Hawk: MC Romance (The Devil's Disciples MC Book 1)

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Hawk: MC Romance (The Devil's Disciples MC Book 1) Page 5

by Eden Rose

  Rat bastards.

  Capone loves to talk shit and gossip like a damn high school chick. The man is up in everyone’s business and I know he’s told Gear about Maci.

  Fuck, he probably pointed her out for Gear to get a better look at her.

  “No causin’ problems. You got me?” I gruff.

  “You got it, Romeo!” Capone teases.

  “I’m kickin’ your ass when we get back.”

  We’re at the diner in a matter of minutes. I’m eager to find out any information on Maci and then I need to get her out of my system.

  Something about the woman that has me wanting her is killing me. The thought of not having any information on an outsider and pursuing this like I am, that’s bothering me. She could be a rat. A mole. She could be from another club that sent her here to fuck with us. So many things that could happen… But I still fuckin’ want her.

  Once we get the club and diner, Kaylie is already running towards us with her eyes wild.

  “You better not be here to cause problems again! It’s hard enough to find good help!” She sasses.

  I lean down and kiss her on her cheek. “Will you relax? We’re here to make sure the girls are safe. Is Gina here?”

  Kaylie nods and tilts her head to the side. Her eyes are on Capone. They are watching his every move and I can see her wanting him.

  With the rule we have in place, he can fuck her but he can’t date her. Kaylie’s not the type of girl you just fuck and leave. She wants commitment.

  “Gear, can you check on Gina for me?” I ask him without really asking. I phrased it like a question but he knows I’m demanding him to behave himself.

  He grunts. “Yeah.”

  After he leaves, I walk through the diner to go towards the back when I see Maci on the phone in the back room.

  “What do you mean?” She whispers. “So, what are you thinking? Do we have to leave again?” Silence. She puts her head against the wall. “I don’t know what else to do. Are you sure they got my info? How would they have got it, though? We’ve been really careful.”

  My mind spins. There could be so much this conversation means and I have to know what she has got herself into. What has she brought to my club? What has she brought to me?

  And the worst thing, I want to protect her. I want to protect her from everything that could hurt.

  In that moment, even though I haven’t fucked her yet, I made the crucial decision. Maci’s mine.



  It’s my first day at a new job and I’m a waitress.

  I studied and passed the bar so I didn’t have to work at one again, but here I am.

  I don’t think I’m better than anyone. No way. I just worked my ass off at school never thought I would have to wait tables again.

  “Maci, right?”

  I turn my head from putting my purse in the back room that is used for all of the staff. A pretty red head is smiling at me with a shimmer in her eye. Something I have never thought I would see in a place like this.

  “Yes…?” I question. My nerves are at an all time high after finding out my house was burned down. I didn’t expect all of this shit to be happening after we moved. Shit. This was the last thing I expected.

  “I’m Amelia. I’ve been here for a couple of months. My ol’ man is a member of the club.”

  “Club? What club?” That spikes my interested.

  Even after all of the bull shit going on with Riley giving me attitude and our house burning down, I still want to see Hawk.

  Hawk is super sexy. I love how sure of himself he is and I’m hoping to see him. Maybe not here, because I’m embarrassed as fuck.

  “The Devil’s Disciples owns the diner and the club next door. Have you heard of them?”

  Have I heard of them? Hawk has been running through mind all day. At one point, when I was in the shower, I thought about what it would feel like having him play with me. Having him run those callused hands all over my body.

  “Yes, I think so.”

  She shrugs her pretty shoulders. “Yeah. They are really nice. My ol’ man has been a brother for a couple of years.”

  “Maci! Welcome to your first day!” Kaylie calls out snapping me from my conversation.

  I don’t know if I should be grateful or if I should be worried how in depth I was in that conversation.

  “Thank you!”

  “I see you met Amelia. She’s the one you’re going to be shadowing tonight.”

  I smile at her in a knowing fashion.

  I place my phone in my back pocket and following them out into the main area.

