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Jerrold Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “I am so happy you and my son worked out your differences. You are good for each other.”

  Noelle nodded as she sipped her tea.

  “What about the wedding plans?’

  “We have not had time to really plan one yet. Jerrold wants us to get married as soon as possible.”

  “But you want to wait?” Jackie looked over at her curiously. She had seen the way her son looked at Noelle and realized with a sense of wonder how much he adored her!

  “I am afraid I cannot think about anything except this nagging nausea and the weariness of even walking around the apartment. My iron level is low and my hormones are all over the place. Jerrold is a saint for putting up with my shrewish mood and my raging swing of emotions. Even thinking of planning a wedding makes me feel exhausted.”

  “That’s why I told her that we should elope.” He had come into the room without either of them noticing. “Something smells really good, Mom.” He went over to kiss his mother before going behind Noelle to wrap his arms around her. She leaned back against him and closed her eyes. “And I told him that there would be such an outcry of indignation and not only from his team members but his fans as well.”

  “I don’t care about that, darling.” He bent and kissed the top of her head. “I just want to be your husband.”

  His father who had just entered the large cozy kitchen said his piece. “I agree with your fiancée, son,” he murmured as he took one of the stools. “You are very well known and people are going to want to see a proper ceremony. And I don’t believe your mother would ever forgive you for cheating her out of seeing her only child getting married.”

  He placed his cheek on the top of Noelle’s head, feeling the warmth of the love he had for her permeating his being. He could deal with anything as long as she loved him! “We will figure something out. In the meantime, I just want her to past the worst of this pregnancy.”

  She lifted her head to look at him. “I will.”

  Chapter 13

  She eyed him through the mirror as she rubbed the cream into her skin slowly. His parents had left several hours ago and his mother had insisted on washing up and making sure the kitchen was tidied up and back to the way it had been when the housekeeper left it. She had managed to keep down the beef stew and had even asked for seconds much to her relief. She had seen him watching her with an alert expression on his handsome face as if waiting for her to bolt from the table. He always watched her to make sure she was okay and she loved that. He made her feel cosseted and special and if anyone had told her that she would love the idea of a man taking care of her she would laugh in their faces! But knowing how much he loved her and the lengths he went to for her made her feel warm and cozy inside! He had started sleeping in pajamas now and she knew why. She also knew how he was feeling when he held her in his arms when they were sleeping because she felt it too. He had not made love to her in three days and she was craving him. That was the reason for the shell pink rich lace nightgown she was wearing that was almost see through. She had lost some weight since the pregnancy, but her curves were still apparent. She capped the bottle and put it away, lifting her hands to run her fingers through her thick dark hair. He went to sit on the sofa and reached for a folder that had been sent to him a day ago. He had told her about the endorsement deals and had discussed with her the ones he would be taking. There were also offers from networks for him to have his own talk show and offers for him to become a commentator on a very popular network. He had told her that he definitely had no intention of taking those offers.

  She got up from the vanity stool and went to join him on the sofa. He looked up as she took her seat, his eyes wandering over her body and she heard the sharp intake of breath before he could stop himself. “Can I interest you in something other than that very impressive looking folder?” she asked as she turned sideways and swung her slim legs over his lap.

  “What might that be?” he asked her mildly even though his heart had picked up the pace.

  “Me,” she told him succinctly.

  “As tempting as that is I am afraid I am going to have to say no.” He was deliberately not touching her she noticed as he put his hand at the back of the sofa.

  “May I ask why not?”

  “You know why not, Noelle.” He started to push her legs off him, but she would not budge.

  “Actually, I don’t know. So please enlighten me.”

  “You are not well,” he reminded her.

  “I am pregnant.”

  “Your blood pressure is high-”

  “The last time I checked it was normal,” she pointed out.

  “And any excitement can elevate it and I cannot take that chance. Besides your nausea might get worse.”

  “So you are saying that your making love to me might make me sick to my stomach?” she asked him, lifting tapered brows.

  “That’s not what I am saying,” he told her patiently. “I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “So we stay here and suffer not being with each other.” Before he realized what she was doing, she had eased over onto his lap, placing her derriere firmly over his already rising erection. His hands spanned her waist as he tried to lift her off him, but she wound her hands around his neck. “It’s been three days, Jerrold,” she whispered as she lowered her head to his. “I don’t care how sick I get or how I feel afterwards, but I need you and you need me.” She rotated her hips on his lap and watched as his eyes lowered to her parted.

  “I don’t want to cause you or the baby any harm-” His breath shuddered out as she bent to nibble at his sensuous bottom lip sending the fiery darts through his body! “Christ!” he whispered raggedly. His fingers bit into her waist and his hips moved upwards making her acutely aware of his arousal.

