Home Again: Starting Over

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Home Again: Starting Over Page 3

by Becki Willis

  Madison stared at him in horror. He did not care about losing his daughter. He cared only about losing money.

  “You have ten seconds to get off my lawn and back into your car.” Madison revved the gas pedal before putting the gearshift in reverse. When he stood there glaring at her, she kept her voice devoid of emotion and counted down, “Nine.” She got to eight before he turned and stalked away without another word.

  Just before he drove away amid a squeal of tires, he shouted back at her. “Stay out of my way!”


  “Thanks for coming by, Madison,” Nick Vilardi greeted Madison an hour later. She had used the sixty minutes to run her errands and cool down after the altercation with Barry.

  As lead carpenter for the network and celebrity star of Home Again, Nick was a genius when it came to remodeling. He looked at what was and imagined what could be. Beneath his gifted hands, even the most weathered wood in the most damaged structure took on new life.

  Already, he and his crew had worked miracles at the old mansion, known to locals as the Big House. Rotted boards were replaced. Old woods refurbished. Window sashes were refitted, windowpanes upgraded for more efficiency. Plumbing and electrical underwent total re-haul. Every appliance and every fixture was ripped out and updated with something newer, better. All chimneys swept and fireplaces restored to working order. A new third turret took the place of an outdated screened-in porch, making room for new bathrooms on all three floors. The roof was re-shingled, the other four porches reinforced, and each door restored or replaced. Most importantly, the cellar was secured, all secret passages accounted for, and a brand new security system installed.

  Madison could not be more thrilled with the progress. She smiled now at the man responsible for it all. “I knew you had some questions before I left for the weekend.”

  “Kiki should be here any minute. She’s running late. Something about traffic problems.”

  Until Home Again came calling, livestock created the biggest traffic hazard in town. Cattle occasionally got loose from The Sisters Sale Barn or someone’s pasture. Prior to the County 4-H Show each spring, kids often trained their animals by walking them along the streets of town. The mayor’s horse was known to unlatch its own pen and wander through Naomi, and once, her Aunt Lurline’s flock of peacocks had marched down Main Street, conducting their own majestic parade. Natural wildlife like deer and feral hogs sometimes created a nuisance, not to mention occasional damage to vehicles. However, there had never been an ongoing traffic problem concerning automobiles. Until recently.

  A hit reality show filmed in rural Texas was big news, especially when it came with skeletons, ghosts, and secret passages. The opportunity to be on national television, even as a face in the crowd, was too tempting for most mere mortals to ignore. People flooded into the small sister cities, hoping to catch the camera’s lens. And where the people went, the news crews were sure to follow. By the time Kiki arrived, there was a traffic problem on the normally quiet streets. Two new traffic lights, one in each town, were installed to control the steady flow of vehicles coming in and out of The Sisters.

  Kiki Paretta was the celebrity designer in charge of decorating the old mansion. A huge phenomenon herself, the star was doing a cross-production remodel that merged Home Again: Starting Over with her own hit show, Kiki’s Kustomworks. If having one television show filmed in The Sisters was stressful, having two filmed there was nothing short of chaotic.

  Traffic concerns aside, Madison realized the show’s producer was missing. “And Amanda?” she asked.

  “She was called away by the network brass. Something about scheduling for next season,” Nick said. “We have a few minutes before Kiki arrives. Let’s do a walk through and I’ll show you what progress we’ve made this week.”

  They strolled through the sprawling first floor, examining each room they passed through.

  “I can’t wait until we’re done with the library,” Madison admitted. “I need an office terribly.”

  “We’re almost done,” Nick assured her. “The floors need one more coat of varnish. The plaster has been repaired and painted, the fireplace is up to code, and all the windows have been replaced. The burled walnut wainscoting was already in excellent shape. All it needed was a light polish.”

  “And the French doors leading onto the front porch have their own keyed and coded entry, correct? Because I’ll have my clients use this entrance, rather than the front door.”

  “Already taken care of. Honestly, all we’re waiting on is the last coat of varnish and the furniture. You can probably be moved in within a couple of weeks.”

