Where to Woo a Bawdy Baron: Romancing the Rake Book 3

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Where to Woo a Bawdy Baron: Romancing the Rake Book 3 Page 5

by Andresen, Tammy

  Juliet clapped her hands, a large smile splitting her face. “Oh, this should be fun.”

  “No fun today.” He shook his head. “Just observation.”

  “Today is just observation?” Bianca asked, scooting closer. “So you’ll be staying for a few days?”

  He gazed over at her, resisting the urge to reach out and touch her again. The thought of leaving made his stomach twist in discomfort. He tried not to think about the feeling too much. He had a little time to help her and have a very good reason to stay in this little village. “A few.”

  Juliet looked between him and her sister. “I’ve been thinking, Bianca, that we should hold a soiree. Music and dancing the night away. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

  “It does,” Bianca answered, her eyes still locked with his. “When do you think we’d have this party?”

  “I’m not certain,” Juliet answered. “Lord Craven, how long might you stay in Seabridge Gate?”

  Chris gripped his thigh to keep from reaching out and pulling Bianca close. If she asked him that same question, he’d have a difficult time refusing her anything. “I’m not certain, I—”

  Bianca leaned further forward, her hands clasped in her lap. Damn it all to hell, but her cleavage peeked out from the lower neckline of her dress. He clenched, his jaw ticking with the effort to keep still.

  “Wouldn’t a dance be fun?” Bianca asked, her breath catching.

  No. A dance sounded positively dreadful. He hated such events. But he found he quite liked the sound of her voice when it was breathless with excitement. And much to his surprise, the idea of dancing her out of a ball and onto a patio where they found some dark corner sounded even better than fun. “The idea holds a certain charm.”

  Juliet clapped. “I’ll see how quickly I can plan one.”

  Chris shook his head. He was helping an innocent woman all the while agreeing to attend a ball. What had gotten into him?

  * * *

  Bianca worried the inside of her cheek as she stared across the carriage at Chris. The man stole her breath.

  She’d fancied herself in love with William. He was handsome and popular within the village. Many of the ladies fawned over him to gain his favor. And she’d wanted to be one of the women to whom he turned his attention. She supposed, in a way, he had.

  His teasing was a certain form of attention. But rather than feel good, his barbs had often cut deep. And half the village had joined him in his mockery, which hurt a great deal, but William’s words had always stung more.

  She’d had such an affection for the merchant’s son. But now…

  What she’d felt for William didn’t even compare to the breathless excitement that filled her every time Chris was near. Was it just because Chris was nice to her? That he touched her, kissed her even? Or were they just better suited to one another?

  She stopped. Chris had told her he couldn’t be her hero. He’d outright said he wouldn’t marry. She still wasn’t certain what he did plan for his future, but he obviously didn’t intend to stay in Seabridge Gate for any length of time.

  She twisted her hands together. Did she want him to stay? She was afraid the answer was yes.

  And she was happy to go to the cricket match with him, she truly was, but she didn’t want to see William or any of the other bullies, all who’d play today. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel the same twinge of fear. Somehow, having Chris at her side made her far less afraid. What she felt was a prick of annoyance.

  She cocked her head to the side and studied Chris. How had one day with this man changed her feelings so entirely?

  Somehow, being with him had filled her with…confidence? She blinked in surprise. What a gift he’d given her.

  Even if he did leave, and the idea still hurt, she’d do well to remember what he’d managed to do for her in a single day.

  They reached the field just outside the village that had been set up for the game. Chris climbed out and handed them both out. As her hand fitted into his, Bianca straightened. Today she wouldn’t be afraid and she wouldn’t bumble or babble, she’d be strong. Like him.

  They circled the crowd of spectators and Chris picked a spot under a large willow tree for them to watch.

  “I love cricket.” Juliet clapped. “We play too. Bianca has an excellent throwing arm. She’s the best of all of us.”

  Chris raised a brow. “Really? I should like to see that.”

