Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh Page 17

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Akhand turned towards Tejasvi, 'Calm down, Tejasvi. The demons needs a leader, otherwise they all will be again misguided by Bhairavnath. Also I need to find that wretch Bhairavnath.'

  'But elder, how will you find him? He has already been killed by King Bhargav.' Tejasvi was quite astonished.

  'Bhairavnath is immortal, he cannot be killed.' Akhand told Tejasvi.

  Tejasvi was in doubt, 'Bhairavnath is immortal? No one heard it before. How do you know that?'

  Akhand stared at Tejasvi, 'Don't worry, Tejasvi, there are lot of things you still don't know. When the time will come, you'll get to know each and everything. And now it's my order, you will ascend on the throne of this kingdom.'

  'But, elder…..'

  'You will be crowned today itself.' Akhand declared.

  'As you wish, elder.'

  Soon a ceremony was organized in the kingdom of Vidarbh. Akhand himself crowned and declared Tejasvi as the new King of Vidarbh. There were lot of sounds of praising of the new King of Vidarbh.

  Suddenly, a girl entered in the court and stared at Tejasvi.

  'Suvarna……' Tejasvi was astonished.

  'Perhaps, you forgotten your promise, my lord. I have just arrived here to make you realize your mistake.' Suvarna stared at Tejasvi.

  Listening this, Tejasvi stood up from his throne and stepped down and came nearer to Suvarna.

  'I am sorry, Suvarna. It was my mistake, I am really very sorry.' Tejasvi joined his hands in front of Suvarna.

  Listening this, tears spilled out from her eyes, 'No, No, Tejasvi. I am sorry, you are still Tejasvi for me, who was my childhood friend.' Suvarna hugged Tejasvi in front of everyone.

  'I'll fulfill my promise today itself. Our marriage ceremony will be held today itself.'

  While Akhand interfered in between, 'There are lot of people in front of you, think about them.'

  Suvarna stepped back. Both of them were feeling very shy, as everybody were staring at them.

  Akhand laughed, 'This marriage ceremony will be held today itself.'

  Within two prahars all the arrangement were made. And finally Tejasvi and Suvarna tied the knot.

  While at night, Akhand decided to leave the palace. He decided leave silently without telling anyone. But Tejasvi crossed his path.

  'Where are you going, elder?' Tejasvi questioned Akhand.

  'I have to go, Tejasvi. If we have to maintain peace between humans and demons, I have to go. Also I am going in search of that wretch Demon's mentor Bhairavnath. Also, I have to make sure that Durbheeksh should not wake up. My wife has just given birth to my son Vikrant. After I leave, you just inform and convey my mother and wife that I will return one day, after achieving my goal.' Akhand tried to explain.

  'Ok fine, you should go. I'll take care of this kingdom.' Tejasvi assured his elder brother Akhand.

  Akhand hugged Tejasvi, and thereafter he proceeded towards his destination.

  'I'll wait for you elder.' Tejasvi was staring at Akhand.

  25 more years passed

  Still Mahabali Akhand didn't returned, but Tejasvi was in hope that one day he will return. One evening King Tejasvi was standing on the roof of his palace, he was looking towards the gate of the palace. He might be thinking about Mahabali Akhand's arrival to the palace.

  Soon the new army chief of Vidarbh, 'Virat' arrives at the roof and informs the new King Tejasvi, 'My lord, your both son Vikrant and Jaivardhan have completed their training and education. They both are arriving tomorrow morning.'

  Tejasvi was silent. Virat was astonished, 'What happened, my lord?'

  'Nothing much, Virat. It would have been a day of joy if elder Akhand was present here. He might feel very proud if he would have met his son 'Mahabali Vikrant'. I have searched for him even in Patallok, but still I couldn't find him since years.'

  'There might be some reason behind this. It's hard to guess why he is hiding himself from us, but I am very sure that he will surely return when we will need him.' Virat tried to convince King Tejasvi.

  'Yes, I hope so. We have to welcome both the prince tomorrow, but still Vikrant doesn't know that he is not my son. He is the eldest son of Vidarbh's clan, so he should not get any emotional pain.'

  'Sure my lord.' Virat assured King Tejasvi.

  At the very next morning, a court was called. King Tejasvi ascended on his throne. Both the Prince, Vikrant and Jaivardhan entered in the court.

  Tejasvi stepped down from his throne and came nearer to Vikrant and Jaivardhan. He hugged both of them.

  'So the time has come, you both are capable enough to take your responsibilities. So today I'll hand over your respective jobs to both of you.' Tejasvi stared at both the warriors.

  'We are ready for it, my lord.' Vikrant was eager to know his job.