  Madison let out a dreamy sigh. “That will be amazing. I can hardly wait.” She looked around the room, imagining where she might place her desk. And Derron’s. She had promised her part-time employee a desk of his very own and the opportunity to work his magic as a receptionist.

  “This is really happening, isn’t it?” she breathed. Excitement sparkled in her hazel eyes and stirred color into her cheeks.

  Nick could not help but laugh. He cocked his dark head, listening to the sounds drifting in from adjacent rooms. The whir of an electrical saw drowned out the steady beat from a hammer. Voices carried over the blaring music of a boom box. All around them were the unmistakable sounds of a remodel in progress.

  “Yes, Madison, this is really happening. Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. I want to show you what we’ve done in the butler’s pantry.”

  When he held out his hand, Madison hesitated for only a fraction of a second. She still remembered what happened the first time he took her hand. His touch had been electric. To her chagrin, she had literally jumped. The only saving grace to her shame was that he had been affected every bit as much as she.

  Not that the attraction between them had a chance. She was in love with Brash. No matter how charismatic Nick was, no matter how unconventionally handsome he might be, she was not interested. She liked the man just fine, respected his talent with his hands, and valued his opinion and expertise. Nick had gone to bat for her more than once, and she suspected he was almost wholly responsible for the remodel being done in the first place, particularly at no cost to her. She even considered him a friend. But nothing more. There was room for only one man in her life, and that man was Chief of Police Brash deCordova.

  Madison tucked her hand into Nick’s and allowed him to lead her from the room. As they rounded the corner into the parlor, they came face to face with the lawman who had arrested her heart so completely.

  “Brash!” she cried in surprise. The delight was evident on her face. She had not expected to see him before she left for Dallas.


  She loved the way he always said her name. His voice would drop to an intimate level, conveying a world of depth and feeling in just one simple utterance.

  His eyes fell now to her hand, still clasped within Nick’s. Madison saw him stiffen. The lines around his sensuous mouth tightened with displeasure.

  Before Maddy thought to pull her hand free, a whirl of activity swept into the room behind Brash. Kiki Paretta made her entrance, stirring the air around her with a sense of awe and inspiration, cloaked by her very own signature fragrance.

  “I’m here. I’m finally here,” she said with a hint of exasperation, waving her arms in the air. She had a habit of talking with her hands, flashing an odd mix of gaudy costume jewelry, fine diamonds, and brightly painted half-inch nails. For all her diminutive size, everything else about the woman was bigger than life. She loved bright colors, trendy flowing outfits, and killer high heels. Even with three-inch stilettos and the unruly mass of raven-black curls piled atop her head, she did good to hit five and a half feet tall. Yet for all her flair and drama, Kiki’s charm and effervescent personality were genuine.

  “Madison, where have you been keeping this divine specimen of a man?” Not waiting for an answer, Kiki curled herself around Brash’s arm. “I knew I was running late and my foot was just a tad
bit heavy on the gas.” She pinched her fingers, almost touching, to measure the violation. “This wonderful officer of the law noticed my error right away and corrected me on it. He was kind enough to just give me a warning. As we were talking, we realized we were both headed to the same place, so he more or less gave me a police escort.” She beamed up at Brash with a bright smile that was as charming as it was sincere. She hugged his arm as she continued to chatter. “Of course, if I had known Officer deLight would be the one stopping me, I might have sped through town long ago!”

  “The name is deCordova.” Madison corrected her. She bit her tongue, lest she add ‘and he’s mine.’ She hoped the message came through in the look she threw at Kiki, but the other woman was not even looking. Her eyes were on the tall officer she clung to.

