Brave and Bold; Or, The Fortunes of Robert Rushton

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Brave and Bold; Or, The Fortunes of Robert Rushton Page 29

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  The storm which commenced so suddenly was one of great violence. Itrequired all the captain's seamanship, and the efforts of all the crew,to withstand it. However reluctant to do it, Captain Haley was forced torelease Bates from his irons, and order him to duty. The latter workedenergetically, and showed that he did not intend to shirk any part ofhis duties as seaman. But the result of the storm was that the vesselwas driven out of her course, and her rigging suffered considerableinjury. The wind blew all night. Toward morning it abated, and, as themorning light broke, the lookout described a small island distant abouta league.

  The captain looked at it through his glass, and then examined the chart.

  "I can't make out what island that is," he said.

  "It is not large enough," suggested the mate, "to find a place on themap."

  "Perhaps it is as you say," said Captain Haley, thoughtfully. "I have amind to go on shore and explore it. There may be some fresh fruits thatwill vary our diet."

  This plan was carried out. A boat was got ready, and the captain got in,with four sailors to row.

  Just as he was about to descend into the boat, he turned to Robert, whowas looking curiously toward land, and said:

  "Rushton, would you like to go with us?"

  It was precisely what Robert wanted. He had a boy's love of adventure,and the thought of exploring an island, perhaps hitherto unknown, struckhis fancy, and he eagerly accepted the invitation.

  "Jump in, then," said Haley, striving to appear indifferent; but therewas a gleam of exultation in his eye, which he took care to conceal fromthe unsuspecting boy.

  Swiftly the boat sped through the waters, pulled by the strong arms offour stout sailors, and, reaching the island, was drawn into a littlecove, which seemed made for it.

  "Now for an exploring expedition," said the captain. "Boys," addressingthe sailors, "remain near the boat. I will soon be back. Rushton," hesaid, turning to our hero, "go where you like, but be back in an hour."

  "Yes, sir," answered Robert.

  Had it been Captain Evans, instead of Captain Haley, he would haveproposed to join him; but, knowing what he did of the latter, hepreferred his own company.

  The island was about five miles in circumference. Near the shore, it wasbare of vegetation, but further inland there were numerous trees, someproducing fruit. After some weeks of the monotonous life on shipboard,Robert enjoyed pressing the solid earth once more. Besides, this was thefirst foreign shore his foot had ever trodden. The thought that he wasthousands of miles away from home, and that, possibly, the land uponwhich he now walked had never before been trodden by a civilized foot,filled him with a sense of excitement and exhilaration.

  "What would mother say if she should see me now?" he thought. "What awonderful chance it would be if my father had been wafted in his boat tothis island, and I should come upon him unexpectedly!"

  It was very improbable, but Robert thought enough of it to look abouthim carefully. But everywhere the land seemed to be virgin, withoutother inhabitants than the birds of strange plumage and note, which sangin the branches of the trees.

  "I don't believe any one ever lived here," thought Robert.

  It struck him that he should like to live upon the island a week, if hecould be sure of being taken off at the end of that time. The coolbreezes from the ocean swept over the little island, and made itdelightfully cool at morning and evening, though hot in the middle ofthe day.

  Robert sauntered along till he came to a little valley. He descended theslope, and sat down in the shade of a broad-leaved tree. The grassbeneath him made a soft couch, and he felt that he should enjoy lyingthere the rest of the day. But his time was limited. The captain hadtold him to be back in an hour, and he felt that it was time for him tobe stirring.

  "I shall not have time to go any further," he reflected. "I must begetting back to the boat."

  As this occurred to him, he rose to his feet, and, looking up, hestarted a little at seeing the captain himself descending the slope.

  "Well, Robert," said Captain Haley, "how do you like the island?"

  "Very much, indeed," said our hero. "It seems pleasant to be on landafter being on shipboard so many weeks."

  "Quite true. This is a beautiful place you have found."

  "I was resting under this tree, listening to the birds, but I feltafraid I should not be back to the boat in time, and was just startingto return."