  'Today, Vikrant will be crowned as the Crown Prince of Vidarbh. And Jaivardhan have to visit the villages of Vidarbh, he has to collect the information about all the problems of our kingdom.' Tejasvi commanded both the prince.

  'As you say, my lord. I'll leave just after the crowning ceremony of elder Vikrant.' Jaivardhan agreed.

  'Sure, the ceremony is about to begin.' King Tejasvi stepped back and ascended on his throne.

  Soon Prince Vikrant was crowned as the successor of King Tejasvi. Many Kings and Prince of different kingdoms were present there in this ceremony.

  After sometime, Prince Jaivardhan was ready to proceed towards his destination.

  'No one will be with you, it's your journey Jaivardhan. In future you have to be the wall of defense for this kingdom. So it's your journey, and this is your first test.' King Tejasvi explained him about his task.

  'Sure father, I'll be back soon.' Jaivardhan ascended on his horse and proceeded towards his destination.

  Tejasvi continued staring at him, while the crown Prince Vikrant came nearer to him and asked, 'You have given a task to Jaivardhan, father. So what's my first duty being the crown Prince of Vidarbh?'

  'You will get to know your duties soon, so don't bother about that.'

  'Sure my lord.' Vikrant left.

  While at one place, Bhairavnath was sitting near a river. Soon 'Subaahu' (the grandson of the Demon King Markesh, and the only warrior who survived in the five days war from Vidarbh's clan) arrives there.

  Bhairavnath looked over him and asked, 'I told you something to do, have you done that?'

  'Of course, Gurudev, as you instructed, I have received the boon from Brahmadeva through an intense austerity of seven years. I was searching for you since a year, where were you?' Subaahu informed the demon's mentor.

  'You have done your job, Subaahu. And regarding me, since years I was just traveling here and their in whole Aaryavart.' Bhairavnath said.

  'Ok fine. So what should be our next step?' Subaahu asked.

  'I'll tell you soon, right now you go from here.' Bhairavnath ordered him.

  Subaahu turned back, 'Ok fine, I am going right now. But tell me the plan soon, because I am very eager to kill Tejasvi. He has taken away Suvarna from me, so now there is only motive of my life, I want Tejasvi dead.'

  Bhairavnath stood up and came near to Subaahu, 'What's the boon you have received from Brahmadeva?'

  'My body can die, but I cannot. My spirit can enter in anyone's body I want, and the body I would enter, I could completely dominate over his body and can use the skills and strength of that warrior too.'

  Listening this, Bhairavnath stared at him, 'So just listen to me what you have to do.'

  Bhairavnath continued explaining him the plan.

  While Prince Jaivardhan was on the visit of the villages of Vidarbh. He was travelling since two days.

  Suddenly in the path he looked over an injured old lady, who was lying on the ground. Jaivardhan stepped down from his horse and rushed towards that lady.

  'What happened? Why you are here?' Jaivardhan asked the old lady.

  'My leg is injured, it is difficult for me to walk.' The old lady explained.

rdhan thought something for a while, 'Ok, Just tell me where you have to go?'

  'I live nearby, please help me to reach there.' The old lady requested.

  'Ok fine, you ascend on my horse. I'll take you there.'

  Jaivardhan helped the lady to ascend on his horse. Thereafter, he pulled the rein of the horse and started walking with it. The old lady was directing him.

  Soon Jaivardhan realized that he has crossed the border of Vidarbh, but he didn't bothered about that.

  'So now which way to turn to?' Jaivardhan asked the lady.

  But he didn't receive any reply. He turned back and was stunned to notice that the old lady was not there.

  'What's this? Where is that lady?' Jaivardhan looked in all the directions.

  He searched that lady in all the directions, but failed to find her.

  'What kind of jugglery was that?' Jaivardhan was in deep thoughts.

  Soon he listen some sounds of mourning, he turned back and was quite astonished to notice the scene in front of him.

  It was bullock cart carrying bags of fruits, vegetables and also some goats were there are on the cart. But when Jaivardhan looked closer, he was astonished to notice that there was a child too ascended on that cart, and his mother was continuously crying. Also some people were trying to pull her back.

  'What's happening? Why you all are mourning like this?' Jaivardhan shouted.

  Listening this, the whole crowd turned towards Jaivardhan.

  'You go from here, don't interfere in our matter.' An old man confronted Jaivardhan.

  'I am the prince of Vidarbh's clan, and it's my duty to listen and solve your problems.' Jaivardhan replied in heavy voice.

  'You are just an amateur boy, Prince. Don't you know that you have already crossed the border of your kingdom? This is the village of 'Shambalgadh', so we are not compelled to follow your commands.' That old man replied.

