Her Pride His Prejudice

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Her Pride His Prejudice Page 10

by Jessie Rose Case

The beast roared in a killing rage throwing his desk against the wall. The beast hungry for its mate. It’s bonded.

  He panted as his men came running back into the room and stood guarded around the edge looking for the enemy. Greyson and Clay stood in a corner staring at him. In this rage he could kill them all.

  His beast whipped his head towards them, his eyes red, his body twice the size it normally was now his beast was free.

  “She’s gone, find her.”

  His men scattered and he paced, becoming calmer as information on her whereabouts came in. He’s beast finally settling once they’d traced her to the train station. Her phone found in the guest house. He wasn’t surprised. Darcy was a resourceful woman anyone could have tracked her using it easily enough.

  Greyson checked her IP history, pulled up feeds and tracked her website locations. Once Uber had been infiltrated and the destination gained, he used the station surveillance and found her going in. Then found her using the toilets, she never came out with the third box or picked up the other two. Greyson waded through half an hour of tape before going back. His men had been dispatched as soon as they’d found her there.

  They found the boxes outside with nothing but rubbish in them, another broken-up box by the bin in the toilets themselves.

  Greyson had rechecked the video and found her coming out some ten minutes after she’d gone in looking different, but it was her. Bennet smiled when he saw the video. Very 80’s. She was clever, covering her tracks, making it hard for anyone to find her. He felt proud.

  Greyson found her again, getting on a train. They checked the destination and the connections. Breaking in to all the data on security feeds at each location.

  Searching the arrival at each platform against those getting off. It took time but he found her.

  Different clothes again, her look different but Bennet would know her anywhere. She made a final connection that only had three stops then the end of the line. He called in the helicopter. They would be in the air while Greyson continued to track her down. He’d be seeing her real soon.


  Darcy looked out the window as the view flew by. The connection had been on time and it was a smooth transition to the next train. She’d messaged the estate agent and asked to be picked up at the agreed time and had it confirmed. As the train pulled into the small seaside town Will smiled. She’d always wanted to see this place. Gathering her bag, she walked to the doors as they opened, and caught her first breath of sea air. Drawing it in deeply, she walked to the exit and a car and woman who looked like her picture stood under the lamp light.

  Will walked towards her extending her hand.

  “Hello, I’m Will, hope its not been too much of a challenge and sorry for the late hour.”

  “Welcome, welcome.” She shook her hand vigorously. “Lovely to meet you Will, such an unusual name for a lady, call me Sharon. We’ll get you sorted; the house is all ready for you. Chuck your bag in here and we’ll get going.”

  Opening the boot, Will threw in her bag and walked around to the car door getting in.

  “You’ve come at such a good time,” Sharon told her. “Not many people around at this time of year, you’ll have plenty of open spaces and good walks.”

  Sharon pulled out of the car park and kept up the local news info all the way to her rental. Opening the front door, she gave her the key and her card and said she’d leave her to it. Will handed her the money in an envelope, was more than happy to wave her goodbye and lock up. It suddenly felt like a very long day.


  “I’ve found her. She got off at the seaside town like you thought. An estate agent picked her up. Got the company logo off the car, just getting in the firewall to see what was rented today and who too.”

  “Good work,” Bennet called out over the noise of the heli. “Find out where we can land and have a car ready.”

  The sounds of the sea lapping on the sand carried. She’d taken up her usual post of laying on the sofa with the one book she’d brought with her. A single lamp gave all the light she needed. The house was stocked. It was peaceful and calm and for the first time in ages she felt she could sleep. The words became hazy, her eye lids heavy and the surf lulled her, and she welcomed it.

  They’d found her. He stood looking at the small house and sweet garden as he felt her once more within him, while the waves rippled in the air, their connection came to life. God how he’d missed the feel of it. Giving instructions to secure the perimeter he slowly made his way up the path. He knew the door would be locked, she wouldn’t leave it open and he didn’t want to cause a scene. Dawes had broken in easily to the estate agents and got the spare key. Bennet used it now to gain entry to the house, making no noise he drew back the bolts inside opening it wider, then threw the key back to Dawes so he could take it back to the office once more.

  They didn’t need people knowing it had been broken into or the cops being called.

  Quietly closing the door, he made his way down the hallway and saw her sleeping on the sofa. He’d never been so relieved to see someone in his life. Not even when he thought he was dying had his emotions been so strong. Removing his coat, he went over to her and gently picked her up. She rolled into him as he stood and breathed him in. “Ben?”

  “Yes baby, sleep its late.” He kissed her head.

  She sighed into him. “I missed you today,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry I left you, I messed up, missed you to,” he told her as he carried her up the stairs. His beast rumbled his approval. Managing to throw back the covers on the bed he placed her in it, stripped down to his boxers and got in with her, covering them both up. Happy to have her scent all around him once more.

  They’d be a time when he’d have to address his beast and what happened today but that wouldn’t be now. He could feel both his beast and his bond finally at peace and hoped it stayed that way.


