London Soul (London Royal Duet Book 2)

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London Soul (London Royal Duet Book 2) Page 18

by Nana Malone

  Snowflakes clung to his hair and his lashes and the tip of his nose. He looped his arms around my waist before pulling me in for a kiss. With his lips and tongue, he coaxed his way into my mouth, sliding his tongue against mine. He drugged me with his kiss, so my brain didn’t have a hope of functioning properly. When he pulled back, his eyes were stormy with desire. “So, what is this good news you have to share?”

  “Xander just offered me a position as his assistant.”

  Alexi grinned then squeezed me so hard I could hardly breathe.

  “From the joyful expression on your face, I assume you said yes.”

  “You know, I never would have been able to do this without you.” Unease tripped up my spine. Had he stepped in as my white knight even after I told him not to? “Wait, was this all your doing?”

  He shook his head. “Xander came to me and asked my permission. He wanted to make sure I’d be okay with the two of you working together, but it was all him. This time I get to just be the happy boyfriend.”

  “I have never been so happy in my life, Alexi.”

  “Well, good thing for you, I only plan on building on this happy buzz you have going.”

  I laughed as he nuzzled my throat. “And just what are these plans of yours?”

  “How about we start with us loving each other?”

  I grinned up at him. “Done.”



  Present Day

  We were ushered from the gallery quickly. Matthias and his fiancée wasted no time. Without preamble, Xander, myself, and Abbie were shoved into the waiting limousine.

  I let Abbie go in first, and then my brother. Mathias went for the SUV on the street. Blake Security was already on the case. They knew how volatile this situation could get, and they were ready. Once we had a security firm on retainer in London, they’d pull out.

  When I climbed in and the door closed, we pulled away from the curb. Xander ran both hands down his face. "Right. So, this is the new normal?"

  My mother nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, both of you. But right now it's the safest thing. Until someone new is coronated with a clear successor, there will be those who might come for us in an attempt to gain the throne."

  "Mother, I think they've already accomplished that. They're already coming for us," Xander muttered.

  She shook her head. "I had hoped that Jean Claude was wrong, that none of this would ever come to fruition. But now that the day is here, I can't say that I'm going to turn it away."

  I frowned. “Still feels too soon to mention that nutter’s name.”

  She flushed and sent a soft smile Abbie’s way. “I’m sorry to bring up painful memories. Just know that I don’t wish he was back at all.”

  Abbie shook her head. “Forget it. Alexi is being too sensitive. I mean honestly. No one has tried to kill me in at least five years. You think he’d let it go already.”

  Even Abbie’s humor couldn’t lift my mood. I watched my mother. What did she want? How did she see this going forward? There was tension around her mouth and in her gaze. "Mum, what do you want us to do?"

  "Well, I certainly don't want anyone to be in danger."

  Xander chuckled darkly. "Well, it's a little too late for that. Can we just get back to the house so I can make sure Imani is okay?"

  Xander’s wife, Imani, was pregnant and sicker than a dog with morning sickness, so she'd opted not to come to the gallery opening.

  When we reached my mother's house, there was already security in place. Blake Security was present as we all flowed into the living room.

  Imani sat up and turned off Netflix. "Why is everyone home so early? Did you sell every piece?"

  Abbie gave her a soft smile. "Um, I'm not sure."

  Imani frowned. "What? Xander, what's going on?"

  His gaze skittered to me and then to my mother. "Sweetheart, are you feeling all right?"

  "Stop. Right now, I feel fine, but I would kill for a scone. Tell me what's going on."

  He went and joined her on the couch and wrapped an arm around her. "Listen, something has happened. Mum’s cousin, the King of Nomea, has been assassinated."

  Imani’s eyes went wide. “Shit,” But one of the reasons she was so good for my brother was that she was steady, with both feet set firmly on the ground. She just got on with it. “What do we need to do?”

  My mother sighed. "We have to make some decisions boys."

  I took Abbie's hand and dragged her to my side. "Mum, we can't make any decisions right now. Can we? I mean, it all boils down to what you want to do."

  "And that's the thing. I never asked for this, darling. But if it's mine by right, I think I should take it."

  Xander, ever self-interested, asked the question I didn't want to. "So, what does that mean for us?"

  "Well, officially, if I take the throne, you'll be princes of Nomea."

  I sighed and cast my glance down to Abbie. When she spoke, her voice was soft. "What do you want, Alexi?"

  "What I want is for nothing to change for us. You've already been through too much. Everything we went through to be together, and then Jean Claude trying to kill you for this very thing. This throne."

  She cast her gaze down. "He was sick, obviously."

  "Yeah, he was. But there will be a million more just like him. I'm not subjecting you to that."

  She shrugged. "It's your birthright, Alexi. I would never ask you to turn that down or stop it. If it's important to you, stand by it."

  My mother nodded. "Alexi, no matter what, you'll be a prince. But Jean Claude and other advisers have always suggested that you make the best choice as successor. I've always said I wouldn't choose. And Xander, you have always been who you wanted to be. I don’t want to take that away. So, both of you, tell me what you need."

