Brave and Bold; Or, The Fortunes of Robert Rushton

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Brave and Bold; Or, The Fortunes of Robert Rushton Page 16

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Robert saw the carpenter, according to Mr. Paine's instructions, butfound him so busy that he would not engage to give his attention to theboat under a week.

  The delay was regretted by our hero, since it cut him off from theemployment by which he hoped to provide for his mother. Again Mrs.Rushton was in low spirits.

  "I am sorry you couldn't agree with Halbert Davis, Robert," she said,with a sigh. "Then you could have stayed in the factory, and got yourwages regularly every week."

  "I know that, mother, but I am not willing to have Halbert 'boss meround,' even for a place in the factory."

  "Then, Robert, you quarreled with the man you took across the river."

  "I think I did right, mother," said Robert. "Don't get out of spirits. Idon't expect to succeed always. But I think I shall come out right inthe end."

  "I am sure I hope so."

  Mrs. Rushton was one of those who look on the dark side. She wasdistrustful of the future, and apt to anticipate bad fortune. Robert wasvery different. He inherited from his father an unusual amount ofcourage and self-reliance, and if one avenue was closed to him, he atonce set out to find another. It is of this class that successful menare made, and we have hopes that Robert will develop into a prosperousand successful man.

  "I am sure I don't see what you can do," said Mrs. Rushton, "and wecan't live on what I make by braiding straw."

  "I'll tell you what I'll do," said Robert, "I'll go on Sligo Hill andpick blueberries; I was passing a day or two ago, and saw the bushesquite covered. Just give me a couple of tin pails, and I'll see what Ican do."

  The pails were provided, and Robert started on his expedition. The hillwas not very high, nor was its soil very good. The lower part was usedonly to pasture a few cows. But this part was thickly covered withblueberry bushes, which this season were fuller than usual oflarge-sized berries. Robert soon settled to work, and picked steadilyand rapidly. At the end of three hours he had filled both pails,containing, as near as he could estimate, eight quarts.

  "That's a pretty good afternoon's work," he said to himself. "Now Isuppose I must turn peddler, and dispose of them."

  He decided to ask ten cents a quart. Later in the season the price wouldbe reduced, but at that time the berries ought to command that price.

  The first house at which he called was Mr. Paine's. He was about topass, when he saw Hester at the window. Pride suggested, "She maydespise me for being a berry peddler," but Robert had no false shame."At any rate, I won't be coward enough to try to hide it from her."Accordingly he walked up boldly to the door, and rang the bell.

  Hester had seen him from the window, and she answered the bell herself.

  "I am glad to see you, Robert," she said, frankly. "Won't you come in?"

  "Thank you," said our hero, "but I called on business."

  "You will find my father in his office," she said, looking a littledisappointed.

  Robert smiled.

  "My business is not of a legal character," he said. "I've turnedpeddler, and would like to sell you some blueberries."

  "Oh, what nice berries! Where did you pick them?"

  "On Sligo."

  "I am sure mother will buy some. Will you wait a minute while I go andask her?"

  "I will wait as long as you like."

  Hester soon returned with authority to buy four quarts. I suspect thatshe was the means of influencing so large a purchase.

  "They are ten cents a quart," said Robert, "but I don't think I ought tocharge your father anything."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I shall owe him, or rather Will, a good deal of money."

  "I know what you mean--it's about the boat."

  "Did your father tell you?"

  "Yes, but I knew it before. Halbert Davis told me."

  "He takes a great interest in my affairs."

  "He's a mean boy. You mustn't mind what he says against you."

  Robert laughed.

  "I don't care what he thinks or says of me, unless he persuades othersto think ill of me."

  "I shall never think ill of you, Robert," said Hester, warmly.

  "Thank you, Hester," said Robert, looking up into her glowing face withmore gratification than he could express. "I hope I shall deserve yourgood opinion."

  "I am sure you will, Robert, But won't you come in?"

  "No, thank you. I must sell the rest of my berries."

  Robert left the house with forty cents in his pocket, the first fruitsof his afternoon's work. Besides, he had four quarts left, for which heexpected to find a ready sale. He had not gone far when he met Halbert.The latter was dressed with his usual care, with carefully polishedshoes, neatly fitting gloves, and swinging a light cane, the successorof that which had been broken in his conflict with Robert. Our hero, onthe other hand, I am obliged to confess, was by no means fashionablyattired. His shoes were dusty, and his bare hands were stained withberry juice. He wore a coarse straw hat with a broad brim to shield himfrom the hot sun. Those of my readers who judge by dress alone wouldcertainly have preferred Halbert Davis, who looked as if he had juststepped out of a band-box. But those who compared the two faces, the onebright, frank and resolute, the other supercilious and insincere, couldhardly fail to prefer Robert in spite of his coarse attire andunfashionable air.

  Halbert scanned his rival with scornful eyes. He would have taken nonotice of him, but concluded to speak in the hope of saying somethingdisagreeable.

  "You have found a new business, I see," he said, with a sneer.

  "Yes," said Robert, quietly. "When one business gives out, I tryanother."

  "You've made a good choice," said Halbert. "It's what you are adaptedfor."

  "Thank you for the compliment, but I don't expect to stick to it all mylife."

  "How do you sell your berries?"

  "Ten cents a quart."

  "You'd better call on your friend, Miss Hester Paine, and see if shewon't buy some."

  "Thank you for the advice, but it comes too late. She bought four quartsof me."

  "She did!" returned Halbert, surprised. "I didn't think you'd go there."

  "Why not?"

  "She won't think much of a boy that has to pick berries for a living."

  "I don't think that will change her opinion of me. Why should it?"

  "It's a low business."

  "I don't see it."

  "Excuse my delaying you. I am afraid I may have interfered with yourbusiness. I say," he called out, as Robert was going on, "if you willcall at our house, perhaps my mother may patronize you."

  "Very well," said Robert, "if I don't sell elsewhere, I'll call there.It makes no difference to me who buys my berries."

  "He's the proudest beggar I ever met," thought Halbert, looking afterhim. "Hester Paine must be hard up for an escort if she walks with a boywho peddles berries for a living. If I were her father, I would put astop to it."

  The same evening there was a concert in the Town Hall. A free ticket wasgiven to Robert in return for some slight service. Mr. Paine and hisdaughter were present, and Halbert Davis also. To the disgust of thelatter, Robert actually had the presumption to walk home with Hester.Hester laughed and chatted gayly, and appeared to be quite unconsciousthat she was lowering herself by accepting the escort of a boy "whopicked berries for a living."

  The next day Robert again repaired to Sligo. He had realized eightycents from his sales the previous day, and he felt that picking berrieswas much better than remaining idle. Halbert's sneers did not for amoment discompose him. He had pride, but it was an honorable pride, andnot of a kind that would prevent his engaging in any respectableemployment necessary for the support of his mother and himself.

  Returning home with well-filled pails, he walked a part of the way onthe railroad, as this shortened the distance. He had not walked far whenhe discovered on the track a huge rock, large enough to throw the trainoff the track. How it got there was a mystery. Just in fron
t there was asteep descent on either side, the road crossing a valley, so that anaccident would probably cause the entire train to be thrown down theembankment. Robert saw the danger at a glance, and it flashed upon himat the same moment that the train was nearly due. He sprang to the rock,and exerted his utmost strength to dislodge it. He could move itslightly, but it was too heavy to remove. He was still exerting hisstrength to the utmost when the whistle of the locomotive was heard.Robert was filled with horror, as he realized the peril of theapproaching train, and his powerlessness to avert it.


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