Her Pride His Prejudice

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Her Pride His Prejudice Page 5

by Jessie Rose Case

  A coughing made her pull back from him. What had just happened?

  What did she say to that? Her heart was beating fast and she was panting like an idiot. “I believe I owe you that.” He told her cheekily.

  Darcy giggled and was helped out the car and carefully taken to the other. Once her door was shut. His boot was opened, and a cooler was put on the back seat. Bennet pulled off the lid and drank.

  “That could have been dangerous my Lord.” He was talking about the kiss. Edward didn’t have to tell him that. But the need to feed from her hadn’t been there, instead a strong desire to taste her again had. It was that simple.

  He grumbled. “Get moving. How long was I gone?” The procession moved again.

  “Three weeks. You should have been out of your mind by now.”

  “I nearly was. Took out the careless fucker watching me. It brought me back from the brink long enough to run. Got through the forest and ran out into the road. Then she stopped, gave me water, food, meds. It helped.”

  “You could have fed from her sir.”

  Bennet shook his head. “I was still to close to the edge. I might have gone too far. It was better to wait.”

  “I’m not sure how you did that.” Greyson told him.

  Bennet took another bag and kept drinking. At the time he’s need to keep her safe as she’d done him, had over ridden everything else, including his own survival.

  “Nor am I.” He told him at last. “Now. What have I missed?”


  She must have fallen asleep. She woke as they rode over a cattle grate, through some really big gates and drove on for a while longer. It looked like an estate of some kind. Acres of glass land with tree lined roads and the odd statue. The car pulled round and followed a smaller road off to the left that ended at a two story house. The front full of glass. A double hammock on the porch with a rocking chair. It was the kind of place you saw in the magazines of the rich and famous.


  “This is your guest house Darcy.”

  A man similarly dressed came around from the back of the house and stood to one side. “What band does he below to?” They smirked around her, Dawes helping her out.

  “Metallica.” Clay told her.

  Will smiled. They got her. She headed to the house as the new guy gave Dawes the key.

  “Never were my thing but his hot so might give them a go.”

  “She’s going to give me a go?” the new guy said in confusion.

  They all said ‘no’ at the same time. Will sniggered. It was just too good.

  “Bane, this is Darcy she is with… Bennet.” There seemed to be a knowing stare going on between the two that that she didn’t quite understand but let it go.

  “Darcy, Bane he does security around this house. Clay will too. They’ll take turns. You won’t see them much, but one will be around at all times. You’ll be safe here.” Dawes then opened the door and waited for her to enter.

  She’d been right. All glass and white. Oak wood. Smart furniture and minimalist. With the odd really nice painting on the walls. Designer. Someone had spent a lot of money on this. It was so not her style. It didn’t scream homely or have any clutter.

  “Here.” Will turned and Dawes gave her her laptop and charger. “We found it under the bed so it might be ok. If not, we can replace it. Wifi code is on the counter.” He then passed her her phone charger. “Picked this up too. Boss is going to send packers over to your place starting tomorrow. They’ll start arriving in a few days. Your time here is your own. You can walk wherever you want. Resting is probably best. If you give me a list of your authors, I can have books here by tomorrow if you prefer paper.” She reeled off a list.

  “Kitchen is stocked, so is the bathroom and you’ll find new clothes and shoes already in the main bedroom. If you don’t want to cook, we can deliver. Menu is also on the counter. Wine,” he winked, “and booze is in the fridge or top right.”

  He turned to go.

  “Bennet is getting medical treatment, right?” she asked.

  “Yep, he’s better already.” He closed the door, spoke to Bane for a bit and then they all filled back in the car and left. Leaving Bane outside.

  Will clung to her laptop and looked around. Then at herself. She was covered in blood and not sure what else. Ewww. Slipping off her shoes, she needed a shower first.

  He hadn’t been kidding when he said the bedroom was stocked with clothes and shoes that would fit her. They were. Everything imaginable and some she wouldn’t have considered in her worst nightmare and everything designer.

  Everything still had labels on. She wasn’t sure how they’d known her sizes but there was enough of her stuff thrown around that house to find out. It had looked like Macys at the end of a first day of sales she thought sadly.

  The en-suite bathroom was to die for and the kitchen was indeed well stocked. Suddenly starving, she put on some pasta, fried up some chicken breast, made a mushroom sauce and served it. Adding fresh parmesan and chives over the top. Carrying out two plates, she put them on the coffee table.

  “Bane, dinner.” She called out. Going back for a glass of wine and a glass of water.

  By the time she was back, he was standing curiously by the steps. Will smiled. Metallica my ass. More like INXS. Messy dark curly shoulder length hair and that don’t tempt me look. She sat down and pointed to the other plate.

  “Yours and I brought you some water I wasn’t sure if you can drink on duty.” He looked nervous. “Take it or not it’s ok.”

  He came slowly on to the porch and Will started to eat. He took his plate and glass and stood against the railing looking out while eating.

  “This is good, thank you.”

  “No problem. You are keeping me safe and its no bother to make for two as it is for one.”

  They ate in silence for a bit. “Do you like your job?” She asked between mouthfuls looking out over the spectacular view. The house was in an elevated position, so it gave a great view of the countryside.

