Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh Page 29

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  'Tell him, that we don't require the mess of the armies. We don't need to sacrifice the lives soldiers. They should stay in Vidarbh, I am capable enough to defeat Hastinapur alone. Tell him that, no one else need to go for the war. I will represent the throne of Vidarbh in the war.'

  That havoc flied away. Mahabali Akhand hidden behind a tree was completely surprised listening those words uttered by Durbheeksh. While Durbheeksh moved back inside the cave. Akhand was still hidden behind the tree.

  'I am really very surprised. You are really very complicated, Durbheeksh. Sometime you behave like a wild beast, and sometime an ideal warrior. I remember, years before when Tejasvi was injured, just because of you only I was able to take him away from the battlefield. Although you were defeated by a deceit years before by Sage Omeshwar and Vikramajit, then also you have shown this idolism. This is rare, very rare. Now I am in doubt that I am doing right to train the warrior against you or not. Now I am desperate to know the reason why you killed five thousand Gandharvas ten years before.' Mahabali Akhand was in deep thoughts.

  While Durbheeksh went inside the cave and reached the arena. He looked over the warriors practicing in the arena, 'I have to wait for Meghvarna and Chandraketu. As soon as they will arrive, I will leave for Hastinapur.'

  Within two days Meghvarna and Chandraketu returned back. Meghvarna came to meet Durbheeksh (Surjan) as soon as he reached.

  'So what's up, Surjan? How the things are going on?' Meghvarna asked Surjan.

  'Well, it's all in front of you.'

  Meghvarna looked over the bandits practicing in the arena. One of the bandit destroyed the four pitchers filled with water with just one blow of sword.

  'Fantastic job, Surjan. You have brought many improvement in our warriors.' Meghvarna was amazed see the improved skills of his warriors.

  'Thanks, my lord.' Surjan smiled.

  While Meghvarna turned towards Chandraketu, 'I told you.'

  Chandraketu was quite convinced. Thereafter, Meghvarna stepped towards Surjan and hugged him.

  He stared at Surjan, 'You deserve much better, Surjan. From today you are equivalent to both of us. Now we are friends, and now this trio will destroy the terror of Demon Lord Durbhheksh.'

  Surjan felt quite good, but he decided to continue working on his plan. He acted as if he don't know anything, 'Demon Lord Durbheeksh, do you have any personal issues from him?'

  'No, I don't have any personal issues from him. But my friend Chandraketu have issues from him, he wants revenge from him. Durbheeksh is murderer of his parents, our mentor says that I am the chosen one to defeat Durbheeksh. So now his revenge is my revenge.' Meghvarna glanced at Chandraketu.

  'What a friendship it is, I am really amazed. I appreciate you.' Surjan made his face as if his worried, and turned back.

  Meghvarna noticed his expressions and stopped him, 'What happened, Surjan? Why you are so worried?”

  Surjan turned back towards Meghvarna and created one more story, 'I have got the message, that my mother is ill. I need to go.'

  Meghvarna was silent for a while, 'Sure, Surjan. It's the case of emergency, you should leave.'

  'I'll be back within few days.' Surjan turned back and moved outside the cave.

  He ascended on his horse, 'It's time to attack Hastinapur.'

  Durbheeksh (Surjan) pulled the rein of his horse and rushed towards Hastinapur.

  While Meghvarna and Chandraketu were staring at him.

  'I think your decision was right, Meghvarna. But don't you think we need to know much more things about him?' Chandraketu turned towards Meghvarna.

  Meghvarna was quite irritated listening this, 'What's happening to you, Chandraketu? He is a great warrior and he don't need to introduce himself. His skills and strength is enough to introduce him. You have seen that how much improvement he brought in our soldiers just within few days, then also you are saying like this.'

  'I just want his complete information. Have you just noticed that he was defeated by you? And till now you are not capable enough to defeat our mentor. And the improvement he brought in our soldiers, how could he so perfect in training our warriors that he enhanced our warriors in just few days?' Chandraketu made a question.

  'It's just a method of training, Chandraketu. Perhaps, he is better trainer than our mentor.'

  'I have told you earlier, Meghvarna. You should learn to respect your mentor.'

  'I don't respect him. I am just tolerating him because of the promise made by my father.' Meghvarna turned furious and went back in the cave.

  While Chandraketu was staring at him, 'I don't know when you will recover from your pain, Meghvarna. But I cannot comprise with security of our gang. I have to discuss this issue with Gurudev.' Chandraketu also went back to the cave.

  On the very next day, one bandit came and informed Meghvarna and Chandraketu, 'My Lord, our mentor has arrived. He is very eager to meet you both and called you as soon as possible.'

  'Ok you go, we are coming.' Chandraketu said.

  'Now what happened?' Meghvarna was irritated.

  'Let's go and find out.'

  Soon Meghvarna and Chandraketu were in front of Mahabali Akhand.

