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Defended Page 21

by Golden Angel

  The best part was getting to go home to Daddy.

  Although he'd told her she could call him Kawan when she was 'big,' and especially if they were in a social situation where she'd feel more comfortable doing so, she doubted she'd be able to think of him as anything other than Daddy after this past weekend.

  Even though she'd hadn't been staying with him for long, it felt like she'd been there forever. In a good way. Like she'd finally come home.

  Then they went out to dinner with Alexander and Sienna. Which was fun. She really liked both of them, and she really loved being out with a couple who had a similar dynamic. Sienna even called Alexander 'Daddy' right in front of their server who, to his credit, didn't blink an eye. The problem came up when she and Sienna went to the bathroom together after ordering dessert.

  "You and Kawan seem to be getting along really well," Sienna said as they walked back. She winked at Melody. “Even though some people might think you moving in with him so fast was a mistake, anyone who looks at you can tell it was a good decision.”

  Melody glanced over her shoulder, to see him leaning back in his chair and saying something to Alexander. Going by the smile on his face, it was something he found amusing. "It's moving fast, but it feels good. Right."

  "I'm glad." Sienna smiled at her, holding the bathroom door open so Melody could precede her. "We were worried about him for a while. His ex really did a number on him. She was a total user. Alexander likes to give Kawan a hard time, but I know he was relieved when Kawan decided to move up here and away from that whole scene. He was worried Krissy might be able to play her damsel-in-distress card again and suck Kawan right back into her black hole."

  Shaking her head in disgust, Sienna went into one of the stalls, completely unaware that she'd just tilted Melody's world on its axis. Of course, she knew that Daddy had a serious ex and the breakup had been bad, but he hadn't really gone into details. A damsel-in-distress and a user... that sounded uncomfortably like Melody herself, although she definitely didn't mean to be either.

  "Her damsel-in-distress card?" she asked, as casually as she could, thankful to be going into her own private stall that hid her expressions.

  "Oh yeah, Krissy was a master manipulator," Sienna answered immediately. "She figured out immediately that Kawan likes to be the hero and she totally used that against him to get whatever she wanted. Mostly what she wanted was for him to pay for everything. She wanted a sugar daddy, not a Daddy if you get my meaning."

  Melody did, and she felt a little sick inside. Even though she didn't want a sugar daddy, she wanted Daddy, that didn't change the fact that she had definitely been a damsel-in-distress when they'd first met and that hadn't changed much after their second meeting. He'd offered to let her stay with him immediately... and she hadn't exactly been proactive about looking for a new place.

  He didn't act like he wanted her out, but despite what Sienna had said, maybe it was too soon for them to actually be living together. Maybe he assumed she was looking for a new place on her own time, but she hadn't been. She'd gotten so caught up in how good, how right, everything felt that she hadn't really wanted to look for a new place.

  But that wasn't fair to him.

  She didn't want to use him like his ex had.

  She was going to have to start looking for a new living situation as soon as she could. There was no way she wanted him to start feeling like she was taking advantage of him, and, in a way, that was exactly what she'd been doing. Well, that was going to end as soon as she was able to manage.

  Something was wrong.

  Having made a study of Melody's facial expressions and body language, he picked up on it right away although he doubted anyone else would have. There was just something a little too tight about her smile, a little shadow on her brow that said she was worried about something.

  She'd been just fine before she and Sienna had gone to the bathroom.

  Kawan almost wanted to demand to know what Sienna had said to upset her, but he managed to hold back. For one, he seriously doubted Sienna had purposefully upset Melody. For two, Melody obviously didn't want anyone to know she was upset, and until he knew what was bothering her and why, he would respect that.

  She did seem to relax a little over dessert, but on the drive home, she was quiet and contemplative, and not very forthcoming about what was on her mind.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, squeezing her hand a little to emphasize his worry.

  Turning her head, she smiled at him. "Yes! Sorry, I'm just a little distracted. And tired."

  "You've been working hard." Some days she didn't get home from the lab until after dinner, although he always made sure to have a plate to heat up for her. He'd thought being a lawyer meant long hours, but she worked just as much as he did, if not more.

  "I've been getting a lot done though. And now I have a good amount of play to balance out all my hard work," she said teasingly, squeezing his fingers back.

  Kawan grinned. That she did—he made sure of it.

  In fact, tonight he was thinking that a fun Disney movie, popcorn, and cuddling on the couch would be a good way to end the evening. Unfortunately, Melody had other plans, and when they got home, she said she had some things to do on the computer for a bit.

  It wasn't suspicious in and of itself, but the way she said it made him think that something was up. He knew he was right when he sat down on the couch to watch some television and, instead of settling in next to him the way she normally did when she needed to use the computer, she put her laptop down on the dining room table and sat there. Screen facing away from him.

  Fighting the frown that wanted to form on his face, he made himself focus on the television when he saw her glance over her shoulder… as if she was looking to see if he was watching her. He was, but the surreptitious way she checked on him was suspect.

  Everything about her body language screamed guilt, but he couldn't figure out why.