  I knew what my brother wanted, and it wasn't the throne. Early on, he'd shunned everything he could from both of our parents. He didn’t go into business like my dad, and he didn't listen to any of the royal nonsense Jean Claude had tried to hammer down our throats. All he wanted to do was to be a photographer.

  Xander's gaze swung to mine. "Alexi, let's face it, little brother. While you are the better choice, I know that you don't want this."

  The relief washed through me. "No, I don't. After what happened last time with Abbie, I couldn't deal with the possibility again."

  "Oh, why don't you let me decide what I can deal with?" Abbie said.

  I kissed her on the forehead. "Look, I know you can handle it, but I don't want to be king. I don't want that power and responsibility. It's not really for me. I don't want to rule. I also know that I failed to protect you once. The way they're going to rake you over the coals, I'm not doing it."

  "The only reason people have raked me over the coals was because of the whole Gemma situation. Things are different now."

  "Yes, you're my wife. But still, the public gets less than noble when they're faced with someone different. What the press would say about you… I would kill them. And I don't want the throne. I just want you. That's all I ever wanted."

  Her dark gaze met mine. "If that's what you say, well then, fair enough. I stand behind you one hundred percent. But if you do want this, say so." She glanced at Xander too. "The same goes for you. Neither one of you needs to fall on the sword. Imani and I are strong enough to handle whatever you want."

  Xander stood. "In that case it's settled. Alexi, you're going to be a prince for the rest of your life. I'll step in. Mum, I'll do it."

  Imani’s brows popped. "You will?"

  I echoed her sentiment. "Xan, are you sure?"

  He nodded. "Yeah. Absolutely."

  I studied him. Our whole lives, he'd wanted freedom. He had escaped to the place that he felt safest. Behind the camera. But suddenly, he was volunteering to be in the public eye?

  My mum nodded. "Well, it looks like I'm going to be queen."

  "It certainly does look that way, doesn't it?" I muttered.

  Later that ni
ght, while a whole team of advisers hunkered down in my mother's office, trying to identify the best course of action for a coronation and all the pomp and circumstance that went with it, I found my brother in the study. "What happened to Imani?"

  "Apparently, my baby is draining her. She's exhausted. She went to bed. You know, with a cookie in her hand." He did an imitation of my sister-in-law double fisting cookies and wiping crumbs off her chest. It was spot on. It seemed my soon-to-be niece had a sweet tooth.

  I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I mean, she's growing a human."

  "Yeah, but I just happen to know that cookie is going to make her violently ill come the morning."

  "Yeah, there's that."

  He frowned. "Where's your better half?"

  "She got her camera. She's photographing the pow wow in the study. The making of a queen."

  Xander chuckled. "Yeah, she was my student, after all."

  "Any opportunity to take a photo."

  He studied me. "Are you sure you're okay stepping down?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, mate. I don't want this. Ruling, it's going to be awful. Which makes me wonder why you want it."

  He frowned. "What do you mean? I get to be a prince and one day a king. What’s not to love?"

  I studied him. "You love Imani. You don't want that for her."

  "I love you too. And I don't want this for you."

  I knew he was doing this to take care of me. "Xan, I can take care of myself."

  "I know. But maybe it's time for me to step up. I could do a lot of good."

  "You could. But I've never known you as someone who craves power."

  "I don't. I just know that this is what mum wants. And this is something you don't want. So, for once, I’m stepping up. And you still get to be a prince. I promise, if mum ever steps down and I become king, I’ll be just."

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Something tells me that term is going to be all in your head."

  He grinned. "Who, me? Never."


  I had bloody lost it.

  I knew the moment the words were out of my mouth.

  I was going to be my mother's successor. I was clearly mad.

  So why did you do it?

  Because I knew that Alexi couldn't. My brother had already carried too much. Held on to too much. Worried about too much. So it was time for me to be a big brother for once. Our relationship had always been flipped for some reason, now was my chance to even the score. I knew he was the preferred prince. But still, I could at least offer something.

  Imani leaned over in the seat, her hand on my thigh. "Penny for your thoughts?"

  I couldn't help it; I was always cheeky. "Why don't you slide your hand up and you'll get more than a penny."

  She did and paused just before she hit pay dirt. "Talk first, sex later, remember?"

  I couldn't help but smile. "Hey, I think you have that reversed."

  "No, you've been quiet since yesterday."

  "Look, I don't want you to worry about that. I've got it under control."

  "I know you do. But still, you volunteering, falling on the sword like that? What's going on?"

  I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it. I made a right turn, going as slow as I could possibly manage in the car. It was a Pagani Huayra. It was a super car, but I had precious cargo on board.

  She rolled her eyes. "First of all, Xander, drive like a normal person, okay? It annoys me when you drive slow. I might as well take the tube."

  "Um, hello, my wife is carrying a princess of Nomea in that sizeable belly."

  She slid me a narrow-eyed glare. "It's ridiculous in this expensive sports car. Either drive it how it's meant to be driven or don't bother."

  I coughed. "Gosh, when did you get so bossy?"

  "I think the phrase you're looking for is assertive. And don't deflect. Are you really okay with this?"