  “I am not wearing panties,” she breathed. She swung her legs on either side of him and pulled the nightgown over her head. He groaned as he stared at her nudity. She had lost weight and that had him worried, but he could not do without having her now. He had spent nights with her wrapped in his arms, torturing himself with the feel of her body next to his and unable to do anything about the desire raging inside him! He had almost suggested that she go back to stay at her father’s place but that had not been an alternative. “Put it inside me, Jerrold.”

  He did as he was told, helpless to do anything else as the fire raged through his body! Noelle sank down onto him, her back arching, and her breasts bare to him. He bent his head and took a nipple inside his mouth, his teeth grazing the sensitive bud, causing the tremors to start inside her body. Her fingers tightened around his neck as he pushed into her. With a ragged sigh, he abandoned the need to be careful and drove into her with all the pent up desire he was feeling!


  He called Alexander Costa, prince to the exotic region of Costa Land and direct heir to the throne. The man had been his friend for several years now and he had spent some time at Costa Land and loved the place. He waited until Noelle had gone to visit her dad before he made the call. He had meetings with Monique and Lorenzo Romano about the clothing brand because they wanted them out by summer and time was of the essence. “I heard the news! When is the wedding?”

  “I wanted it to be this month, but her pregnancy is not making her feel well enough to go through a wedding.” Jerrold ran his fingers through his hair. He had made love to her last night and he had overdone it by making love to her again and early this morning. He could not keep his hands off her and he was afraid of causing her damage. “I know I am supposed to come by this week-”

  “Bring her with you.”

  “Did you not hear me when I told you about her difficult pregnancy?”

  “We have one of the best hospitals here, fully equipped with excellent doctors. We also have what you don’t have in the USA, fresh curative air that comes up from the mountains behind the palace. Out foods are grown locally without aid from anything else except the aid of nature and our brilliant sunshine and we have the best herbs in t
he world. Debbie had a similar pregnancy with our last child and the locals concocted this herbal medicine for her that worked wonders. Fly her over, Jer, and you guys can stay as long as you like. It will also give me an opportunity to talk to you about the basketball team.”

  “Why do I have a feeling that is the real reason for the invitation?” Jerrold asked him mildly, the idea beginning to take root.

  “You know me so well,” the prince teased him. “I know you have meetings with Monique and Lorenzo, but afterwards you can come to Costa Land. We also have excellent internet services here so you can transact your businesses from here. I will let Debbie know you are coming. She will be delighted. Father and Mother will be away on tour for the next three months so I am in charge for the time being.”

  “I thought you were already in charge.”

  “That I am,” the prince told him with a laugh. “Father is slowly easing me to take over the throne without saying it to me directly. I am looking forward to meet your fiancée, man.”

  “I will discuss it with her and let you know.”

  Jerrold hung up from him, his expression thoughtful. Alexander was right. The atmosphere in Costa Land was perfect and he had no doubt that Noelle would enjoy the experience of the quaint town ran by sovereigns. Prince Alexander Costa was of Spanish descent and the place had a lot of history and charms. He smiled slightly as he thought about the charming horse drawn carriages where tourists could get to see the sights and the tours of the palace. It was only since recently when Alexander had married Debbie that tourists had been allowed somewhat free access to the enchanting town and over the years the couple had turned what had been an antiquated place into one of thriving business that still maintained the old world charms. Costa Land produced some of the best wines in the world and brought in a tremendous amount of capital. The idea was certainly growing on him!


  “Should you be here?” Robert Buckner looked at his daughter curiously as she sat on the chair next to his desk. She had been back almost three weeks and this was the first time she had been back to the team’s headquarters. She had greeted the players out on the court and they had shouted congratulations to her before she came into the area she had worked previously. “You mean considering the fact that I am an invalid?” she asked him dryly as she studied the file in front of him. “That’s a fracture?”

  Robert nodded. “It means that I am going to have to tell Andre that he will not be able to play on Saturday. He is going to be sorely disappointed.”

  “It’s for the best. If he plays on Saturday it could mean permanent damage and I am sure he would not want that,” she pointed out.

  “You are right of course.” Her father made a notation on the file before looking at her. “You look a lot better now.”

  “I feel a lot better, but Jerrold still watches me like a hawk. It took a lot of arguments for him to let me out of the apartment and he only agreed when I said that I am not going to lift a finger. He is wearing on my nerves.”

  “He loves you and wants to take care of you,” her father pointed out.

  “And it does not matter to him that I have been taking care of myself before I met him,” she said wryly.

  “I love seeing you this way.”

  “What way?”

  “Not shackled by the past and bound by what happened to you during that time.” He reached out a hand to take hers. “That man has done you a world of good.”

  “I know,” Noelle agreed. “That’s why I let him get away with the incessant coddling.”


  Noelle gripped Jerrold’s hand as they made their way through customs to collect their bags. A week ago when he had suggested that they should go and spend some time in Costa Land, she had been hesitant even though she had spent the time looking at the colorful images of the beautiful town that was home to over thirty thousand people and was dated back to the middle ages. She had reminded him that she was probably not fit to travel, but he had solved that problem by consulting with their doctor who cleared her to go.