  For the next twenty minutes, I’m introduced to all of the women who work here and some of the regulars. Kaylie explained I wouldn’t be getting a section yet since I’m so new and I secretly agreed upon that.

  I feel my phone vibrating and I shiver a little. Every time my phone has been ringing lately, it has been bad news.

  “Do you mind if I take this phone call? My grandma is really sick,” I lie. My grandparents are dead on both sides and I haven’t spoken to my parents in years.

  Not since I got pregnant in high school.

  “Yeah, go ahead. Next time leave the phone in the back room,” Kaylie instructs.

  I walk into the back room area and quickly answer it. “I’m working. What’s up?” I ask already knowing it’s Howie.

  “Maci, I just got word someone’s been peeping your new information.”

  “What do you mean?” I whisper. My new information? Would he mean my job? Surely, they would have looked up my new social security number before hiring me. Although, it’s a diner owned by bikers.

  “Your information was ran a couple of times and I’m concerned. It shows it was ran in the area you’re in right now. Have you been talking to anyone?” He accuses me.

  “So, what are you thinking? Do we have to leave again?” I place my head against the wall. I need the cool from the wall to cool the heat wave I’m having. I’m nervous and scared about what all this could mean for us.

  “You haven’t been talking to anyone, right?” He breathes loudly. “I mean it. You’ve been minding your business.”

  “I don’t know what else to do. Are you sure they got my info? How would they have got it, though? We’ve been really careful.” I’m desperate for him to tell me I’m okay. I’m desperate for him to tell me I’m safe.

  I’m desperate for anything.

  “Maci, you have to promise me you’re keeping your head down. I know this is hard on everyone, but your new social security number was ran through the database three times today. That’s not a coincidence.”

  I know exactly what he is saying is true. I just don’t want to believe it. I can’t move Riley again because she’s going to get freaked out if I do it. She’s already freaking out about being at the apartment by herself.

  I have the whole apartment rigged with a silent alarm and cameras are throughout the whole apartment. I need to make sure she’s safe while I’m at work. I don’t want anything happening to my daughter.

  Screw my own life. I’m okay. She’s the one that’s not okay.

  “I haven’t talked to anyone. I know what the stakes are. You don’t have to keep reminding me. What I do know is I have to go back to work.” I hang up on him before he can respond and I run straight into a heated, breathing wall.

  A wall full of muscles.

  I know that smell anywhere. I’ve run into Hawk.

  Fuck my life! How much of this conversation did he hear?

  “We have some talking to do,” he murmurs to me.

  I bet we do.



  The woman in front of me keeps shifting her eyes around as if she’s trying to see what’s going on. I know that look. Any person in the life I lead, knows that look. That’s the look of someone who is afraid or worried about something.

  What could she be worried about?

  “Sorry I was on my phone. I had to receive a
phone call. It won’t happen again,” she murmurs and tries to walk past me.

  I place my arm out blocking her from leaving the area. There is no way in fuckin’ hell I’m letting her leave without an explanation. This is now the second time she has looked shifty on the phone.

  “Who sent you?” I demand.

  That’s the only that makes sense. Someone sent her and is setting us up. It has to be that. But who? We have beef with other clubs, that’s for sure. Some of the beef is about some fucked up shit but I never thought any of the clubs would send a spy.

  A spy who is as beautiful as she is.

  My dick stiffens in my pants. Her breathing skyrockets and her little clavicle is sticking out against her rising chest. Would she look this hot with my cock stuffed so far up in her little pussy I couldn’t tell where I ended and she began?

  Maybe I should just fuck her.

  However, that’s not my scene. Many bikers humped and dumped. Nah, I like easy pussy and all, but there’s something about working for it. And I’m going to work for this one.

  “Who sent me?” Maci asks dumbly. I can tell she honestly doesn’t understand what I’m asking by the look in her eyes. Or is she that good of an actress?

  Which one is it? Is she that good of an actress or she doesn’t know?