  “Hey you…over there,” one of the players called. Bianca looked up to see Fredrick Goodfellow standing at the perimeter of the field, looking at Chris. She didn’t like the man at all. He was the worst of the bunch and she resisted the urge to tuck herself behind Chris. “The other team is short a player. Can you step in?”

  Chris straightened up, his brow dropping low. “No.”

  The other man snorted. “Why not? We can’t play without another player.”

  Chris’s fist clenched at his side. “We met earlier, remember?”

  “I remember.” The other man sneered. “Now’s your chance to show me what you’re actually made of and not just spew idle threats.”

  Bianca looked between the two men, her brow knitting. They met? What had Fred said?

  Chris shrugged off his jacket, handing it to her when none other than William joined the conversation. His blond hair flashed in the sun as he trotted next to Fred. “Who’s this then?”

  “I don’t know,” Fred answered. “Who are you, anyway?”

  “This is Lord Craven,” Juliet answered, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “He’s a friend of our family.”

  Bianca held her breath, hoping Chris didn’t disagree, but she needn’t have worried. Instead, he took off his cravat as well and also handed her the garment. “I’m playing for the opposing team?”

  “That’s right. We bat first,” Fred answered.

  Bianca leaned over, his jacket warm in her arms. She caught subtle hints of his sandalwood scent as she resisted the urge to bury her nose in the cloth. “You don’t need to play.” She lifted her chin to look up in his eyes. “You’re not my hero, remember?”

  And right this moment, she didn’t want him to be. She’d enjoyed how he’d defended her this morning. But she wasn’t sure she cared what those bullies thought after today and she wanted to spend time with Chris more than she wanted vindication. His company made her feel better more than anything else.

  He lifted a brow as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. “Today, I am.”

  Chapter Seven

  Chris had never wanted to play cricket more. His muscles twitched with the urge. He’d beat these men into the ground and then he’d take a victory kiss from Bianca for good measure.

  His blood sang with the idea as she looked up at him, her eyes shining with uncertainty. “Don’t worry,” he murmured. “They’ll rue the day they crossed you.”

  He heard Juliet gasp, but Bianca didn’t smile, in fact, she frowned. “You could stay here.”

  “How long have you known Miss Moorish?” William called again, stepping closer. Chris looked at the man on whom Bianca had clearly had a crush. The man was handsome the way Dashlane was good looking. All blond hair and blue eyes and nice features. Jealousy churned in his gut. Is that what kind of man Bianca liked? Why did he care?

  He straightened, glaring at the other man. Then he turned back to Bianca and reached for her hand, slowly bringing her gloved fingers to his lips. The kiss lingered much longer than was necessary, but it had the intended effect. All the men on the field went quiet.

  “I asked you a question,” William barked moving even closer.

  The man was jealous. He could hear the irritation in the bastard’s voice, feel it in the tension radiating off William in waves. That made Chris smile. But Bianca’s jolt of surprise killed his joy as quickly as it rose. She had also noticed the other man’s irritation.

  A sea of feelings he hadn’t anticipated rose up in his chest. Would she toss him over for William if the man showed interest? Why did he care?
Chris hardly knew her and he’d made it clear he was leaving.

  “I’ve known him forever,” Bianca responded. “Old family friend who’s come to stay for an indefinite visit.” She gave his hand a light squeeze. “He’s an excellent cricket player. Are you sure you want him on the opposing team?”

  What was she up to? Bianca, hand still in his, slid around him and then began pulling him toward the other two players. He’d not let her go now for anything and so he allowed her to pull him along like a cart. Honestly, he couldn’t wait to see what she was about to do.

  “In fact, he’s considering buying land here, starting a business. Who knows,” her voice rose higher as more people looked over at them. “He might be your boss someday.”

  A chuckle rose up in his throat as both men took a small step back. Beyond them, a few men had begun warming up, tossing the ball back and forth.

  “That’s ridiculous, I’ll take over my father’s company and—”

  “Who will ship your goods?” Bianca gave Chris’s hand another squeeze, her chin set at a jaunty angle.