  'You both have to leave for Hastinapur as soon as possible.' Akhand ordered them.

  'As you wish. But may I know the reason, Gurudev?' Chandraketu was quite astonished.

  'Hastinapur is in danger. I have got the information that Demon Lord Durbheeksh is going to attack on Hastinapur without any army. And without any army he is much more dangerous. So you should go and help your friend Sarvdaman.'

  Meghvarna turned furious listening this, 'We have to help Sarvdaman. Let's go, Chandraketu.'

  'Wait, one more warrior will go with you.' Akhand stopped him.

  'And who is that, Gurudev?' Chandraketu was astonished.

  'Come out.' On the command of Mahabali Akhand one warrior came in front of them, his face was covered with black cloth and there was a turban bounded on his head.

  'He will go with you. Now you both go and prepare for the journey. And remember one thing, he is my secret weapon. No one of you will dare to uncover his face to know his secret.'Mahabali Akhand commanded strictly.

  'Sure, Gurudev. Let's go, Meghvarna.'

  Both Meghvarna and Chandraketu went inside the cave to prepare for the journey. While Mahabali Akhand came nearer to that warrior.

  'They don't know that they are your brothers, Prince Digvijay. And they should not get to know about it.'

  Digvijay uncovered his face, 'Don't worry, Mahabali. I'll not let them know, I've just arrived here to help them.'

  'Be careful, Digvijay. You all are going to fight against the greatest warrior of this era. Meghvarna is still not matured and experienced enough to fight against him. But we have to protect Sarvdaman also, so you all have to go for this war. Meghvarna is impatient, I know Chandraketu can handle him. But you too have to keep your eyes on him. Remember one thing, your unity is the key to fight against him.'

  Meanwhile, Meghvarna and Chandraketu came outside the cave. Digvijay covered his face quickly.

  'We are ready to leave, Gurudev.' Chandraketu came in front of Mahabali Akhand first.

  'Ok fine, my warrior is also ready to go. Remember one thing, don't underestimate him, he is my secretly trained weapon. He is equivalent to you both in strength and skills. So keep in your mind you have to be united while fighting with the Demon Lord.' Mahabali Akhand commanded Meghvarna and Chandraketu.

  'Your command is the command of god for us, Gurudev. Let's go my friend.' Chandraketu turned towards Digvijay and welcomed him in his team. While Meghvarna was standing still.

  Within few time all the three warriors ascended on their respective horses. And their journey for Hastinapur begins.

  While on the other side Durbheeksh reached Hastinapur in few days. Far away from the palace of Hastinapur, his eyes were on the top flag of Hastinapur.

  He raised is bow and picked up an arrow. His eyes were still staring at the
top flag of Hastinapur. Within moments he shoots the arrow towards that flag and destroyed it. The guards of Hastinapur were stunned with this sudden blast.

  Thereafter, Durbheeksh picks up another arrow through which the flag of Vidarbh was bounded. He shoots it, and within moments flag of Vidarbh was mounted on the palace of Hastinapur.

  'Go and inform the prince.' The guards were disturbed.

  One guard came and informed Prince Sarvdaman, 'My lord, someone has destroyed our top flag and mounted the flag of any other kingdom on the top of the palace.'

  'What? What you just said? Are you sure?' Sarvdaman was stunned.

  'Yes, my lord. I have seen it with my own eyes.' The guard replied.

  'It means that any enemy has entered in our kingdom. And of course, he is from Vidarbh. As we have refused the domination of Vidarbh, so they are trying these cheap tricks. My father King Dushyant is not here, so they might have thought that Hastinapur is weak. It's an open challenge, now they will get the taste of my sword.' Prince Sarvdaman rushed outside his palace.

  As soon as he came outside, he looked over the flag mounted on the top of his palace. Sarvdaman turned furious seeing this. He took a spear with the flag of Hastinapur bounded with it and targeted it towards the flag of Vidarbh to destroy it. Now the flag of Hastinapur was mounted on the palace.

  Durbheeksh smiled seeing this far away from the palace, 'So the challenge is accepted.' He pulled the rein of his horse and rushed towards the palace of Hastinapur.

  Soon Sarvdaman also rushed out of the palace and shouted, 'Who is that person? Come out you coward.'

  Durbheeksh ascended on his horse, came in front of Sarvdaman, 'I am not a coward, Prince. I am here right infront of you for your challenge.'

  Sarvdaman stared at him for a while then asked, 'Who are you? Seeing at you it seems that you are a prince of any kingdom. I guess, you are prince of Vidarbh.'

  Durbheeksh smiled at him, 'I am just a representative of Vidarbh's clan. I have come here to warn you that either you accept the domination of Vidarbh, otherwise I will destroy your whole kingdom.'

  Sarvdaman stared at him for a while and asked him, 'It means you are challenging Hastinapur for war?'

