All He Needs: A MMM Romance (My Truth Book 1)

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All He Needs: A MMM Romance (My Truth Book 1) Page 18

by Ann Grech

  Rick’s grin was wolfish as he did the same to Mace’s back. “Miele, lift those sexy hips of yours. I need you both naked.” When Rick punched his hips forward, grinding himself against Mace’s ass, the chain reaction had me moaning, my man’s long, lean body pressing into mine. It nearly had me coming in my pants, but there was no way I was gonna miss this by firing off prematurely.

  Strong hands wrapping around Mace’s hips, Rick yanked him back and slid those deft digits around to undo Mace’s jeans before tugging his clothing down. Mace on all fours, naked and hovering above me, had my mouth drying and my own attempts to shimmy out of my clothes stalling. Fuck me, he was gorgeous. Every inch of that body was sculpted from years of training as a pro athlete and then the intense coaching regimen he had with Reef. And damn, Rick and I reaped the benefits of all that hard work.

  “You too, C. Take it off,” Mace gasped, his hips stuttering forward as Rick shifted. I didn’t know for sure, but it wasn’t hard to guess that he was eating Mace out when Mace’s eyes rolled back in his head and his breath caught. He arched his spine, pressing his ass firmly against Rick’s mouth and widening his legs at the same time, moving so he was straddling me. I watched through heavy lids as he slowly jacked himself, adding a twist of his wrist over the head of his cock.

  I was so fucking hard. Primed. I could come just from watching him touch himself, but I wanted friction, skin-on-skin contact. Yanking my jeans open, I sighed in blessed relief when the button fly was no longer uncomfortably pressing into my shaft. Desperate for friction on my throbbing cock, I pushed my jeans down over my hips, Rick tugging them the rest of the way down my legs and tossing them off the bed. I palmed my erection, hissing as the touch sent shards of sensation through me.

  Rick’s wicked mouth on my balls had my eyes rolling back in my head. Goddamn, this is heaven, ecstasy. His wet tongue slid around them and then up to my cock, swallowing me down. Precum leaked out of me, and he moaned as I pulsed inside his mouth. Jesus Christ, I was on the edge, ready to blow like Vesuvius.

  There was an illicit pop that sounded when he moved back down to my ass, spreading me wider as he tongued my hole. Fuck, that little flick he gave me and the nips of his lips on my sensitized nerve endings were driving me insane, blowing my mind with every movement. I needed my men surrounding me, inside me, all over me. I wanted them to mark me, to claim me.

  A growl left my throat at that thought—mine.

  “I want you,” I moaned, unsure of exactly what it was I was asking for. I needed to be closer, to reconnect with them in the most primal of ways. “I need you. Now.”

  “Fuck, yes,” Mace ground out.

  Rick was rolling a condom down my dick before Mace had even finished speaking. The snick of the cap on the bottle of lube Rick had somehow magicked up, the tight grip and the schlick, schlick, schlick of his fist sliding over me made me grunt like a fucking caveman. But then Mace shifted, the tight ring of his clenching muscle at the tip of my dick. Sweat had broken out all over my body, a bead running down my temple as I panted. I wanted in. I needed it. My body demanded that I slam into my man, claim him hard and fast; the last thread of my control stopping me was about to snap.

  Rick wrapped his hand around the base of my cock as he guided Mace lower. It was like sinking into nirvana when his tight heat clamped down, strangling my dick.

  But it was his eyes that had me racing toward the finish line. Pupils blown, pure and unadulterated need dripped from the intense stare of those beautiful hazels. I wanted this man with everything in me. I wanted both of them.

  Mace sank down farther until the head of my cock had breached him, popping past the initial resistance. Breaths sawed in and out of my lungs as I fought off the call of Mother Nature herself—to fuck with wild, sweaty, orgasmic abandon.

  I gripped his strong thighs, my muscles straining, shaking. “Mace,” I hissed, begging him to move. He pressed down a little farther and I choked out a cry, my eyes drifting closed.

  “Watch me, C,” he growled, and I snapped my eyes back up to him.

