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Lover Page 4

by Penelope Sky

  I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, maybe a couple weeks. I’d been unconscious most of the time, so I really had no idea. Damien told me how hurt Sofia was when I refused to see her, but she didn’t understand that I was doing her a favor.

  It would kill her to see me like this.

  “How are you doin’, man?” Damien’s voice came from beside me.

  I turned my head toward him. “I’m on morphine, so pretty damn well.”

  He pulled the chair closer to the bedside and rested his arms on the rail. “I talked to the doctors. They relieved the pressure in your skull so the swelling could go down. They repaired your punctured spleen, and they fixed the fracture in your leg. You’ve got a couple bone bruises, but those will heal.”

  “I hate to imagine what I look like right now.”

  “Yeah…you look like shit.”

  I smiled slightly, because the drugs took the edge off. “Fuck you, asshole.”

  Damien rested his hand on my arm and gave me a slight pat. “I can tell you’re doing better.”

  “That’s the morphine talking.”

  “You’ve been on it for a couple weeks now, and you were never in this good of a mood.”

  I couldn’t even remember the last few weeks. “How long have I been in here?”

  “Over two weeks.”

  “How’s Sofia?”

  “Eager to see you.”

  I faced forward so I wouldn’t have to meet his look.

  “Ash is staying with her.”

  “He is?” I asked, slightly surprised. “I’m out of the picture, and he tries to steal my woman?”

  He chuckled. “I don’t think anyone could steal her from you.”

  “It was nice of him to keep an eye on her.”

  “Yeah. He seems pretty fond of Sofia. And he must be fond of you too.”

  “I’m surprised he’s taken so much time off of work.”

  He shrugged. “You’re more important, I guess.”

  “The doctors say when I can get out of here?”

  “In another week or so.”

  What kind of shape would I be in when I walked out of here? Would I be able to walk? Would I be able to take care of myself? I hadn’t actually seen myself in the mirror, so I had no idea what I looked like.

  “I know it’s not my place, but I think you should let Sofia come down here.”

  “You just said I look like shit.”

  “I know, but she’s your wife. You need her, and honestly, she needs you too.”

  After everything she’d been through, she was probably disturbed, broken. I was the only person who could be there for her. I didn’t want to hear the details of her suffering, but it was my job to put her back together. “I’m not sure if I can handle it…”

  Damien bowed his head. “I can’t even imagine.”

  Maybe that was the real reason I didn’t want to see her. My physical injuries would heal, but her emotional scars would haunt us both for life. Every time I thought about it, I was riddled with guilt. I should’ve done something sooner; I should’ve protected my wife. I didn’t have the balls to look her in the eye, not when I felt so worthless.

  “But you should be together.”

  I missed her, I missed holding her hand, I missed looking at her beautiful face.

  “Can I go ahead and call her?”

  “I don’t want her to see me like this.”

  “I’m sure she feels the same way.” He pulled out his phone from his pocket. “But you’re husband and wife… You belong together.”

  I sat up in bed and waited for her to walk inside. My heart was pounding like a drum, and my stomach was tight with unease. I was nervous—nervous I would look at her and burst into tears.

  What if she didn’t want me anymore?

  What if we couldn’t get past this?

  What if she blamed me for what happened to her?

  I was so afraid of losing her that I didn’t know what to do.

  She stepped inside my hospital room wearing a purple top and dark black jeans. She stilled when she spotted me in the bed, her eyes immediately filling with tears. It took her a second to process my condition, to overcome the shock of my appearance, but when she did, she came to my side.

  She set her purse down then pulled her chair closer to the bedside.

  When I looked at her face, I saw the same woman that I loved, the same beautiful and fiery woman I wanted to keep for the rest of my life. I didn’t see Maddox in her gaze; I didn’t see the things he’d done. My feelings for her were exactly the same.

  The longer she stared at me, the more her eyes began to fill. “Oh my god…” Her hands reached for one of mine, and she squeezed it with both of hers. She took a deep breath to control her tears, but a few escaped anyway.

  “I’m okay, baby.”

  She sniffled and more tears fell.

  “We’re going to be okay.”

  “You shouldn’t have done this for me…”

  I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. “I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

  “We’re gonna kill him,” she whispered. “We’re gonna burn him alive.”

  I loved seeing the fire in her eyes, that ferocity that made me fall in love with her in the first place. She had the same spirit, the same strength I found so endearing. “I know we will.” I didn’t feel the resentment in her gaze; I didn’t feel the accusation or the blame. She looked at me just the way she used to…like nothing had changed at all.

  She drew back her hand and opened her purse. She pulled out the black wedding ring I hadn’t taken off since the day I became her husband. She grabbed my left hand and slid it back where it belonged. “Don’t take this off again, okay?”

  I squeezed her hand as the tears welled in my eyes. “Never.”



  I stayed at his bedside day and night.

  Most of the time, he wasn’t awake. The drugs made him drift off to sleep, which was a good thing because he needed to rest. I sat by his side, putting new flowers in the room and helping him eat his meals. I didn’t look at him differently in his weakened state.