  I nodded my head. I didn't really have a choice. "Of course, I'm okay with this. This is what I want. And I know we probably should have talked about it first, but things were moving a little quickly."

  Her hazel eyes narrowed at me. "That’s not what I'm worried about, Xander. I just know that this would be stressful for you. And I'm wondering what you're going through."

  "I'm not going through anything. All I want is for you and tiny blueberry in there to be safe and happy. And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that happens."

  "I know that." She took my hand and placed it on her belly. "And I'm trying to make sure that you're mentally safe and happy. So talk to me."

  I knew her. She wasn't going to let this go. "I knew Alexi couldn't do it. And Abbie couldn't go through that scrutiny again."

  Instead of being annoyed or hurt, or being angry, she gave me a soft smile. "And you're protecting Abbie?"

  "I don't know. Maybe. They're my family. Why shouldn’t I protect them just like I'll protect you?"

  "Oh sweetheart, when are you going to learn? You, Xander Chase, the man, are all I need. You are all blueberry needs. Maybe you don't make choices about the future unless you really want to make those choices. I just want to make sure that you stay nice and centered."

  "I am. This could be good for you. Your career, your sister, everything. I know what I'm doing."

  She studied me. "Whatever you want to do, I'm behind you. Until I get too fat to really pull that off, and then you'll have to stand behind me. But you get the idea."

  I smiled at her. At the light, I leaned over and gave her a kiss. "I love you."

  She smiled. "I know."

  The light turned yellow then green and I eased forward. Up ahead, I saw two children playing with a ball and I knew how it was going to go. I deliberately kept my speed slow as I rolled past the intersection because sure enough, out came the ball and the younger of the two boys that were playing ran out without any kind of thought.

  He skidded to a stop about five feet in front of me. And then he held up a hand in thanks as he gave me a bucktooth grin. All I could do was shake my head as he ran off to join his friend.

  One day soon, I was going to have a child. One that I would protect with my life. And saying yes to being a prince would give me everything I needed to make that happen. I'd be able to protect my child in all the ways that I’d wanted to be protected.

  It was the sole reason I'd said yes.

  Imani thought it was about Alexi or even Abbie, but really, it was all about her and our child. I would do anything for them. Even if it meant—

  The only warning before the glass shattered on Imani’s side of the car was the hair on my arm standing at attention. Before I knew what was happening, pieces of glass cut the side of my face. Imani’s long hair whipped about, and then she screamed.

  That scream pierced my soul. There was another crack. More screams. People on the street were running. Even as I swerved the car to a stop, another crack rang out, and the windshield shattered into a million little pieces.

  I threw my body over Imani. "Are you okay? Baby, are you all right?"

  She didn't answer. I glanced down at her, and that's when I saw the blood. Too much blood, not cuts and scrapes like I could feel on my face, but all over her chest. Someone had shot my wife. All I could do was scream as the cold numbness seeped into my bones.

  Someone had shot my wife, and I was going to kill them.

  Find out what happens to Xander in Royal Playboy…

  Thank you for reading LONDON SOUL! I hope you enjoyed the London Royal Duet. Now find out if Xander’s wife and child survive the royal assassination attempt.

  Do you like your playboys, alpha, possessive and broken inside? Meet Xander Chase.

  Before her, pussy came easy.

  For the first time in my life, I’ve met a woman who wants nothing to do with me. But I need her to claim vengeance. I’ll do what I have to to possess her.

  Order Royal Playboy now so you don’t miss it!

  And you can read Zia and Theo’s story in Bodyguard to the Billionaire right
now! Three words, Royal, Billionaire, Twins! A bodyguard who knows how to handle her weapons and Royal intrigue that will have you wondering who the killer is! Find out what happens when a filthy, rich billionaire hires a body double, but the simple plan goes awry. One-click Bodyguard to the Billionaire now!

  "... Sinfully sexy. ...A nail-chewing heart-pumping suspense. It was a complete entertainment package." --PP's Bookshelf Blog

  Meet a cocky, billionaire prince that goes undercover in Cheeky Royal! He’s a prince with a secret to protect. The last distraction he can afford is his gorgeous as sin new neighbor. His secrets could get them killed, but still, he can’t stay away…

  Read Cheeky Royal for FREE now!

  Turn the page for an excerpt from Cheeky Royal…


  London Soul

  Royal Playboy

  Playboy’s Heart

  Big Ben

  The Benefactor

  For Her Benefit

  Also from Nana Malone

  Cheeky Royall

  “You make a really good model. I’m sure dozens of artists have volunteered to paint you before.”

  He shook his head. “Not that I can recall. Why? Are you offering?”

  I grinned. “I usually do nudes.” Why did I say that? It wasn’t true. Because you’re hoping he’ll volunteer as tribute.

  He shrugged then reached behind his back and pulled his shirt up, tugged it free, and tossed it aside. “How is this for nude?”

  Fuck. Me. I stared for a moment, mouth open and looking like an idiot. Then, well, I snapped a picture. Okay fine, I snapped several. “Uh, that’s a start.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and tussled it, so I snapped several of that. These were romance-cover gold. Getting into it, he started posing for me, making silly faces. I got closer to him, snapping more close-ups of his face. That incredible face.


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