The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2 Page 7

by Ursula Lovelace

  Seconds later, he let out a shotgun blast of hot come into my ass. His body kept pounding mine as he came. I heard the sound of his body slapping against mine. His wet, sticky load coated my ass as I moaned and came hard into my panties. I had never had such an intense orgasm in my life before.

  Exhausted, we fell onto the bed. Derek looked utterly satisfied. He got up and wiped the sweat off his brow. “Damn, what a fuck!”

  I carefully put on my panties and hide my cock. “So we have a deal?”

  He smiled as he began to dress and leave. “Win or lose, I’m glad I backed you.”

  Late at night, I watched the numbers come in. All of Grayson’s early gains were getting cancelled out by the new neighborhoods. We were dead even and not a single network was calling it.

  Soon, it neared midnight with neither of us having a commanding lead. I worried that all of my hard work and sacrifice had been for nothing. A man like Grayson couldn’t be allowed to represent this district.

  That’s when a report came in. “We’ve received a final tally… Robin Smith is our new representative… by a solid margin. There won’t be a recount for this one!”

  They had called it.

  I had won over Adam Grayson. While waiting for my opponent’s call, I wondered what the future held for me. I hadn’t planned on being Robin Smith for any longer than necessary. I didn’t even expect to win when I planned this crazy idea!

  Regardless, my voters cheered loudly for me on television. They were happy a beautiful woman was representing their district instead of a corrupt old man. Even some of Grayson’s supporters didn’t mind their candidate losing. My message had connected with them as well. Indeed, they were happy to leave the past behind and have a fresh start.

  I called a taxi to take me to a nearby convention. I’d need to give my victory speech. Grayson hadn’t called to concede. Not that I expected him too. It didn’t matter what he did or didn’t do.

  I was the boss now. I may have begun this journey to get back at Grayson but now I was seriously going to represent my people. Robin may have been fake but the passion for her was real. I began to make a list of luggage to take.

  Miss Smith was going to Washington!

  Chapter 1

  I breathed a sigh of relief once I got past the revolving doors of the hotel and into its warm, comfy interior. The weather outside had been more wet and miserable than the weatherman had led me to believe. Even in the immaculate halls of the Hilbert Hotel, I could hear a storm raging outside like a brooding teenager. Nonetheless, I was eager to check into my room, stretch my legs, and relax.

  I had been a salesman in the restaurant business for a few years now. As rewarding as it had been to go from one company to the next peddling everything from milkshake machines to power blenders, I needed a break. Hell, I wouldn’t mind retiring if I actually knew what I’d do with my retirement. Making pitches had been my life up until this point. A man like me needed something to occupy his time.

  I went to the front desk and checked into my room. It was on lucky floor number seven. The hotel clerk gave me two keycards.

  “It’s a backup, Mr. Farris,” he said with a smile. “Please enjoy your stay at the Hilbert Hotel!”

  I took a minute to rest in the hotel lobby. These lobbies were a common sight in my travels. I had spent more time on the road than in my house. I didn’t know when I’d be able to go back.

  Nevertheless, I liked traveling. I got to meet and talk to new people every day. Whether it was at an airport or hotel lobby, you always were sure to meet interesting characters.

  That’s when I saw her.

  The woman sat a few feet away from me with a cup of the hotel’s complimentary tea. The woman was tall and shapely in her light blue dress. Her olive skin contrasted well with the cloth. Her green eyes flashed with intelligence. The woman had an exotic flair to her that I couldn’t pinpoint. It was hard not to be drawn to her.

  In fact, I almost didn’t notice her heel catch a rut in the floor tiles. The woman began to trip over with her cup threatening to run over. With speed that surprised even myself, I caught both her and her cup of tea. Using a wall to counterbalance myself, I finally let her find her footing.

  “Thanks, you’re a lifesaver!” she said with a heart-rending smile. I felt my blood turn sluggish in my veins as I heard her speak. Her accent suggested she had Latin roots. It was intoxicating to my ear. “I just got this dress laundered. I can’t imagine getting it cleaned again on such short notice.”

  “No problem,” I said, returning her smile. “It looked like you just finished checking in. Same with me.”

  “Why don’t we go up the elevator together?” she offered. I followed her to an elevator as she hit the button. “Sorry, I should introduce myself. My name is Carmen.”

  “Allen,” I replied, running a hand through my hair. Despite my umbrella, some of my head had gotten caught in the rain. My hair was slick as if it had been doused with gel. I hoped it made me look more handsome. “Some weather we’re having.”

  She giggled. “Sounds like you just came from a biblical flood.”

  The door opened and we stepped inside. “I’ve been through worse. Still, I’ve never liked getting caught up in bad weather. I should really download a weather app on my phone.”

  “No one does,” Carmen joked. Scanning the control panel, she asked. “Which floor do you get off?”

  “Lucky number seven.”

