believe you. I do believe in you. I know that there were words exchanged."

  "You know what I think? That all of you and I really need to do is call a truce." Charlie nodded. "That way nobody's pride has to be injured or anyone’s sanity has to be questioned."

  Jason took a sip of his beer. "I like that. Truce. Does that mean you'll help me with the Keeley Moore case?"

  "You've got my help if you want it," Charlie responded.

  "Thank you. I would love your help." Jason looked around "Where's Evan tonight?"

  "It's his dad's week. And it's Halloween and I guess he's out trick-or-treating with his friends."

  "Oh, sure. I guess he's still that age, huh?" Jason said.

  "I wanted him to come to this, but unfortunately it just didn't work out. His dad and I couldn't agree on anything, so . . ."

  "I'm sorry," Jason murmured.

  "Me too." Charlie sighed. "Why don't you call me tomorrow? We've got a lot of catching up to do."

  "I’d like that," Jason grinned.

  "Who wants to make s'mores?" Jen asked, carrying a tray of ingredients. She placed them on the folding table her father had set up next to a package of hotdogs, buns, and skewers to make roasting everything easier.

  "I didn't know s'mores, was traditional Samhain food, Jen," Charlie teased.

  Her cousin flashed a smile at her and winked. "It is in this house."

  The End

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