  Silky-smooth heat swallowed me, and that last thread of control I was holding onto snapped when his jaw went slack in utter bliss. He moaned, those pouty lips wet from the tongue he was gliding across them. He looked like he wanted to devour me whole, and I understood the dilemma entirely. My hips lifted of their own accord, Mother Nature laughing in the face of my inability to resist him. I surged forward until my pelvis connected with his ass, burying me deep inside him. My orgasm raced toward me, but I beat that bastard off with a stick; there was no fucking way this was ending before I’d made him scream my name.

  Legs bent, feet planted on the bed, I thrust up into Mace. But I needed him closer too. Tugging on his neck, I brought him down to me, taking his mouth in a hungry kiss. We moved as one, giving and taking until I saw stars.

  “Fuck, that’s the most beautiful sight,” Rick uttered reverently.

  His beefy hands gripped my knees and spread them, and I lost my leverage to thrust. I choked out a frustrated cry that turned into a low moan as his tongue connected with my balls and Mace started riding me. Rick massaged my sac, lifting it out of the way as he moved to that sensitive stretch of skin above my hole. He had me arching into his touch, pressing my head back into the pillow and clenching my fists in a white-knuckled grip as he nipped at me. Mace lifted himself until only the tip of my cock was inside him, then slid back down my length in gloriously torturous slow motion. My heart was hammering so hard I was sure they could hear it, its bump-bump echoing through my head as I fought not to shout the house down.

  Watching Mace, his plump lip between his teeth and his skin flushed and slick with sweat, had me on the edge, nearly coming far too early. And then Rick breached me with one, then two fingers. I couldn’t help my shout when he nailed my prostate, the fucker rubbing it as he gave me a wicked smirk. Mace slipped two fingers in my mouth and I sucked hard. I wasn’t sure if the distraction was good or bad. Having any part of Mace in me was amazing, but it only had me thinking about his flushed cock leaving a sticky trail of precum on my belly with every rise and fall of his hips. I licked and sucked his digits, imagining I was cleaning the clear liquid off his cock while wishing it was the real deal inside my mouth.

  When Rick pulled away, I groaned at the emptiness he left behind. Pushing Mace’s fingers out of my mouth, I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him, sucking on his tongue and showing him just how desperate for them I was.

  Mace moved back, gasping for air, and rasped out, “He’s ready, Rick. Get inside him or neither of us’ll last.”

  “Mmm” was Rick’s only verbal response before he lined up his cock and rubbed it gently over my hole. When I cried out, my entire body vibrating with desire, he kneaded my thigh and murmured soothingly, “Let me in, baby. Breathe out and relax.”

  I forced my legs to fall open, widening myself to him again and begging incoherently for him to push inside me. Hooking my legs over his arms, Rick lifted me to just the right angle and pressed home, his slicked dick popping past my resistance easily. The three of us were connected, one with each other, and it was sheer magnificence. He slid in deeper, filling me completely. I was stretched tight around him for the first time in far too long.

  When Mace sank down on me, I was surrounded inside and out by them. Holy fuck. Sensation blasted through me, a shout getting caught in my throat.

  They worked me over, loving on me until my pulse was screaming through my veins and my orgasm was like a dam ready to burst. I tugged Mace the small distance back to me, needing to touch every inch of him. My lips met his and he opened to my kiss without hesitation. Moaning, I closed my fingers over the hand he had wrapped around his cock and stroked with him. His channel grasped me tight, his body also teetering on the edge of the sweetest oblivion.

  Mace’s movements stuttered as I came, my orgasm crashing through me like a Florida thunderstorm. Surging waves of rapture fizzled through every nerve ending, every vein in my body
. The noises I was making were incoherent as I pumped pulse after pulse of cum into the sheath between us. I grunted as another orgasmic shudder passed through me when Mace’s ass clamped down and he emptied his load onto our chests.

  My eyes popped open when Rick let loose a primal shout, albeit muffled, and Mace gasped, arching back. Rick, teeth bared, had latched onto Mace’s shoulder and pressed his hips tight against my ass. He sighed in utter ecstasy, the grimace he wore misleading. I didn’t think it was possible, but he swelled inside me, the pulses of his dick sending jolts through me as he came into the catch of the condom.