  And he didn’t look at me differently either.

  After a week had come and gone, the doctors said he could leave soon.

  “You must be excited to go home.” When I sat at his bedside, I always held his hand. Our fingers were locked together like a couple madly in love.

  “I’m just excited to get out of bed.”

  “Well, don’t expect to start running around again. You’re going to be in bed at home too.”

  He rolled his eyes playfully. “Okay, nurse.”

  “I’m not a nurse. I’m your wife.”

  He squeezed my hand gently. “That’s a lot sexier anyway.”

  I continued to hold his hand and stare at his face. His once perfect features were marred by bruises and discoloration. He’d had a skull fracture that needed to be repaired, so they’d had to shave his head. His hair had never been long, but he looked different with the shorter strands. Staying in bed caused him to get smaller because he wasn’t working out anymore, so his body was slowly changing.

  But he was my husband all the same.

  Ash stepped inside the hospital room. “Smells like a funeral in here.” He approached the bedside wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt and black jeans. With his hands in his pockets, he approached the bed and looked down at his brother. “I’m looking for Hades Lombardi… I must be in the wrong room.”

  Hades gave him a cold look. “Shut the hell up, asshole.”

  “Oh wait, that is you!” he said with a slight laugh. “You sound like a whiny bitch, just like my little brother.”

  This time, Hades couldn’t slow the smile that slid across his lips.

  Ash’s smile faded away as he looked at his brother seriously. “You look like you’re in good shape.”

  “It could be worse,” Hades said. “But thanks for visiting on my last day here. That was conve

  “You have a wife for that,” Ash said. “I know you didn’t want to see my ugly face.”

  “You’re right,” Hades said. “You do have an ugly face.”

  Ash turned to me next. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  “I’m just happy he’s okay.” I brought his hand to my lips and rested it there.

  Ash stared at me for a moment before he turned back to his brother. “So, you’re going to be home tomorrow?”

  “That’s the plan,” Hades answered.

  “Does that mean I should move out? It’s nice getting free meals from Helena and pleasant conversations with your mother-in-law.” Ash stared down at his brother, slight playfulness in his eyes.

  “No, you should stick around.” Hades squeezed my hand. “Thanks for taking care of my wife while I’ve been out of commission.”

  “Oh, I’ve been taking care of her.” Ash winked.

  “I can get out of this bed and kick your ass,” Hades threatened.

  “Maybe if I let you,” Ash said with a laugh.

  Now that Ash had dropped their feud, I realized how lighthearted they could be. They were like any other brothers who teased each other all the time. It was nice to make a few jokes when things were so somber.

  Ash turned serious. “Is there anything I can get you? Anything I can do?”

  “No, man,” Hades said. “You’ve done enough.”

  “Alright. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Ash reached down and shook his brother’s hand. “Only a real badass could’ve survived something like that. Hades, you’re definitely a badass.”

  After being discharged by the doctor, Hades was free to go.

  We gathered his medications, and instead of taking a wheelchair, he insisted on walking out on his own two feet. He disregarded the pain because he was so damn stubborn. He’d rather prove that nothing had changed even though he’d survived a traumatic experience.

  Instead of nagging at him, I let him do whatever he wanted.

  We returned to the house, and the stairs really slowed him down. He gripped the rail as he ascended to the second floor. Taking his time, he moved like a snail, and when he reached the top, he looked winded.

  I wanted to help him, but he was too large for me to assist. “Stay here for a second.”

  He was clearly in pain because all he did was give a slight nod.

  I went up to the third floor and knocked on Ash’s door.

  He opened it, wearing jeans and a t-shirt like he was about to go out. “Is the asshole home yet?”

  “He’s on the second floor… He’s having a hard time.”

  Ash narrowed his eyes slightly, understanding my unspoken words immediately. He shut the door behind him and headed down the stairs to the second floor.

  Hades stood there, still tall and proud. No injury would make him weak. Maybe he was stubborn…or maybe he just had too much pride.

  When Ash reached the bottom of the stairs, he didn’t make a smartass comment or put down his brother in any way. He grabbed his arm and threw it over his shoulder. “Let me give you a lift.”

  When Hades didn’t reject the offer, it was clear he really needed help.

  Together, the men made it to the third floor, and Ash escorted his brother into our bedroom.

  When Hades was inside, he kicked off his shoes and took a seat in the armchair. He breathed slightly heavily, swallowing the exertion. He rubbed his hands together and bowed his head, as if to hide his visage.

  I turned to Ash. “Thanks for the help.”

  “I’m always here.” He didn’t make any jokes like he normally would have. He turned away to give his brother privacy.

  I shut the door and turned back to Hades. I watched him continue to sit there, his head bent toward the floor. He rubbed one knuckle absentmindedly, as if he was thinking about something else. The bedroom was clean, with fresh sheets and new flowers, something to make him feel at home. “Must be nice to be back, huh?”