  She practically jumped out of her seat, her head jerking up, when he got up a few minutes later to go to the bathroom, only relaxing when she saw he was headed in the other direction. Something was definitely up and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

  Rather than using the bathroom, he stealthily moved through the house, taking the roundabout way back to the dining room so that he could come up behind her and see what she was doing on the computer. He didn't think it would be nefarious, but something had her acting out of the norm, and he was determined to discover what it was.

  While the instinct to text Sienna and ask her what she and Melody had talked about in the bathroom was still present, he'd prefer to talk to Melody directly. Well, direct in a sneaky way, since she was trying to hide whatever was wrong from him.

  Creeping up behind her from the darkened hallway—and trying not to feel too much like an actual creeper as he did so—he peered over her shoulder to look at the computer screen.

  His brow furrowed when he realized she was browsing apartment listings. Why was she looking at those?

  "What are you doing?"

  Her heart jumped from her chest into her throat, stifling her scream, when Daddy’s deep voice suddenly came from behind her. And it was definitely Daddy’s voice. The particular intonation he used in the bedroom, when he was dominating her, and not his usual speaking voice.

  Immediately, her hand shot out to try and close the laptop, but it was too late. He had her by the wrist before her fingers even touched the screen.

  “What are you doing, little girl?” he asked again. This time he sounded even more displeased, the way he did right before she got a spanking. He was looming over her, looking at her like she’d been naughty.

  But she wasn’t doing anything wrong!

  “I… just… I…” she stammered out the words before tugging her hand away from his and finally turning to face him. The dark expression on his face didn’t help bolster her courage at all, but she managed to get herself together anyway. “I was just looking for apartments or rooms for

  “Why?” His expression flickered. “Are you unhappy here?” The second question was asked in a very different tone, a much less certain one. Melody didn’t at all like the change in his demeanor, as he went from confident Daddy to insecure and slightly hurt man. That was not how she’d meant to make him feel.

  “No!” She was horrified that he might think so. Now it was her turn to grab his hand “I’m very happy! But… well, it’s so early in our relationship, and I know this wasn’t meant to be a permanent thing…” Her voice trailed off nervously as he began to look very thoughtful.

  “It is early, but it’s been working. At least it has for me; are we moving things too quickly for you?”

  For some reason, and she wasn’t sure why, she felt like the reasonableness of his tone was a trap. Especially when his hand flipped hers around, so that he was the one holding on to her again, his thumb making little circles around the center of her palm. Melody did her best not to fidget in her seat.

  “No… I mean, it’s a little quick, but it hasn’t felt that way.”

  Daddy’s eyebrow quirked upward. “Then why the rush to leave? And why are you being so sneaky about it?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, starting to feel irritable. “Why the inquisition? I just thought I should look at what’s out there, so you don’t end up thinking I’m using you for housing or anything.”

  His dark eyes sharpened, focused, and Melody felt a little bit like a mouse, caught by a cat.

  “Sienna said something about Krissy to you,” he surmised.

  “So what? It just made me realize that you offered me a place here, but it wasn’t supposed to be permanent, and then we haven’t talked about it since I started staying here—”

  “That’s right, baby girl,” he said silkily. “We haven’t talked. Instead, you decided to sneak around behind my back and start doing things without talking to me about it at all.”

  “I haven’t actually done anything yet,” she protested. But he had a point. She hadn’t wanted to bring it up to him because she hadn’t wanted him to think that she was using him for housing, but that wasn’t fair to him either. Deep down, she’d known that she should just talk to him.

  Otherwise she wouldn’t have felt so guilty about looking online.

  Oh, his sweet little baby girl.

  There was a protective streak there that he very much enjoyed, since it was directed at him, but he couldn’t condone her making important decisions without talking to him. Especially decisions that affected him.

  "Which is good, because I'd like you to stay." While it was soon—far sooner than he would have anticipated—he thought they had a good thing going and he didn't see any reason to change it.

  She blinked at him, like she didn't quite understand what he was saying, and once she did, her expression turned disbelieving.

  "You don't mean that."

  Kawan felt his lips quirk. "I assure you I do."

  "But... you can't. I can't." Now she was beginning to look rather stubborn and she tried to tug her hand away from him again, but Kawan didn't release his hold.

  "Why not?" he asked, honestly curious. It seemed clear to him that she wanted to stay.

  "Because I'm not going to use you that way!"

  "You aren't using me, I'm offering," he pointed out with some amusement. "Besides, users don't try to reject offers. I already know you're not using me." Something flickered across her face, an emotion too fleeting for him to pin down, but he had a feeling he knew its source. "I think the problem is you're worried that other people might think you're using me. Which is unlikely, but even if they did, I don't care. What matters is that you and I know."

  Surprisingly, rather than give in, her expression became even more mulish.

  "Just because you're willing to be used doesn't make it right." She tugged on her hand again.

  Kawan studied her for a long moment, pleased when some of her stiff demeanor slid away under his heavy perusal. She began to look more uncertain the longer he remained silent. Perhaps it was time to stop being so logical and start being her Daddy, since she wasn't willing to listen to reason.