  He nearly barked out a laugh. She was strong-arming William. The man’s face visibly paled. “I’m sure your father will.”

  Bianca tightened her fingers in his. “My father won’t run the shipping company forever. One of our husbands will take it over.” Then she raised a finger. “If I were you, I’d hope it’s not mine.”

  At that moment, one of the players missed the ball and it flew across the field, dropping to the ground and rolling to a stop a few feet to Bianca’s left. She finally let go of Chris’s hand and reached down to pick it up. Without warning, as she stood, she gave it a good solid toss. The ball rocketed through the air, beaning off Fred’s head.

  He raised his hands to his face at the same time he dropped to his knees.

  The laugh that had been threatening to release from his throat dislodged with a roar while Juliet erupted in a fit of giggles behind him.

  Bianca’s hands flew to her mouth as she covered her gasp.

  “Bumbling Bianca,” Fred roared.

  “Don’t call her that.”

  Chris looked up in surprise. He’d thought the words, but it had been William who’d said them out loud. Without thinking, he came to Bianca’s side again, his arm wrapping possessively around her waist.

  “Make no mistake,” Juliet called behind him. “That was no accident. Bianca has a wicked arm.”

  Fred surged to his feet, a goose egg already forming on his forehead. He surged toward Bianca, his fists clenched at his sides, but Chris stepped in front of her, raising his hands. His cravat and jacket were off and his sleeves were already rolled up. A good tussle sounded exactly right to him.

  * * *

  Bianca stared at his back as Chris widened his stance, ready to defend her. Her breath caught and her hand grazed the small of his back. She wanted to step into him, press against him. She wished to kiss him again, in the worst way. No one had ever done anything like this for her before.

  She didn’t even care that he wouldn’t stay in Seabridge Gate. He’d done something for her no one else had been able to do, he’d given her hope and confidence and worth.

  He shivered under her touch and then stepped toward Fred. “Give me your best shot,” Chris growled out, his fists tightening.

  Bianca stood on tiptoe to see over his shoulder. Fred lowered his head, preparing to charge when suddenly he stopped mid-step.

  But it wasn’t Chris who stopped him, it was William. “That’s enough.” He grabbed his friend, spinning him about and sending him sailing toward the pitch.

  Bianca blinked. Why was William suddenly being nice to her? Without thinking, she put a hand on Chris’s shoulder to stand taller and see what happened. Fred was on his feet and spun around, knocking William down into the grass. The two men tussled about, hitting and rolling as a circle formed around them.

  “Oh my,” Bianca gasped. “What’s happening?”

  “What’s happening?” Juliet crowed. “They’re fighting over you. This is so exciting.” She giggled again. “It would be even better if they were fighting over me, but this is still a close second.”

  “Fighting over me?” Bianca looked over at her sister even as her other hand pressed between Chris’s shoulder blades to maintain her balance. “But they don’t even like me. They’re mean to me.”

  Juliet rolled her eyes. “Well I don’t know about Fred, but Will just wanted to pull your pigtails so you’d chase him. I’ve always thought so.”

  What? Months of torture because he liked her? She doubted it very much. “Don’t be silly. He’s got to be twenty years old. Surely he’s grown beyond teasing for attention.”

  Chris shrugged and her hand rose and fell with his shoulder. “You are uncommonly attractive and the granddaughter of an earl. Perhaps he thought it was the only acceptable way to interact with you. Or…” He looked over his shoulder, grimacing. “My presence has made him jealous. He’d gotten used to being the center of your affection.”

  “Oh,” she said, understanding dawning. “What a cad.”

  That made Chris smile. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “I think we should go.” Juliet sniffed. “The best part of the game has already happened, in my opinion.”

  “It hasn’t even started,” Bianca said, though privately she agreed. Leaving the match, however, meant parting ways with Chris and she didn’t want him to go.

  “I know.” Juliet winked. “But how could it be more exciting than this?”