  “Brash tells me you and he are high school acquaintances. I bet it’s been a blast, catching up on old times. I just love running into former classmates, don’t you?” Without pausing to take a breath, much less wait for an answer, the dark little whirlwind spun into a new tale. “Why, just last month, I was in New York at an art gallery opening, and who do you think I saw, but Sarah Jo Fredericks. We went to junior high together in Blanco, of all places! Of course, now she goes by Sari. No last name, simply Sari. But we had the best time, talking about all our old friends and the pranks we used to play in Mrs. Kraus’ homeroom.” She paused long enough to draw in a breath and glance back and forth between Brash and Madison. “Was it that way with you two? Don’t you just love remembering the crazy things we did as teenagers? Tell me what you remember best about Brash, Madison. Come on, something juicy.” Her eyes shimmied in delight.

  So Brash described us as old friends from high school, did he?

  Madison felt the claws all but pop from beneath her nails. She forced herself to relax. Keeping their relationship under wraps had been her idea. Not only did a secret romance insure privacy from the media, it also allowed Bethani time to adjust to the thought of her mother with another man. It made sense at the time, but now, seeing the way Kiki cuddled up to Brash, Madison questioned the wisdom of her suggestion.

  It took great effort forcing her voice to come out light and playful, but Madison managed. “Juicy? Well, let’s see. I remember a particular Powder Puff football game, when the football players dressed up as cheerleaders while the girls played the game. Brasha, as I remember, was quite fetching.” Until just now, she had forgotten all about the silly event, but it suddenly popped into her mind with full clarity.

  As a fundraiser for their senior trip, Brash and his classmates hosted the popular alternative-style sports event. Even with balloon boobs and yarn hair, the star football-player-turned-cheerleader had stolen her breath away. Beneath a short skirt, his legs were long and lithe in a pair of woefully stretched-out tights. Twenty-something years later, the memory of seeing him like that still did funny things to her breathing.

  “A cheerleader?” Kiki clapped her hands together with glee. “I would have loved seeing that!”

  “If I remember correctly, you filled out a football uniform quite nicely, too,” Brash informed Madison with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

  “Yeah, right, like you even noticed me!” she huffed.

  “You wore Darren Schultz’s uniform. Number thirty-six.”

  “You—You remember that?” she breathed. “You even knew that?” She warmed, just knowing he had noticed her in high school. All these years, she assumed the attraction had been completely one sided.

  “I told you, Maddy, the only reason I never asked you out in high school was because I couldn’t decide between you or Genny. You were both so different, but both so dad-gum cute.” He gave her the same lopsided smile that always melted her heart.

  It was true that she and Genesis had always been on opposite ends of the spectrum. Genesis was blond, she was brunette. Her best friend was a cute, compact bundle of energy, while Madison possessed a more serene, understated beauty. Where Genny was generous curves and soft edges, Maddy was all long legs and straight lines. At a slender five foot seven, Maddy could wear most any style and look great, even though she favored simple, tailored lines. Several inches shorter and twenty pounds over vogue, Genny loved ruffles and patterns, even though they did not always love her. One woman had blue eyes, the other hazel. One was energetic and bubbly, the other quiet and more reserved. Definitely opposites, but the best of friends since junior high.

  Pretending to be unaffected, Madison waved her hand with a nonchalant air. “Poor Brash. So many girls, so little time.”

  “Good thing I’ve learned to slow down and enjoy life.” He allowed his gaze to wander over her, lingering on her lips. A delicious thrill shot through her body, especially when he drawled, “One simple pleasure at a time.”

  Kiki assumed he was kidding and laughed at his wicked flirtation. “Would you two like to be alone?” she teased. “Maybe re-live a few old high school fantasies?”

  When Nick stiffened beside her, Maddy realized he still held her hand. She slipped her palm free and sent Brash a meaningful look, admonishing him with her eyes. How could they keep their relationship secret when he looked at her like that?

  “Actually, I do need to speak with Maddy, but it can wait until you’ve discussed your business,” Brash offered.

  “You’re welcome to stay.”

  Madison’s quiet invitation was all he needed to hear. He fell in line as they toured the first floor, only half listening as Kiki prattled on with her decorating plans.

  They took the back stairs to the second floor, as workers had the main staircase blocked. That staircase had played a deciding factor in Nick’s desire to restore the old house. He called it nothing less than a masterpiece, clearly enchanted with the attention to detail that went into creating it. According to him, the different woods used in construction made it all the more valuable, and authenticated its age and worth. The figures he quoted were impressive.