  “This is the second time in two days I have seen you on the phone and you’ve been actin’ shifty. Who sent you?” My voice raises and I box her in a little more.

  I don’t want her to flee from me. I want her ass to stay right here.

  “No one sent me? Excuse me, I have to get back to work.”

  My body holds her in. I’m much bigger than she is and I’m not letting her out of my sight until I find out what the fuck is happening.

  “All of a sudden you show up at one of my diners… and now your actin’ shifty. Tell me right now. Who are you?”

  Truth is, I don’t give two shits who she is right now. It won’t matter who she is when I have her on her knees with my cock in her mouth. The way her lips form a perfect O as she works through what I’m asking is all I need to know. She’s hot for it. I know she is. She has to be.

  Maci’s eyes widen and she’s staring intently at me. “Look, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I need to get back to work.”

  Without me realizing what is happening, the little sneak pushes me aside and is running towards the entry back to the outside of the diner. I reach my arm out and grab her by her hand. Her body flies back and her hair whips me at my face.

  “What is your problem?” She hisses in front of me. I can see by the look in her eyes that she has no idea what I mean.

  “Maci! Are you back there?” Kaylie calls out.

  “Yes! I will be right back. I’m sorry!” Maci answers. “Leave me alone. I have no idea what game you are playing but I don’t want to play anymore. Leave me alone.”

  And with that, she has dug her hand out of my hand.

  The loss from her body heat has my body instantly missing hers. What is it about her that makes me want to know her more?

  I plop a seat in the back where my office is and Capone’s strolling through the office door. “Well, that was fun.”

  I growl. “You don’t even know the half of it.”

  He chuckles and claps me on the shoulder. “I know when I see a brother strike out like you just did… That’s entertaining for me. Prez, she’s got some spunk. You sure she’s worth this hassle?”

  I hear the words he is saying and I get what he means. Maci is a lot of work. A lot more work than I normally have to be in for. But, I will be fuckin’ damned if I let her sink through my fingers.

  He whistles in the back of his throat. “Well, I guess what I’m askin’ is are you gonna pursue this? She’s not like our normal girls who is gonna let you hit it and quit it. This is an ol’ lady kind of girl.”

  “I’m pursuing it.”

  He clucks his tongue. “Prez, you got it fuckin’ bad. What do you even know about her?”

  That’s the question of the day. What do I even know about her? There is not one thing I know about Maci besides how beautiful she is and how I want to sink inside her. That’s all I know.

  What I don’t know is why she’s so shifty on the phone and why she doesn’t have a past. Everyone has a past. She has to have something.

  I rub the back of my neck and sprawl out in the chair. My boots are feeling heavier than normal. My body is begging for a release that only Maci can give me.

  “I don’t know jack shit about her,” I answer honestly.

  There is a little knock on the door and I see Maci’s cute face peering into the room. She is holding two coffee cups in her hands.

  “Kaylie said you might want a cup of coffee?” Maci says quietly. Her eyes are dead set on Capone’s and I could kill him. I want her to be looking at me the way she’s looking at Capone. What the fresh fuck?

  Did I push her too hard?



  “Why don’t you go bring a couple of coffees to the boys in the back?” Kaylie asks me.

  However, she’s really not asking me to do it. It was more of a strong suggestion. I’m not stupid.

  The thought of seeing Hawk back there has my heart racing. I have no idea what the hell that was back there, but it was something. It had to have been something and I’m not imagining it. I know I’m not imagining it.

  My mind spins. He’s convinced I have been sent to be here. Like a mole? People do that? After everything that has happened today and last night, my mind hurts. I can’t handle it.

  I wonder how Riley is feeling about everything. That should be my main concern instead of wondering if Hawk thinks I’m pretty or whatever.

  Jesus. How did this all get so complicated? Everything in this dinky town is supposed to be easy. All I’m supposed to worry about is keeping my head down and making sure my daughter is safe. That’s it.