  His heat seeped through her glove in the nicest way. “They’re short a player,” Bianca said.

  Chris half-turned and he dropped her hands. “Their problem. Juliet’s right. Let’s go.”

  She gave a quick nod as they loaded into the carriage again. Several villagers gave her long stares as her cheeks heated.

  At least this time she hadn’t made a complete fool of herself. Instead, men had been fighting over her. She straightened her shoulders because she’d stood up for herself. Thanks to Chris.

  The carriage rolled down the road toward the village as they sat in silence. When they reached the inn, Juliet cleared her throat. “Lord Craven. I’ve realized that I need to run an errand in the village. Would you drop me?”

  Bianca turned to look at her sister. What was she doing? “Juliet?”

  Juliet turned to her and winked again. “Don’t worry. I’m sure that Lord Craven will see you home immediately and safely.”

  Bianca made a sound of dissent deep in her throat as the carriage slowed to a stop and her sister hoped out. “Take care and behave as you know I would,” Juliet called as the door snapped closed again.

  Bianca hardly had time to consider those words before Chris had captured her hand and pulled her across the carriage. She landed easily in his lap, and his hands threaded about her waist. She put hers on his chest pushing back.

  He grimaced. “I kissed you earlier. You don’t want me to do it again?”

  She relaxed her arms. She did, in fact, wish to kiss him again. Very much. “Juliet is a schemer. I love her but she’s always orchestrating some plan to manipulate an outcome. Right now, I’m not certain what her plan is but she’s out in the village. If anyone discovers we’re alone…”

  Chapter Eight

  Chris jolted with surprise. Which was foolish. While he didn’t spend much time with ladies of quality, every man understood the rules of acceptable behavior. “Do you think your father will force a match?”

  Bianca grimaced. “Try not to worry. He’s not much for force and I’ll explain to him that you defended me and I just wanted to say thank you in private. Still,” she reached over and tugged a curtain tighter about the window, “I’d prefer not to get caught in your lap. That’s a situation that can’t be undone.”

  Why did her cautiousness irritate him? He should be glad she didn’t want to be caught. For feck’s sake, what man wished to be trapped in marriage? But part of him bristled with jealousy. Was this about Will
iam? Had she decided she’d prefer the other man? “It’s because of him, isn’t it?”

  “Who?” Her brow scrunched and her lips puffed out.

  “William what’s-his-name.” He tightened his arms about her waist. How could she be thinking of that other man when she was tucked against him like this? He had forgotten other ladies even existed.

  Her chin notched to the side as she relaxed against him, her chest pressing into his in the most delicious way. He looked down to catch a healthy glimpse of her plumped bosom just under his chin. His teeth snapped together to control his reaction. If his rod stiffened now, there’d be no hiding the evidence.

  “William?” she whispered, her breath tickling his cheek. “I suppose this is about him, in a way. And I did want to say thank you for all your help. I never could have done that on my own and hitting Fred with that ball was so satisfying.”

  Was it just him or were her lips drifting closer to his? “It was my pleasure,” he grunted, one of his hands trailing up her spine.

  “I’m not certain how else to say thank you so I hope this will suffice.”

  And then she pressed her mouth to his, her lips soft and warm as her fingers curled into his shirt front. He kissed her mouth closed and then kissed her again and again until by the third pass he was hungry for more. Slanting her lips open, he ran his tongue along her bottom lip, then delved deeper to find hers. He felt her gasping shudder followed by a low moan and victory sang in his veins. Whatever she felt about William, she was here in his arms, responding to his kiss.

  Reaching the base of her neck, he trailed his fingers around to her front, tracing her collarbone and then dipping his hand lower. As he cupped her breast, he was aware of how nicely the flesh filled his hand, and he gave it a squeeze, his desire swelling as their tongues continued to tangle.

  “Chris,” she whispered against his lips. “We shouldn’t…”

  He kissed her quiet, not wanting to talk now. Granted, he’d spoken with her more in the last few hours than he had with anyone in years, but now was the time for something other than words.


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