Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh Page 22

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Akhand came nearer to him. He grabbed his hand to convince him, 'Don't worry Tejasvi, you'll be fine.'

  King Tejasvi smiled, 'Don't try to convince me, elder. I know that I don't have much time. But there are lot of doubts in my mind, I want to clear it before I die.' He stared at Akhand.

  'Don't worry Tejasvi, I'll try clear all your doubts. Just tell me, what you want to know? ' Akhand convinced Tejasvi.

  Tejasvi stared at Akhand, 'I want to know the truth, elder. You know what I mean, the secret of your survival in the five days war.'

  Akhand stared at Tejasvi for a while, 'I know Tejasvi, since I have lifted that divine VijayDhanush, you are in doubt. So the time has come, to clear all your doubts.'

  Akhand was silent for a while.

  'I am listening, elder.' Tejasvi pinched him.

  'The curse of a proven Brahmin could not be violated, Tejasvi. And it was the curse of Sage Shankracharya that except you, no other warrior of Vidarbh's clan will survive in that five days war.' Akhand continues.

  'No other warrior could survive. W.. What, What do you mean ?' Tejasvi was astonished.

  'I mean that your elder brother Akhand died on the fifth day of that destructive war. His spirit left this world that day only.' Akhand explained.

  Tejasvi was completely astonished, he stared at Akhand, 'It means, my guess was right. You have captured the body of my elder, 'Demon King Markesh.''

  'Not Markesh, Tejasvi. I am Dushal, and I want to be Dushal.' Tears spilled out of from the eyes of that warrior.

  The eyes of Tejasvi were also filled with tears, 'And that was the reason, you left the palace of Vidarbh years ago.'

  'Yes, that's true. It was not just a question of staying in the palace. In that palace, there are many people, including wife of Akhand. How could I touch my grandson's wife? Also I vowed to avenge my wife Shivanya's death, and for that I have to stay on this planet anyhow. So the dead body of my grandson was the best option for it. Also, I have committed many sins, I have to atone for those sins.' Akhand (Dushal) explained him the whole reality.

  Tejasvi closed his eyes and smiled. He joined his hands in front of Akhand (Dushal), 'I salute your dedication towards your love, the great Demon King Dushal. This whole world can forget King Vikramajit, it can forget me and every warrior of this era. But this world will never forget your devotion towards your love. If you would have wished, you can leave this world and can go to your wife in heaven. But you opted for the atonement of your sins. You opted for revenge of your wife, even after death. I regret that moment, when I killed you.'

  'No Tejasvi, you don't need to regret for that. It was my sin, that without knowing the actual truth, I opted for that huge war. Just because of me, lakhs of warriors had to sacrifice their life in that five days war.'

  Tejasvi holds his hand and tried to convince him, 'Don't regret for the past. We all have committed same mistakes in past. But now, we have to think about future. After me, you have to defeat that Durbheeksh and Jaivardhan to get back the throne of Vidarbh.'

  'Durbheeksh is having the divine power of five elements. I am not capable enough to kill or defeat him. Within some time, he will get more and more powerful. So, I could only resist him. And this only leads to destruction.' Akhand explained.

  'It means there is only one way to defeat Durbheeksh. Sage Omeshwar vowed to return as soon as Durbheeksh will return. I am very sure, that he will return one day to kill Durbheeksh.' Tejasvi was confident.

  Akhand was quite convinced, 'I agree with you, Tejasvi.'

  Tejasvi was silent for a while, he was very near to his death. He raised one more question in front of Akhand again, 'I still have one small doubt.'

  'And what's that?' Akhand asked.

  'I have met Durbheeksh before war. I think he is not an evil by nature, how could he cause destruction for mankind? He is an ideal warrior, who follows all the rules of war. Then why everybody wants to kill him?' Tejasvi asked Akhand.

  'He is born with the power of five elements, he is born by the blessings of Sage Omeshwar. He is born with the part of Sage Omeshwar's soul, that's why Durbheeksh is having some quietude in his nature. How much I know that young guy, he don't have any desires to rule over the world. He wants to prove himself, he wants respect and love, which he has not received in his whole life, which leads to rise in his anger. His major drawback is his anger, which is hereditary because of his demoniac soul. Whatever I am saying is just a guess. I enquired about him and got to know that he has vowed to support Jaivardhan (Subaahu), so he is on the wrong side. He is under the guidance of that wretch Bhairavnath. So it's our destiny that we have to fight against him.' Akhand (Dushal) explained about Durbheeksh.

  Tejasvi felt quite relaxed, 'My time is over now, elder. My all confusions are clear. But still there is a pain in my heart, there is a load on my soul that I failed to save my son from the evil spirit of that wretch Subaahu. Now, I want a promise from you, elder. You will never kill my son, you will rescue his body from that evil spirit of Subaahu at any cost. Promise me Dushal, because I consider you as my elder Akhand. After me, you will try your level best to rescue my son.'

