Deal Takers

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Deal Takers Page 13

by Laura Lee

  “Brody...oh God...don’t stop!”

  Wasn’t planning on it.

  I lick and suck and pump until she’s screaming my name as she comes all over my hand. When she’s done, I stand up and shove the two fingers that were just inside of her into her mouth.

  “See how good you taste, honey?”

  Rainey moans as she licks my fingers clean before releasing them and pulling my lips to hers. We attack each other’s mouths again until the temperature runs cold and we’re forced to exit the tub.

  “Let’s continue this in my bed.”

  I grab a towel off the nearby rack and wrap it around her. “You go ahead. I’ll be there as soon as I dry off.”

  “’Kay,” she says with a smile. “Oh, I almost forgot!”

  I watch curiously as she digs through the cabinet under the sink and smile when she produces a square foil packet. If there was ever any doubt about hitting a homer tonight, it’s gone now.

  “Here’s your ticket,” she says.

  I grab the condom from her outstretched hand. “My ticket for what?”

  “The vagina show,” she explains. “If it ain’t wrapped, you can’t come in.”

  I laugh so hard my eyes are filling with tears. “You’re really something, you know that?”

  “A good something, or a bad something?”

  I yank her into me for another quick kiss. “An excellent something.”

  “Good answer.” She nods toward the bedroom. “Don’t take too long, or I might have to get started without you.”

  My dirty, dirty girl. How did I get so fucking lucky?

  I call out to her right before she reaches the door. “Face down, ass up, Rainey.”

  I fight back a laugh when she frowns at my command, knowing damn well she doesn’t like being bossed around. Remember how hot she is when she’s pissed off? It’s all part of the foreplay, folks.

  I quickly run the towel over my body and say a little prayer to the sex gods. I’d say the odds are about fifty/fifty whether or not she’ll be in the right position when I walk out there. I guess we’re about to find out.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  It’s probably less than a minute but seems more like an hour by the time Brody makes his way out of the bathroom. His grin lights up his face when he sees that I’ve assumed the position he requested.

  I wiggle my ass. “Is this what you wanted?”

  He groans. “So much.”

  Brody approaches the bed and lightly trails his fingers down my spine and over my hips. My head falls onto the mattress with a moan when he dips his finger between my buttcheeks and puts pressure on the puckered hole.

  “Has anyone ever taken your ass, Rainey?”

  I’m incapable of speech for a moment as he gathers the evidence of my arousal and resumes his teasing. “No.”

  He pushes my hips forward a bit and leans down to lick my pussy from behind. “Would you like to try it?”

  “Now?” God this man knows how to eat pussy. I’m clawing the sheets as he devours me like I’m his last meal, all the while, still circling his finger. It feels so filthy but so, so good.

  My eyes roll back when he chuckles against my flesh, sending vibrations through my core. “No, not right now. It’s not something you just dive into without prep.” He flattens his tongue honing in on my clit. “But sometime soon. With me. I’d love to fucking own this beautiful ass of yours.”

  “I don’t know,” I pant. “Maybe? Can we talk about this later?”

  I can feel his smile. “Sure, honey. We can definitely talk about this later.”

  I’m practically shoving myself back into his face at this point. I’m so goddamn close I can’t seem to help myself. Brody doesn’t seem to mind though as it only encourages him to continue. Right when I feel myself climbing to the point of no return, his mouth disappears and he stands to his full height.

  “Nooooooo,” I whine. “Why did you stop?”

  I crane my neck back to glare at him but I’m suddenly mesmerized by the sight of him stroking himself right before he rolls a condom down his impressive length.

  “Because the next time you come, Rainey, it’s going to be around my dick.”

  I can’t even find it in me to be irritated with his highhandedness because he’s now lining up said dick with my entrance. He runs the head through my lower lips a few times before slowly pushing forward. We both grunt as I stretch around him, inch by glorious inch, until he’s buried to the hilt.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” he moans. “It’s even better than I imagined.” He pulls out almost to the tip before slamming back inside. “The things I want to do to you should be illegal.”

  I don’t even have time to process his words because from that point on, we’re both mindless bodies seeking pleasure. Feverish flames melt through my body as he sets a punishing rhythm. I’m lost in the erotic resonance of our groans and skin slapping against skin. At some point we switch positions, so that my back is against his chest, and my arm is hooked around his neck.

  Brody’s hands wander, stroking my side then sliding across my stomach to cup my breast. He tweaks the nipple with one hand while the other rubs circles on my clit. I turn my neck when I feel him leaning over my shoulder to capture my mouth. Brody grips my jaw to deepen the kiss, the movement of his tongue in perfect sync with his cock. My arousal is so intense I can feel the wetness dripping down my thighs as he moves within me. As years of sexual tension unwind, the energy between us crackles across my skin. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. It’s primal, but intimate. Powerful, yet fragile.

  Brody grabs one of my hands and leads it to my soaked pussy. “Touch yourself, Rainey. I want to watch while you get yourself off.”

  I take a moment to feel the connection between us as he thrusts in and out before running circles over my hard nub. Apparently satisfied that I’m following directions, Brody bends me forward again and increases his pace.