  Rather than giving up her hand, he used it to pull her up out of her seat and flipped her over his shoulder. Squealing, Melody's leg's kicked as she ended up with her bottom in the air.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Reminding you who's in charge." He slapped her upturned ass for good measure, making her shriek. "You couldn't make me do anything I don't want to do, baby girl. Now, this is only going to end in one of three ways: you can either give me a good reason why you don't want to live here, you can say your safe word, or you can agree to live here with me until such time as our relationship ends."

  "What? You're... Daddy! We need to talk about this!"

  "One of three ways, baby girl." Carrying her over his shoulder like a prize he'd won, he headed for the living room.

  Daddy was evil.

  Melody had heard about a Hitachi before, but she'd never used one—or had one used on her—before Daddy strapped her wrists to her ankles, set her literally hanging off the edge of the coffee table with her upper body supported by the hard wood, and then pressed the fat head against her clit and turned it on.

  The intense vibrations were like nothing she'd ever experienced before, and she went from curious, mildly aroused, and stubbornly refusing to agree to live with him, to crying out from an almost painfully fast and intense orgasm within seconds.

  Then, when she was still gasping for air, he gave her four hard swats—two on each cheek.

  "So, are you going to keep living with me, talk to me, or say your safe word?" Daddy asked, and she could hear the amusement threading his voice.

  He thought this was funny?

  She gritted her teeth. "I shouldn't stay here!"

  "That's not one of the options, baby girl." Before she could say anything more, the whirring noise of the Hitachi filled the air again and the rubbery bulb pressed against her open pussy lips. Daddy moved it down her slit and back over her clit and Melody screamed as she came again, her toes curling as her body jerked and spasmed.

  These weren't like usual climaxes, they didn't build and release. No, they were being ripped from her, an involuntary reaction that both turned her on and infuriated her.

  It also demonstrated her Daddy’s absolute control over her body, and her complete inability to make him do anything he didn't want to do. But he had to realize how it looked—how it would look to everyone. Melody hadn't even told her parents about her housing switch-up, although she knew she would have to eventually.

  Four more hard smacks landed on her upturned bottom while she panted and gasped for air. Tears had sprung up into the corners of her eyes, and she felt like she was splintering apart into little pieces.

  Hanging off of the coffee table, the corner pressing against her elbows and waist, her mind whirled. Did she really even want to leave? Did she care more about what other people might think than about what would make her happy?

  "Three options, Melody, which one would you like to take?"

  She hesitated a moment too long and was left screaming and sobbing again as the Hitachi drove her to another blistering orgasm.

  "I'll stay!" She practically screamed out the words when he finally pulled the vibrating wand away from her poor, overstimulated clit. Tears leaked down her cheeks and on to the wooden tabletop beneath her. Her arms and legs were beginning to ache—not from the position so much as because her movements were so restrained while she was orgasming.

  "I'm so pleased to hear that, baby girl," Daddy said, his voice warm. A large palm cupped her bottom, squeezing it firmly but not roughly. "Now let's talk about why you should have had a conversation with me instead of sneaking around."

  Melody whimpered.

  Four orgasms later, Daddy finally felt the message had been driven home—that or he was taking pity on her. He undid her restraints, which were totally unnecessary at that point because her
muscles felt so weak and watery, flipped her onto her back and then drove his cock into her.

  At that point she was so sensitized that every bit of extra stimulation made her feel like her body was being drowned in pleasure, one long, relentless orgasm flooding her senses. She barely even remembered being put to bed or the soft lips pressing a kiss to her temple as the quiet peace of sleep slipped over her.

  Chapter 24

  "Ooo, let's look at the lingerie! I need something naughty for the weekend." Sienna's eyes lit up as she veered toward the section full of lace, silks, and corsets.

  It kind of surprised Melody because she would have assumed that Sienna would shop online or at a kinkier store... but then she remembered that Daddy had mentioned something about Black Light doing a theme night this Saturday. She hadn't been paying much attention, because he'd said he'd pick her clothes.

  Unfortunately, she couldn't ask Sienna to remind her what the theme was because...

  "Ugh, I wish I needed something naughty for the weekend," Lisa said, sounding envious as she followed Sienna toward the lingerie.

  The three of them had gone out to happy hour, Melody nervously braving trying to bring two of her friends together again. She didn't exactly have a lot of free evenings, so it had seemed like the best way to spend time with both of them. Thankfully, Lisa and Sienna got along much better than Lisa and Peggy had.

  It was a little weird, bringing her work world and her kinky world together, but it also made getting to know Sienna outside of club stuff a lot easier. If it had been just the two of them, they probably would have spent most of their time talking about the sexy stuff. Sienna was really good about answering Melody's questions, and it was really nice having someone else to talk to who understood what it meant to have a Daddy.

  But with Lisa there, they ended up talking about work, life, past experiences, and all sorts of things that she hadn't actually talked to Sienna about before. Which made her realize how much she really liked the other woman, outside of all the kinky stuff they had in common.


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