Deal Takers

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Deal Takers Page 2

by Laura Lee

  I ignore Mr. Harris’s question, grab another sheet from the cabinet, and pass it to him. “Here, you might want this so you don’t get a chill while you wait.”

  He lays the cotton over his lap. “Thanks.”

  I roll the tray closer to his bed and uncap the needle once I find a viable vein. “This will pinch just a little.”

  “Son of a bitch!” he shouts.

  He jerks his arm with enough force to pull away from me as the blood begins flowing down the tube. “Mr. Harris, I need you to remain still, so I can get your blood sample.”

  He looks down at his forearm. “Oh shit, I wasn’t supposed to see that.”

  “See what?” I inquire as I switch vacutainer tubes.

  “The b-blood. I don’t do so well with blood.”

  “Hold tight, Mr. Harris. I’m almost done.”

  His big body begins to sway. “Oh man, I don’t feel so good.”

  I look up and watch the color drain from his face. I quickly cap the vial, remove the needle from his arm, and tape a cotton ball over the puncture site. Thankfully, I get a lot of practice with blood draws in L&D so I’m really fast. I lift the guard rails right as his head hits the pillow and his eyes roll back.

  I grab a washcloth from the cabinet and run it under cool water before placing it on his forehead. He jolts awake and tries sitting up the moment his eyes open.

  I press my palm against his chest, trying to ignore how chiseled his pecs are, and encourage him to lay back. “Easy there, big guy. You just fainted while I was drawing your blood. Give it a few minutes before you try jumping out of bed.”

  “I don’t faint,” he scoffs. “I must have been taking a quick nap.”

  “Really?” I challenge. “I didn’t see any notes about narcolepsy in your chart. Should I look into that?”

  Mr. Harris glares at me and mutters, “Fucking needles.”

  I suppress a smile as I transfer the patient labels to each tube before placing them back in my phlebotomy kit. “I’m going to send these in and ask for a rush on the results. You just lie back and rest for a while. Whatever you do, do not get out of bed without someone to assist.” I pull the call button closer to his hand. “If you need anything, press this button.”

  Chapter Three


  It’s been a half hour since the hot nurse left and Thor has yet to calm down. Yeah, you heard me right; I named my dick Thor. Actually, my high school girlfriend was the one who bestowed the honor, but I think her reasoning is self-explanatory. You’d think the needle talk would scare him back to Asgard but sadly, Thor is no pussy. Pun intended.

  “Knock, knock.” The raspy, yet feminine voice precedes the tap on the glass door. Thor jumps at the sound, knowing who it belongs to.

  “Come in,” I say.

  Nurse Rainey slides the privacy curtain over as she enters the room. “I have good news, Mr. Harris.”

  “Brody,” I correct.

  “Brody,” she repeats with a smile. My God, she’s fucking beautiful when she does that.

  “So...did my results come back?”

  “They did,” she nods. “And they confirmed Dr. Walker’s suspicion that we’re dealing with a case of low-dose priapism. In other words, no penis needle for you.”

  “Thank God,” I groan. “Thor is very happy to hear that.”

  “Thor?” She has the cutest little crinkle between her eyebrows.

  “Uh...yeah, you know, Thor is known for his big hammer,” I nod toward my lap, waiting for her to connect the dots. I know the moment it clicks because her freckled cheeks turn an adorable shade of dark pink.

  “Wow,” she laughs, “I think it’s probably best if I pretend I didn’t hear that.”

  I shrug. “If it makes it easier for you to resist my charms.”

  She rolls her eyes with another laugh. “Someone is in a much better mood now that the threat to his manhood has been immobilized.”

  “You can say that again.”

  She steps closer with a little plastic cup holding two red pills in one hand and a paper cup filled with water in the other. Now that I know my dick isn’t broken, I’m noticing just how amazing her rack is. Hey, you can’t blame me; being on this bed puts it at eye level and her scrub top is being stretched to its limit. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s sporting a pair of double-D’s. She clears her throat, probably because I’ve been ogling her tits for a few seconds beyond polite.

  “Dr. Walker wants you to take these. We’ll wait until they kick in and then he’ll be back to examine you. Once your penis has become completely flaccid, you’ll be ready for discharge.”

  I take the pills and swallow them quickly. “Whiskey dick is usually something I’d like to avoid on a date, but I’ll make an exception in this case.”

  She smirks. “Well since this isn’t a date, I don’t think anyone will mind.”

  “It could be,” I suggest. “It would certainly make an interesting story for the grandkids.”

  She raises her eyebrows. “Are you asking me out?”

  “Maybe,” I smirk. “Would you say yes if I was?”

  “Wow...I have no words.”

  “I tend to have that effect on women,” I wink. “So, is that a yes?”

  “Mr. Harris—”

  “Brody,” I remind her.

  “Brody, have you forgotten the reason why you’re here right now?”

  “Um, I’m pretty sure I will never forget the reason why I’m here right now.”