  "I think we can overstay our time a little," said Haley. "They won't goback without me, I reckon," he added, with a laugh.

  Robert was nothing loth to stay, and resumed his place on the grass. Thecaptain threw himself on the grass beside him.

  "I suppose you have read 'Robinson Crusoe?'" he said.

  "Oh, yes; more than once."

  "I wonder how it would seem to live on such an island as this?"

  "I should like it very well," said Robert; "that is, if I could go offat any time. I was just thinking of it when you come up."

  "Were you?" asked the captain, showing his teeth in an unpleasant smile,which, however, Robert did not see. "You think you would like it?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "I am glad of that."

  "Why?" asked Robert, turning round and looking his companion in theface.

  "Because," said Haley, changing his tone, "I am going to give you achance to try it."

  Robert sprang to his feet in instant alarm, but too late. Haley hadgrasped him by the shoulder, and in his grasp the boy's strength wasnothing.

  "What are you going to do?" asked Robert, with fearful foreboding.

  "Wait a minute and you will see!"

  The captain had drawn a stout cord, brought for the purpose, from hispocket, and, dragging Robert to a tree, tied him securely to the trunk.The terrible fate destined for him was presented vividly to theimagination of our hero; and, brave as he was, it almost unmanned him.Finding his struggles useless, he resorted to expostulation.

  "I am sure you cannot mean this, Captain Haley!" he said. "You won'tleave me to perish miserably on this island?"

  "Won't I?" returned the captain, with an evil light in his eyes. "Whywon't I?"

  "Surely, you will not be so inhuman?"

  "Look here, boy," said the captain, "you needn't try to come any of yourhigh-flown notions about humanity over me. I owe you a debt, and, byHeaven! I'm going to pay it! You didn't think much of humanity when youwounded me."

  "I couldn't help it," said Robert. "I didn't want to hurt you. I onlywanted to protect your uncle."

  "That's all very well; but, when you interfered in a family quarrel, youmeddled with what did not concern you. Besides, you have been incitingmy crew to mutiny."

  "I have not done so," said Robert.

  "I overheard you the other night giving some of your precious advice tomy cabin-boy. Besides, you had the impudence to interfere with me in amatter of discipline."

  "Frank Price deserved no punishment."

  "That is for me to decide. When you dared to be impudent to me on my owndeck, I swore to be revenged, and the time has come sooner than Ianticipated."

  "Captain Haley," said Robert, "in all that I have done I have tried todo right. If I have done wrong, it was because I erred in judgment. Ifyou will let me go, I will promise to say nothing of the attempt youmake to keep me here."

  "You are very kind," sneered the captain; "but I mean to take care ofthat myself. You may make all the complaints you like after I have leftyou here."

  "There is One who will hear me," said Robert. "I shall not be whollywithout friends."

  "Who do you mean?"

  "God!" said Robert, solemnly.

  "Rubbish!" retorted Haley, contemptuously.

  "I shall not despair while I have Him to appeal to."

  "Just as you like," said the captain, shrugging his shoulders. "You arewelcome to all the comfort you can find in your present situation."

  By this time, Robert was bound to the t
runk of the tree by a cord, whichpassed around his waist. In addition to this Haley tied his wriststogether, fearing that otherwise he might be able to unfasten the knot.He now rose to his feet, and looked down upon the young captive, with anair of triumph.

  "Have you any messages to send by me, Rushton?" he said, with a sneer.

  "Are you quite determined to leave me here?" asked Robert, in anguish.

  "Quite so."

  "What will the sailors say when I do not return?"

  "Don't trouble yourself about them. I will take care of that. If youhave got anything to say, say it quick, for I must be going."

  "Captain Haley," said Robert, his courage rising, and looking thecaptain firmly in the face, "I may die here, and so gratify your enmity;but the time will come when you will repent what you are doing."

  "I'll risk that," said Haley, coolly. "Good-by."

  He walked up the slope, and disappeared from view, leaving Robert boundto the tree, a helpless prisoner.


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