  Breathing hard, Rick leaned his forehead on Mace’s back and Mace rested his chest against mine. I was pinned, pressed into the sheets by their weight. It should’ve been suffocating, but it was warmth and safety and love. I’d missed them more than I ever thought possible. The whole time we were apart, all I’d wanted to do was pack my baby girl up and get on the next plane. Having them back in my arms, me in their bed, was like coming home and being shot to the moon all at the same time.

  I wanted this forever.

  My legs were like Jell-O and the rest of me was a sated puddle of goo. I had nothing left in me to even attempt moving, but it didn’t matter. Mace looked after the condoms on both Rick and me, and my other man swiped a warm washcloth over me, then Mace. It was only a few moments later that they fell into bed on either side of me, rolling me so I was sprawled out over Mace, Rick spooning me from behind. Surrounded by them, all sweat-slicked hard muscle with the heady smell of man and sex in the air, I was floating on cloud nine. They held me tight while I relaxed into them, Mace’s strong heartbeat against my cheek.

  I couldn’t help the smile that curved my lips. These two men and our baby girl fast asleep in the other room were my world. The three of them had lifted me from the depths of despair, pulled me out of the darkness and lit up my life like the rays of a new dawn did to the night sky. I would happily dedicate the rest of my life to their happiness, devote my entire being to loving them. With them, because of them, I had a chance at happiness and a life I could never have dreamed up.

  My guys, strong, sweet and loving, had shown me with their every move just how far they’d go for me—literally to the other side of the world and back. They’d changed their entire lives to give my baby girl a home, and opened their arms to my dad, all to make me happy. To give me a home. Their arrival on my doorstep when I’d needed them most, when I was at my lowest point, was my lifeline. When everything was pushing me under, drowning me, they hauled me to safety. I’d lost my hope, but they helped me find it. I’d been sapped of every ounce of strength, and they’d loaned me theirs until mine returned.

  Gracie was the only bright spark in my life, but then they appeared in an explosion of color, saturating my world of gray. They’d given me back my happiness, helped Dad find his way back and given him a fresh start. They’d gifted me with a chance to make something of my life, to make my daughter proud of her daddy. I was a little battered and bruised—Mom’s and Anna’s deaths would always leave a gaping void in me—but my family, my heart, were my everything.

  They were all I’d ever need.

  Chapter Fourteen



  Gracie sat between Mace and me on the chairlift, each of us holding her tight. She was adorable in her yellow snowsuit, booties, goggles, and beanie. I’d been holding out for the beginning of the snow season since I’d been in New Zealand, and even though it wasn’t the first day of opening, it was the first time we’d made it up the mountain. Slipping into my own gear was like coming home, recapturing a piece of myself that I’d thought lost. When I was suspended, I didn’t think I’d ever get back on a board again—that I’d even see snow again—but there I was looking out over the field of white before me.

  I watched as a cloud floated high above us in the cerulean sky. The soaring peaks of the Remarkables rose up to touch the heavens, the blanket of thick white powder below beckoning us. The cold on my face and the sharp bite in my lungs gave me a jolt of excitement. I grinned, itching to get onto the slopes. I didn’t even care that we were having to stick to the beginner runs, too nervous about trying anything trickier until I got used to carrying Gracie on my back. The carrier was already strapped in place on my shoulders, ready to hold Gracie when we got off the chairlift.

  When my board touched the snow at the top of the lift, I pushed away, keeping the straps of the carrier against my shoulders. Mace had Gracie in his arms, and with Rick’s help after he’d hopped off the chair following ours, he soon had her strapped in. I clicked my free foot into the bindings on my snowboard and swiveled around, finding my balance. The extra weight put me off a bit, but I could adjust for it.

  “I think I’ll be okay,” I called out. “Can we try going down this way?” I pointed to the widest part of the field, one I could zigzag down slowly as I found my groove. Rick went first, making sure we had a clear run, and I followed close behind, with Mace bringing up the rear.

