The Clock Runs Down 2

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The Clock Runs Down 2 Page 30

by Joe Kelly

  They mounted up and headed out an hour after Jared had wanted. Rob had insisted on the extra time for the plow. And there was no way Jared wanted to lose it at this point. So he had not complained one bit.

  As they approached the edge of Cherokee, a group of zombies could be seen in the middle of the road. Jared almost laughed at the sight as the undead tried to flounder thru the snow. It wasn’t all that deep but the undead weren’t very coordinated at the best of times. He had everyone stop while he aimed the plow and drove over them a few times till he was satisfied nothing was left. “form up and let’s move.” He said turning towards the road.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Ori had spent two hours making snowshoes out of tree limbs and paracord, which impressed the hell out of Jason, they strapped the snow shoes on and began to trudge slowly down the ridge. Keeping a wary eye out for the undead. After so many days they were both exhausted and it showed.

  The snow still fell around them, drifting down thru the skeletal limbs of the trees. The light had a bluish tinge to it which made them feel colder. Then thru the trees, Jason saw what looked like a roof. Ori pointed to a rocky outcropping that loomed ten feet off the ridge top. Reaching it Ori motioned at Jason to stay put, and then dumped his snowshoes to climb up. Moments later he was back beside Jason. He strapped on his snow shoes quickly

  “there’s a cabin up ahead. With zombies outside of it. maybe forty in all. But there might be more I can’t see.” He said softly. “they can’t move well in the snow, but it’s not deep enough to trap them.”

  “we can go around them right” Jason asked.

  “if we don’t make any noise, yes. But the way they are acting, I think someone is inside that cabin.” Ori explained.

  “so, you think we should rescue them. Why not get back to the farm and bring back help instead.” Jason asked, not really wanting to try and take on forty zombies with out a bulldozer and more people.

  Ori thought about that for a bit then nodded in agreement. “it shouldn’t take more than hour and a half to reach the bottom if we can get onto the road. then another hour and half to two hours to make it to the farm. sounds like a plan.” he said. “let’s move.”

  They moved silently at an angle away from the cabin, ghosting thru the trees. As they drew closer to the road, with the cabin almost a hundred feet away, the sound of heavy motors suddenly shattered the silence. As one the undead at the cabin turned and began to head down the road. Ori crouched low, thankful that Jason had followed his lead and taken cover. They were twenty feet from the road. They didn’t dare move at this point. Any movement would draw the undead down on them.

  Ori said nothing, but Jason had to have realized as he did that it was more than likely that the oncoming vehicles were from the Farm, they sat and watched as the zombies streamed by, a hideous parade of rotted flesh and a catalog of injuries. The smell couldn’t even be driven away by the wind. The last few were passing Ori and Logans hiding spot, when there came a sudden crack as a limb, overloaded with snow, gave way and crashed down behind Ori.

  Heads turned, and many of the undead began to stagger towards the sound, which took them directly towards the two men in hiding. Ori wanted to curse of all the damn times. There was no way they could stay hidden now. In a few minutes they dead would just trip over them. He stood up before the zombies could get to close, and instantly was the center of attention.

  “Run to the cabin” Ori barked as the undead immediately headed straight for the two men, of course the ones still on the road had heard as well and were now turned and heading back towards the food they could see.

  Ori and Jason rushed as fast as they could for the cabin. “just hide you said. They wont notice us you said.” Jason complained as they reached the porch, He bent and undid the snow shoes before leaping onto the porch.

  “They didn’t notice us till I stood up. Would you rather have just sat there till they tripped over you.” Ori asked, looking back over his shoulder at the undead who pursued them.

  “well putting it that way, we really have to work on our communication skills” Jason said as he reached the door and knocked loudly. “if there’s any one inside now would be a good time to open the door.” Jason said looking back over his shoulder. The zombies were now fifty feet and closing.

  “Just try the damn knob” Ori yelled. Jason reached for the knob but it refused to turn.

  “it’s locked.” Jason said, twisting the knob again and rattling the door.

  “talk dirty to it and it will open faster than a virgin’s dress comes off on prom night.” Ori called out the tension he was feeling was clear in his tone.

  Jason rolled his eyes and even managed a chuckle. The sound of motors was growing louder now, and some of the zombies at the back of the crowd turned and began to head towards that sound.

  Jason rammed the butt of his rifle against the door hard enough to shake it. “ come on open up in there. I’d really like to not have teeth marks in my ass. I just put on clean underwear.” Jason called out.

  Behind him Ori’s rifle fired, the sound was loud and echoed off the snow and rocks. Clumps of snow fell from nearby trees.

  “shit” he cursed softly as he saw the zombies were at the porch steps. “Okay if your alive inside. we are coming in.” he yelled and slammed a boot against the door right next to the door knob. Not so long ago, Jason had been able to leg press 500 pounds. He hadn’t lost much of that strength over the months, bad diet not withstanding. The lock tore free and Jason did a roll thru the doorway feeling stupid the instant he did it. but for once stupid saved a life. the bullet that would have hit him in the chest only took a chunk out of the door frame.