  “Hay beautiful,” Will blinked awake, trying to keep the sun out of her eyes.

  “Too bright, too early.” She moaned. Bennet’s laughter brought her around. He was here. With her. In her bed. The bed that was miles from his home. What the hell? She’d been so careful, and he’d found her. She moaned focusing on him.

  “Hi.” She gave him a half-hearted wave.

  He smirked. “Not a morning person then,” he smiled. God, he looked good.

  There was no point in asking how he’d found her. He had. That meant the others could too. Damn. It must have shown in her face.

  “You did good,” he told her. Looking at him she knew he meant it. She could…. feel it.

  “Not good enough it seems.” She grumbled.

  He took her hand and kissed it pulling her into him. “I messed up yesterday and I apologise. I should never have left our bed and not left a message or something about why I had to leave. It was shitty and not nice, but in my defence, I’m new to this shit and struggling to balance a lot.” He grinned.

  “Was that meant to be an apology cos at the end there I wasn’t sure.”

  “Yes you were, you feel it same as I do.” He touched her heart with his fingers.

  He was right she did feel something. “Is that normal? The feeling thing?”

  “Yes. I did try to explain that.”

  She nodded. “You did, I heard it. Hearing and reality…”

  “Yeah I know.” He kissed her hand again, then each finger.

  She looked at the rest of him. “Are you naked?” She’d checked she wasn’t.

  “I wasn’t going to sleep in my suit.” He saw her check herself. “I wasn’t going to undress you while you were sleeping Darcy.”

  She nodded not sure what to say about that. “What’s the time?”

  “After 11.”


  “Yes, got an appointment?”

  Will laughed. “No, its just that I’ve not slept well since…. Well you know. I must have been exhausted.”

  “Or felt safe.”
br />   “Yep, or that.” They lay in silence while he held kept playing with her hand.

  “We could stay here for a while if you’d like. I’d need to do some work if that’s ok. Maybe go back and forth from the house. Whatever makes you happy.”

  Will frowned. This wasn’t a permanent thing. They’d fallen into it, nothing more. She couldn’t live with him at the house. Or in the guest house. Him coming to see her when he felt like it sounded like booty calls at all hours and then leaving her again. Too convenient, too easy, it would end up too painful.

  Because when he got bored, he’d leave her or throw her out. She wasn’t easy and she didn’t want to be his shag list either.

  Like her mama always said, why buy the cow when you get all the meat you want for free.

  She shook her head. “I’m not going back Ben,” she whispered. “I don’t fit into your life its that simple. I helped you and you’ve helped me. We are kinda even. You don’t owe me anything and with your help, I can hide my tracks better. I won’t go back to my house. I’ll leave it six months so Leeson can clear out all the food then sell it. I know I need to move and I’m ok with that.”

  He’d stopped moving. She sat up and stared him square in his face. “You and your people are different. Special and I don’t belong in that world and I won’t be something left hanging around.”

  “You’re right,” he told her. “You don’t belong in my world but you’re in it now and we have to adapt.” He pulled her down to him and slowly brushed his lips over hers. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but we can work it out.”

  Her body betrayed her. She wanted him so much it was scary. Will pulled her head back.

  “How’s that going to work Ben? I’m not one of your people, you kept me well away from the main house so I’m guessing that was for a reason. Didn’t want anyone seeing the ‘human’? Worried about your reputation? What are you going to do? Come and see me every now and then. Fuck when it suits you, then disappear for days and what do I do? Stay holed up in what would be effectively a lovely prison for the rest of my life? No. I don’t think so. I’m no one’s fuck buddy and I’m not staying locked away out of fear. I want to live my life. Have everything that I can, everything I can be and that won’t be happening if I stay in your shadows.”

  His beast struggled to surface wanting to stamp his dominance. Bennet held him in check with four words. You will scare her.

  He wanted to tell her how wrong she was, but she was right. He could feel her emotions through the bond. She wanted him but feared it. The perceived age gap was an issue for her, but he could explain that over time as her youth returned to her through their bond.

  She was right. He had hidden her so she couldn’t tarnish his reputation with the Kindred.

  Even now, in her bed touching her, part of him was consumed with dealing with the fall out because there would be some. And worst still, he was acting like his father had to his mother. Something he’d vowed never to do.

  He needed time to put things in place.

  “We don’t have to decide all these things now. We can spend some time getting to know each other. This is a beautiful place, peaceful. We can go for walks, talk, have dinner. Do the things we would have done if we’d met differently.”

  Will shook her head and smiled. She felt how much he meant it.

  “You wouldn’t have looked at me twice if we’d met in the real world.”

  He wanted to lie but he wouldn’t. He wanted to give her honesty.

  “You’re probably right. I’d have seen the human not the person and in doing so, I would have considered you lesser for it. You opened up my world Darcy, opened my eyes, I’m thankful for that.” He kissed her again a little harder this time.

  He let her lips go and rolled on top of her, gazed down.