  “Harder!” I scream.

  He gives me what I want and then some until both of our thighs are quivering from exertion.

  “God, Rainey, it’s so fucking good.”

  “I know,” I agree breathlessly. I’m so damn close but I can’t quite cross over. “Brody...I need...I can’t...”

  “I know, baby. Just hold on.”

  That’s all I can do as he pounds into me over and over. I’m breathless. Boneless. Desperate for the orgasm that is just outside of my reach. Brody slams into me once, twice, three more times before I feel that delightful tingle coursing through my body. As I start to clench, I feel his hand sliding around my pussy before returning to my backside, applying firm pressure. I squirm against his index finger as it breaches the rim, pushing through the tight ring of muscle.

  “Oh-my-fucking-god-holy-shit!” I scream, as pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever known rips through my body.

  Brody mimics my expletive and adds a few of his own as he reaches his own completion. I shudder as he slowly removes his finger from my ass and collapses on top of me. Panting and spent, we both somehow manage to crawl up the mattress until our heads meet the pillows.

  “Fuck,” he says under his breath.

  I give him a lazy smile. “Isn’t that what we just did?”

  Brody chuckles as he grabs a tissue off my nightstand and deals with the condom. “I don’t know what the hell that was, but I’m pretty sure I saw God.”

  He pulls down the covers and yanks me into a little spoon position. “Brody, what are you doing?”

  “Shh...sleepy time now.”

  I squirm. “, that’s not how this works. No sleepovers, remember?”

  He snuggles in closer. “Sweetheart, you just wore me the fuck out. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “But...what about the pizza?”

  “Pizza’s in the fridge. We can eat it later.”

  I start to argue again but decide against it when I realize how warm and cuddly he is. “Fine. We can take a
quick nap before you head home.”

  “Sure...a nap,” he mumbles, right before his soft snores hit my ears.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “What the hell?”

  I wake up to the screeching sound of an alarm clock. Rainey blindly paws her nightstand until she silences the evil bastard.

  “Sorry,” she mumbles. “I have to set it at the highest volume or I won’t wake up.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Four-thirty. I told you I get up early.”

  “But it’s Saturday,” I whine.

  “Tell that to the ladies going into labor right now.”

  I take a moment to appreciate the view as her naked ass gets out of bed and heads into the bathroom. Is it my imagination, or is she walking a little bow-legged?

  I’m so damn tired that I don’t even think about joining her when the shower starts. I woke Rainey up from our nap with my head between her legs which then led to two more incredible rounds. In case you haven’t already figured it out, Rainey O’Neil is a fantastic fuck. I’m talking best I ever had. She’s responsive, playful, vocal, open-minded, and enthusiastic. And we were so damn in sync—there was none of the awkwardness that you usually have with a new partner. I smile as I replay the memories in my head and snuggle into her pillow.

  “Brody, wake up.”

  “Huh?” Why is the bed shaking?

  “Brody, I need to leave. Wake up.”

  I peel my eyes open and find Rainey sitting next to me, looking gorgeous in a pair of purple scrubs. I guess I fell back asleep. “What time is it?”

  “A quarter after five. I need to get to work which means you need to get dressed.”

  “Why?” I stretch my arms over my head. I don’t miss the way Rainey’s eyes are dipping to my abs as the sheet falls lower. I tug on her arm. “Come back to bed.”

  She sighs. “Brody, I can’t. I need to clock in at six. You need to get up and get dressed because I have to be out the door in ten minutes.”

  “Call in sick,” I suggest. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “I’m not calling in sick. I still need to fill up my travel mug so I’ll meet you out there after you throw some clothes on.”

  I smirk as she leaves the room and then I cocoon myself in her down comforter. Her cat jumps on the bed and takes advantage of her empty spot.

  “C’mere, buddy.” I snap my fingers to get his attention. His striped legs pad across the mattress until he butts his head against my shoulder before curling into a tight ball. In two seconds flat, he’s purring away with his eyes closed. Affectionate little pussy, isn’t he?

  “Brody!” she shrieks from the doorway a few minutes later. “Quit screwing around.”

  I give an exaggerated yawn. “I’m too tired to drive, babe. I’ll lock up on my way out.”

  I’m pretty sure she just growled. “My door only locks from the outside.”

  “Then just leave a spare key on the counter.”

  “I don’t have a spare key,” she huffs. “Devyn has the only other copy.”

  “Then leave yours,” I shrug. “I’ll drop by your work to return it on my way home.”

  “Why are you making this so damn difficult?”

  “I’d like to get a few more hours of sleep and I’m already in your bed. What’s the problem, Rainey? Do you not trust me?”

  “It’s not a matter of trust,” she grumbles.

  I roll over, turning away from her. “Then we don’t have a problem, do we?”

  “Fine. I don’t have time for this. I’ll leave it by the coffee maker.”

  I smirk as I close my eyes. “Have a good day at work, honey.”

  “Wiseass,” she mutters.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “May I help you?” Sarah, my co-worker says through the intercom. The doors to our unit are locked for security purposes so we have to buzz in any newcomers. Sarah’s silent for a moment, listening to whoever’s waiting. She covers the mouthpiece with her hand and says, “Rainey, this guy says he’s here to see you. Can I let him in?”

