Home Again: Starting Over

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Home Again: Starting Over Page 6

by Becki Willis

  “Too bad I don’t speak French.”

  “So you pick.”

  “What about… New York City?”

  She squealed with amusement. “Yeah, I’d love to see you up there with your cowboy boots and cowboy hat, talking all Texan to their Yankee talk. You might need a translator,” she teased.

  “That’s what you’ll be there for, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t speak Yankee, either.”

  They played their game for several more minutes, suggesting and discarding a dozen cities around the world. Brash ended the game when he made the perfect suggestion.

  “I know the perfect place. It has everything we need. A river. A night sky as big as Texas, filled with twinkling overhead stars. A soft breeze. Bullfrogs and crickets, chirping out a sweet, romantic song. No one around but you and me.”

  Their special spot on the river. Maddy closed her eyes and breathed in the beauty of the dream he painted. “It sounds wonderful.”

  “I have an idea I’d like to run past you.”

  “What would that be?”

  “When I get back home, how about we plan a family outing? You, Beth, Blake, Megan, and me. Granny Bert and Genny are welcome to come along, too.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “We have a nice pond out at the ranch, stocked with catfish. We could spend the afternoon out there fishing, then have a fish fry right there on the banks. The kids can swim and play in the water. Adults, too, for that matter.”

  “That sounds really nice.”

  “Bethani has been out to the house a few times with Meg, but I’d like for her to see you and me together, to see how well we complement each other. And I’d like to spend more time with both your kids, getting to know them better.”

  Madison was touched. “That’s really sweet of you, Brash.”

  “I told you I want a future with you, Maddy. Beth and Blake are a part of that future. And even though it might not be my place to say so, I think Blake could use a male influence in his life right now.”

  The air squeezed from Madison’s lungs. She gripped the phone so hard her knuckles turned white. “Wh—Why? Have you heard something? Has he been getting into some sort of trouble I don’t know about?”

  “No, sweetheart, nothing like that,” Brash was quick to assure her. “Blake is a great kid. So is Bethani. But it’s gotta be tough for a fifteen-year-old boy, losing his dad so suddenly. It’s not intentional, but girls get more attention in situations like these, because they show their emotions more. Boys hurt just as much, but usually in silence. I just think it might do him good to bond with a male authority figure.”

  Was this man wonderful, or what? Tears clogged her throat.

  “I thought I might even take him dove hunting when season opens in a few weeks, if you don’t object.”

  She could barely get the words out on a whisper. “Not—Not at all.”

  “I know he’ll be starting football soon. As a former player and coach, I strongly encourage sports. It builds leadership qualities, teaches the importance of teamwork, and establishes a strong code of ethics and accountability. But hunting… now that teaches an entirely different skill set. There is nothing like being in the great outdoors, surrounded by nature, learning to depend on yourself. Hunting teaches personal responsibility, firearm safety, sustainability, and common sense practices. And it fosters a need that all men have to provide for their families. If he’s interested, I’d be happy to take him with me to South Texas this fall to my deer camp. With your permission, of course.”

  He could not hear her head nodding.



  “Are you crying? What’s wrong, sweetheart? If you don’t want to take him hunting—”

  “No, no, it—it’s not that!”

  “Then, what? Why are you crying, sweetheart?”

  “Because-because you’re trying. You care. You have no idea how many times Blake begged Gray to take him hunting, or fishing, or just camping. But Gray was always too busy. He never took the time to bond with him. I—I can’t believe you’re willing to do that for my son.”

  “I told you, Maddy,” Brash said, his voice rough with emotion, “I want Blake to be a part of my future, too.”

  The words were on the tip of her tongue. It was so hard holding them in, to not voice the sentiments surging through her very being. She loved him. Yet she could not, would not, say the words until they were free to explore their relationship. The tricky part, in her mind, was that it had to be with her children’s blessings.

  “You have no idea how much I appreciate that, Brash. And he will, too. He’ll love it. I can’t wait for you to invite him.”

  “So you like my idea about the family outing?”

  “I love it.” Just like I love you. She spoke the words silently, hoping they reached him through telepathy.

  His quietly spoken agreement brought another smile, telling her he understood her message. “Me, too, sweetheart.”

  Clearing the emotion from her throat, Madison made a conscious effort to change the subject. “So I have a professional question for you…”

  “I’m listening.”

  Something about the jumbled file at Lone Star Law still tugged at Madison’s mind. Even if Gloria Jeffers was known for her overzealous imagination, she wondered if there was a story there. And the fact that Gloria, a woman Carson Elliot insisted did not drink, compiled the file shortly before she died of alcohol poisoning was too coincidental for Maddy’s analytical mind. At the risk of being as dramatic as the deceased woman herself, it was worth looking into.

  “How do you go about investigating a cold case?” she asked.

  “How cold?”

  “Dead and buried. Doubtful it was ever a living creature to begin with.”

  “Hmm. Well, I suppose the same way you would any case, cold or otherwise. Research. Lots and lots of research.”