  He nodded slightly before he rose to his feet. He moved much slower than before, as if all of his muscles resisted the command. Once he was standing straight, he inhaled a deep breath. He struggled to pull off his shirt. When it was over his head, he tossed it aside. Thick gauze was wrapped around his torso to protect his ribs, and he still had swelling and discoloration all over his skin. He looked so much better now than he had before, but he still looked beaten.

  I came to him and helped him with his jeans. I got his boxers off too, assuming he would want to take a shower now that he was home from the hospital.

  I was surprised he allowed me to help.

  Wordlessly, he slowly made his way into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He left the door cracked behind him.

  I listened to the water fall for a few moments, wondering if he wanted to be alone. But I knew he’d been alone for weeks now, suffering in silence because he refused to let his guard down. Even if he wanted to be strong for me, he shouldn’t have to be. I was his wife. I should be at his side…wherever he went.

  I shed my clothes and then joined him in the shower. I came up from behind and noticed the way he stood idly under the warm water. With his eyes closed and droplets of water dripping down the bridge of his nose and his hard chest, his mind seemed to be far away.

  When I shut the shower door, he tensed at the audible click.

  I moved toward him and gently rested my forehead between his shoulder blades. My arms circled around his hips so I could avoid his sensitive ribs. He blocked all the water, so I was cold, but I was happy just to be there. Happy we were both there.

  Hades stood still for a long time and didn’t reciprocate my affection. We’d had a tender moment together in the hospital, but now, he was cold, like he wanted to be alone. He was probably just in a lot of pain, but sometimes I feared he felt differently toward me altogether.

  Hades slowly turned around then pulled me under the water with him. His brown eyes weren’t as territorial as they used to be, but deep affection still burned in his gaze. His hands tightened on my lower back, and he pulled me closer to him. Once my forehead was against his chest, he rested his chin on top of my head.

  Together, we stood under the water…silent.

  We’d both suffered immense tragedies, the kind of agony neither one of us could comprehend, but we comforted each other the only way we knew how. We were still a team; we were still partners.

  We were in this together.

  For the first week, Hades didn’t get much sleep.

  When his pain meds wore off, he lay there in the dark, staring at the ceiling.

  Somehow, I always knew when he was awake. The sound of his breathing was different, and it registered in my subconscious brain. During those moments, I would turn toward him and stay awake just so he wouldn’t feel alone.

  We hadn’t talked about what happened yet…and it seemed like we never would.

  During the day, he stayed in bed. Sometimes, he worked on his laptop or talked on the phone. He would have his morning coffee, but he wouldn’t eat much as he was concerned about gaining weight with his newly sedentary lifestyle—even though it should be his last priority right now.

  I stayed home with him, working on my laptop whenever he did and doing my best to be good company without smothering him. At night, we watched movies, switching back and forth between the chick flicks I liked and the mafia movies he liked.

  He improved slowly—really slowly.

  I was sitting at the table reading an email on my laptop when Hades spoke to me.

  “You should go back to work.” He sat up in bed, his back resting against a pile of pillows. He was shirtless, his flawless musculature still powerful under the scars. He’d stopped shaving, but the shadow looked good on his handsome face. He was moody every day, managing his pain in silence. He didn’t talk much…not that he had before.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Because you’ve been absent from work a long time. I’m sure you’re eager to get back

  I had to stop myself from tilting my head because his statement was ridiculous. “I don’t want to go anywhere, Hades. I want to stay here—with you.”

  He continued to hold my gaze with a stoic expression, but there was a hint of emotion in his eyes. He flicked his eyes away and stared out the patio doors. “There’s nothing you can do for me. I have Helena.”

  “But I’m your wife. It’s my job to take care of you—and I want to.”

  He kept his gaze out the glass doors. It was unclear if he was touched by that statement or not. He probably felt uncomfortable accepting my support, when he shouldn’t.

  “Besides…I don’t want to put myself out there anyway.” I never went into detail about my captivity, not just to protect him, but because I didn’t want to relive the experience by discussing it. I’d rather just pretend it never happened.

  His eyes returned to mine, his expression still hard. “He won’t bother you…if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

  I’d always be afraid of it. “What makes you so sure?”

  “Because I paid for your freedom. The transaction is complete.” His eyes fell, like he was reliving the moment when he took my place.

  If he said that was true, then it probably was. But my place was still next to him. “I’m going to be by your side until you get through this.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’m fine. Really.” Considering the significant trauma he’d experienced, it was a miracle he was in such good shape. Maybe because he was so strong before the incident, he was able to get by relatively unscathed. “There’s nothing you can do for me. And please don’t pity me.”

  “I don’t.” My eyes narrowed. “How can I pity the strongest man I know?”

  He wouldn’t look at me.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door.

  I opened it and came face-to-face with Damien. Instead of talking across the threshold, I stepped into the hallway and shut the door behind me. “He’s getting there… It’s gonna take some time.”

  With his chin tilted toward the floor and his hands in his front pockets, he looked like a guilty dog that had destroyed the house before his owner returned. “Can I see him? Maybe we could have dinner tonight?”


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