  Mahabali Akhand grabbed Tejasvi's hand and convinced him, 'It's my words to you, Tejasvi. I will rescue your son from that evil spirit Subaahu anyhow.'

  There was silence on the face of King Tejasvi, he closed his eyes. There was no further movement in his body. The legendary warrior Tejasvi was dead..

  'Good bye titan, it's an end of an era.' Mahabali akhand was staring at his silenced face.

  Meanwhile, the Vaidya entered in that camp. Akhand came near to the Vaidya, 'This news should not be revealed to anyone. If this news reveals, that the King of Vidarbh is dead, the people of Vidarbh will lose their hope. You go and spread this news, that King Tejasvi is severely injured, and it will take some time to cure him. And one day, he will return to defeat Jaivardhan.'

  'As you wish, my lord. I will spread this news, as soon as possible.' That Vaidya left.

  Soon Akhand arranged a pyre for Tejasvi. It was the final funeral of King Tejasvi.

  'It's my words Tejasvi, I will bring back your son Jaivardhan to life.' Akhand vowed on the pyre of the legendary warrior Tejasvi.

  Prince of Hastinapur

  Jaivardhan acquired the throne of Vidarbh. People of Vidarbh were still in hope that King Tejasvi will return one day. But only Mahabali Akhand knows that he can't return. Jaivardhan continued ruling on Vidarbh till many years.

  Far away from the kingdom of Vidarbh, in one of the forests of Hastinapur.

  In the midnight, one boy around nine years old, was sleeping in a cottage.

  'No, I have not played any deceit. I have not played any deceit.' That boy was murmuring in his sleep.

  Suddenly he woke up murmuring those words. His mother was also sleeping beside him, she also woke up listening these words of his son.

  'What happened, 'Sarvdaman'? Why you are behaving like this?' The mother asked his son.

  'I have seen that dream again, mother.'

  His mother hugged him tightly.

  While a sage entered in that cottage, 'What happened, 'Shakuntla'? What was that sound?'

  He was Sage Vishamitra.

  'He has seen that dream again, father.' Shakuntla was worried.

  Sage Vishwamitra came near to Sarvdaman, 'Earlier, I have not taken this thing seriously. But today I want to know, Sarvdaman. What type of dream are you seeing?'

  Sarvdaman stood up from the bed and came near to Sage Vishwamitra, 'I actually don't know what it is. In that dream, I only see a warrior. He was disarmed, and a weapon is embedded in his chest. It seems that he is putting allegations on me.'

  'Allegations, What type of allegations?' Sage Vishwamitra asked.

  'He was accusing that I deceived him. It seems that he is confronting me, and saying that he will return for the revenge. And the scene becomes blurred after that.' Sarvdaman explained.

  Sage Vishwamitra was astonished listening this.

  'Ok fine, you both take rest. I will think about this.' Sage Vishwamitra convinced both of them and left the cottage.

  Both Shakuntla and Sarvdaman lied down on the bed. Shakuntla was still thinking about the problem of her son.

  The sun rises, it was a fresh morning. As usual, Sarvdaman went out in the jungle for playing.

  One King along with one of his minister were roaming in that jungle. Suddenly, the King got struck with a stone and lost his balance, but before he falls, the minister holds him.

  'What happened to you, my lord? Why you are so much disturbed that you can't even see, the stone in front of you?' That minister asked the King.

  While the King tried to control himself, 'I have committed a great sin, 'Bhagdutt' (name of that minister ). Years before, my wife Shakuntla came to me, but I failed to recognize her. But when I looked over that ring, which I received from the abdomen of that fish, all the memories of Shakuntla rushed in front of my eyes. Since years, she is suffering, but now she will not. I'll find her anyhow, and I hope she will forgive me.'

  Bhagdutt stared at the King, 'Although, I am your minister, but firstly I am our childhood friend, 'Dushyant'. I can understand your pain. Since three months you are searching for your wife, but you never gave up. So don't be depressed, your love is true, and you will surely find your wife.'

  'Thanks for encouraging me, Bhagdutt.' King Dushyant was thankful to his friend.

  Both the friends were continuously walking in the jungle. Suddenly, they heard the roaring sound of a lion.

  'What's that?' Bhagdutt was astonished.

  'Come let's see.'

  Both Dushyant and Bhagdutt proceeds in the direction of the voice.

  Dushyant and Bhagdutt were amazed to see the reason of that roaring sound.

  A tiger was roaring, whose jaw was captured by a child. That child was counting the teeth of that tiger fearlessely.

  'Amazing, what a courage he has? Who's that boy?' Dushyant was astonished.

  They both stepped towards that boy. That boy left the jaw of the tiger seeing both of them, the tiger rushed away in the jungle. King Dushyant came near to that boy, 'Who are you? Don't you have any fear playing with these animals?'