  He had his rifle up and ready as he rolled onto the balls of his feet, his sights trained dead center on the chest of slender dark-haired man, who looked terrified. The hunting rifle in his hands was shaking now, as the he stared down the barrel of Jasons AR.

  “don’t shoot damn it we don’t want your shit” Jason shouted.

  “coming in.” Ori yelled as he pounded across the porch and dove into the cabin kicking the door closed. Which would have worked had the door jamb been intact. Instead the door hit and swung back open as the first zombie appeared in the doorway. Ori shot it in the head, it tumbled back out onto the porch.

  The man with the rifle didn’t seem to know what to do, his rifle swung between the door Ori and Jason. Ori scrambled to his feet even as another zombie appeared in the doorway.

  “aint this just the fun shit” Ori called out as he grabbed the door. Jason took a chance and swung around and centered himself, settled his sights and fired twice. The zombie stumbled backwards and flipped over the porch rail. Ori slammed the door shut, but not before an arm got into the doorway.

  “son of a whore” Ori yelled. “a little help would be nice right about now, if you’re not too busy.”

  “Don’t move” the man decided on saying.

  “not helping” Jason observed as he looked rapidly around the room for something to use.

  “you’ve got to be kidding. Can you arrest us after we get the door closed and blocked” Ori asked putting his back to the door, that the zombies were now pushing against.

  Jason slung his rifle and grabbed the axe he spotted in a corner and rushed to the door, Jason quickly discovered that hacking off arms looked really easy in the movies but didn’t quite work as well in reality. It took him three swings before the arm was severed and fell to the floor. He threw his body against the door next to Ori, and between the two of them they got the door closed.

  “okay they have us where we want them” Ori said, then looked at the man who still held a rifle on them. “if you shoot us, please do it in the head. if you’re not going to shoot us just yet, get the f’ng rifle out of my face till you do.” Ori snapped.

  “Put the rifle down Lee” another man said emerging from the upstairs, the pistol in his hand was carried close to his side.

  Outside the blessed sound of motors could be
heard and then rifle fire. “thank god.” Ori said looking relieved. “Those are our friends out there. So, try not to shoot us. Jared wouldn’t be real nice if you did,” Ori said then glanced at Jason. “three count.” Jason grinned with relief as he nodded in agreement.

  Toby and Lee watched unsure what do as both Ori and Jason counted down and at one they both leaped away from the door that instantly flew open from the weight of the zombies pushing against it, immediately two zombies fell into the room.

  Ori kicked one in the head as he got his rifle into his hands. Jason, fueled by adrenalin ran up and grabbed the second zombie by the neck and belt and threw it back out the door, and over the rail. Taking out two more zombies on its way across the porch.

  “zombie bowling three points” Jason shouted as he lifted his rifle and began to fire into the mass of dead on the porch. The fact that he was giddy at the prospect of being rescued and sounded like a madman escaped him.

  “I think that was a gutter zombie personally” Ori remarked grinning wildly.

  “hey I will take a mulligan on that then.” Jason said, feeling a wild emotional surge, he would be with his wife in just a short time. He wanted to shout with Joy, or kick in zombie heads. Maybe both.

  “no wonder you suck at zombie bowling, you’re trying to use golf rules” Ori quipped putting two rounds into yet another zombie. The former nurse, fell face forward onto the porch, Toby and Lee looked at each other then looked back at the two mad men who were shooting up every zombie on the porch and laughing. There was a wild unrestrained relief in that banter and the laughter.

  “they are totally insane” Toby commented.

  Jared stood on the running boards of the van shooting down zombies one after another a wild grin on his face as he saw a zombie fly out of the cabin and heard Jason’s triumphant yell over the sound of the gunfire, they could hear snatches of something about zombie bowling rules, being naked and Jell-O wrestling penalties. He shook his head with amusement, and then suddenly the last zombie was gone. “I still say you cheated, cant add a home run into bowling rules just because you used a butt stroke, has to be debated by the rules committee first. I bet you’re a damn cubs fan to” Ori was heard to say.

  “Me cheat, I am not the one who used lighter fluid to start a fire.”

  “oh, says the almost naked guy by the fire with sexy short bread, trying to seduce me.”

  “you’re the one that gave me a rub down”

  “shut it, what happens on the mountain stays on the mountain”

  “if you two are completely done flirting can we get on with this damned rescue before I freeze” Jared yelled laughing despite himself. Relieved and overjoyed both of them were still alive. A minute later Ori and Jason walked out grinning happily.

  “it’s about damn time you got here, we had them right were they wanted us” Ori said with a grin. Jared was almost tempted to call him giddy, with relief.

  “are we going to have to hold a wedding when we get back for you two love birds.” Jill asked amused and relieved to see both men safe. With a huge smile she rushed forward and hugged them both. “I’m sure Beth and Linda won’t mind your engagement.” She said.

  The rest of the group surrounded them, shaking hands, and hugging. Jared looked up to see four people walked out of the cabin and stand on the porch looking at all the dead strewn around. They looked shell shocked. Who could blame them either.