  Those first few yards of sliding down the snow were transformative. A weight lifted off my shoulders and a smile split my face from ear to ear as childlike excitement pulsed through me. I wanted to holler and whoop; so I did. My enthusiasm set Gracie off and she giggled, squealing as I cut across the slope, turning us and reaching down to run my gloved fingers along the powdery surface. I could do this again, enjoy the snow for the fun times—I was doing it. There was no stress, no pressure. No driving need to prove myself. No, this was all about having a blast.

  I laughed, carefree joy filtering through me as I changed the angle on my board and sped up. Catching up quickly with Rick, I called out to my baby girl, “Wave hello to Papa.”

  Gracie squealed gleefully as we passed him, but soon my guys were riding next to us again, never wanting to be too far away from the action. And Gracie was usually the center of that action. She was a little daredevil, the perfect mix of fearless and curious to keep three men on their toes. She was going to be a handful, but I couldn’t wait. Life as it was right that moment was killer.

  As I settled into the run, the wind in my face and snow rustling under my board, the super-soft powder floating around my knees, I was in heaven. Reef once told me that the mountain was his church, his place where everything made sense. Somewhere along the way, I’d lost my connection. It became my job rather than my calling, something I was so passionate about that I had to live it. That worshipping of Mother Nature by being on the slopes was a prayer I’d forgotten and had then evaded me for far too long. But now I had that connection back, and I was grasping it like a lifeline.

  The weak winter sun, lacking in heat but still bright, the sky unmarred by pollutants, the pristine white of the ski field, the laughter, the love surrounding me lifted me once more. I couldn’t believe it was my life. It was so magical, what I was destined for. Finding my own little spot in the world to live and love gave me peace, and despite all the action around me, a sense of tranquility settled over me like sinking into a warm tub. I had my family to thank for that—the three most important people in my world could take credit for all my happiness.

  I grinned, holding out my fist for Gracie to bump. “You havin’ fun, baby girl?”

  “Yas,” she called out in her sweet little voice. As the field began to level out, I slowed, already nearing the bottom of the run. Gracie grumbled, her eyes filled with disappointment. “Daddy, more?”

  I chuckled. “Yep, we’re going up again.”

  I looked up at the millions of stars blanketing the evening sky from my spot on the deck. The view of the darkened mountains in the background—the ones we’d skied for hours on earlier that day—and the sparkling heavens above were spectacular. It was a hella good snow season already; though it was only a week old, thick powder had already coated all the runs we’d shredded at the Remarkables.

  More snow was forecast over the next day or two. It’d probably happen soon though, as the temperature was already dropping. The breeze wa
s sharp on my skin, my breath fogging up the air before me. But I was cozy, wrapped in a coat and bracketed by Mace’s and Rick’s warmth. Rick’s arm was around me and Mace’s ran along the back of the sofa, his legs in my lap. I snuggled into them, sighing happily.

  All day I’d been wanting to pinch myself. This was really my life. My guys sitting on either side of me and my friends, my family surrounding me—Gracie, Dad, Reef, Ford, Angelo and Trent. It was domesticated. It was love.

  It was perfection.

  I watched Dad with Gracie curled up on his lap, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a fluffy purple beanie on her head. Her dark hair curled up, framing her green eyes and heart-shaped mouth that was turned down in a pout as she waited impatiently for her s’more. With arms outstretched, she repeated, “More, more,” to Angelo.

  She was an angel, but that day had proved that a little of mine and a lot of her mother’s blood ran through her veins. Fearless and strong-willed, she wouldn’t let us leave the mountain until she’d had her fill. My sister’s spirit lived on in her, and every time I looked at my baby girl on those slopes, I saw it in her eyes, the dancing light that told me Annalise was with her.

  Exhausted, she’d crashed in the car on the way home and slept for hours, waking just in time for everyone to arrive. Fiercely independent and smart as a whip, she’d toddled down the stairs, refusing Rick’s help, and greeted the men now sitting around the fire with us.


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