Ink (The Skulls Book 17)

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Ink (The Skulls Book 17) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I’ll take these, please,” he said.

  She leaned against the counter, waiting for him.

  Once he finished, he carried the books, his large, impressive arms seeming to bulge from the weight of them.

  “You didn’t think I had a library card, did you?”

  “Busted. I thought this was something The Skulls had cooked up, but again, I don’t know why they’d go to such lengths. It seems silly now.” She was in a happy mood.

  “Did you get the job?”

  “I got the job.” She pretty much screamed it. She quickly covered her mouth. “Sorry, overexcited here, and I nearly messed everything up.”

  He laughed.

  “I’m sorry. Is there anything else you have to do today? I can go and see this place on my own.”

  “Do not even think about it. I’m coming with you to check your place out.”

  “Haven’t you seen it?” she asked.

  “Yeah, but I now want to see it with you. Seeing it by myself, I could only imagine what it is like for you.”

  “Okay.” She walked beside him. Her very much younger teenage self would have been so happy in this moment. It would have been a dream come true to walk beside her one true crush.

  All of that was gone now. She was just happy to spend time with him. Other than that one time in the hospital, he didn’t have a judgmental bone in his body, and even that time at the hospital wasn’t his fault. She had fucked up, not him.

  “So, I was wondering if you were going to get your leather cut back?” she asked. He’d been so proud to get that leather cut and to have his patch. She didn’t like the idea of him going without it.

  “I will when I earn it back for me. I still work for The Skulls, and when I feel I’ve done what is right, I’ll know.”

  She frowned. “I don’t think you need to earn it back, Ink. I did talk to Lash. I told him it was my mistake.”

  “Lash knows everything. He’s not holding my cut back, Darcy. I am. I don’t want it back. I’m just not wired to take the easy route. You don’t need to take the blame for me not taking the cut back. It’s all on me.”

  “I am responsible,” she said. “I don’t know what came over me. I was in pain. I was hurting. Everything just seemed so hard, and I guess, seeing you, and you know, having that crush on you, I shouldn’t have asked for anything or done anything. I’m sorry if I made you nervous.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Do you want me to carry any of those books? They look really heavy.”

  “I’ve got them, sweetheart.”

  “Ugh, don’t call me that.”


  “Not that.”

  “What should I call you then?” he asked.

  “How about we stick to the good old reliable, Darcy?” She winked at him. “You know, I can enjoy that one.”

  “Darcy it is.”

  “See, that’s not so hard.” She was loving this. Spending time with him, talking—it wasn’t flirting though, was it? No, she didn’t think it was flirting.

  They arrived at his apartment building, and they went to his floor first so he could drop the books off.

  He put them down on a small table, and she waited for him in the doorway. Entering his home felt really … personal. She didn’t know if he was ready for her to be in his space.

  “You know this place won’t bite you.”

  “I know. I know. It’s fine. I just would really like to see this apartment.”

  He laughed. “Fine. Let’s go and see it.” He left his place, and they made their way up to her new place. There was enough distance between their floors that she didn’t have to feel like she was living above him.

  This was good.

  Ink took the lead after the elevator came to a stop, and he leaned against the wall.

  “This is it. Are you ready for this?” he asked.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She put the key in the lock, gave it a twist, and the door opened. Stepping into the apartment, she noticed it was small, but that didn’t bother her. In fact, she was really charmed by the place.

  It was ideal for a single person, and she knew what she’d fill the space with.

  “It comes with furniture?”

  “Yes, fully furnished. You’ve got to decorate it with your own personal touch, but I think this is incredible. What do you think?” he asked.

  “Oh, my, and it’s already rented.” She walked toward the small bedroom, and through it was a tiny bathroom. She could totally see herself relaxing and having a lot of fun.

  Rushing back out to the main room, Ink pointed at the door. “We can install some more locks for extra protection. This is pretty sweet deal.”

  “I want it. I, like, really, really want it.”

  “It’s yours.”

  She screamed and threw herself into his arms. The moment she did, she tensed up and immediately stepped back. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Oh, my. I cannot believe this is even real right now. I can’t wait to tell my parents. They are going to be so … they’re going to hate it.”

  “Why don’t you just talk to them? Explain everything and see what they do.”

  “You’re right. I can’t be afraid to do this, to move on.” She nodded, tucking her short hair behind her ear. “I can’t wait to go shopping with the first paycheck I earn.”

  This was going to be good.

  She felt incredibly happy, and to have shared this moment with Ink, it felt right.


  It took them all of three hours and one trip to move Darcy into her new apartment. Ink was shocked to discover she didn’t have a whole lot of stuff. Her clothes were a small suitcase, and for most things, she would need to buy other items.

  Blaine and Emily were playing their part well as they looked around her place. Lash and Angel were also there. Angel had made a care package for Darcy, which included all of the groceries she would need for a week, as well as to stock her cupboards.

  “This is really something, sweetheart,” Emily said.