  She laughed. “Seven. Me too?”

  I smiled. “Maybe we’ll run into each other in the hall.”

  “Maybe,” she replied, her green eyes flashing with interest. During the ride up, we made small talk. I told her I was a salesman for a wholesale restaurant supplies company. In return, I learned she worked as a website designer. Finally, the door opened and revealed our floor. “It’s been nice talking to you, Allen. I hope we can talk again. I’m in room 7R.”

  “I’m 7K,” I replied, stepping out with her. There was a nearby map showing the layout of the floor. “We aren’t too far from each other.”

  “It looks your room is on the way to mine,” she said, scanning the map. “Care to walk with me?”

  I didn’t want to leave Carmen just yet. “Of course.”

  Our rooms were less than a minute’s walk from each other. Even though we were strangers, I loved talking to her. At the same time, I didn’t want to hang outside her door like some creep.

  When we reached her door, Carmen said. “I hope you don’t mind me asking you for directions. It sounds like you’re a regular here.”

  “I did earn quite a few hotel points from this place!” I laughed. Well, it wasn’t too far from the truth. I had enough points to buy a room for a week and have enough left over to redeem an entire set of scuba gear. “Don’t be afraid to knock on my door if you need a guide. I knew plenty of great restaurants and stores.”

  Carmen flashed another brilliant smile before entering her room. As I walked to my room, my thoughts were dominated by the beautiful woman I had just meet. The sound of the heavy rain outside felt muted as I thought about her. The raindrops pelted themselves against the window like miniature bombs but I didn’t care.

  I decided to make myself a cup of coffee to distract myself. Coffee at night might make it difficult to sleep but it always helped clear my thoughts. However, I kept thinking about Carmen. It wasn’t like I hadn’t met beautiful women throughout my travels. In fact, it was just the opposite.

  I had bedded my fair share of beauties. Nevertheless, they were one night stands that I barely remembered. It wasn’t anything like having a girlfriend or wife you could see every day. My work kept me from going steady with anyone. Most of the other salesmen I knew were bachelors or divorced. People like us tended to travel around a lot. It was a bad recipe for a stable relationship.

  For the brief elevator ride up, I felt like I knew Carmen better than any other women I had spent a night with. She seemed to get along with me as well. I tried to pass if off as
an infatuation. I was probably just imagining things. I barely knew anything about her.

  Well, other than that she was drop dead gorgeous.

  That’s when I heard a knock on the door. At first, I thought it was something rattling against the window. We had stormy weather outside after all. Then, the knocking occurred again.

  Someone was at the door. I got up to see who was knocking. I hadn’t ordered any room service. Perhaps, it was the cleaning staff.

  I opened the door and was treated to a surprise. “Carmen?”

  The beautiful woman and her green eyes greeted me. I didn’t know what she was here for. Then again, I didn’t need an excuse to speak with her.

  “I hope you don’t mind me dropping by,” she replied, jolting from the sound of distant thunder. “I never liked sleeping through thunderstorms alone.”

  I gestured for her to enter before closing the door. “Come on in.”

  My lungs felt like they were tied in a knot. The crackle of lightning seemed muted next to the sound of Carmen’s voice. I guided her to a chair so that she could rest.

  When a streak of lightning flashed outside, Carmen flinched before grasping my arm for support. Her fingers were cool to the touch. She looked embarrassed and whispered. “Sorry…”

  “It’s okay,” I calmed her with my hand still on her. I didn’t mind holding her like this. “We’re safe inside.”

  Carmen giggled as she sat down. “Sorry. Thunderstorms and I have a bad history.”

  I began to make a cup of tea for her. “You talk like the weather’s like a bad ex-boyfriend.”

  She sighed as the rainy weather outside churned. “It’s a long story…”

  Over tea, the two of us spoke. I learned that Carmen had a near death experience after having been struck by lightning. It was a life changing experience. She quit her job and got a new one that let her travel more.

  In turn, I told her what I did for a living. Not that it was very exciting. The closest I had to being shocked was when I accidentally touched an exposed wire at a restaurant undergoing reservations.

  “Damn, getting struck by lightning and living to tell the tale,” I whistled in amazement. It made my life look quaint in comparison. Then again, I could count my blessings for not turning into a human lightning rod. “I can’t say I ever experienced anything like that.”

  “I barely felt anything,” she replied, finishing her tea. By now, the storm had faded outside. “I was lucky that I was holding onto something so the current could discharge. Nonetheless, I was transformed… into a new person after that experience.”

  “I’m glad you made it out alive,” I chuckled softly. “I couldn’t have asked for a better guest for late night tea.”

  She smiled. “For years, I have been talking to psychologists about my experience but it’s easier speaking with you.”