  She steps away from me and starts typing something into the computer. “Okay...let me try phrasing it another way. We just met an hour or so ago. Because you had an emergency stemming from your most recent date with another woman. A date which I’m assuming went well since you mentioned that you did ‘more than enough’ to make your erection go down before you came here.”

  “Women,” I correct. “There were two.” Oh shit, why did I say that out loud?

  The disgusted glare she gives me tells me there was no chance she missed that. Is it weird that I think she’s even hotter when she’s pissed?

  “Wow,” she scoffs. “Even better. So not only are you asking me out within hours of leaving two women in bed after marathon sex, but you also seem to be missing the point that we are in a hospital, not a nightclub. If that weren’t enough, you are my patient.”

  “I won’t be your patient after I get out of here.”

  “Well, you’re persistent, I’ll give you that,” she mutters.

  “C’mon, Rainey. Look, I know the way we met isn’t exactly...conventional. But I’d like to think it was fate. Maybe the big guy put me in this colossally embarrassing situation so I could find you. You never know; we could be soulmates.”

  “I’m fairly certain a guy like you doesn’t believe in the concept of soulmates,” she argues.

  Okay, this obviously isn’t going well but I decide to go for broke anyway. There’s just something about her that makes me want to know her better. And not just in the naked sense.

  “Look, I know you’re attracted to me. I saw the interest in your expression clear as day when you first walked into the room.”

  “Now wait a min—”

  I hold my hand up. “Let me finish. You’re attracted to me. I’m attracted to you. What’s the harm in seeing if there’s anything beyond that?”

  She chews on her lip. “Are you done?”

  “I guess.”

  “I’m flattered, Brody, and at the same time, a little skeeved out that you’re asking me out right after having sex with someone else. Two someone elses. But that’s beside the point. I don’t date patients. Ever. I’m sorry.”

  “There’s no chance I’m going to convince you to bend that rule, is there?”

  She shakes her head. “Not even a little.”

  Well, damn.

  Chapter Four


  Wow, I thought that shift would never end. I was seeing patients back-to-back all night so I didn’t get a chance to chart my
notes until the day staff came in. It’s just after nine in the morning and I want nothing more than to go home and crawl into bed. As I step into the elevator that leads to the parking garage, I decide to make one quick stop before leaving. A single mom gave birth the other night and she and the baby are going home today. She didn’t have anyone to help her through the delivery so I wound up filling in as her coach. You get to talk a lot during thirteen hours of labor and I really like her. She’s new to the area and the only family she has is an older brother who seems a bit clueless about the whole baby thing. Being one of six children with parents that are still married, I can’t imagine navigating motherhood without a huge support system in place. At the very least, I’d like her to know that she has a friend in me if she’d like.

  “Knock knock,” I say, as if my actual knocking wouldn’t do the job.

  “Come in,” she calls.

  I step into the room, mindful of my footsteps. Newborn babies can typically sleep through anything but if you have the rare infant who doesn’t, you don’t want to wake that baby. My stealth probably isn’t necessary considering morning rounds were just completed, but a habit all the same.

  Devyn smiles when she sees me. “Hey, Rainey.”

  She looks tired, as expected, but she definitely has that new mom glow going on.

  “Hey Mama, I was on my way out and wanted to check in on you and Nathan before I left.”

  She looks down to the little boy in her arms. “Oh, that’s really sweet of you.”

  I come closer to take a seat at the edge of the bed. “So, today’s the big day you two get to go home. Are you excited?”

  She rubs her hand over her son’s swaddled back. “I think so...I mean, it’s not like I can stay here longer just because I’m a little freaked out about doing this, right?”

  I chuckle. “ companies typically frown on that, but I know you’ll be fine. It’s scary at first, but then your instincts take over and it’s all downhill from there.”

  “What if I do something wrong?” she asks.

  I give her a soft smile. “If I had a dollar for every time a new mom asked me that, I wouldn’t have to work anymore.”



  She thinks about that for a moment. “What if he doesn’t like me? I’ve read that babies can sense anxiety. What if my anxiety gives him anxiety?”

  I wrap my hand around her shin. “Devyn, I know this wasn’t planned, but I have a good feeling about you two. That little boy has a mommy who loves him and that can go a long way.”

  A tear escapes as she looks down on her snoozing bundle of joy. “He looks so much like his father. I know it’s probably too early to say that, but it’s true. He’s so beautiful. I’ve never seen something so beautiful before.”

  I give her a moment to reflect on that in silence. I may not know the baby daddy details but that statement tells me that her feelings for him run deep.

  “Hey, would it be okay if I came to visit you guys at home sometime?”

  She looks up in surprise. “Really? Is that something you normally do for your patients?”

  “Not at all,” I admit. “But I could really use a friend and I figured who better than someone that comes with an adorable little baby to coo at? If you’re willing to have me, that is.”

  She fights back more tears. “I’d love that, Rainey. I don’t have any friends in this town. I love Drew—he’s the best big brother ever—but it would be nice to have some female perspective occasionally. Just don’t be surprised if I use and abuse your knowledge of all things baby.”

  I act shocked. “Are you trying to tell me that you don’t want me for my body?”