  It was sheer luck that Madison’s gig with Lone Star Law coincided with the investigation Carson Elliot hired her to do. Being at the law firm offered Madison the perfect opportunity to learn about Gloria’s work habits and professional conduct.

  According to Shawn Bryant and the few clients Madison spoke with, the woman was well-liked and quite efficient. Absolutely no evidence indicated that the lawyer’s late secretary had a drinking problem. Everything in the office — other than the filing system itself — was neat and meticulous. And Madison suspected that no drunk could decipher the way Gloria Jeffers filed. That particular method of organization demanded a clear and sober head.

  Yet if the woman was an alcoholic, it stood to reason she had a stash of alcohol hidden in the office. Madison spent a full hour searching for it.

  Digging deep into a corner cabinet, Madison did not hear the door chime as it tinkled out the first notes of the Aggie War Hymn. Shawn was a proud alumnus of Texas A&M, as evidenced the moment clients stepped through the door. This time, however, Madison never realized someone entered until a voice spoke from behind her.

  “Hello? I had an appointment with Mr. Bryant?”

  Madison banged her head on the cabinet as she jerked from the dark recess. “Ow!” she cried in surprise. She straightened and whirled, rubbing at the offended spot on the back of her head. “I’m sorry. I did not hear you come in.”

  Lisa Redmond eyed her dubiously. Several weeks ago, the slender woman had hired In a Pinch to provide evidence her husband was cheating on her. Despite rewarding Madison with a bonus for a job well done, she seemed none too pleased to see the would-be sleuth now. Madison wondered if it might be embarrassment. After all, who liked to admit her husband was unfaithful? She certainly had trouble discussing Gray’s duplicity.

  “I have an appointment,” Lisa repeated.

  “Oh, yes. Certainly.” Madison dusted off her hands and shut the cabinet door. It hadn’t revealed much more than files and spider webs. Certainly no secret stash of bottles.

  “If you�
�ll have a seat, I’ll let Mr. Bryant know you’ve arrived.”

  “I had no idea you worked here.” Lisa’s words were as stiff as her body as she perched on the edge of the maroon leather armchair, clearly uncomfortable.

  “Just while he’s in a pinch.” Madison offered the tongue-in-cheek reply as she pressed the intercom and lifted the receiver to her ear.

  “Yeah, I heard about the other lady,” Lisa murmured, letting her eyes trail over the desk. She seemed to avoid Madison’s eyes, choosing to study the filing cabinets and custom built-ins as Madison announced her arrival.

  “Mr. Bryant will see you now. Shall I show you to his office?”

  “I know the way.” Lisa scrambled to her feet and disappeared down the hallway.

  Madison noted that her appearance had improved since the first time they met. That first day, she had mistaken the stringy-haired, nervous-acting young woman for a drug addict. With a new haircut and a fashionable outfit, Lisa Redmond looked far more confident of herself now. And despite whatever paranoid beliefs Barry held, this was the first time the two women had seen each other since May.

  Making a face to herself, Madison knew that if Barry got wind of Lisa showing up here today, he would read something more into it. He would probably accuse Madison of orchestrating the meeting, or suggesting Lisa hire Lone Star Law to handle the divorce.

  For all she knew, that was exactly why Lisa was here.

  Not that it was any of her concern. She had more pressing matters to worry with. Now that she had a new filing system in place for the law office, her job here would soon be done, which also meant her dual-purpose time was coming to an end.

  Something about the jumbled file she had found still bothered her. Something about the fact that all five cases revolved around fire.

  Madison knew she walked a fine line.

  She had access to the files, but the contents were confidential. Even with Shawn Bryant’s permission, she had no legitimate reason to review the cases. Short of contacting each client and obtaining their approval, she could not ethically read the details within.

  What she could do was examine the names, dates, and brief descriptions used for filing purposes. Before tucking the folders into their proper new homes, she took a few notes.

  Jerry Don Peavey vs. Omega Insurance: Fire damage to barn

  Ray Sams: Motor Home fire

  Tomas Montelongo: Small fire at restaurant, personal liability insurance

  William Shanks: Chimney fire

  Carson Elliot: House fire

  Her eyes backtracked over the last name, making certain she read it correctly. Yes, it was right there in black and white. Carson Elliot.

  The list covered three towns, two counties, and five years. The only link of commonality was that they each had something to do with fire.

  Was it another of Gloria’s contrived conspiracy theories? Or was there a legitimate reason the files were combined into one file? Madison’s mind hummed with possibilities.

  Perhaps she had been doing research on fires in the community. Considering her gentleman friend was one of the victims, she might have had a personal interest in the outcome of such research.

  Perhaps she was gathering information for a class-action suit.

  Or researching insurance fraud.

  Perhaps Gloria had been drunk at the time she shuffled the files together.

  …Gloria did not drink alcohol…

  Carson Elliot’s words, spoken with such absolute certainty, echoed in Madison’s head.

  Tempting though it was, reading the files was unethical. But there was nothing unethical about asking questions around town.

  Her grandmother had an uncanny inside track to most everything that happened in the twin cities. When it pertained to fire, surely Cutter would be a source of information. And if William Shanks was any relation to her Granny’s friend Wanda Shanks, surely Miss Wanda would answer any questions she had. As would Carson himself.