  'Of course, I am challenging you all for war.'

  Sarvdaman smiled, 'Then where is your army?'

  'I am the one man army, and I have arrived here as the representative of Vidarbh's clan.' Durbheeksh said proudly.

  'You alone will fight with two akshauhini army of Hastinapur? I think you are mentally unstable. Gaurds, capture him.' Sarvdaman ordered his troops.

  The guards of Hastinapur rushed to capture Durbheeksh.

  Durbheeksh smiled. He raised his bow and evocated the divine Paashastra and shoots it to capture all those soldiers rushing towards him. The soldiers were captured.

  Sarvdaman was stunned, 'Paashastra. No, he cannot be an ordinary warrior.'

  While Durbheeksh challenged him, 'So what's your final decision, Prince? Either you surrender, or bring your whole army.'

  Sarvdaman pulled out his sword, 'I underestimated you, but you deserve a better duel. Now no soldiers will interfere between us. You have come alone, I will also fight you alone. This will be duel only between you and me.'

  Durbheeksh taunted at him, 'Do you know the meaning of duel? Do you know whom you are going to fight with? I am the Lord of demons, Durbheeksh.'

  Sarvdaman was quite astonished listening this. He tightened his grip on sword and stared at Durbheeksh, 'Durbheeksh, Demon Lord Durbheeksh. I've heard lot of things about you, Durbheeksh. You are the main cause of terror in Aaryavart. And today I will finish that terror from the hearts of people of Aaryavart. And regarding duel, I know very well that it has only two options. It's either victory or death.'

  Durbheeksh also pulled out his sword and jumped from his horse. Sarvdaman rushed towards him. Both the swords collided and the duel begins. Durbheeksh was underestimating Sarvdaman, so he was not using his full force.

  He got the result soon, Sarvdaman made a fierce punch on his body and pushed him around ten yards back. Durbheeksh was completely astonished.

  'It seems that, he is an awesome swordsman. I have to use more strength.' Durbheeksh rushed back towards Sarvdaman and attacked him with full speed. But he was completely astonished when Sarvdaman defended that move perfectly.

  They both keep fighting. Soon Sarvdaman was pushed back with one fierce punch made on his chest.

  While Durbheeksh was thinking while staring at Sarvdaman, 'Thanks, Gurudev. Just because of you, I got the chance to meet one more fierce warrior of this Aaryavart. No, I will not kill him. But for my words, I have to defeat and capture him.'

  While Sarvdaman rushed towards him, the duel continues. The collision of their swords was producing tremendous sound, which was spreading over the whole palace of Hastinapur. The duel continued till two prahars. The sound of this duel was creating lot of inconvenience for the people inside the palace.

  That sound of the collision of those swords were so loud that it knocked even the room of Durdhara which was closed from all the four sides. Durdhara was quite astonished listening those sounds of swords. She signaled her maid to call one of the guards. Soon one guard was in front of Durdhara. There was still darkness in that room so that no one could see Durdhara's face.

  'What's happening, guard? What type of sound is this?' She asked the guard.

  'One warrior has arrived in Hastinapur. And he has challenged Prince Sarvdaman for a duel. It's the sound of collision of their sword.' The guard explained.

  'Prince Sarvdaman is the disciple of Sage Vishwamitra. He is one of the greatest warrior of Aaryavart. Then who is the warrior who dared to challenge him?' Durdhara asked that guard astonishingly.

  'Hastinapur had refused the domination of Vidarbh. So they have sent their warrior as representative of Vidarbh's clan.'

  'And who is that representative?' Durdhara was eager to know.

  'He appeared to be a human. But he is calling himself as the Demon Lord Durbheeksh.'

  Durdhara was completely stunned listening his name, her hands were shivering with anger. She came out in the light, her face was visible. The guard was scared and moved back few steps seeing her expressions. After ten years, someone had seen her face. She was wearing a white saree, in an outfit of a widow. Her eyes were appearing to be burning with the flames of vengeance.

  'Durbheeksh, Demon Lord Durbheeksh. Yes you are right, he appears like a handsome prince, but he is actually a wild beast.' Durdhara pulled out the sword and stepped towards the door.

  'Wait, I am appointed as your security guard. I cannot let you go.' The guard came in front of Durdhara.

  Furious Durdhara attacks on the guard and disarms him within moments. Now Durdhara's sword was on the neck of that guard.

  'The life of Prince Sarvdaman is in danger. And don't forget the purpose why King of Hastinapur 'Dushyant' has adopted me and my sister. I am the shield of Hastinapur.' Durdhara pushed back that soldier and went outward.

  While the duel between Sarvdaman and Durbheeksh were still going on. At the very next moment, both the sword collides and breaks.

  Durbheekshwas completely stunned, 'The warrior who could break my sword, could not be an ordinary warrior. It's rare. Now this is getting serious, I have to finish it off.'


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