  Now walking through the small airport by America’s standard and seeing the olive skin colors of the native who worked there mingling with the tourists from all over the world, she could not help but feel a sense of excitement! And to top it all off, she was feeling very good without only a slight queasiness to her stomach. Jerrold had told her that they would be staying for several months and she had looked at him in surprise. “Are you sure we will not overstay our welcome?”

  “Positive,” he had told her with a grin.

  “Ah, here is our transportation.” He gestured to a long black town car where a chauffeur complete with uniform sprang to attention the minute he saw them. He doffed his cap at them and said something in Spanish that Jerrold seemed to understand before getting their bags and opening the door for them to get in. “Alexander and Debbie were not able to get away to meet us. But they are waiting for us at the palace.” Jerrold took her hand in his as they pulled away from the curb. The driver had put up the glass partition to afford them privacy. “You are going to love it here.”

  “I already do,” she murmured as she looked out the window at the passing scenery. Costa Land was on a rising slope with breathtaking views of blue topped mountains and flowers blooming everywhere. They passed through a quaint town with store fronts (no malls to spoil the terrain!) and picturesque cottages painted in pastel colors and reminded Noelle of a fairy tale place with white picket fences. A gentle breeze fanned the clothes pinned on lines and even though it was a work day, there were many locals strolling along the streets as well as women standing at fences having conversations. A woman with a baby propped onto her hip had a toddler in her other hand as she made her way across the street. There was a gentle air of serenity that was apparent even from the interior of the vehicle. The scenery changed somewhat and the driver turned off from the main road onto an area dotted with lush trees and blazing with a myriad amount of flowers. A private park complete with rides and swings came into view before they passed by. Noelle’s eyes were trained on the sprawling palace that was on top of a plateau with the rolling grounds spread out in all its beauty around the red tinted brick exterior. Streams ran from both sides of the building where an old abandoned-looking moat was to the far end of the palace. Tall wrought iron gates swung open to admit them and they could see horses gently grazing at the far end of the east fencing. The driver brought the car to a stop and sprang out to open the door while a man dressed in black suit hurried out to greet them. “Mr. Jerrold,” he beamed, his hand outstretched in friendly welcome. “It’s so good to have you here again.”

  “Thank you, Marcos.” He shook the man’s hand and turned to introduce Noelle. “This is my fiancée, Noelle Buckner. Darling, this is Prince Alexander’s trusted assistant, Marcos Vega. “

  “Please, call me Marcos.” He gripped Noelle’s hand and gave a slight bow before letting go. “Right this way, the prince and princess are waiting for you in the throne room. They had several meetings with some of the locals that they could not get out of.” The man hurried forward and without glancing at the guards positioned at the huge red doors he walked into the cool interior of what looked like a living room but only much bigger. Noelle had impressions of glittering chandeliers hanging from soaring ceilings, tapestry decorating the muted walls, and life-sized portraits of several members of royalty. Noelle felt her stomach clench with nervousness as they made their way through another smaller room with transparent ceiling that let the light of the brilliant afternoon sun in and into an impressive room with a thick red carpet and minimum amount of furnishings that brought attention to the four thrones like chairs reposing on a raised dais. It reminded her of the movies she had watched on television depicting the Elizabethan era and could not believe that she was actually going to be meeting a real live prince and princess! She faltered a little as a tall and darkly handsome man in full red and blue regalia, complete with a crown on his jet black hair, took the hand of
the slender and elegantly beautiful African American woman and made their way towards them. “Thanks, Marcos,” the tall, dark man said to his assistant without a trace of accent and with a bow the man left them alone.

  Noelle had no idea if she was supposed to curtsey and as she was wondering what to do, the man strode forward and enveloped Jerrold in what could only be descried in a bear hug! Princess Debbie moved forward and pulling Noelle into her arms transferred her signature scent as she did the same to her. “Welcome, my dear. I am so happy you are here.”

  Introductions were made and Noelle forced herself not to shift beneath Prince Alexander’s intense dark gaze before he hugged her briefly.

  “Excuse the formal attire, but we had something to deal with. Shall we?” The prince gestured towards the opening opposite them and led the way into a small comfortable dining room where a meal was already waiting for them. “We were not sure what you can eat so we asked the chef to stick to the basics,” Debbie told her with a kind smile as she indicated for the maids to start serving the meal. “Paella is quite popular here and very tasty, you are going to love it.”

  To her surprise, she did love it and found herself asking for seconds. “Manuel, our chef, only uses herbs planted in our gardens and nothing else. He makes his own sauces and if we are not careful we cannot keep the weight off,” Debbie said with a low laugh.

  “My wife has this exercise regime that she insists on roping me and our children in doing. She even got Father and Mother to join in,” Prince Alexander said as he stared at his wife adoringly.

  “Alex protests, but he enjoys it immensely.”

  “Where are the children?” Jerrold asked them.


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