  Darcy placed a family photograph on the wall. “Isn’t it? I know you want me to stay at home forever.”

  “No, of course not. We want you to be available and free,” Emily said.

  “That doesn’t mean you’re alone. Ink’s in the building, and we are only a phone call away,” Blaine said.

  “I know. I know.”

  He saw the happiness in her eyes and the excitement. With the last box inside her small place, Ink watched her say goodbye to her parents. Angel and Lash also hugged her, and he was the last one to leave.

  “Don’t go,” she said. “I mean, you can totally go if you want.” She grabbed a knife and scored it across the tape over the box. He closed the door with Blaine giving him a warning to keep an eye on her.

  She would never be alone. He would be here to protect her.

  Walking back into the sitting room, he watched her pull out some books from the small box. Shoving his hands into his jeans pocket, he waited for her to finish what she was doing.

  “Thank you so much for helping me today. Angel made me lasagna. I’ve just put it in the oven. You can stay for dinner if you’d like? Be my very first dinner guest?” she asked.

  “Sure. I’ll also carry all the large boxes for you.”

  “We make a good team.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to dispute that, but he didn’t want to in any way ruin her happiness.

  It took her thirty minutes to unbox her things, and he flat packed the boxes, putting them to one side as she went and checked the lasagna.

  “Done,” she said. “I don’t have time to throw a salad together. Angel did make lemon pie though.”


  She chuckled. “This is all surreal right now. This is my own little place. Mom and Dad were happy. They seemed happy to you. That’s not a bad thing, right, for them to be happy for me?”

  “It’s not a bad th

  “Good. Good.” She grabbed two plates, and he watched as she started to serve, using a butter knife and a dessert spoon.

  “I think we’re going to need to get you some kitchen things.”

  “I think you’re right. I’m making a total mess of this. I’m so sorry.” She put it on the plate and sighed. “Done.”

  She served him up, and seeing as Angel couldn’t make anything bad, he dived in with relish.

  Darcy took the seat opposite him. The table was small, intimate, and cute. He didn’t want her getting the wrong impression.

  So far, he’d not gotten the sense that she had a crush on him any longer, and it made him wonder if she ever would. Not that he wanted her to fall for him.

  She was way too young, and besides, she was finally getting her life back.

  “What are your plans for tomorrow?” he asked. He needed to distract himself because right now, he was close to losing his freaking mind.

  “I need to go shopping. I’ve got my job to go to. I can’t wait to get started. I think afterward I’ll go to the supermarket.”

  “How about I join you?” he asked.

  “At work?”

  “No, I’ll walk you to work, but I’ll join you at the supermarket.”

  “You really don’t have to do that.”

  “I’m not going to do it forever. I’m worried about you, Darcy. This is all new. Believe me, I’d have loved to have someone willing to help me out the way I am with you.”



  “Okay, sure. I’d love the company, I guess.”

  “Will you be visiting that tree anytime soon?” he asked.

  “No, not anytime soon. This place will give me the peace I need, I think.” She took a bite of her lasagna. “Thank you for all of this. For helping me. For finding this place and my job.”

  “You haven’t even been to your job. Hold off on the thank-yous, just in case you can’t stand it.”

  She laughed. “I’m surrounded by books. I can’t wait.”

  “Did you read a lot of books?” he asked.

  “In the hospital I did. It took the time away from everything else. Tabitha was with me as much as she could be, but she ended up being escorted to school and one of the guys always checked to make sure she stayed in class.”

  “I bet she loved that.”

  “Not even a little bit. She got into a lot of fights, but I think things have settled down a little. How was your time in Piston County?”

  “It was good. I just worked. It was a lot easier than having to deal with certain things.”

  “Were those things me?”

  “Some of it, yes. I didn’t want to hurt you, Darcy. You were going through so much, and I didn’t want to have to reject you.” He saw her becoming upset and reached across the table. “Don’t do this. Don’t pull away. You also reminded me of a lot of things I thought I had forgotten as well.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “I just needed to work through them and not put myself in any position where I could hurt you.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever be able to tell me your other things?” she asked.

  “One day, maybe.”

  “I’d like that.” He watched her cheeks heat. “I like this. You and me, being friends. I like having you as a friend, Ink.”

  “I like being your friend, Darcy.”

  She nodded. They ate their food in silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. They were companions in this moment.

  Ink was hit by guilt because he had nothing to do with this, and yet, she thought he did. He’d make it up to her in one way or another.

  Chapter Eight

  One month later

  Living alone, for Darcy, was an incredible experience. She missed her family, of course she did, but there was something about being alone that she also loved. Her own space, her own time, and being able to just enjoy the silence.

  Also, Ink was around a whole lot more. He ate meals with her and walked her to work when he was able to.

  There were still obligations to The Skulls. She knew through Tabitha that they helped men, women, and children who had either been abused, hurt, or needed help after running from a sex trafficking ring.