  A satisfied smile twitched Maddy’s lips. While she might not be free to read the files, she could still find out what they contained.

  As Granny Bert was fond of saying, there was more than one way to skin a polecat.


  Maddy launched a covert operation around the two towns, casually striking up conversations about Gloria Jeffers. She dropped by one store after another, chatting idly as she browsed. Whether it was the proprietor she visited with or another customer, the conversation was largely the same.

  Casually bringing up Lone Star Law as her latest client offered the perfect lead in. She would marvel over the late secretary’s meticulous organizational skills, and then stop to rue the fact that she hadn’t known the woman very well. Had they known her well, by chance?

  It was a simple question, but not a single person answered with a simple yes or no. Everyone offered their opinion, just as Maddy had known they would.

  “No, I’m afraid I didn’t. But I heard about how she died. How embarrassing!”

  “I’ve known Gloria since we were knee high to a grasshopper. We went through school together, and let me tell you, that girl was prim and proper to a T. I don’t care what the coroner said, Gloria Jeffers did not drink herself to death! She never touched a drop of alcohol in her life.”

  “Oh, yes, I’ve known Gloria for years. We went to high school together, right here at Sisters High. Of course, that was before they built the new school. Back then, we didn’t need a fancy building like that new one to get a fine education. No ma’am, all we needed was a desk, a chalkboard, and a teacher who wasn’t afraid to break out the paddle and pop us on the wumpus when we got out of hand. None of this smart-mouthed disrespect you hear nowadays. Hmph!”

  “And you and Gloria remained friends all this time? That’s impressive.”

  “I didn’t say we were exactly friends, mind you. I said we knew each other. There was always something flighty about Gloria… When she didn’t have her nose stuck in a book, she was stirring up some sort of trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “She was always in a tizzy about something. Once, she claimed the butcher doctored his meats to get people addicted. Hmph. He just buys prime beef is all. Corn-fed, the best kind. I hear Mo buys most of it straight from deCordova Ranch. Those deCordova brothers know how to raise a fine herd of cattle, let me tell you.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad…”

  “That wasn’t all! She swore there was something fishy about Ellen McDaniel’s new housecleaning business. I say if the woman is industrial enough to start up her own business, more power to her. Lord knows she don’t keep her own house very clean, but maybe she does better when she’s being paid. Gloria was just being spiteful. I think she was jealous, because everyone knew Ellen was looking for more than dance lessons out at Carson Elliot’s place.”

  “I understand Miss Gloria and Mr. Elliot were an item?”

  “That was another thing. Gloria was always carrying on about his past, claiming he was some sort of important spy for the Army. I know for a fact he was in the Navy, not the Army, so why should I believe the rest of her claims? Some nonsense about a girl he loved but the government keeping them apart because of her ties to the Russians. All just a bunch of hooey, if you ask me. Just like their so-called ‘romance.’ Those two were no more suited for each other than me and Brad Pitt. They were good friends, I’ll give you that, but I don’t think it ever crossed into the bedroom, if you know what I mean. I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, but poor Gloria was simply too plain for a man like Carson Elliot. And now we find out she was a lush! Like I said, she was always flighty.”

  “Bull feathers! I know what they’re saying. But the woman didn’t even drink real coffee, just that decaffeinated stuff made to look like the real thing. You can’t tell me someone who don’t drink caffeine is gonna turn around and drink themselves into an alcoholic stupor and die!”

  “Gloria was the sweetest, kindest soul I knew. At least, she was befor
e Claude died. Losing him took something out of her. Who knows? Maybe that’s when she started drinking.”

  “Oh, of course I knew Miss Gloria. She taught my Sunday school class when I was little. It was so sad what happened to her. And so shocking. I never thought she would drink a single sip, much less enough to kill her. Just goes to show, you never know about people….”

  “Gloria Jeffers? Of course I knew her! That was so tragic about what happened to her. I guess she took after her momma’s uncle. He was always a little too fond of the bottle, too. A mean drunk, they said. Why, I remember my daddy telling about the time…”

  “Why, yes, Mrs. Jeffers had been coming in here to the pharmacy for years. Then a few months ago, she all but stopped. Bless her heart, she even came in to apologize. She said she was trying all-natural cures for her ailments now, but she didn’t want us thinking she was mad at us. Doesn’t that just sound like her? Always so sweet and thoughtful.”

  “I heard about someone else who died that way. Accidentally ingested some sort of poisoning and literally pooped their intestines out. Poor Gloria. What a way to go. The only consolation is that maybe she was too drunk to feel anything.”

  “Who? Oh, yes, the woman who… well, you know. Such an undignified death. No, I never met her.”

  “She was in here getting her hair done, not two days before the deed. All I had to do for the service was give it a good going over.”

  “Did you notice anything different about her that last time?”

  “Well, that very last time, I did notice that she was dead. But you mean the last time she was in here? Not really. She was working on some new theory she had, something about some fires in the area. That was Gloria, always working on one of her theories. I always told her she should be the one writing those books she kept her nose stuck in.”


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