  The back staircase was not nearly as grand, but served its purpose just as well. They stepped from the landing, passed the upstairs laundry room, and entered into the suite of rooms that occupied the entire right half of the second floor. This was the master suite, designed specifically for Madison.

  “You will be the envy of women everywhere!” Kiki announced. She propped her hands upon her tiny hips and surveyed the master bath, which connected to the upstairs laundry room. “After this, I may be calling Nick in to remodel my own suite.”

  “It is sumptuous,” Madison agreed. Even half finished, it was grander than any bathroom she ever had. Not even their master bath in Dallas had been this extravagant.

  “And this closet is to die for!” Kiki flung open the double doors and stepped inside, a dreamy expression upon her face.

  Madison had originally protested the double doors. It was a closet, after all. Connected to a bathroom, no less. Why the oversized entrance? Nick and Amanda had won that argument, so now there was plenty of room for the four of them to step inside. The storage space was larger than the entire bedroom she currently shared with her daughter at Granny Bert’s. In light of all the built-in shelves and clothes racks lining the walls, as well as the bench in the middle of the room, the double doors no longer seemed so ridiculous.

  “Too bad I don’t have enough clothes to fill even one wall,” Madison admitted ruefully.

  “Then you know what that means,” Kiki said, flashing a bright smile. She held her arms wide and wiggled her entire body. “Shopping spree!”

  They crossed into the bed chambers, where the walls were already painted a soft, soothing green. Thank goodness, the rose garden had been ripped from the walls and no trace of the gaudy wallpaper remained.

  “I’m thinking lots of soft white and creams, with just a touch of moss green. Perhaps a second color, as well, for emphasis.” Kiki tapped her lips as she envisioned the bedding and furniture. “Pink? Coral? What is your favorite?”

  Careful not to allow her eyes to betray her, Madison avoided Brash’s
gaze. She turned her back to him, just in case. “I was thinking something more neutral,” she admitted. “Not so feminine.”

  Kiki’s eyes glittered with mischief. “Why, you little dickens, you!”

  Maddy flushed a deep scarlet. She could feel Brash’s amused smile, so she dared not face him. “I’ve never been one for frills and frou-frou,” she replied as evenly as she could manage.

  Kiki burst out laughing. “I’m just teasing you, Maddy! Whether you share this room or keep it all to yourself is none of my concern. But I agree something more neutral suits you best. Not so girlie. So let’s think…” She tapped her bright red lips again and tossed out a few ideas. As they discarded them one by one, Madison became frustrated, but Kiki smiled with confidence. “Don’t worry, I’ll come up with the perfect color scheme.”

  Madison followed the designer around the room as they discussed placement of furniture.

  “I’ve ordered a magnificent bed, custom designed specifically for you. It will resemble an old iron bedstead, but will have a modern twist. King sized, of course, with adjustable lighting, charging ports, and digital speakers integrated into the ironwork. Four posters, to be used with or without a canopy.” She clapped her hands together. “You’re going to love it!”

  “It sounds fantastic.”

  Kiki swept across the room, indicating a space near the balcony doors. “There will be a custom table here to match, flanked by upholstered chairs.” She crossed the room, into the adjoining sitting room. “A settee in here to pull the look together. Ironwork with upholstered cushions.”

  “I wanted to talk to you both about the entertainment center,” Nick said, stepping forward to join them. “Naturally, there will be room for a television and stereo system, with doors to hide it all when not in use. The question is, do you want it large enough for a computer desk to be on one side?”

  “Why would I need a desk in the bedroom? There’s a connecting library right there.” Maddy pointed to the remaining room of the grand suite. As an avid reader, Juliet Randolph, the original owner of the house, had her own personal library constructed upstairs, separate from the formal library on the first floor. Madison loved the intricate woodwork and cubbyholes that comprised the room. The shelves were still filled with Miss Juliet’s books, many of them first editions.


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