  The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds both helped another MC known as the Billionaire Bikers MC. It wasn’t like the clubs she had known over the years, but something a lot bigger. It was an organization that helped others, and would use their money to intervene and to protect. They sounded amazing, and Darcy was so proud that her parents were helping others in some way.

  Ink still hadn’t taken his patch, even though he rode with them, worked for them, and was still very much part of the club.

  “You know, you should get some wine or something,” Tabitha said, rolling down the back of the sofa to sit cross-legged.

  Her little friend often stayed with her on the weekends. She just couldn’t say no to Tabitha.

  “I don’t drink, you know that.”

  “But where is the harm in having some?”

  “One, you’re underage, and so am I. If your mother even for a second suspected I was helping you break the law, you and I wouldn’t be spending any time together.”

  “Mom wouldn’t do that. She’s all threat and no action most of the time.”

  “We’re talking about your schooling here, Tabitha.”

  “Please, since coming here, I haven’t gotten into a single fight, and I consider that a world record for me.”

  “You shouldn’t be getting into any fights.”

  “I don’t start them.”

  “You finish them?”

  “Damn straight. I’m not having anyone pick on Daisy or even call out the club. I’m defending us. Anyway, topic change, have you met any cute guys?”

  “It has been a month,” she said.

  “And, you’re cute and young. Why not go on a date?”

  “You have to meet people first, and between home and work, I haven’t really done anything else.”

  Tabitha took the book out of Darcy’s hand that she’d been attempting to read ever since she got home from work, only Tabitha had taken it upon herself to bug her.

  “First, you need to stop sticking your head in some kind of book. It’s not going to help. To date you need to get out there.”

  “How would you even know the first thing about dating? You’ve got your heart set on one guy and one guy alone.”

  “So? It doesn’t mean I’m not an expert. I watch a lot of people, Darcy. I know what I’m talking about, and you need to trust me. Like really, really trust me.” Tabitha grabbed her hands. “My mom and dad were talking about a party Saturday night at the clubhouse. They’re not going. They have all kinds of people there. I think you should totally go and see what all the fuss is about.”

  “Tomorrow is Saturday night.”

  “I know.”

  “I thought you’d snuck in on one of these parties.”

  “I did, but I’m not talking about me or finding someone for me. I’m talking about you. My very best friend who I love so much and I know deserves to find love and happiness some way. Unless you’ve still got a thing for Ink.”

  “I don’t have a thing for Ink.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “We’re friends and we’ve hung out a few times, but there is nothing going on between us.”

  “The question is, Darcy, do you want there to be something going on?”


  “Are you sure?”

  Darcy rolled her eyes. “I’m sure. I like Ink, I do. He’s a really great guy, but I’m not going to risk ruining what we have right now. I like him.”

  Tabitha kept staring at her.

  “What?” Darcy asked.

  “I’m just trying to figure out if you believe your own bullshit or if you’re just trying to convince me.”

  “Oh, stop it.” She couldn’t stop laughing at her friend. “It’s not bullshit. I’m happy. Besides, why would I want someone like Ink? Ther
e is a chance it could come back. You saw how fast he hightailed it out of there.”

  She noticed Tabitha got really uncomfortable all of a sudden.

  “What is it? Are you worried as well?”

  “It’s not that. I’m just remembering what Simon once told me and what I can’t tell you, and it seems so wrong to not tell you because it is really important.”

  “Tabitha,” Darcy said.

  “Oh, I can’t, but I really want to.”

  “I thought we were friends.”

  “We are and this is something I shouldn’t even know and I can’t believe Simon told me and I’ve been so good up until now.” Tabitha growled.

  “You don’t have to tell me,” Darcy said.

  “No, I will. It’s about Ink. He didn’t just leave because of you. You were a cause, but this is something else. Something big.”

  “It is?”

  “Ink had a sister. Simon heard Devil telling Lexie. He didn’t want to say anything to me, but we don’t have any secrets. Not even little ones. We tell each other everything, and well, he didn’t even know that Ink had a family before us.”

  “Wow,” Darcy said. “What does his sister have to do with it?”

  “She was diagnosed with cancer. It wasn’t good, and she died soon after being admitted to the hospital. Haven’t you noticed he rarely talks about his past, and if he does, it’s always about something else?”

  Darcy was taken aback. “I had no idea.”

  “None of us do. Apart from Devil, Lexie, Simon, and now us. No one else knows. That’s his secret though. It’s not just because you kind of freaked him out with your jailbait come on.”

  “Oh, please, asking if I was pretty is not a come on.”

  “If Ink had kissed you back then would you have turned him down, in all honesty?” Tabitha asked.


  “I need a soda, but you see my point.” Tabitha got her to feet and headed into the kitchen.

  Darcy sat back, thinking about Ink, about all that she knew about him. He was always so quiet and so private. It had been an allure of his that she liked.

  “I can see that sexy look in your eye,” Tabitha said. “You’re totally smitten with him still, aren’t you?”


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