  “Thankful doesn’t mean all this.” She told him and his heart hurt. His beast clawed to the surface wanting to calm his mate. Bennet pushed it back again. He had this.

  “I’m asking for you to give me a chance. I’ll try my best not to fuck it up, I probably will anyway, and you should be prepared for that. I don’t do relationships, I’ve no clue what I’m doing here, I’m winging it, probably badly. This is not my skillset and that doesn’t mean that that is my excuse to get out of anything, its not. I want to make this work. I need to make this work.”

  “Why? We don’t fit Ben.” He felt her torn emotions warring within her.

  He kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth dulling with her own. Slipping over her body he nestled in between her legs and stroked her.

  Then peppered her lips with lighter kisses. “We fit really well Darcy.” He wiggled his eyebrows. She laughed. “Let me show you that we can. One chance that’s all I’m asking.” He nibbled her ear.

  She pulled his head back to her lips and kissed him back. Within moments her clothes were gone, and his cock was at her entrance.

  “Please tell me yes,” he asked his breathing laboured waiting on her.

  She did feel his need of her. It was strong and powerful, she still found it difficult to believe but there it was all the same. He did want her, and she was in no doubt she wanted him. Will nodded as he thrust home. Damn the man felt good.

  He rode her hard and fast, unable to slow down. The thought that he’d nearly lost her and fucked this up had driven him crazy, driven his beast crazy.

  He slipped his bonds and lightly touched the surface relishing in the feel of his mate as Bennet fucked her.

  “Gods yes…” she cried out. “Harder..” His beast purred and climbed to the surface. Bennet tried to hold it back, but his control was slipping. He grasped her thighs and hammered into her, his cock swelling more, growing thicker and longer, the influence of the beast making himself know. Bennet growled and slammed into her faster and faster. The beast taking over.

  “Mine,” he gritted out biting into his wrist and thrusting it over her mouth. “My Mate.” As her lips suck at the wound. “MINE.” He roared.

  Will’s body was on fire, her passions mixed with …. His. But more than that, she felt it bone deep as he set a punishing pace she loved. No one had ever fucked her like he did. It was all consuming.

  She saw the shadow behind his eyes and the change in the beauty of his face, the feel of his cock becoming thicker and larger. His eyes bleeding to red looking into hers. She couldn’t miss the moment that shadow registered that she saw him, Bennet suddenly gripped her thighs and fucked her harder, complete and utter possession but he didn’t scare her. She felt…… alive and smiled back at him.

  The wrist at her mouth was an offering she needed just as much as he needed her. She sucked on his skin as the fire raged within her. Clinging to him trying to keep up. Mine, he roared, the bed shaking under his dominance. Her climax slammed into her, she cried out deliciously, then it hit her again, then rolled through her again as he thrust up so hard she moved up the bed under the force of it Bennet going with her. He anchored himself in deep as his hot cum jettisoned within her bringing with it, another orgasm that stole her breath away. Holy shit…. What had just happened?

  Bennet braced himself above her, the experience of being co-joined with his beast while satisfying his mate, beyond any experience before. He licked his wrist closed his forehead on hers not willing to separate from her body. Still buried deep she lay exhausted under him. Fuck. That was something else.

  Never before had his beast been interested in taking part in his sex life. Now, he’d taken over for part of it. Marking her as much his as she was his own.

  That was something else he needed to talk to her about. The list was getting bigger. Both the blood and the bond called to him. His cock hardened inside her body once more. His anxiety creeping over him. How would she take that?

  She stroked him. “I’m ok. You didn’t hurt me. That was… amazing. “

  She thought his anxiety was centred on if he’d hurt her. A part of that was probably true. The bond was working, he could understand her
getting it wrong. This was new to both of them. He held her tightly to him and kissed the top of her head. He had no words right at that moment. He was lost. He moved in and out of her tight heat. He had hours to make up for. Blood to give her, blood to take. He’d never been hungrier for the female feast before him. He had no words, but he could show her.

  The days after that took on a lazy feel.

  She’d updated Sharon first thing that her boyfriend had come to stay, and that they needed a couple of other houses for his staff. She’d been more than happy to oblige. Apparently, Will was good for off season trade. Who knew?

  And begrudgingly she had to admit that Ben had been right. Spending time with him was great. A pattern emerged. He’d give her a sexy wakeup call that required his cock hands and mouth. His come in her, on her rubbing his scent all over her body. He’d eat her until she was begging him to stop and riding his cock until she was too sated to move another muscle. Then he’d shower her and leave her to sleep on.

  He worked for a while in the spare room that had a desk, his men coming and going quietly. At what, she didn’t know, and he didn’t say not that it bothered her. It didn’t. She’d get up around 10, shower make breakfast for whoever was in the house. Ben and any of his men would join her. They’d chat, make plans for the day, then she got on with some work of her own and he went back to his with a kiss and promise of more.

  It was easy and fun. She found she like him as a person, he was funny with a dry sense of humour. Part of her worried if that was the bond or them.


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