  “My L… The Boss is a good man.”

  They ate in silence. She was halfway through hers when he brought back the empty plate and glass. “Thank you.” and off he went again.

  Will took her time, savouring her food and wine, not really sure how today had happened. If she’d never taken that present to Alison, she’d have missed out on a whole musical reunion. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Her life and gone to shit. Again.

  Eventually, as it turned a bit cooler, she returned inside and kept herself busy, washing up, looking around the place, checking it all out properly and finally lighting the fire and curling up in front of it. It was far more than she needed.

  A couple of hours later and a knock at her door woke her revelled a box of novels in the authors she’d listed on the porch.

  They were good, she’d give them that. How on earth they got them all and delivered that quickly she didn’t know. Their speed at doing things was freaky.

  Hefting the box in, she wondered where all the strong men were when you needed them? Dragging them in she stacked them in author order on the coffee table, took one she’d been meaning to read for some time and lay back on the sofa throwing a blanket over her.

  After a couple of hours nap, she wasn’t ready to go to bed. Wasn’t really sure if she’d ever be ready to go to bed again after all that had happened. It was bad enough that scary things went bump in the day time, her mind could conjure up all sorts in the dark all to easily and she’d certainly not be turning out the lights any time soon. Maybe if she read for a bit, she’d get tired and drop off. It was worth a shot.

  By 5am she gave up. Her mind would not switch off. Too many images. Too many conversations, too many visual of Bennet going around in her head. Groaning she got up and made coffee and walked outside taking the blanket with her.

  Wrapping herself in it she slipped onto the hammock and watched for the sun to rise. Her body crying out for some sleep. She needed something to
take the edge off. Her thoughts went to Bennet. Now that, could take some tension off, she told herself smiling.

  Just thinking of him seemed to trigger all kinds of responses. Yep. Go girl.

  She might be on the shelf, but she wasn’t done yet. Will sipped her coffee smiling to herself and listened to the world waking up. It was beautiful. So full of life. She finished her coffee and as the sun crested the hill she finally felt the lull of sleep at last. About time. Pulling the blanket up, her eyes closed, and she drifted.

  She woke just after 11 feeling better. A wonderful long shower using all those expensive soaps and creams, then a good vigorous brush up, clothes change into something else that was smart and expensive and she realised she needed to plan her days. If she was to be here for a while and couldn’t just laze around in the hammock and take long showers. She still needed to work.

  Having already checked that her laptop still worked she plugged in, made coffee and toast, caught up on messages and did some work. Proofreading you could do anywhere. Before she knew it, it was teatime and the outdoors called to her.

  Shutting everything down, she grabbed a coat that wasn’t hers and way too stylish, sipped on some flats and headed outside. The cool crisp air just what she needed. Striding out she strolled across the meadow determined to get her bearings. The place was stunning and if she could have afforded it, somewhere she would have loved to have lived. But as a holiday, it was the next best thing.

  She was back three hours later. Her head felt clearer, better informed of her surroundings and ready for dinner, tired and finally relaxed.

  She hadn’t seen anyone all day but that suited her. She’d seen more people yesterday than she’d seen in the past two months.

  Had that only been yesterday? Life really could change on a dime.

  Her first day turned into a routine and a week flew by. Still not able to bring herself to sleep in the bed upstairs, she’d start on the sofa but would end up in the hammock. But at least she was sleeping now.

  She’d wake, breakfast, work till tea time and then go for a walk, make dinner for her and her guard who would turn up answer a couple of questions mainly about how Bennet was doing and their work, make no small talk and go again, Then she’d read or watch some TV and end up falling asleep on the sofa or hammock. By the end of that week, it all seemed rather natural. And her boxes arrived.

  Loads of them. Every item that had been broken had been placed in protective wrapping and put together for her to either throw out or reassemble. The boxes came with their own box of super glue. Who did that?

  A cup or plate in 20 pieces wasn’t salvageable but still, someone had carefully wrapped each piece like it was a heirloom or something. Picture frames were the same, some hanging by a thread. She removed all the pictures and ordered more frames online. Made a list of all the items that were way passed still being useful and needed to be replaced. Some damaged things she kept, some she would try and repair, others were beyond that and she started to make another list of what she’d need to buy to replace all her household stuff before she went home.

  And then it struck her. She wasn’t going home. Whatever this was that she was in the middle of, wasn’t going away. If they knew of her like Bennet said, she’d always be a target no matter if the current situation was sorted or not. He’d said as much when he told her she couldn’t stay at her place. Will sat back in her chair. She couldn’t go back.

  All her stuff in boxes took on a whole new meaning. She’d been packed liked she’d moved out. Everything she owned apart from food stuff and the pantry and safe room were in these boxes. Without anyone asking her.

  What the fuck! Will got up and called 9 on the house phone. Someone answered. “I’d like to talk to Greyson.”

  “Yes Ms Darcy, I’ll let him know.” The phone went dead. She looked at it. So that was what? He’ll be right back to you or fuck off? Was he going to call back or come around? Again, with the not telling her shit!