  'I know it very well that I've crossed the border of Vidarbh. But I want to help you, so you can share your problem with me.'

  'Ok fine, if you want to help us, then look over the cart. This cart is going to the jungle, we have to send a cart every week to the tribal people of the jungle. They sacrifice a child every week to their lord, and if we fail to send these things in a week, the tribal people of the jungle attacks our villages and often kill innocent people of the village.'

  'Don't worry, from today onwards, you don't have to give these things to them. Today, I will drive this bullock cart. So replace your foods, resources and this child with huge rocks, and cover it.'

  'No, we can't, why should we trust you?' The old man was annoyed.

  'One by one you all will be sacrificed and if it continues, a day will come when there will be no human left in this village. So the thing is that, you all need to trust me and my weapons. Believe me, if you do not raise your voice today, your families will be ruthlessly killed and that too on a continuous basis. So, please give me a chance to save you all.' Jaivardhan tightened his grip on his weapon.

  The old man thought something for a while, 'Ok fine, if you want to put your life on stake for us, then we will not stop you.'

  The old man turned towards the villagers, 'Do as he says.'

  Soon the bullock cart was filled with huge stone and was covered properly.

  As decided, Jaivardhan went in the jungle driving the cart. As soon as he reached the decided spot, he was surrounded by the tribal people of the jungle who were having large spears in their hands.

  Jaivardhan had covered himself with a blanket, so that no one could recognize him as a prince. One of those tribal people removed the coverings of the resources in the cart.

  'A stranger, a stranger, they deceived us.' The tribal people were stunned to find the huge rocks inspite of resources and the child.

  Seeing this, Jaivardhan also removed his blanket. The tribal people were quite scared to see his muscular body.

  Jaivardhan was surrounded by the spears, he picked up his bow and jumped from the cart on one of the spear, and then he came out of the surroundings of the tribals, and was on the ground. The tribal people were stunned to see his skills.

  Thereafter, Jaivardhan picked up ten arrows and shoots it all together from his bow. As a result, all the ten spears of the tribal people were destroyed within moments.

  Those people of the jungle were scared seeing this, they tried to escape. But Jaivardhan grabbed one of them.

  'Take me to your leader.' Jaivardhan confronted that tribal.

  'Ok, Ok I'll take you.' That tribal agreed.

  Rest of the tribal people rushed towards their leader and informed him, 'My lord, one Prince has arrived to protect the villagers. He has defeated all of us.'

  The leader of those tribal people 'Bhadra' stood up, 'What rubbish are you all talking? He single handedly defeated ten of you? How this is possible and who is he?'

  'I am the one.' Jaivardhan reached there in front of Bhadra.

  'Who are you? And how dare you interfere in our matter?' Bhadra was annoyed.

  'I am Jaivardhan, the prince of Vidarbh. And I have arrived here to warn you. Stop killing innocent people, otherwise none of you will remain alive.'

  Bhadra was annoyed, he picked up a sword, 'You are speaking too much, your sharp tongue need to be sliced.'

  Jaivardhan smiled, he picked up an arrow and targeted towards the Bhadra's hand. As a result, he was disarmed.

  At the very next moment, Jaivardhan thrown the bunch of arrows towards Bhadra.

  The leader of the tribal people was pushed back and was stuck to his throne.

  Jaivardhan came nearer to Bhadra, 'Now tell me, what I should be done with you?'

  'Forgive me, please. I am not doing this willingly.' Bhadra requested.

  'Then who is behind you? Tell me, now.' Jaivardhan shouted at him.

  'A demon named 'Subaahu' arrives here every week. We have to give all those things what we receive from the villagers. He only asks for the sacrifice of a child as he is fond of human meat. And if we fail to provide him those things, he will kill our people.' Bhadra explained.

  The eyes of Jaivardhan were filled with flames, 'He is not a demon, he is a wild beast. Is he arriving today?'

  'Yes, he is arriving today.' Bhadra replied.

  'Let's wait for that wild beast.' Jaivardhan freed Bhadra and sat nearby and was waiting for Subaahu.

  Soon a one guard came and informed Bhadra, 'That demon Subaahu has arrived, my lord.'

  Jaivardhan tightened his grip on his bow, 'Let him come, I am very eager to meet him.'

  'Bring my food.' A roaring sound was heard.

  Jaivardhan proceeded towards the direction of voice. Soon Subaahu and Jaivardhan were in front of each other.

  'The plan is working. Oh poor Jaivardhan, he doesn't know what he is going to do.' Subaahu smiled with these thoughts in his mind.


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