  Now the fact that Hawk is convinced I’m a rat has me all messed up. I don’t understand why it matters so much to me, but it does.

  I smile at Kaylie and grab two mugs off the tray in front of the coffee maker.

  “Capone likes a shit ton of sugar with his coffee,” she informs me.

  I load up my little apron with a couple of creamers and about a pound of sugar packets.

  Without saying anything more, I walk towards the back of the diner and I try my best to block out all of the whispers I hear. I know the other five waitresses can see I’ve been flighty today. Or maybe they just automatically think I’m a damn ditz.

  My heart is hammering in my chest while I knock on the office door gently. I don’t want to be too loud but I also want to get this over with.

  I peek my head through to see Hawk and Capone leaning over the desk with the cameras pulled up on the monitor. The sheer thought of them having cameras wondering if they also have audio. If someone is already searching for me here, I don’t want them knowing about it.

  “Kaylie said you guys might like a cup of coffee,” I murmur gently.

  I feel Hawk’s eyes on me and the intensity behind his stare has me shaking while handing the cup to Capone. Capone’s smile on his face only proves he knows how nervous I am. Shit.

  I focus on Capone’s face rather than focus on Hawk’s.

  Hawk’s weighty stare only heightens my nerves. He knows I’m avoiding him.

  He has to.

  “Thank you, Maci,” Capone’s cheerful voice sings out and he takes the cup from me.

  When Hawk’s fingers brush against mine, electricity flows through my fingertips. What the fuck? I jerk my hand away from him.

  Is this what it feels like to go through a mental break down? It has to feel something like this.

  My mind is yelling at me to leave and quit this place. Things with Hawk are way too intense and awkward for just meeting him. My lady parts and a little piece of stupid heart are begging me to let him in.

  Hawk’s timbre of a voice shake me from my internal fight
. “Thank you, Maci. That was nice of you to bring us coffee.”

  “Uh, yeah. Like I said, Kaylie told me to get it for you.”

  Both boys laugh at me. Great, not only am I embarrassed beyond belief, I’m also see through.

  Jesus, I’m an attorney for fuck sake! I’m allowing my poker face to slip and it’s making even more pissed than anything else.

  “Why don’t you sit and chat for a while?”

  “What?” I blurt. I didn’t realize I completely zoned out until Capone’s voice seeps through my ears.

  They probably think I’m the dumbest chick ever.

  Capone pulls himself out of the seat. It isn’t until he’s fully standing and looking at me in the eye does he point to the chair he vacated.

  “I’m gonna kick your ass,” Hawk informs him.

  “What kind of game are you playing at? Is this something you do to the new chicks working for you?” I blurt.

  I don’t even know where that comes from until it’s flying out of my mouth.

  “Welp, looks like it’s time for me to get outta here and let you two crazy kids chat. Remember, no glove, no love. You need a rubber, brother?”

  “When we get back to the club, I’m kickin’ your ass. For the next two weeks, you’re my bitch.”

  “Sure thing, prez. Put a sock on the door.”

  Capone walks out of the office leaving Hawk and I alone. I’m painfully aware of how uncomfortable this moment it. I know he can feel it, too. I know for a fact I’m not the only one.

  “Great, now I’m a whore?” I blurt out again but this time I don’t give a fuck. “I’m so cheap fuck that has to fuck the boss in order to keep my job?”

  Hawk stands so quick out of his seat and he has me pinned against the door before I could even blink. Every instinct in my body is telling me to get out of here, but I can’t. My lady parts want him even more.

  My eyes flare and my fight or flight is starting to kick in.

  “We need to get a couple of things clear here, baby,” his voice is rough and full of gravel.

  Instantly my panties are drenched. Shit!

  “Don’t call me baby,” I sass.

  “I’ll call you whatever the fuck I want. This attitude shit you keep throwing at me isn’t going to give you what you want. I don’t give two shits about your attitude. The only thing it is going to get you is fucked hard. Which I think is what you need.”


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