  She laughs. “Well maybe just a little. Your boobs are pretty great.”

  “We’re going to get along just fine, Devyn. You just wait and see.”

  Chapter Five


  I’m supposed to be packing my bag for my return to grad school but I can’t stop thinking about a spicy little redhead in green scrubs. It’s been almost a week since my trip down Viagra Lane and I can’t seem to get her out of my mind. I literally cannot tell you how many times I’ve varnished my pole fantasizing about Rainey. Rainey’s tits bouncing while she rides me like a cowgirl. Rainey’s luscious ass while I’m doing her doggy. Rainey’s gorgeous strawberry blonde hair falling across my thighs while she sucks me off. Jesus fuck, I’m hard again just thinking about it. I know by now the only way I’ll be able to focus on anything is by taking care of this the good ol’ five-fingered way. Right as I have Thor in my grip, ready to show him who’s boss, my phone rings. I let it go to voicemail but as soon as it does, the ringing begins again. Damn it!

  I release my dick and swipe my finger across the screen. “Yeah?”

  “Hey douchebag,” the man on the other end says.

  “Fuck you, Drew.”

  Drew was my fraternity brother in college. We’ve kept in touch and have become good friends over the years.

  Drew laughs. “Aw, what’s wrong, pumpkin? Are you on your period this week?”

  “Is there an actual reason for your call? I was in the middle of something really important.”

  “What could possibly be so important while you’re on break from school?” he questions. “And knowing you, ‘really important’ is code for dicking around.”

  Well, he’s not entirely wrong.

  “Whatever, man. What’s up?”

  “I’m calling to find out when you’re coming over to see my awesome new nephew. Don’t think you’re returning to Boston before you meet him.”

  Drew’s sister moved in with him after she got knocked up by some loser. I get that he’s excited about being an uncle but seeing a new baby that does nothing but shit, cry, and sleep isn’t high on my list of priorities.

  “Sorry man, I’ve been busy.”

  “And by busy, you mean banging the sisters?”

  “Nah, that was a one-time thing. Never again.”

  “Why not?” he asks. “No interest in showing off your raging hard-on to the hospital staff?”

  Yep, I made the mistake of telling him about that.

  I sigh. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

  “Probably not,” he admits. “Anyway, I’m locking you down tomorrow. If you’re not at my apartment by noon with a thoughtful baby gift in hand for my sister, I’ll drag your ass over.”

  Sadly, I don’t think he’s exaggerating. Drew is a big guy. Like really, really big. I guess it comes in handy when you fight fires for a living.

  “Fine,” I grumble. “I’ll be there.”

  “Don’t forget my new uncle gift,”

  “What the fuck is a ‘new uncle gift’?”

  “Is that a serious question?” he replies. “Beer. And if you wanted to show up with a pizza too, I wouldn’t complain.”

  “Of course not,” I mutter. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “You’re the best, Brody! See you tomorrow.”

  I hang up the phone and look down at my lap. Imagine that; my good ol’ buddy, Drew, works wonders on deflating an erection. Oh well, at least I can get shit done now.

  Chapter Six


  “I can’t believe what a little champ he is with nursing,” Devyn declares with a loving smile as she watches her son suckling her breast.

  “He’s a natural,” I agree. “And so are you, Mama.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I really do,” I assure her.

  She pulls him away when he’s had enough and props him against her shoulder. “Thank you, Rainey. I’m starting to believe that it does get easier once your instincts kick in. The only part I’m really struggling with—well, besides feeling like a zombie all the time—is getting him to burp after he feeds. I can never seem to get a good one out of him and the poor thing has been having the worst gas pains.”

  I open my arms, gesturing for her to pass the baby. “May

  She hands him over. “Be my guest.”

  I hold Nathan to my chest with his chin resting on my shoulder. “I like to rub the back a bit to put a little pressure on the abdomen before I start patting. Sometimes babies just need a slightly firmer hand.”

  I demonstrate by rubbing circles on his back and then I give him a few good thwacks between the shoulder blades.


  Devyn beams when her son releases a belch worthy of a frat house. I, however, tense up when I feel the unmistakable sign of spit up running down my back and my front. Damn, how much did this kid drink?

  “He did it!” Devyn shouts excitedly.

  “He did,” I agree.

  She notices the mess he’s made all over my blouse and takes him from me. “Oh, Rainey! I’m so sorry. I should’ve given you the burp cloth before handing him over! You’re soaked.”

  I hold my shirt away from my skin. “Yeah, he got me pretty good. I don’t suppose you have a top I could borrow?”

  Devyn gets up from the bed and retrieves a t-shirt from her dresser. “Of course. This will probably be a little tight in the bust but it should work.”

  I grab the tee and walk toward the door leading to the hallway. Devyn likes to nurse in her bedroom so she doesn’t have to be in the same room as her brother while feeding. I keep telling her that breastfeeding is perfectly natural, but both she and Drew insist that he does not need an accidental boob shot. The nurse side of me thinks she’s being silly but the woman with five brothers totally gets it. I wouldn’t want a nip slip around any of them and I’m positive they’d tell you the same.


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