  I already know who it is, but I check out the monitor anyway and see Brody smiling up at the camera. “Yeah, tell him to come down here.”

  Sarah smiles. “Come on in. If you walk straight down the hall and take the first right, you’ll find her at the nurses station.”

  As soon as she puts the receiver down, she says, “Who is that piece of man candy?”

  I have to remind myself not to glare at her—that Brody’s not mine; therefore, any woman is free to ogle him.

  “He’s just a friend.”

  Sarah gives me a skeptical look but doesn’t get a chance to say anything else because Brody just rounded the corner.

  “Hi, darlin’,” he says as he sets a Starbucks cup on the ledge. “I thought you could use the extra caffeine after having such a late night.”

  Both of my fellow nurses at the station snicker. I don’t care to have an audience when he produces my house key so I round the desk until I’m standing next to him.

  “Layla, I’m going to take my morning break. Will you keep an eye on 403? She’s only at three centimeters so it’ll be a while before anything happens.”

  “Sure thing, Rainey. Take as much time as you need.” She blushes when Brody winks at her. Oh brother.

  I grab the coffee cup and yank on his elbow. “C’mon, Romeo. Let’s take a walk.”

  I take a sip as we exit the unit. Yum, toffee nut breve. “Good choice. This is my favorite drink.”

  “I know it is. That’s why I got it.”

  I’m sure I look as surprised as I feel. “How did you know?”

  “Because I pay attention.”

  I eye him for a moment while I sip my drink. I’m trying to think back to the number of times he would’ve seen me with a Starbucks cup in my hand and can only name a few. After three years together, Adam was still buying me hazelnut lattes.

  “Well, thank you. I do need an extra boost. Some idiot kept me up half the night.”

  Brody smiles. “Well, that idiot thinks the lack of sleep was totally worth it.”

  I lead us over to the family waiting room. We only have two patients in the entire unit right now so thankfully, it’s empty. I take a seat by the window and Brody does the same.

  “Puhleez. You got a helluva lot more sleep than I did.”

  “Sorry, not sorry,” he grins.

  I hold my hand out expectantly. “Speaking of...I believe you have a key for me.”

  He digs into his front pocket then places it in my hand. “Don’t worry; I made myself a copy before I came here.”


  He laughs. “Relax. I’m just fucking with you. On a side note, have I mentioned how great your tits look in scrubs lately?”

  I bump his shoulder and take another sip. “You’re an ass.”

  “I hear that a lot.”

  I smirk. “I’m sure you do.”

  He pinches the ticklish spot above my knee. “ want to come over to my place tonight for some more shitty sleep? I can pick up some dinner from Charlee’s work.”

  Luring me in with Italian food. Damn, he’s good.

  “I’m actually off tomorrow. The only thing I have to do is show up at Riley and Devyn’s housewarming thing at three.”

  Brody swings a heavy arm around my shoulders. “What a coincidence! That’s the only thing I have to do tomorrow as well!”

  Did I forget to mention that Riley turned out to be Devyn’s long-lost-love-slash-baby-daddy? Now our association is even more solidified since our best friends share a child and just bought a house together. All the more reason why Brody and I have to keep this thing a secret.

  “I should get back to work. I’ll text you when I’m heading over.”

  He grabs my hand as I stand. “Hey, Rainey?”

  I raise my eyebrow in response.

  “Pack a bag and leave extra food for Maverick. I plan on
keeping you occupied until it’s time to leave for that barbeque.”

  I have to suppress a shiver from the images his words conjure. Maybe sleepovers aren’t such a bad thing if they’re anything like last night.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “You do that, babe. Think long...and hard about it.”

  I roll my eyes while I fight the smile tugging at my lips. “I’ll see you tonight, Brody.”

  “Looking forward to it, honey.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  “This place is beautiful, Devyn.”

  She looks out the window of her new master bedroom, which showcases an incredible view of the Puget Sound. “It really is. I still can’t believe Riley bought this place for us.”

  “Are you really that surprised?” I challenge. “He uprooted his entire life hoping you’d let him back into your life.”

  She gives me a soft smile. “I guess I’m still trying to figure out if I’m dreaming. Everything has just clicked into place so easily. And Nathan loves him so much. It almost seems too good to be true.”

  I pull her into a side hug. “Oh, honey, this has been a long time coming. You deserve happiness, so soak it all in.”

  “Thanks, Lorraine.”

  I give her one extra squeeze. “I’m going to go check on the guys out back to see if they need help getting the food going. I’m starving.”

  “I’ll be down in a bit,” she says.

  I head downstairs into the kitchen that would make Chip and JoJo proud. I’m still not over the fact that Fixer Upper will no longer air new episodes. There goes my plans on moving to Waco so they can design my dream home.

  As I’m setting condiments out, I’m pulled back into someone’s hard chest. “What the—”

  Brody swings me around and slams the refrigerator door shut. “I’ve been dying to do this for hours.”

  He attacks my lips which quickly escalates into dry humping against the fridge.

  I manage to break away from his mouth to say, “Brody, we can’t do this here.”


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