  That boy stood up and stared at Dushyant, 'My name is Sarvdaman. And it's my hobby to play with these animals.'

  Dushyant stared at Sarvdaman for a while, 'That's great, who are you? And what's your father name?'

  Sarvdaman was quite annoyed listening this, 'I don't know my father's name. And actually, I don't want to know. Because my father left my mother at the time when she was all alone. I hate my father.'

  'Ok, Ok fine. If you don't want to tell, I'll not force you.' Dushyant convinced Sarvdaman.

  All three of them were silent for a while. Thereafter, Dushyant asked Sarvdaman, 'Do you like weapons?'

  'Yes, I am fond of it. But my mother says, I am too young for it. So she always keep the weapons away from me.'

  Dushyant smiled at him, 'Who says, you are too young for this? A boy who could play with a tiger like this, is definately capable of lifting the weapons.'

  Sarvdaman was silent for a while.

  Dushyant wants to break his silence, 'For today, I am going to stay here in this jungle. Come with me, I'll teach how to use these weapons.'

  Sarvdaman was in hesitation, 'B..But, I don't know you. How could I come with you?'

  Listening this Bhagdutt stepped forward, 'He is King of Hastinapur. How could you defy him?'

  'Calm down, Bhagdutt.' Dushyant commanded his minister. Thereafter, he turned towards Sarvdaman.

  'I am not forcing you, Sarvdaman. But I would be pleased, if you come with us.'

  Sarvdaman stared at King Dushyant for a while, 'Ok fine. Can you wait for me till half of a prahar? I want to inform my mother before I come with you, otherwise she will be worried.'

  'Yes, sure. We'll wait for you. Go and inform your mother.' Dushyant replied.

  Sarvdaman rushed to inform his mother. Minister Bhagdutt was completely astonished seeing all this, 'What happened to you? You were searching for your wife Shakuntla, and now you will wait for a kid?'

  Dushyant turned towards Bhagdutt, 'I don't know why, Bhagdutt. But I feel very close to this boy. It seems that I know him, so I should wait for him. I just can't explain you the reason for this.'

  'Whatever…, do it as per your wish.' Bhagdutt was quite frustrated.

  Soon Sarvdaman reaches his mother Shakuntla in the cottage.

  'Where were you? I was waiting for you, don't you want to have your food?' Shakuntla asked Sarvdaman.

  'I was just playing in the jungle.' Sarvdaman was quite hesitating.

  'It's almost afternoon, and you were still playing?' Shakuntla was quite furious.

  'Ah.., actually…..' Sarvdaman was still in hesitation.

  'Finish your food first, we'll talk it about later.' Shakuntla directed towards the plate.

  'Yeah, sure…' Sarvdaman sat and started eating the food.

  'Why you are in so much hurry?' Shakuntla was astonished seeing Sarvdaman's speed of eating.

  Sarvdaman finished the food within very short span of time. He then washed his hand, and came nearer to Shakuntla, 'I have to say something, mother.'

  'Yes, I was expecting that.' Shakuntla stared at her son.

  'Today, I have met a King in the jungle. He has promised me to teach the arsenology, he will train me how to use each and every type of weapons. I am very excited for that. Shall I go to meet him?' Sarvdaman asked Shakuntla.

  Shakuntla was furious listening this, 'No, you cannot. I just hate these royal people, they always cheat. They can't be trusted.'

  Shakuntla was in tears while remembering her husband Dushyant, 'These royal people can't be trusted, my son.'

  'As you wish, mother. I'll not go.' Sarvdaman stood up and sits at a corner of the cottage.

  Sarvdaman was sitting at the corner of the cottage. Shakuntla could not bear his silence, she came near to him.

  'Try to understand, Sarvdaman.' Shakuntla tried to convince his son.

  'I know mother, I agree with you. And don't worry, I will not defy you.' Sarvdaman smiled.

  Shakuntla smiled and hugged his son.

  'Ok fine. Tell me who was the King whom you met today?' Shakuntla asked his son.

  Sarvdaman smiled and said, 'He was King of Hastinapur.'

  Shakuntla was stunned for a while.

  Sarvdaman was astonished, 'What happened, mother?'

  'Ah…., nothing.' Shakuntla hugged Sarvdaman again to hide her tears.

  Thereafter, she stared at Sarvdaman, 'You were willing to go to the jungle to meet the King. I am allowing you, you can go.'

  Sarvdaman was delighted listening this, 'Really…?'

  'Yes, you can…' Shakuntla smiled.

  Sarvdaman stood up from the floor, 'Ok fine, you wait for me. I'll return soon.' He rushed out of the cottage in excitement.

  Shakuntla stared at Sarvdaman, 'A son could not be kept away from his father. It's the game of destiny, that he has brought a son and father together.'


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