  A wave of exhaustion hit her. Will reached out and steadied herself, that was weird. She looked at the phone for a moment longer then put the handset down. She’d not given her name. but they knew her. Phone ID? Course they knew her. She was the only groupie.

  Bugger that! Taking all her clothes upstairs she moved the designer stuff into the spare room and emptied out her own. Everything salvageable had been cleaned and pressed. She was stuck here but at least she could be comfortable. She was pissed. Why hadn’t he told her properly and explained? She hadn’t heard from him in a week. She guessed he was undertaking some serious healing but, he could have called right? Put her mind at rest.

  Part of her knew the reason, he thought she’d say no. Damn right! Maybe he was worried she’d do a runner. Whatever. The shit should have told her.

  He was badly injuried, her mind reminded her. So what! He could still have opened his mouth and told her. It worked well enough to give orders!

  Stomping into the bathroom Will showered, then changed into her own clothes feeling a bit more in control. Bastard! Her emotions were threadbare, over the top and she couldn’t reign it in.

  A knock brought her down to the living room. “Hay Darcy,” Greyson called out to her coming into the living room looking like god’s gift to women. “You wanted to see me?”

  Will ignore the need to pant and lick her lips but boy did her girly bits wave. What was it with these guys?

  “Yeah,” she swallowed gaining her focus and frowning. “Explain to me how I’m ever going to go back home? How all my stuff is now in this room. Everything I own like I’ve…… I don’t know…..MOVED OUT.” He stilled. “Right, that’s what I thought. I have haven’t I and the thing is, NO ONE asked me if I was okay with that.”

  She slumped in a chair feeling tired again all of a sudden, she rubbed her forehead. What was wrong with her? She had the energy of an energizer bunny normally but not anymore. Was she coming down with the flu or something?

  “That’s probably a conversation for the Boss.”

  She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. “Ya think? It’s a bit late now isn’t it and he’s not going to be up for that conversation for a few weeks!”

  Will got up and walked over to the box marked ‘weapons’ and tapped the top. “It was kind of them to pack…. everything.” She told him giving him a cold smile.

  He backed up. “Yeah ok, I’ll let the Boss know you’d like a chat.”

  “Wait.” He stopped. “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s healing.” He gave her a nod and was the door quickly.

  Will huffed. Yeah, you do that stud. “It can wait until he’s better!” she shouted after him. She was going nowhere.

  Days passed in a bit of a blur. She stuck to her routine but it became harder to do day by day. Her muscle’s ached all the time, the pain killers didn’t help. She was drowsy. Struggled to concentrate for any length of time. But refused to give up. She had to keep going until Bennet was well enough to see her and they thrashed this out.

  She came back from her walk dragging her feet, she’d only made it halfway round today and had to stop several times. She dropped her coat on the floor, kicked off her shoes and padded to the kitchen. She had little appetite and grabbed some cheese and crackers and some water and ate slowly.

  She looked at the weapons on her table. It was her day to clean them. It had seemed like such a good idea before she’d gone on her walk, now, not so much. She’d laid them out over a towel on the table. She didn’t want to mess it up. It was a really nice table and she liked it.

  A girl never knew when a weapon would come in handy. Recent events proved that. An honorary boy scout always be prepared. She huffed. What good it did her… She’d admit it had been a shock to find so many had been left in the sale of house sale. Making them legal and registered to her took no time at all and suddenly, she was the proud owner or not so much, of several guns.

  Proud might not be quite the right word for it. She wasn’t into the gun movement really. Thought
far too many jackass’s had access to gun’s in her opinion. Guns they shouldn’t have and far too many innocents had been killed because of it.

  It was just that being on your own in an area that could potentially be dangerous, it seemed like a good idea. Her dad had been big on guns and as she’d grown up, he’d taken her to ranges and showed her how to use and manage a gun safely.

  Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would need them like she did.

  Just goes to show. You never really know. Maybe Billy was right. Being a ‘Pepper’ wasn’t a bad thing. She looked up at the ceiling. “Thanks Billy.”


  “She’s still not sleeping right. The lights never go off.” Bennet blinked as he listened to the daily report on Darcy. He was the cause of her life being disrupted and her lack of sleep. He had enough problems. A human was one he did not need.

  “Those boxes arriving triggered something. When she realised that she probably won’t ever be able to go back to her house, I told you she lost it. She was cleaning her guns again yesterday and she asked the guard as she does every day, how you’re doing. Her concern seems genuine and continues.”

  Bennet stared out the window. He’d been well for days but that wasn’t normal human healing.

  “Another thing Boss, her health is deteriorating. She tires quickly. I don’t know if that is a thing for her, but it wasn’t in her medical records and wasn’t obvious those first few days now its noticeable and getting worse. Both Clay and Bane have both reported their concerns. It’s like she’s slowing up. I saw it for myself when I called in. Her sleep pattern is still difficult but when she does sleep it’s deeper than normal human sleep. Bane struggled to wake her he was so concerned earlier, and the duration is getting longer and she’s becoming…… listless. Not eating well apart from the meal she makes herself and whoever is on guard. Her energy is ….. depleting. I think you need to see her. Somethings not right.”


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