  “I’m Lee, this is Toby” the slender dark haired man said, Lee looked fit and lean almost too lean. “and that’s Melissa and Donna.” Jared turned to the two women. “now can we ask what the hell is going on.” They all looked totally confused and that set Ori and Jason into laughing fits.

  “well, it all started several days ago…” Jared told the story as fast as he could while he studied the four who looked underfed and nervous. “ The rest only those two know till they got here and your know that part of the story.”

  Jason turned to his unwilling hosts and smiled. “look I’m sorry about the door. but if you want to come back to the farm with us till I can get back up here and fix your door your more than welcome. we have food, hot water and lights down there. oh and cornbread coffee and bacon.” At the word coffee both women looked like they wanted to drool.

  “Let us get our things together.” they both said and rushed back into the Cabin.

  “They were on vacation down here from LA, when it went to hell.” Kyle explained “ they ran into a mob of those things and turned onto our road to escape, long story short, they ended up on our front door and we have been pretty much stuck here ever since.” If they were expecting a reaction to the use of the word our, they must be surprised not to get one Jared thought.

  “You two look like you need a good meal, and you damn sure need that door fixed. And if the promise of coffee doesn’t give you wood, a hot shower should.” Jared said almost laughing at the looks on their faces at the words hot shower.

  “oh, for craps sake, if its because you think we might not like gay guys, we have a couple in our group. We are an equal opportunity survivor group.” Jill said exasperated. “so get whatever you need for a few days and come down to visit. And if you get in tight with Lloyd you’ll probably be able to work something out and get into some eggs, veggies and meat. But decide fast because its so cold out here my nipples could cut Diamonds and I want to get warm.”

  She walked back to the van and climbed in as everyone stared at her then the chuckles began. “she’s your woman, deal with her” Chris said grinning at Jared.

  “My woman? Do I look stupid?” Jared asked. “You deal with her. if youre so brave” Jared stated.

  Jared turned to see the two women exiting the cabin carrying suitcases. Toby and Lee looked at each other then walked off to one side of the porch to talk quietly off to the side, after a moment Lee went into the cabin reappearing five minutes later with two duffle bags, his rifle slung over his shoulder and a pistol on his belt. He passed Toby the orange duffle bag and headed to the van where Jill was helping the two women inside.

  Jason strode up onto the porch and tied a string around the doorknob then tied it off to a nail on the door frame. “Better than leaving it standing open.” he commented as he went to the van and tossed his pack inside.

  Jared stood there for a moment longer looking up at the snow-covered mountain for a moment, thank god they made it. An hour later they were back at the center.

  Chapter 13

  Jared entered the center, stomping snow off his boots. It felt good inside, Toasty. Beth rose from where she sat in the middle of a circle of children. Hope and fear on her face. “Jared did you…” She asked then her eyes grew wide. “Ori” She said as Ori stepped around Jared. Beth raced across the room and leaped on Ori, wrapping her arms and legs around him crying in relief. Jason fared only a little better, Linda hung on to him for almost an hour.

  “Everyone, we have some guests” Jared announced over the hub bub, he introduced Toby and his people, “I’ll have some coffee made, we ration it so don’t expect to have it all the time. But if you’ll follow me I’ll show you to the showers. Take your time we have plenty of hot water the coffee will be ready when you get out. And we might even be able to wash your clothes.” Jared told them enjoying the looks of surprise and shock that rolled across their faces.

  Once the guests were seen to, Jared turned to Jill and hugged her. “I’m sorry. I will try not to be this stupid again.”

  “I know you’ll try, but you’re a guy.” She said half amused. “it’s late, right after we get our new friends fed, how about we get some sleep.”

  “Sleep? I had something a little more athletic in mind.” Jared replied.

  “then you can do pushups while I get some sleep. I don’t mind.” Jill said with a smile.

  “I… oh boy…” Jared said looking past Jill. She turned to see Ori on one knee.

  “oh boy is right.” She agreed.

  “Beth, will you marry me” Ori asked into the silence that
had spread across the room.

  Beth stared down at him a huge smile spreading across her face. Jared had the sudden feeling that, this was something that the Dark was not going to like. It was a sign of hope, of planning for a future that the Dark wanted to destroy. Things were probably going to become worse, but come hell or high water he and the people around him would see it through.

  “I do” Beth said half a breath later the silence was shattered by cheers, the thirty one children were the loudest.

  The wedding, the next day, was held in the Center, the children had helped decorate and Beth being Beth had made sure that they all took part in some fashion.

  Lit by glowing candles, amidst decorations that brought the 19th century to life Beth walked down the aisle in a gown that the seamstresses of the farm had made in record time. Jill stood as her maid of honor, since Jared was officiating the wedding Ori had to pick someone else as his best man and to Jared’s surprise Ori picked Jason.

  Beth almost seemed to glow as she walked slowly down the aisle accompanied by Steve who was standing in for Beth’s father. Four of the girls, including Sally the tiny seven-year-old followed Beth down the aisle holding the Dresses train. Sally had the most intense look of concentration on her elfin face as if she was doing the most important job in the world.


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