  “Well, talking to you beats selling coffee makers to a fast food chain,” I replied. Being a salesman made it easy for you to talk to people about their problems. You needed to understand a person and be a good listener if you wanted to sell them something. It helped that the person I was talking to was a beautiful woman instead of a geriatric restaurant owner. “More tea?”

  Carmen nodded and I poured her one. “Thank you. It’s nice having company, even if we were complete strangers a few hours ago.”

  “Same for me,” I agreed. “It’s hard going from hotel to hotel and not getting to know anyone. I try to talk to other guests without being too nosy about it.”

  Carmen sipped her drink. She seemed more comfortable now that the storm had subsided. The woman told me more about her work and her background.

  I learned that she had been born in Spain. Carmen had come to America to study and find better career opportunities. She had found work as a freelance web designer. Rather than stay home and work from her desk, Carmen often had to travel and meet clients. Some things couldn’t be done over the internet. In a way, we both had jobs that made us travel from place to place.

  Finally, it got late into the night. “I should get going. I didn’t book a hotel room for nothing! Sorry for imposing on you so late into the night, Allen.”

  I felt sad to see her leave. “Don’t feel like you’ve intruded. I like having tea with a guest.”

  I watched as she went to the door. “Thanks for everything, Allen.”

  As she reached out for the doorknob, Carmen stopped and turned to face me. Her hand caressed my face as she leaned in to kiss my cheek. Her fingertips were warm and her lips were even hotter.

  She left a cool mark on me when her lips left my skin. “Why don’t we go out for some food tomorrow, Allen? Think of it as repayment.”

  “That sounds great,” I answered with a smile. That kiss still burned on my cheek like a fresh brand. “Just don’t let me order anything that’ll go straight to my thighs. I don’t want to spend a whole day at the track.”

  “No promises,” Carmen laughed. Then, she pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to me. “I figured I’d put this spare to good use.”

  I looked down at the key card. Every guest was given a spare and told to keep. We were told to keep it safe in case we got locked out. “You sure?”

  “What else am I supposed to do with it?” she said flirtatiously. “You know my room number. See you around, Allen.”

  I watched as she walked out into the hall before disappearing around a corner.

  Chapter 2

  I couldn’t wait for work to be over the following day. The usual sales pitch felt so mundane when compared to a conversation with Carmen. When I finally got back to the hotel, I showered, shaved, and put on my best suit. Although I had Carmen’s spare key, I still knocked on her door.

  She opened the door and smiled at me. “Shall we leave?”

  As the expert around these parts, we took a taxi to a diner which I used to meet with clients. I found the food to be to my liking and came there even after business hours. I figured Carmen and I could grab a bite to eat over there.

  When we got in, a hostess settled us in a booth. “Could I get the two of you something to drink?”

  Carmen smirked and said. “Some tea would be nice.”

  I glanced at her in amusement. “Tea for me as well.”

  She handed us a pair of menus before heading off to get our beverages. “I’ll be back to take your orders.”

  I turned to face Carmen and said. “I usually come here to do business in a casual setting. But I don’t mind coming here on my own to unwind.”

  She asked. “Am I the first woman you brought over here?”

  I chuckled. “The first I didn’t try to sell an industrial size refrigerator to!”

  The waitress brought our tea. Despite it being in the evening, both of us were in the mood for some good old fashioned breakfast. As befitting any good diner, we could order brunch at any time. Carmen ordered eggs, bacon and hash browns. I asked for some waffles with sausage.

  As we waited for our food, Carmen scanned the diner. Despite it being in the evening, the place was jammed-pack. “Is this place popular, Allen?”

  “It’s practically a landmark around these parts,” I answered. The waitress came back with our order. “Thank you! Let’s eat, Carmen.”

  When she saw me drizzle my sausages with hot sauce, Carmen recoiled in mock horror. “How can you eat that with so much hot sauce?”

  “I thought a Spanish woman would love spicy food,” I laughed, taking a bite out of my food. It could use a few more drops of hot sauce. “I can’t stand bland food.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I like a small amount of heat. Otherwise, it just ruins the subtle flavors.”

  We talked about her life in Spain over food. I learned that she had lost contact with her family after coming to America. It had been years since she spoke them. I guessed there had been some tension between them but I didn’t want to sound so nosy. By now, I knew not to poke into other people’s personal business unless they came to me with it.

sp; Afterwards, we ordered another round of tea. “Thank you for dinner, Allen. Or breakfast, I guess.”

  “I knew you’d like it.”

  Carmen gave me teasing look. “Do you take every woman you meet out for dinner?”

  “Hey, you were the one who asked me out,” I replied, truthfully. “No, not usually. I tend to be busy with work. My schedule is winding down so I have more free time.”

  “Same with me,” Carmen said. “I’ll be staying here and meeting with my client for the rest of the month.”

  I couldn’t help but feel sad at the thought of parting ways with her. We were both travelers here on business. I was just starting to know her. “I hope we could do something like this again. If your schedule permits it.”


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